Bernie Sanders : This Grotesque Level of Income and Wealth Inequality is Wrong

That's fine, no need to argue about it anymore, it is a matter of perspective and if you want to view it as your property that is fine as long as you you realize that your ownership is contingent on paying regular fee's (taxes) to the government. If you don't pay then you don't own. If you want to modify it then you need to get a permit from the city. This makes your "ownership" different than that of other goods that you would buy. Real property and businesses involved with commerce act in this way, I say you lease the right to own from the city, state or fed government, you say its your "asset thats subject to confiscation" I think we are talking about the same thing. This is a fact and a simple point. How you interpret that is up to you, My Landlord/Tenant analogy makes sense to me and I won't say you are wrong with yours either.

My point is taxation does not equate ownership is all I'm saying. If that were true, then government owns my horse bet ticket which I would have to pay taxes on if I win. Government owns my stocks and even my IRA. Government owns my car and my lottery tickets.

Taxation is taxation and property is ownership. If I were "leasing" my property, then my lease has an expiration date. My lease would have a buy-out plan after the lease expires. I would have to return my property to the government in the condition in which I purchased it or pay restitution.
Along with property the government owns our currency and commerce which is why you pay to participate. Again it is a matter of perspective... We don't need to go down the rabbit hole again. You get the point

What you mean is that government has made it illegal for anyone to create their own currency. How does the government "own" commerce?

We all know you don't want to "go down the rabbit hole," meaning you don't want to explain your idiot theories.
It means you pay taxes on commerce dumbshit. I shouldn't have to explain everything to your pea brain. I'm done with you

WE don't pay taxes on commerce, moron. That sentence is nonsensical.

Commerce is the activity of buying and selling. I don't know of a state in the Union which does NOT have a sales tax, do you?
"Rewind to 1964:

While attending the University of Chicago, Sanders joined the Young People's Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA. He also organized for a communist front, the United Packinghouse Workers Union, which at the time was under investigation by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
After graduating with a political-science degree, Sanders moved to Vermont, where he headed the American People's History Society, an organ for Marxist propaganda. There, he produced a glowing documentary on the life of socialist revolutionary Eugene Debs, who was jailed for espionage during the Red Scare and hailed by the Bolsheviks as "America's greatest Marxist."
This subversive hero of Sanders, denounced even by liberal Democrats as a "traitor," bashed "the barons of Wall Street" and hailed the "triumphant" Bolshevik revolution in Russia.
"Those Russian comrades of ours have made greater sacrifices, have suffered more, and have shed more heroic blood than any like number of men and women anywhere on earth," Debs proclaimed. "They have laid the foundation of the first real democracy that ever drew the breath of life in this world."
In a 1918 speech in Canton, Ohio, Debs reaffirmed his solidarity with Lenin and Trotsky, despite clear evidence of their violent plunder and treachery.
Sanders still hangs a portrait of Debs on the wall in his Senate office. ..."
They are not necessary now; no bureaucracy is.

Think those Congress people are working so hard around the clock year round? The only people that spend less time away from work are school teachers.

The concept of a country like ours is to have redress in the event government oversteps their boundaries. You can't do that with bureaucracies because they are unelected law makers. And when they make decisions, it doesn't mean they are the correct ones.

When we have new laws, they are to be decided on and made by Congress, not nameless faceless people.

Of course they are necessary. Sure in a perfect world they would not be because everybody would obey laws as they stand. They don't. So while you're trying to establish your Utopia, the rest of us deal in the real world. There is no such think as unelected law makers. All lawmakers - whether it be your federal congress critter/senator, state senator, judge or local council person are the only people that can make/change/repel laws and they are elected by the people.
If average people could have a better lifestyle 40 years ago on one income when productivity has exploded over those years, what's your explanation for what has changed?
We've sadly injected more liberal socialism into policy. And it creates collapse. Just ask Detroit. Over 60 years of liberal utopia - a Democrat mayor all of those years, a Democrat-controlled city council all of those years, plus massive unions like the UAW and teacher unions. And what does the city have to show for that? Poverty. Famine. Misery. The place is like a third-world hell-hole now thanks to liberalism.
Nope, Reagan put us on a path in which whatever the large coporations wanted, the large corporations got. They crushed whatever representation the average guy had and the squeeze continue in earnest today.
One small problem Joe.'s a huge problem If Reagan's policy is responsible for Detroit's bankruptcy, why is it that cities across the nation under Reagan's exact same policies are flourishing? Places all over Texas, North Dakota, North Carolina, etc.

