Bernie Sanders: We Will Raise Taxes On Anyone Making Over $29,000 To Fund Government Health Care

Overall white Americans have better access to healthcare.

All the top countries have universal health care.
And Cubans get all the best healthcare in Cuba!

View attachment 292020

Which no one is clamoring for but when it's all you have to fall back on, doesn't say much for your position.
Do I get a dollar for every Leftard post on USMB praising Cuban healthcare?

You would have nothing.
What’s the world ranking of Cuban healthcare according to the list you use?

79. Higher than the United States.

Life Expectancy in United States
I see no one demanding higher taxes to pay down the 23 Trillion.

I am. Have been for years. I think taxes should automatically go up (across the board, not the usual "targeted" bullshit - the increase needs to hit everyone) until we reach a balanced budget. It's the only way we'll get a true read on how much government people actually want. As it is, with no one paying for it, people will vote for every "free shit" program that is proposed.

I have better idea.

Why don't we for the time being keep the taxes where they are and cut back on spending? The money we cut back on we could use to pay the debt.

We could easily cut back a couple of trillion a year on Federal spending and still spend more money on the cost of government than almost any other country on earth.

When everything is paid off then we can reduce taxes by the amount we had been spending on the debt. Win win for everybody except the filthy welfare queens that suck on the teat of big government.

Walter E Williams put it best.

"I'm going to run for a federal office. My platforms will be I'm not bringing back any money to my state. I'm voting down all spending. Would you vote for me?"
And he never won or even ran for public office. In a recent poll, 84% believed a major function of government was to provide services to the people.
And Cubans get all the best healthcare in Cuba!

View attachment 292020

Which no one is clamoring for but when it's all you have to fall back on, doesn't say much for your position.
Do I get a dollar for every Leftard post on USMB praising Cuban healthcare?

You would have nothing.
What’s the world ranking of Cuban healthcare according to the list you use?

79. Higher than the United States.

Life Expectancy in United States
Thanks for making my point. Your rankings are BS, nobody goes to Cuba for healthcare.

BTW, 2 second search.

So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

You can put the money in my PayPal.
Which no one is clamoring for but when it's all you have to fall back on, doesn't say much for your position.
Do I get a dollar for every Leftard post on USMB praising Cuban healthcare?

You would have nothing.
What’s the world ranking of Cuban healthcare according to the list you use?

79. Higher than the United States.

Life Expectancy in United States
Thanks for making my point. Your rankings are BS, nobody goes to Cuba for healthcare.

BTW, 2 second search.

So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

You can put the money in my PayPal.

No idea anyone claimed anyone does.
Do I get a dollar for every Leftard post on USMB praising Cuban healthcare?

You would have nothing.
What’s the world ranking of Cuban healthcare according to the list you use?

79. Higher than the United States.

Life Expectancy in United States
Thanks for making my point. Your rankings are BS, nobody goes to Cuba for healthcare.

BTW, 2 second search.

So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

You can put the money in my PayPal.

No idea anyone claimed anyone does.
Every Leftist, including you, claim Cuban healthcare is better.

Yet no one in the world goes there for treatment.
You would have nothing.
What’s the world ranking of Cuban healthcare according to the list you use?

79. Higher than the United States.

Life Expectancy in United States
Thanks for making my point. Your rankings are BS, nobody goes to Cuba for healthcare.

BTW, 2 second search.

So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

You can put the money in my PayPal.

No idea anyone claimed anyone does.
Every Leftist, including you, claim Cuban healthcare is better.

Yet no one in the world goes there for treatment.

If this is all you have........I will note that for such a poor country, having a longer life expectancy than the US is pretty sad.
What’s the world ranking of Cuban healthcare according to the list you use?

79. Higher than the United States.

Life Expectancy in United States
Thanks for making my point. Your rankings are BS, nobody goes to Cuba for healthcare.

BTW, 2 second search.

So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

You can put the money in my PayPal.

