Bernie Sanders - 'We have got to apologize for slavery'

as soon as the African countries that traded them to us does the same.

That's a point that needs to be made over and over. Whites didn't enslave anyone. They just bought slaves from black slavers in africa.
Why? Because they have allowed themselves to be enslaved again to the democrats. Every big democrat run city has a plantation with community organizers to keep the um, voters in line...

That's been the democrat plan for 50 years. Turn blacks into welfare slaves and we'll get 95% of the black vote every election.
Maybe someone might explain how a national apology for past transgressions of human enslavement would HURT anything. If it moves us forward, let's just do it.
Why? Because they have allowed themselves to be enslaved again to the democrats. Every big democrat run city has a plantation with community organizers to keep the um, voters in line...

That's been the democrat plan for 50 years. Turn blacks into welfare slaves and we'll get 95% of the black vote every election.
If that's even remotely true then it means Republicans sat on their hands for 50 years while Democrats stole voters from them.
Maybe I will vote for him if he runs thanks Shootspeeders, I never knew much about him before your informative post.

Go right ahead and waste your vote. No admitted commie can win a presidential election.

You are a dipstick calling him a commie. You right wing fanatics have no clue what a commie is. Bernie is no commie. He is socialist leaning but he's not a full blown socialist. I do agree that we do not owe blacks any apology. We've been apologizing with all kinds of programs to help blacks out over the years, and unfortunately, a lot of blacks have wasted these opportunities. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink the water.
When we find someone that owned slaves in America, I PERSONALLY will make them apologize!:rolleyes:
Why? Because they have allowed themselves to be enslaved again to the democrats. Every big democrat run city has a plantation with community organizers to keep the um, voters in line...

That's been the democrat plan for 50 years. Turn blacks into welfare slaves and we'll get 95% of the black vote every election.

While they constantly apologize for everything (including the weather)...
I do agree that we do not owe blacks any apology. We've been apologizing with all kinds of programs to help blacks out over the years, and unfortunately, a lot of blacks have wasted these opportunities. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink the water.

Problem is blacks are mentally inferior and everybody knows it. They can never make it on their own and we will always have to give them special treatment just to keep them from starving.
Should blacks apologize for the past 45 years of affirmative action discrimination inflicted on whites?. No problem finding actual victims and perps there.
Should blacks apologize for the past 45 years of affirmative action discrimination inflicted on whites?. No problem finding actual victims and perps there.
Separate thread, does not apply to the current question.
Another idiot liberal on a guilt trip. No american today had anything to do with slavery so why should we apologize, you moron.? And besides slavery was the best thing that ever happened to the black race. 40 million american blacks today have a far far better life than african blacks.
So odd that the ******* don't vote GOP? Well, maybe not...

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