Bernie Sanders says abortion is part of DNC DNA


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Bernie Sanders doesn’t see a future for pro-lifers in the Democratic Party: 'Being pro-choice is an absolutely essential part of being a Democrat'

Bernie says there is no room for pro-life people in the democrat party. Murdering the unborn is the solid foundation upon which the entire party rests.

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) doesn't see a future for people who believe in protecting the rights of the unborn in his vision of the Democratic Party.

At a presidential candidate forum in New Hampshire on Saturday, Sanders was asked, "Is there such a thing as a pro-life Democrat in your vision of the party?"

Sanders responded in the negative, saying, "I think being pro-choice is an absolutely essential part of being a Democrat, if you're asking me," to applause and cheers from the audience.

"And I may be wrong on this, I think, in the Senate probably 95% of the Democrats are pro-choice, you have a few who are not," Sanders continued, adding that there is "maybe even a higher percentage" of pro-abortion Democrats in the House of Representatives.

"So that's kind of what my view is," Sanders concluded. "I think by this time in history, I think, when we talk about what a Democrat is, I think being pro-choice is essentially, an essential part of that."

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) doesn't see a future for people who believe in protecting the rights of the unborn in his vision of the Democratic Party.

At a presidential candidate forum in New Hampshire on Saturday, Sanders was asked, "Is there such a thing as a pro-life Democrat in your vision of the party?"

Sanders responded in the negative, saying, "I think being pro-choice is an absolutely essential part of being a Democrat, if you're asking me," to applause and cheers from the audience.

"And I may be wrong on this, I think, in the Senate probably 95% of the Democrats are pro-choice, you have a few who are not," Sanders continued, adding that there is "maybe even a higher percentage" of pro-abortion Democrats in the House of Representatives.

"So that's kind of what my view is," Sanders concluded. "I think by this time in history, I think, when we talk about what a Democrat is, I think being pro-choice is essentially, an essential part of that."

Princeton University professor Robert George took to Twitter to condemn Sanders' remarks as "officially excommunicating pro-life Democrats." He added "So, if you're pro-life you are unacceptable, unwanted, an intruder. Time to go elsewhere."

Sanders is currently one of the front-runners for the Democratic Party's 2020 presidential nomination. His comments about the future of pro-lifers in the party follow similar remarks from fellow top contender, former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who was confronted on his abortion stance by Pro-Life Democrats executive director Kristen Day late last month.

"I am a proud pro-life Democrat. So, do you want the support of pro-life Democrats, pro-life Democratic voters? There are about 21 million of us," Day asked of the former mayor. "And if so, would you support more moderate platform language in the Democratic Party to ensure that the party of diversity and inclusion really does include everybody?"

Buttigieg wouldn't say whether he would support more moderate abortion platform language, but he did respond that "if we can't agree on where to draw the line, the next best thing we can do is agree on who should draw the line and in my view it's the woman who's faced with that decision in her own life."

Sanders' and Buttigieg's comments speak to a much larger and far-reaching trend among Democrats. The space for pro-life Democrats keeps getting smaller and smaller in the party. The overall trend of the party abandoning the bygone mantra of "safe, legal, and rare" for a far more unapologetic and extreme stance has been well documented over the last few years. Indeed, supporting for the protection of unborn life is becoming a more and more precarious position for elected Democrats.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party's leftward push on abortion appears to be leaving a lot of its voters behind, as polling suggests that a Democratic Party removed of pro-life viewpoints would alienate more than just a minor fringe. Gallup polling conducted in May 2019 showed that 29% of Democrats identified as "pro-life." And while it found that a smaller percentage of Democrats identified as "pro-life," Marist polling conducted in January found that 44% of Democrats favor restrictions on abortions ranging from limiting it to the first three months of a pregnancy to not allowing it under any circumstances.
Post birth abortion is part of how they want to harvest DNA indeed.
Post birth abortion is part of how they want to harvest DNA indeed.
The party of diversity has spoken.

The choice can't be anymore black and white than that.

I just love clarity.
Post birth abortion is part of how they want to harvest DNA indeed.
The party of diversity has spoken.

The choice can't be anymore black and white than that.

I just love clarity.