No idea anyone claimed anyone does.
Every Leftist, including you, claim Cuban healthcare is better.

Yet no one in the world goes there for treatment.

If this is all you have........I will note that for such a poor country, having a longer life expectancy than the US is pretty sad.

Commies never lie, eh comrade?
Exactly. The insurance companies are nothing more than a protection racket, extorting money they do nothing for.

Then why do Dem's invest their retirement funds in these companies?

Most people invest their retirement funds in insurance mutuals because the law makes it hard to do otherwise.
I dislike insurance companies, so I created an LLC so that I would run my own self directed IRA.
And by investing in real estate instead of an insurance company mutual fund, I make about 3 times the interest.
Thanks for the brainwash idiot. Point is to bring down the cost and take care of the unfortunate-which has now happened accepted scumbag red States. Will never happen under your scumbag Heroes. they came within one vote of destroying the whole thing including for people with pre-existing conditions... With absolutely no plan to replace anyting.

So DO IT send Bernie the money to put health insurance companies out of business DO IT TODAY! Here I'll just laugh at you now :auiqs.jpg:
I don't care, I will be voting for whatever Democrat they put up they all want the same thing. Help for the middle class and working class.... Worst inequality and upward mobility and 78% going paycheck to paycheck is not trivia, brainwashed functional moron
So you like people making $14/hr getting higher taxes on their paychecks.
Yep. You Leftards hate the poor.
And free healthcare. It's a great deal actually but you brainwashed functional morons are so fear mongered I think we have to go with the public option like Obama wanted. He also did not want to mandate. Scary how total garbage propaganda is so powerful....
And free healthcare! Just like Canada so we can wait 19 months for a pacemaker!

Most people can wait 19 months for a pacemaker.
The waiting time in the US is about the same in countries with public health care, but they pay less than half as much.
You would have nothing.
What’s the world ranking of Cuban healthcare according to the list you use?

79. Higher than the United States.

Life Expectancy in United States
Thanks for making my point. Your rankings are BS, nobody goes to Cuba for healthcare.

BTW, 2 second search.

So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

You can put the money in my PayPal.

No idea anyone claimed anyone does.
Every Leftist, including you, claim Cuban healthcare is better.

Yet no one in the world goes there for treatment.
Like everything else
the United States is best for the rich in this respect also. All other countries have systems of their own. Only the rich are traveling around. And Americans LOL...
I see no one demanding higher taxes to pay down the 23 Trillion.

I am. Have been for years. I think taxes should automatically go up (across the board, not the usual "targeted" bullshit - the increase needs to hit everyone) until we reach a balanced budget. It's the only way we'll get a true read on how much government people actually want. As it is, with no one paying for it, people will vote for every "free shit" program that is proposed.

I have better idea.

Why don't we for the time being keep the taxes where they are and cut back on spending? The money we cut back on we could use to pay the debt.

We could easily cut back a couple of trillion a year on Federal spending and still spend more money on the cost of government than almost any other country on earth.

When everything is paid off then we can reduce taxes by the amount we had been spending on the debt. Win win for everybody except the filthy welfare queens that suck on the teat of big government.

Walter E Williams put it best.

"I'm going to run for a federal office. My platforms will be I'm not bringing back any money to my state. I'm voting down all spending. Would you vote for me?"
And he never won or even ran for public office. In a recent poll, 84% believed a major function of government was to provide services to the people.

And that's the biggest problem. We'll probably continue to our descent into corporatism, because that's what the people want.
I personally like the DMV for the most part.
Although I would like the EPA to stop discriminating against diesels.

And you DO have to buy the product of private corporations when it comes to health care, because it is a monopoly.

I personally like the DMV for the most part.

Even the employees you voted against? How long is their term in office?

And you DO have to buy the product of private corporations when it comes to health care, because it is a monopoly.

You're mistaken. I have many doctors, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, pharma companies to choose from.

