Bernie Sanders: No, I won’t explain how I’ll pay for everything for everyone!

Legal Insurrection ^ | 01/14/2016
Bernie Sanders’ “Democrat socialist” policies sound good and have a lot of popular support among certain demographics, but when pressed on how he would pay for all the free stuff he’s promising, he’s a bit nonplussed.

Ole Bernie is having a tough time adding up all the numbers on his abacus, give 'em a decade or so, he'll get back to you. :)

"Why do we want intelligent terminals when there are so many stupid users?" -- Anonymous
Because he's been nothing but a Career politician, he doesn't NEED to explain himself to you little people he wants to RULE OVER. how dare you ask. don't ya know.
I sure could have saved a lot of dough just sticking to hookers...

Your outlook on marriage says a lot about your lack of character. When you attitude that the number one priority in marriage centers around money it's easy to see why no one wanted to stay married to you.
That's why they left, I didn't earn enough....dipshit fucking counselor...

Sounds to me like you're a loser in more than one way. Can't make it in love and finances.
Fuck them, I am not their personal ATM...

Sounds to me like you were and maybe still paying.
The rich are screwing taxpayers on special tax deductions that you poor folks don't qualify for...
And ditching the deductions won't generate enough revenue to close the Obama deficit, much less pay for Sander's unicorn dreams. Add to that the irrefutable fact that Congress would immediately spend any new revenue plus more instead of dedicating it to budgetary sanity, and you know why raising taxes to balance the budget is almost as smart as letting Ted Kennedy drive.
He can't (or won't) because he knows the can't pay for it. The man is a goddamn fool

Apparently you don't appreciate the beauty of Bernie's brand of socialism; as long as you got checks you've got money. :)

"The No. 2 guy went to the Soviet Union on his honeymoon and I don't think he ever came back," -- Lindsey Graham
Politicians from both parties don't have to explain how they are going to achieve they're goals anymore, perhaps they never did. My favorite sound byte from last nights debate highlights this to a certain extent. Mr. Trump, "We will make American great again. We will win on everything we do."
Bernie is like Trump. The crazy shit they want still has to go through congress..
Remember where their ACTUAL intentions are. JS
Bernie wont even release his tax rates yet. I really kinda like Bernie, but that is scary.
You have to vote for it before you see whats in it..
Politicians from both parties don't have to explain how they are going to achieve they're goals anymore, perhaps they never did. My favorite sound byte from last nights debate highlights this to a certain extent. Mr. Trump, "We will make American great again. We will win on everything we do."
Well said; allow me to add my favorite Donald Duck quote of all time:

"we’ll have so much winning, you’ll get bored with winning" -- Donald Trump

It's hard to believe that anybody is gullible enough to buy this horseshit but then again a majority of voters swallowed that "Hope and Change" nonsense and then asked for seconds; so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
Bernie's plan.....
Give away lots of stuff....
How will it be paid for....
Who gives a shit....We will force the rich to pay for it so details don't matter.

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