It has been rumored that the baby fetuses are why Pelosi looks only 100 years old when she actually is at least 200 years old... also explains why she looks like a demon from the nether dimension.
Bernie Sanders doesn’t see a future for pro-lifers in the Democratic Party: 'Being pro-choice is an absolutely essential part of being a Democrat'

Bernie says there is no room for pro-life people in the democrat party. Murdering the unborn is the solid foundation upon which the entire party rests.

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) doesn't see a future for people who believe in protecting the rights of the unborn in his vision of the Democratic Party.

At a presidential candidate forum in New Hampshire on Saturday, Sanders was asked, "Is there such a thing as a pro-life Democrat in your vision of the party?"

Sanders responded in the negative, saying, "I think being pro-choice is an absolutely essential part of being a Democrat, if you're asking me," to applause and cheers from the audience.

"And I may be wrong on this, I think, in the Senate probably 95% of the Democrats are pro-choice, you have a few who are not," Sanders continued, adding that there is "maybe even a higher percentage" of pro-abortion Democrats in the House of Representatives.

"So that's kind of what my view is," Sanders concluded. "I think by this time in history, I think, when we talk about what a Democrat is, I think being pro-choice is essentially, an essential part of that."

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) doesn't see a future for people who believe in protecting the rights of the unborn in his vision of the Democratic Party.

At a presidential candidate forum in New Hampshire on Saturday, Sanders was asked, "Is there such a thing as a pro-life Democrat in your vision of the party?"

Sanders responded in the negative, saying, "I think being pro-choice is an absolutely essential part of being a Democrat, if you're asking me," to applause and cheers from the audience.

"And I may be wrong on this, I think, in the Senate probably 95% of the Democrats are pro-choice, you have a few who are not," Sanders continued, adding that there is "maybe even a higher percentage" of pro-abortion Democrats in the House of Representatives.

"So that's kind of what my view is," Sanders concluded. "I think by this time in history, I think, when we talk about what a Democrat is, I think being pro-choice is essentially, an essential part of that."

Princeton University professor Robert George took to Twitter to condemn Sanders' remarks as "officially excommunicating pro-life Democrats." He added "So, if you're pro-life you are unacceptable, unwanted, an intruder. Time to go elsewhere."

Sanders is currently one of the front-runners for the Democratic Party's 2020 presidential nomination. His comments about the future of pro-lifers in the party follow similar remarks from fellow top contender, former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who was confronted on his abortion stance by Pro-Life Democrats executive director Kristen Day late last month.

"I am a proud pro-life Democrat. So, do you want the support of pro-life Democrats, pro-life Democratic voters? There are about 21 million of us," Day asked of the former mayor. "And if so, would you support more moderate platform language in the Democratic Party to ensure that the party of diversity and inclusion really does include everybody?"

Buttigieg wouldn't say whether he would support more moderate abortion platform language, but he did respond that "if we can't agree on where to draw the line, the next best thing we can do is agree on who should draw the line and in my view it's the woman who's faced with that decision in her own life."

Sanders' and Buttigieg's comments speak to a much larger and far-reaching trend among Democrats. The space for pro-life Democrats keeps getting smaller and smaller in the party. The overall trend of the party abandoning the bygone mantra of "safe, legal, and rare" for a far more unapologetic and extreme stance has been well documented over the last few years. Indeed, supporting for the protection of unborn life is becoming a more and more precarious position for elected Democrats.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party's leftward push on abortion appears to be leaving a lot of its voters behind, as polling suggests that a Democratic Party removed of pro-life viewpoints would alienate more than just a minor fringe. Gallup polling conducted in May 2019 showed that 29% of Democrats identified as "pro-life." And while it found that a smaller percentage of Democrats identified as "pro-life," Marist polling conducted in January found that 44% of Democrats favor restrictions on abortions ranging from limiting it to the first three months of a pregnancy to not allowing it under any circumstances.

This guy is a walking, talking campaign advertisement for Trump.
Post birth abortion is part of how they want to harvest DNA indeed.
The party of diversity has spoken.

The choice can't be anymore black and white than that.

I just love clarity.

It has been rumored that the baby fetuses are why Pelosi looks only 100 years old when she actually is at least 200 years old... also explains why she looks like a demon from the nether dimension.

Demons demand an apology
Pro Lifers are unimaginable morons who want crack whores to take every pregnancy to term, and care not about what that does to "social spending," public school classrooms which have to take those kids, future Democrat voters, and whether or not there are already too many humans on finite planet Earth.