I believe you are mistaken.
You do not pay the doctors, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc., yourself, and your insurance company tells you who you can go to. And they only allow those who support their monopoly.
And don't try to tell me you pay cash instead, because I have tried that, and they won't even make an appointment unless I have insurance. And even when I have insurance, it turns out it was not accepted in other states. A total and complete monopoly.
You do not pay the doctors, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc., yourself,

Your claim was "it is a monopoly". Not, "someone else pays".

and your insurance company tells you who you can go to.

You're mistaken.

And they only allow those who support their monopoly.

If there was a monopoly, they wouldn't have to tell me where to go, there would be only one choice.

A total and complete monopoly.

A total and complete lie.

It both is a monopoly and someone else pays, so you get no choices or ability to influence.
I am not mistaken.
All insurance companies always have given me a list of preferred providers, and said that outside that network, they would pay more like half, or maybe not at all.
It IS a monopoly when they prevent you from going to someone else, by withholding the money you prepaid them.

Imagine if it were a real monopoly, if there was only one insurance company. And you couldn't even refuse to pay your "premiums", because it had merged with the government, and the premiums were your taxes. Wouldn't that be a nightmare scenario?

A monopoly does not imply there is just one insurance company.
What it means is that you are unable to negotiate fairly because there is a monolithic control working against you.
That can be price fixing by many companies, or a government mandate.
It just means something is monopolizing your choices.
For example, a mafia protection racket is a monopoly by the threat of force if you do not comply.

But the government is not a monopoly because you get to vote and the people collectively control it.
It works for you instead of trying to gain profit out of you.
And public health care in no country has at all precluded private insurance or health care.
It just provides a minimal safety net as competition, in order to break the health insurance monopoly.
So DO IT send Bernie the money to put health insurance companies out of business DO IT TODAY! Here I'll just laugh at you now :auiqs.jpg:
I don't care, I will be voting for whatever Democrat they put up they all want the same thing. Help for the middle class and working class.... Worst inequality and upward mobility and 78% going paycheck to paycheck is not trivia, brainwashed functional moron
So you like people making $14/hr getting higher taxes on their paychecks.
Yep. You Leftards hate the poor.
And free healthcare. It's a great deal actually but you brainwashed functional morons are so fear mongered I think we have to go with the public option like Obama wanted. He also did not want to mandate. Scary how total garbage propaganda is so powerful....
And free healthcare! Just like Canada so we can wait 19 months for a pacemaker!

Most people can wait 19 months for a pacemaker.
The waiting time in the US is about the same in countries with public health care, but they pay less than half as much.
Most people can wait 19 months for a pacemaker.

Sure they can! Who needs blood flow, it’s so overrated!
Name one other country that has 20,000,000 illegals drawing on its health care system
"Illegals" have zero elegibility for federal assitance, are you this unaware?

Their children are not. They collect food stamps and all the other benefits that our poor kids get.
The only ones eligible for SNAP are children which are US citizens. If for example, there are two illegal parents and one legal child and income reported to the IRS is $500 a month, SNAP will consider the household size is one, (the child) and the benefits would be $178 a month. However, keep in mind that income has to be documented with the IRS. If the family income reported to IRS is $2,000 a month, the benefit will drop to $45 a month for the child.

The false claim that 43% of SNAP beneficiaries are illegal immigrants persists. According to the Dept of Agriculture, many children legally in the US who are eligible for SNAP do not receive the benefit due to the perception that applying for benefits will subject parents to deportation or lessen their chances of eventual citizenship.

Although some states may provide some benefits to illegal immigrants, federal benefit dollars are limited to US citizens or certain classes of legal residents.

Are 43 Percent of All Food Stamps 'Given to Illegals'?
How does DTA count the income of an ineligible immigrant who lives with eligible persons? - MassLegalHelp
Which no one is clamoring for but when it's all you have to fall back on, doesn't say much for your position.
Do I get a dollar for every Leftard post on USMB praising Cuban healthcare?

You would have nothing.
What’s the world ranking of Cuban healthcare according to the list you use?

