Bernie Sanders nails the Republican Party

There is also a reason why Bernie isn't a Democrat. Neither party has very many redeeming qualities.
But Marxism-communism does? Bernie has always been a commie buffoon waiting for enough people to agree with him. It figures that this wasted generation that also fell for BLM, heroin, the fire challenge, the knockout game, defund the police, antifa, lets tear down the statues, lets outlaw pronouns and all the other totally retarded shit would also be the one to follow this old buffoon. Dumbest generation in history.
I've already pointed out your cowardly replying. When you are unable to actually defend the things you pretend to support you fall on "Communism". It's lazy and deceitful.
your claim that police fire and roads are socialism is moronic and I addressed that, are some programs a democratic government proposes socialisms can be sure but that doesn't make the government socialist.
I do wonder what it is that you think Mr Sanders and those on the Left of the political spectrum in this country have to offer Ultra-Conservatives like myself (that we want) to make us support your view of things
On face value you’d agree with these ideas:
- everyone should have access to health care
- Those who get the most benefit in America should have the biggest tax burden
- immigration should be humane but we should have secure borders
- infrastructure should be upkept

I could go on.
your claim that police fire and roads are socialism is moronic and I addressed that, are some programs a democratic government proposes socialisms can be sure but that doesn't make the government socialist.
There is no movement in this country by any party to nationalize business. The socialist cry from the right is a red herring they use to keep numbskulls in line who don’t know how to think. No offense.
Meanwhile your Dems won't even identify themselves as Dems for the 2022 midterms

Now that's a problem
What does that mean? What part of “I don’t agree with everything Bernie says but…” do you not understand. He’s not a Dem cuz he has non party ideas. He just has a binary choice of god awful Republican or democrats which he has some alignment with and who aren’t a criminal enterprise like the right.
What does that mean? What part of “I don’t agree with everything Bernie says but…” do you not understand. He’s not a Dem cuz he has non party ideas. He just has a binary choice of god awful Republican or democrats which he has some alignment with and who aren’t a criminal enterprise like the right.

Bernie Sanders is a huge grifter and you fell for it.

He's at least a multi-millionaire with multiple homes.

What does that mean? What part of “I don’t agree with everything Bernie says but…” do you not understand. He’s not a Dem cuz he has non party ideas. He just has a binary choice of god awful Republican or democrats which he has some alignment with and who aren’t a criminal enterprise like the right.

Benghazi was not about a video. That was massively criminal.

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