Pro Lifers parrot preachers. They have the intellect of parrots...

Pro Lifers support an overcrowded, overpopulated world full of unwanted kids.... who vote Dem....
Being pro-choice is not the same thing as being pro-abortion. It just means that the right to decide this philosophical question remains with the only person qualified to make this decision according to her own views, the person who is pregnant. This is not an issue for government or for politicians or for religious leaders. I've known people who decided to continue a pregnancy to birth and people who chose to terminate the pregnancy.
For the record, Nancy wants us all to know we have it all wrong. She really does pray for Trump and all the infants she murders.

Being pro-choice is not the same thing as being pro-abortion. It just means that the right to decide this philosophical question remains with the only person qualified to make this decision according to her own views, the person who is pregnant. This is not an issue for government or for politicians or for religious leaders. I've known people who decided to continue a pregnancy to birth and people who chose to terminate the pregnancy.

The question is about our humanity. For example, the Third Reich viewed Jews as vermin and not their equal. This then gave them license to treat them like cattle.

So you're wrong. This is the primary role of government, to defend our innate rights.
The question is about our humanity.

You have the same intelligence as the tree snakes who once inhabited Easter Island. Several tree snakes hid on an old ship which docked there. They slithered off and found an island with no predators but plenty of birds. So they ate the birds and made lots of little snakes... and then there were many snakes and fewer and fewer birds... and then there were no birds.... so the snakes all died of starvation....
Being pro-choice is not the same thing as being pro-abortion. It just means that the right to decide this philosophical question remains with the only person qualified to make this decision according to her own views, the person who is pregnant. This is not an issue for government or for politicians or for religious leaders. I've known people who decided to continue a pregnancy to birth and people who chose to terminate the pregnancy.

The question is about our humanity. For example, the Third Reich viewed Jews as vermin and not their equal. This then gave them license to treat them like cattle.

So you're wrong. This is the primary role of government, to defend our innate rights.

The "innate rights" of something that doesn't exist yet?
I your opinion, can one be pro-choice politically (respecting a woman right to her own baby factory), and yet pro life personally?
Being pro-choice is not the same thing as being pro-abortion. It just means that the right to decide this philosophical question remains with the only person qualified to make this decision according to her own views, the person who is pregnant. This is not an issue for government or for politicians or for religious leaders. I've known people who decided to continue a pregnancy to birth and people who chose to terminate the pregnancy.

Should a woman have the choice to abort her child moments after it being born even if the child is healthy?
Not only should there be almost no restrictions on abortion, but we as a society should have a crime called


where, if you are found to be able to work, and you go 5 years doing nothing but dope/crime/begging, you are SHOT.

PRO DEATH - the only way to avoid the total catastrophe of human overpopulation
The question is about our humanity.

You have the same intelligence as the tree snakes who once inhabited Easter Island. Several tree snakes hid on an old ship which docked there. They slithered off and found an island with no predators but plenty of birds. So they ate the birds and made lots of little snakes... and then there were many snakes and fewer and fewer birds... and then there were no birds.... so the snakes all died of starvation....

WTH? Why do I even bother talking to you infanticidal monsters?

I may as well try to be convincing a National Socialist that Jews are really swell people.
We could also have a crime called


in which we exterminate all the Pro Life Pro Israel Christians....
Being pro-choice is not the same thing as being pro-abortion. It just means that the right to decide this philosophical question remains with the only person qualified to make this decision according to her own views, the person who is pregnant. This is not an issue for government or for politicians or for religious leaders. I've known people who decided to continue a pregnancy to birth and people who chose to terminate the pregnancy.

The question is about our humanity. For example, the Third Reich viewed Jews as vermin and not their equal. This then gave them license to treat them like cattle.

So you're wrong. This is the primary role of government, to defend our innate rights.

The "innate rights" of something that doesn't exist yet?
Being pro-choice is not the same thing as being pro-abortion. It just means that the right to decide this philosophical question remains with the only person qualified to make this decision according to her own views, the person who is pregnant. This is not an issue for government or for politicians or for religious leaders. I've known people who decided to continue a pregnancy to birth and people who chose to terminate the pregnancy.

ShoutYourAbortion - Wikipedia

Sorry, but unless medically nessasary or due to something like rape, a elective abortion due to the inconvenience of having a kid is something to be ashamed of. There are plenty of ways to prevent becoming pregnant.

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