Bernie Sanders nails the Republican Party

Being a millionaire with multiple homes makes you a grifter?
There are millionaires with multiple homes in Canada, Germany, England, Australia...

These people still don't understand the difference between real socialism and democratic socialism.

Complexity intimidates them, so they just attack like a zombie.
Social security, medicare, police, firemen, teachers, roads, even welfare, don't have a sniff of socialism. The word is thrown around so much by both parties it has completely lost its meaning.
There is also a reason why Bernie isn't a Democrat. Neither party has very many redeeming qualities.
And Sanders does? He’s the biggest clown show in politics, dude. You’re always good for a laugh!
means you are not really a socialist.

There are millionaire socialists but as pointed out Sanders says he is a Democratic Socialist.

Democratic socialists also believe strongly in democracy and democratic principles. They are by no means proponents of authoritarian government systems many Americans associate socialism with.

As the DSA's website states: "At the root of our socialism is a profound commitment to democracy, as means and end. As we are unlikely to see an immediate end to capitalism tomorrow, DSA fights for reforms today that will weaken the power of corporations and increase the power of working people." [/]

Here's the difference between a 'socialist' and a 'democratic socialist'
Yes when you sell that you're for "the little guy", absolutely

But then that's the Dems for you

In some cases that is the Dems for you but I am not defending them. You can do well for yourself and argue for others to do well also. Is this such a difficult concept to you?
I don’t agree with everything Bernie says but he hit it out of the park here. Prove me wrong.

There is no cult like devotion to Trump; loyalty by some Republicans not all. Questioning the impact of man on the climate is not denial; especially when the climate change experts have been exposed on more than one occasion of doctoring up data to back their claims. As for voter suppression, show me where and how anyone who has picked up the phone and requested a ballot be sent to them been denied??
I don’t agree with everything Bernie says but he hit it out of the park here. Prove me wrong.

Sanders is a life long racist demagogue and habitual liar.
Most Democrat Cultist are angry ignorant bigots like Sanders.
Trump is the first president to actually fight back against the totally corrupt establishment politicians and they do not like it at all.
Man made climate change is not scientifically proven, it is a weak hypothesis and therefore it is a lie.
"Voter Suppression" is a racist demagogue lie.
The Corrupt Democrats use voter fraud and election rigging to deny people their Right to Vote.
This is why Dirty Democrats are shrieking like vampires in sunlight over the election audits LMAO.
Thanks for always being a such a loyal Democrat Cultist, it's always fun rubbing their noses in their ignorance and hate. LOL
I don’t agree with everything Bernie says but he hit it out of the park here. Prove me wrong.

Did Biden give them a shoulder rub and smell their hair before or after Bernie nailed them?
In the end trump didn't fight anything and didn't drain the swamp. The swamp kept on filling. He was no different than the rest of dc. Same stuff different name.
So if people want to leave war torn Central America to come to US mainly because of the drug war trade... Everything must be great in US???

Seriously... We got a bunch of fucking idiots here that call a rainy day socialist because socialism is everything they don't like...

Listen, If you don't want socialism, stop driving on road, don't drink the water, defund the police, firemen, military... They are all socialist programs... Yes they are socialist and that doesn't compute because you don't hate them...
That is pretty easy to say. Cut all the costs in half for all of those people you spewed and they will still apply for the job. The costs have gotten expensive. The infrastructures built in the past would cost ten times more today. The aggravation in completing thing a hundred times worse.
Bernie is a socialist. He's a millionaire and you can bet your ass he doesn't share his money with the unwashed masses.

I doubt anyone gives a shit about what that socialist, elitist idiot has to say.
Wrong, intelligent people listen to what he has to say.
Bernie is a hypocrite of the worst kind….. a millionaire politician wagging his finger at Middle Class America about wealth inequality. He is full of shit and needs to put his own skin in the game to get an level of credibility.
Being a millionaire these days is not even being rich. I am a millionaire and just live a nice life.

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