79. Higher than the United States.

Life Expectancy in United States
Thanks for making my point. Your rankings are BS, nobody goes to Cuba for healthcare.

BTW, 2 second search.

So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

You can put the money in my PayPal.

Not only do thousands of people go to Cuba for health care each year, but teams of Cuban health providers are hired to come to other countries to deal with medical problems, like epidemics, etc.
Cuba has much better health care than the US in general. Just not some of the top, over paid, specialists.
You would have nothing.
What’s the world ranking of Cuban healthcare according to the list you use?

79. Higher than the United States.

Life Expectancy in United States
Thanks for making my point. Your rankings are BS, nobody goes to Cuba for healthcare.

BTW, 2 second search.

So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

You can put the money in my PayPal.

No idea anyone claimed anyone does.
Every Leftist, including you, claim Cuban healthcare is better.

Yet no one in the world goes there for treatment.

Quit saying that.
It is totally wrong.
Lots of people, including from the US, go to Cuba for medical care, every single year.

Cuba has catapulted into the public imagination since the beginning of the 21st century with its nascent, but rapidly developing medical tourism industry. The country has already established a reputation for medical treatments that include drug and alcohol rehabilitation, eye surgery, orthopedics, heart surgeries, dermatology, neurology and cosmetic surgeries. Medical institutions like Cira Garcia Clinic, Gonzalez Coro and Hermanos Ameijeiras in Cuba have the provision of separate rooms and facilities for medical tourists. The excellent quality of the doctors and the supporting staff in the country is a big advantage and is one of the most significant contributing factors to the growth of the economy through medical tourism. Medical services work out to be approximately 60 percent cheaper as compared to North American countries, without compromising on the quality and efficacy of the treatments involved.
So DO IT send Bernie the money to put health insurance companies out of business DO IT TODAY! Here I'll just laugh at you now :auiqs.jpg:
I don't care, I will be voting for whatever Democrat they put up they all want the same thing. Help for the middle class and working class.... Worst inequality and upward mobility and 78% going paycheck to paycheck is not trivia, brainwashed functional moron
So you like people making $14/hr getting higher taxes on their paychecks.
Yep. You Leftards hate the poor.
And free healthcare. It's a great deal actually but you brainwashed functional morons are so fear mongered I think we have to go with the public option like Obama wanted. He also did not want to mandate. Scary how total garbage propaganda is so powerful....
And free healthcare! Just like Canada so we can wait 19 months for a pacemaker!

Most people can wait 19 months for a pacemaker.
The waiting time in the US is about the same in countries with public health care, but they pay less than half as much.
Even Leftard Fact-check says Canadian wait times are twice as long as Americans wait times.

Comparing Health Care in Canada to the U.S.
Do I get a dollar for every Leftard post on USMB praising Cuban healthcare?

You would have nothing.
What’s the world ranking of Cuban healthcare according to the list you use?

79. Higher than the United States.

Life Expectancy in United States
Thanks for making my point. Your rankings are BS, nobody goes to Cuba for healthcare.

BTW, 2 second search.

So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

You can put the money in my PayPal.

Not only do thousands of people go to Cuba for health care each year, but teams of Cuban health providers are hired to come to other countries to deal with medical problems, like epidemics, etc.
Cuba has much better health care than the US in general. Just not some of the top, over paid, specialists.
What’s the world ranking of Cuban healthcare according to the list you use?

79. Higher than the United States.

Life Expectancy in United States
Thanks for making my point. Your rankings are BS, nobody goes to Cuba for healthcare.

BTW, 2 second search.

So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

You can put the money in my PayPal.

No idea anyone claimed anyone does.
Every Leftist, including you, claim Cuban healthcare is better.

Yet no one in the world goes there for treatment.

Quit saying that.
It is totally wrong.
Lots of people, including from the US, go to Cuba for medical care, every single year.
Liar. Americans do not go to Cuba for healthcare.

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