Sorry chief....but Detroit is undeniable proof of the failure of liberalism and you can't possibly blame it on anything conservative since other cities have flourished while that poor city collapsed under the weight of the cancer that is liberalism.
Different cities have different supporting industries. Heavy industry has been the loser in the current game of corporatism. I live in what has become known as the Silicon Slopes as a software engineer. At the moment, I'm doing alright. However, the big shitty corporation I work for is doing their best to export jobs like mine to India. Fortunately, they just can't seem to get the job done and it looks likely that I'll be able to keep my job until retirement. But it's not guaranteed and given the short term, kiss-ass mentality of our illustrious leaders, there's not much incentive to be loyal.

If you feel that way about the company paying you, leave.
Believe me, I'm looking.
You actually do have a voice to change the government which is more power than your tenants have to change your policies as you are the dictator in your property world. If you don't like your governments rules on your business you also have the choice to not run your own business... Get another job... or move to another country... Similar to your tenants choice to live elsewhere. It isn't apples and oranges, it is very similar. You just don't like the thought of YOU being the "tenant"

I think it's important to add that Ray has a Constitutional right to his voice in government. His tenants have no such right with regards to his business. They can choose to be his customer or they can choose not to be.

Until you can show some Constitutional right granting government the power to intercede, then you don't have a leg to stand on and the case you're attempting to make is simply nonsensical.
It's called law
We have lots of "law" which is unconstitutional. It doesn't make it ok. Where does government derive the power to intercede with a private citizen on a private business? They don't.

The problem is, people somehow have come to believe that private industry is an extension of the government - existing to serve the people. That's simply not the case.

You don't seem to understand the capacity of private business to do harm or the role of government to mitigate it.

You appear to be a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

According to you, all private businesses do someone...and the government helps them.
I didn't say all. True laissez faire capitalists don't ever seem to take into account things like environmental damage or gross exploitation of human labor - especially in third world shit holes.
They are not necessary now; no bureaucracy is.

Think those Congress people are working so hard around the clock year round? The only people that spend less time away from work are school teachers.

The concept of a country like ours is to have redress in the event government oversteps their boundaries. You can't do that with bureaucracies because they are unelected law makers. And when they make decisions, it doesn't mean they are the correct ones.

When we have new laws, they are to be decided on and made by Congress, not nameless faceless people.

Of course they are necessary. Sure in a perfect world they would not be because everybody would obey laws as they stand. They don't. So while you're trying to establish your Utopia, the rest of us deal in the real world. There is no such think as unelected law makers. All lawmakers - whether it be your federal congress critter/senator, state senator, judge or local council person are the only people that can make/change/repel laws and they are elected by the people.

Wrong. Bureaucracies make laws all the time. Trust me, I'm a truck driver, and I can't tell you how many laws they make against us every year.

When low down politicians want to do something against the will of the people, they just have bureaucracies do it instead. That way they don't have to take the backlash from their voters. They simply say they had nothing to do with it. And if you don't like it, what are you supposed to do?
Wrong. Bureaucracies make laws all the time. Trust me, I'm a truck driver, and I can't tell you how many laws they make against us every year.

When low down politicians want to do something against the will of the people, they just have bureaucracies do it instead. That way they don't have to take the backlash from their voters. They simply say they had nothing to do with it. And if you don't like it, what are you supposed to do?

Yep, and those bureaucracies are town councils, state senators and congresscritters and federal congresscritters, and judges. And how do they get to be in those positions? We vote them in.
They are not necessary now; no bureaucracy is.

Think those Congress people are working so hard around the clock year round? The only people that spend less time away from work are school teachers.

The concept of a country like ours is to have redress in the event government oversteps their boundaries. You can't do that with bureaucracies because they are unelected law makers. And when they make decisions, it doesn't mean they are the correct ones.

When we have new laws, they are to be decided on and made by Congress, not nameless faceless people.

Of course they are necessary. Sure in a perfect world they would not be because everybody would obey laws as they stand. They don't. So while you're trying to establish your Utopia, the rest of us deal in the real world. There is no such think as unelected law makers. All lawmakers - whether it be your federal congress critter/senator, state senator, judge or local council person are the only people that can make/change/repel laws and they are elected by the people.

