Bernie Sanders: The Cable Bill Is Too Damn High

Yes, because some of my neighbors have DISH and Direct TV and they don't seem too happy with them. In the old days I had a 13 foot dish and the picture was EXCELLENT. The price was also reasonable - until they figured out how to gouge on dish. I like cable because it seems the most reliable. They are all gouging.

I don't have cable TV OR DISH. If I want to see a movie I go to Red Box and rent one . For news,sports and other entertainment I use XM radio.
I feel great about that!

I understand, but I appreciate the convenience of instant TV when I want. I just don't like feeling like I'm buying a used car each month from some shyster in alligator shoes.
Yeah , tell me about it! That is the image that keeps me from getting cable.

As an aside, I wonder who owns the satellite beaming the programs to earth? Didn't the taxpayers pay for the rockets that put them in space?
I'd like to build my own DISH, decoder and receiving apparatus if it's legal... hmmm, something to check into I guess!
Hell kid I will save you the trouble on a Dish HD satellite dish, I have one that I don't use
It won't be of any use to me if tapping into the satellite signals on my own is illegal! I have to research THAT first!

Good luck
Better yet, why don't Sanders and Warren first reduce the cable tax burden that is impacting the poor and middle class? Control
What they can on the federal portion and get state and local authorities on board with them to refuce cable taxes?

How would that be "better yet"?

They can reduce the costs by limiting taxes and regulations. Most consumers would agree that is "better yet".

lol sure they can. The rightwing retard reflex.

Broadband is replacing cable. The companies are only following the script on how to milk an obsolete product. So go on ahead and cut taxes--it won't reduce the price because the companies are trying to force the customers into a different and more profitable market.

To get an idea--who among you have a landline? How much is the phone bill per month? Get a cellphone and save money!!
To get an idea--who among you have a landline? How much is the phone bill per month? Get a cellphone and save money!!

Actually, the cellphone industry is aggressively pushing people into the smartphone market. A straight cell phone plan may be cheap, but smartphones are much more expensive. I've contemplated a return to the old land line. I've nixed the idea in favor of simply downgrading to a no-contract flip phone when my current contract is finished, because the mobility of cell remains valuable. But I long for the days before texting.
WASHINGTON -- Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) sent a letter on Friday accusing big cable companies of using monopoly powers to muscle consumers into paying higher prices.

In the letter, addressed to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler, Sanders and Warren wrote that mega-mergers have left over 60 percent of Americans with no choice whatsoever when it comes to their cable and Internet providers. This state of things, they wrote, makes it possible for companies to jack up prices without losing customers to competition. Sens. Al Franken (D-Minn.) and Ed Markey (D-Mass.) also signed the letter.

"As the telecommunications industry becomes increasingly concentrated, this lack of choice has resulted in huge price increases and often poor service for consumers," the senators wrote. "There are now de facto telecommunications monopolies throughout the United States."

The letter noted that a new merger between Time Warner Cable and Charter Communications would only exacerbate the problem, saying that recent Time Warner price increases suggest the cable giant is already insulated from normal market pressures. Modem rental charges for Time Warner have jumped 203 percent since they were introduced in 2012, according to the letter. The FCC has the power to block the TWC-Charter deal.

"Given the lack of incentive for companies to provide better quality service and competitive prices, it is no surprise that individuals rank cable and Internet providers last in customer satisfaction when compared to other companies in other industries," the senators wrote.

Sanders and his colleagues asked for the FCC to publish a host of cable and broadband pricing data, so consumers could see how much they pay compared to customers in other areas. They asked the FCC to provide average prices for each state and each cable provider, and also asked the agency to publicize the average prices in urban areas compared to those in rural markets.

Read the full letter here.

More: Bernie Sanders: The Cable Bill Is Too Damn High

I totally agree with Bernie and Elizabeth. I hate cable companies. I've always hated cable companies. I always feel so unclean - and stupid - when I receive the monthly cable bill. I wouldn't feel that way if there was more competition and I had more options for cable service. I pay to watch that shit - then they bombard me with those insulting fucking commercials. They are very clever how they bundle their channels so you can't just subscribe to only the channels you want. Then, to add insult to injury, I am bombarded with endless fucking cable company commercials for TV, Internet, phone and home security bundling. They are legalized mafia. I hate cable companies.

We don't need government to do anything, we need to educate people and bring cable to its knees.

Cut the cord

1. Install an antenna. Mine started mounted in the attic and is now on a 40 foot pole next to my house. 21 free OTA local channels.

2. Buy a Roku or other, Netflix, Hulu and Amazon prime.

3. Hook a dedicated cpu to the TV with wireless keyboard and mouse.

You have just told your cable company to shove it, reduced their profits and they come running back trying to give you incredible deals.


Edited to add: I took my savings and added it to my house payment. My home will be paid off 7 months early and I still get 95% of the TV I enjoyed watching with cable.

Youtube is a great source also.
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Better yet, why don't Sanders and Warren first reduce the cable tax burden that is impacting the poor and middle class? Control
What they can on the federal portion and get state and local authorities on board with them to refuce cable taxes?

How would that be "better yet"?

They can reduce the costs by limiting taxes and regulations. Most consumers would agree that is "better yet".

lol sure they can. The rightwing retard reflex.

Not supporting increases would be a good start.

Don't use the term "retard".... it's offensive.
Poor papoose Can't afford your internet? Why don't you cancel it?

Price isn't the issue, Pee-wee - it's the principle of the gouging. I like TV. I don't feel gouged by my other utility providers.
You other utility providers are not a choice, but cable is your choice.
Nobody is forcing you to have cable, that is your choice. If the price is too high cut back on your premium channel choices or better yet disconnect from cable and put up an antenna and get over the free over the air channels.
I just thought of something

Are there not phone companies in competition with cable companies?
(Bell, At&T versus Comcast?)