Wrong. Bureaucracies make laws all the time. Trust me, I'm a truck driver, and I can't tell you how many laws they make against us every year.

When low down politicians want to do something against the will of the people, they just have bureaucracies do it instead. That way they don't have to take the backlash from their voters. They simply say they had nothing to do with it. And if you don't like it, what are you supposed to do?

yes, how terrible that they make laws requiring that you not drive so many hours that you run people off the road and cause accidents because you fall asleep.

wahhhhhhh..... don't tell me what to do.

whining babies.
They are not necessary now; no bureaucracy is.

Think those Congress people are working so hard around the clock year round? The only people that spend less time away from work are school teachers.

The concept of a country like ours is to have redress in the event government oversteps their boundaries. You can't do that with bureaucracies because they are unelected law makers. And when they make decisions, it doesn't mean they are the correct ones.

When we have new laws, they are to be decided on and made by Congress, not nameless faceless people.

Of course they are necessary. Sure in a perfect world they would not be because everybody would obey laws as they stand. They don't. So while you're trying to establish your Utopia, the rest of us deal in the real world. There is no such think as unelected law makers. All lawmakers - whether it be your federal congress critter/senator, state senator, judge or local council person are the only people that can make/change/repel laws and they are elected by the people.

Wrong. Bureaucracies make laws all the time. Trust me, I'm a truck driver, and I can't tell you how many laws they make against us every year.

When low down politicians want to do something against the will of the people, they just have bureaucracies do it instead. That way they don't have to take the backlash from their voters. They simply say they had nothing to do with it. And if you don't like it, what are you supposed to do?

yes, how terrible that they make laws requiring that you not drive so many hours that you run people off the road and cause accidents because you fall asleep.

wahhhhhhh..... don't tell me what to do.

whining babies.

Who said anything about hours of driving? Oh, that's right, you're a liberal so you make things up in your head.

All laws, fines and taxes should be passed by Congress, the Senate and the President--nobody else. There is a law making process our founders designed so we can throw people out of office that abuse that privilege. They did so for accountability purposes.
Wrong. Bureaucracies make laws all the time. Trust me, I'm a truck driver, and I can't tell you how many laws they make against us every year.

When low down politicians want to do something against the will of the people, they just have bureaucracies do it instead. That way they don't have to take the backlash from their voters. They simply say they had nothing to do with it. And if you don't like it, what are you supposed to do?

Yep, and those bureaucracies are town councils, state senators and congresscritters and federal congresscritters, and judges. And how do they get to be in those positions? We vote them in.

Just by your reply here, I'm taking for granted you have no idea what a bureaucrat is.
They are not necessary now; no bureaucracy is.

Think those Congress people are working so hard around the clock year round? The only people that spend less time away from work are school teachers.

The concept of a country like ours is to have redress in the event government oversteps their boundaries. You can't do that with bureaucracies because they are unelected law makers. And when they make decisions, it doesn't mean they are the correct ones.

When we have new laws, they are to be decided on and made by Congress, not nameless faceless people.

Of course they are necessary. Sure in a perfect world they would not be because everybody would obey laws as they stand. They don't. So while you're trying to establish your Utopia, the rest of us deal in the real world. There is no such think as unelected law makers. All lawmakers - whether it be your federal congress critter/senator, state senator, judge or local council person are the only people that can make/change/repel laws and they are elected by the people.

Wrong. Bureaucracies make laws all the time. Trust me, I'm a truck driver, and I can't tell you how many laws they make against us every year.

When low down politicians want to do something against the will of the people, they just have bureaucracies do it instead. That way they don't have to take the backlash from their voters. They simply say they had nothing to do with it. And if you don't like it, what are you supposed to do?

yes, how terrible that they make laws requiring that you not drive so many hours that you run people off the road and cause accidents because you fall asleep.

wahhhhhhh..... don't tell me what to do.

whining babies.

Who said anything about hours of driving? Oh, that's right, you're a liberal so you make things up in your head.

All laws, fines and taxes should be passed by Congress, the Senate and the President--nobody else. There is a law making process our founders designed so we can throw people out of office that abuse that privilege. They did so for accountability purposes.
You don't believe in a states right to govern? Really?!
They are not necessary now; no bureaucracy is.

Think those Congress people are working so hard around the clock year round? The only people that spend less time away from work are school teachers.

The concept of a country like ours is to have redress in the event government oversteps their boundaries. You can't do that with bureaucracies because they are unelected law makers. And when they make decisions, it doesn't mean they are the correct ones.

When we have new laws, they are to be decided on and made by Congress, not nameless faceless people.

Of course they are necessary. Sure in a perfect world they would not be because everybody would obey laws as they stand. They don't. So while you're trying to establish your Utopia, the rest of us deal in the real world. There is no such think as unelected law makers. All lawmakers - whether it be your federal congress critter/senator, state senator, judge or local council person are the only people that can make/change/repel laws and they are elected by the people.

Wrong. Bureaucracies make laws all the time. Trust me, I'm a truck driver, and I can't tell you how many laws they make against us every year.

When low down politicians want to do something against the will of the people, they just have bureaucracies do it instead. That way they don't have to take the backlash from their voters. They simply say they had nothing to do with it. And if you don't like it, what are you supposed to do?

yes, how terrible that they make laws requiring that you not drive so many hours that you run people off the road and cause accidents because you fall asleep.

wahhhhhhh..... don't tell me what to do.

whining babies.

Who said anything about hours of driving? Oh, that's right, you're a liberal so you make things up in your head.

All laws, fines and taxes should be passed by Congress, the Senate and the President--nobody else. There is a law making process our founders designed so we can throw people out of office that abuse that privilege. They did so for accountability purposes.
You don't believe in a states right to govern? Really?!

Just how did you pull that out of the air?
Bernie Sanders : This Grotesque Level of Income and Wealth Inequality is Wrong

Of course they are necessary. Sure in a perfect world they would not be because everybody would obey laws as they stand. They don't. So while you're trying to establish your Utopia, the rest of us deal in the real world. There is no such think as unelected law makers. All lawmakers - whether it be your federal congress critter/senator, state senator, judge or local council person are the only people that can make/change/repel laws and they are elected by the people.

Wrong. Bureaucracies make laws all the time. Trust me, I'm a truck driver, and I can't tell you how many laws they make against us every year.

When low down politicians want to do something against the will of the people, they just have bureaucracies do it instead. That way they don't have to take the backlash from their voters. They simply say they had nothing to do with it. And if you don't like it, what are you supposed to do?

yes, how terrible that they make laws requiring that you not drive so many hours that you run people off the road and cause accidents because you fall asleep.

wahhhhhhh..... don't tell me what to do.

whining babies.

Who said anything about hours of driving? Oh, that's right, you're a liberal so you make things up in your head.

All laws, fines and taxes should be passed by Congress, the Senate and the President--nobody else. There is a law making process our founders designed so we can throw people out of office that abuse that privilege. They did so for accountability purposes.
You don't believe in a states right to govern? Really?!

Just how did you pull that out of the air?
Read your last comment
For those who have never read Marx´s books let's sum it up for them:

"I don't wanna work and people have to give me money cuz I am a lazy fuck who wants everything handled to me, but I don't want people to know that, so I´ll just blame capitalism and call it oppressive."

So basically he was the first SJW ever. And Bernie is one of the oldest.
Shocking.....a liberal playing the "victim". Tell me something junior, how exactly is McDonald's able to (and I quote) "ride rough shod" over you? If you don't like their Big Mac, you simply don't go there and buy one. Boom. Problem solved. The fact that you act like a victim and McDonald's somehow runs your life is hilarious.

What am I a victim of? I'm not even going down your road, I'm going down my own...I'm talking about those who are avoid paying tax, who don't give people a livable wage, or pollute our waterways and air because they think they are above EPA laws. McDonalds? I wouldn't pollute my body with that shit.

Which corporations avoid paying tax?
Bernie Sanders : This Grotesque Level of Income and Wealth Inequality is Wrong

Why does this nursing home candidate want everyone else's money? Oh That's right he was a bum and didn't make any money himself, until he was 40 years old and got a taxpayer funded government job.
Bernie Sanders, The Bum Who Wants Your Money

Socialism 101 aka Wealth Redistribution

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."Winston Churchill

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money to spend.” Margaret Thatcher.
Understanding the Downfall of Greece's Economy | Investopedia



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