Then the issue is not due to Monopolies since there is no monopoly. You have a choice of provider.

I guess taxes is part of the equation.

This is such a non-issue

I have ISPs lining up to blow me for my business.

Progs are just too stupid
I just thought of something

Are there not phone companies in competition with cable companies?
(Bell, At&T versus Comcast?)

Then the issue is not due to Monopolies since there is no monopoly. You have a choice of provider.

I guess taxes is part of the equation.
Not to Mention Satellite TV companies like Direct TV and The Dish Network.
I run into so many people that don't realize you actually can use an antenna to get TV.

Since I installed mine 3 years ago, six of my friends have installed and gave the finger to cable providers v
I run into so many people that don't realize you actually can use an antenna to get TV.

Since I installed mine 3 years ago, six of my friends have installed and gave the finger to cable providers v
You won't get it where I live...
I run into so many people that don't realize you actually can use an antenna to get TV.

Since I installed mine 3 years ago, six of my friends have installed and gave the finger to cable providers v
You won't get it where I live...

There are areas like that. I was in indiana not long ago, 90 minutes south of Chicago and was surprised they couldn't pick up more than a couple channels.

But you can test it by purchasing an antenna, placing it high in an attic, I use c-clamps onto a rafter. Get what you want, keep it, don't, return it for a refund.
WASHINGTON -- Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) sent a letter on Friday accusing big cable companies of using monopoly powers to muscle consumers into paying higher prices.

In the letter, addressed to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler, Sanders and Warren wrote that mega-mergers have left over 60 percent of Americans with no choice whatsoever when it comes to their cable and Internet providers. This state of things, they wrote, makes it possible for companies to jack up prices without losing customers to competition. Sens. Al Franken (D-Minn.) and Ed Markey (D-Mass.) also signed the letter.

"As the telecommunications industry becomes increasingly concentrated, this lack of choice has resulted in huge price increases and often poor service for consumers," the senators wrote. "There are now de facto telecommunications monopolies throughout the United States."

The letter noted that a new merger between Time Warner Cable and Charter Communications would only exacerbate the problem, saying that recent Time Warner price increases suggest the cable giant is already insulated from normal market pressures. Modem rental charges for Time Warner have jumped 203 percent since they were introduced in 2012, according to the letter. The FCC has the power to block the TWC-Charter deal.

"Given the lack of incentive for companies to provide better quality service and competitive prices, it is no surprise that individuals rank cable and Internet providers last in customer satisfaction when compared to other companies in other industries," the senators wrote.

Sanders and his colleagues asked for the FCC to publish a host of cable and broadband pricing data, so consumers could see how much they pay compared to customers in other areas. They asked the FCC to provide average prices for each state and each cable provider, and also asked the agency to publicize the average prices in urban areas compared to those in rural markets.

Read the full letter here.

More: Bernie Sanders: The Cable Bill Is Too Damn High

I totally agree with Bernie and Elizabeth. I hate cable companies. I've always hated cable companies. I always feel so unclean - and stupid - when I receive the monthly cable bill. I wouldn't feel that way if there was more competition and I had more options for cable service. I pay to watch that shit - then they bombard me with those insulting fucking commercials. They are very clever how they bundle their channels so you can't just subscribe to only the channels you want. Then, to add insult to injury, I am bombarded with endless fucking cable company commercials for TV, Internet, phone and home security bundling. They are legalized mafia. I hate cable companies.

"WASHINGTON -- Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) sent a letter on Friday accusing big cable companies of using monopoly powers to muscle consumers into paying higher prices"

This is precious...Socialists complaining about socialism...too funny.


I run into so many people that don't realize you actually can use an antenna to get TV.

Since I installed mine 3 years ago, six of my friends have installed and gave the finger to cable providers v
You won't get it where I live...

There are areas like that. I was in indiana not long ago, 90 minutes south of Chicago and was surprised they couldn't pick up more than a couple channels.

But you can test it by purchasing an antenna, placing it high in an attic, I use c-clamps onto a rafter. Get what you want, keep it, don't, return it for a refund.
I have 30-40 foot trees around the place, so I would have to set it higher than the attic..
Since cable is a luxury paid for with expendable income, and it is not a right.
the socialists need to STFU an just pay what the market will bring. The option is to purchase an antenna from the 70s and watch local stations.
Glad I could help clear this up.
Since cable is a luxury paid for with expendable income, and it is not a right.
the socialists need to STFU an just pay what the market will bring. The option is to purchase an antenna from the 70s and watch local stations.
Glad I could help clear this up.
Antennae from the 1970's will not work with digital media..
I run into so many people that don't realize you actually can use an antenna to get TV.

Since I installed mine 3 years ago, six of my friends have installed and gave the finger to cable providers v
You won't get it where I live...

There are areas like that. I was in indiana not long ago, 90 minutes south of Chicago and was surprised they couldn't pick up more than a couple channels.

But you can test it by purchasing an antenna, placing it high in an attic, I use c-clamps onto a rafter. Get what you want, keep it, don't, return it for a refund.
Ii have 30-40 foot trees around the place, so I would have to set it higher than the attic..

I do too. I found a flagpole on Craigslist for $50. I use that, but this only added a few more channels but increased the streangth of all the rest.

There are websites on the net that, if you put in your street address and the height you plan to place your antenna, it will tell you what you should expect to pull in.

But no, I wouldn't put a lot of money into it unless your confident
Since cable is a luxury paid for with expendable income, and it is not a right.
the socialists need to STFU an just pay what the market will bring. The option is to purchase an antenna from the 70s and watch local stations.
Glad I could help clear this up.
Antennae from the 1970's will not work with digital media..
Then I guess we pay what the market is willing to pay.

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