Bernie Sanders: We Will Raise Taxes On Anyone Making Over $29,000 To Fund Government Health Care

Why don't you mooching deadbeats get a job and pay for your own health insurance like everyone else. I'm not going to pay for YOUR health insurance, or your damn cable bill or buy your groceries snowflakes.
Thanks for the brainwash idiot. Point is to bring down the cost and take care of the unfortunate-which has now happened accepted scumbag red States. Will never happen under your scumbag Heroes. they came within one vote of destroying the whole thing including for people with pre-existing conditions... With absolutely no plan to replace anyting.

So DO IT send Bernie the money to put health insurance companies out of business DO IT TODAY! Here I'll just laugh at you now :auiqs.jpg:
I don't care, I will be voting for whatever Democrat they put up they all want the same thing. Help for the middle class and working class.... Worst inequality and upward mobility and 78% going paycheck to paycheck is not trivia, brainwashed functional moron
So you like people making $14/hr getting higher taxes on their paychecks.
Yep. You Leftards hate the poor.
And free healthcare. It's a great deal actually but you brainwashed functional morons are so fear mongered I think we have to go with the public option like Obama wanted. He also did not want to mandate. Scary how total garbage propaganda is so powerful....
The only people who have to sacrifice are mega-rich GOP swine. Mega Rich Democrats AR 4 more taxes on themselves and investing in America and Americans again. You are clueless listening to your crap propaganda. The GOP with their reconciliation and filibuster rules have made it impossible to do anything but cut taxes on the rich and screwing everyone else without 60 votes in the Senate... Not reported on your scumbag ridiculous propaganda....

Finally one of you admits it, you people only support this stuff if someone else pays for it. There is nothing stopping mega rich Democrats from paying more taxes today, they can voluntarily pay more right now. This is where you mumble trying to explain why they don't. :21:
Not me you're quoting. Fix it.
Why don't you mooching deadbeats get a job and pay for your own health insurance like everyone else. I'm not going to pay for YOUR health insurance, or your damn cable bill or buy your groceries snowflakes.
Thanks for the brainwash idiot. Point is to bring down the cost and take care of the unfortunate-which has now happened accepted scumbag red States. Will never happen under your scumbag Heroes. they came within one vote of destroying the whole thing including for people with pre-existing conditions... With absolutely no plan to replace anyting.

So DO IT send Bernie the money to put health insurance companies out of business DO IT TODAY! Here I'll just laugh at you now :auiqs.jpg:
I don't care, I will be voting for whatever Democrat they put up they all want the same thing. Help for the middle class and working class.... Worst inequality and upward mobility and 78% going paycheck to paycheck is not trivia, brainwashed functional moron

I'm canceling out your vote by voting for Trump, sorry.
Here in New York my vote is not that important. We're not stupid enough to vote for Republican scumbag Liars..
Why don't you mooching deadbeats get a job and pay for your own health insurance like everyone else. I'm not going to pay for YOUR health insurance, or your damn cable bill or buy your groceries snowflakes.
Thanks for the brainwash idiot. Point is to bring down the cost and take care of the unfortunate-which has now happened accepted scumbag red States. Will never happen under your scumbag Heroes. they came within one vote of destroying the whole thing including for people with pre-existing conditions... With absolutely no plan to replace anyting.

So DO IT send Bernie the money to put health insurance companies out of business DO IT TODAY! Here I'll just laugh at you now :auiqs.jpg:
I don't care, I will be voting for whatever Democrat they put up they all want the same thing. Help for the middle class and working class.... Worst inequality and upward mobility and 78% going paycheck to paycheck is not trivia, brainwashed functional moron

I'm canceling out your vote by voting for Trump, sorry.
Here in New York my vote is not that important. We're not stupid enough to vote for Republican scumbag Liars..
Oops brainwashed functionally stupid politically.....
Why don't you mooching deadbeats get a job and pay for your own health insurance like everyone else. I'm not going to pay for YOUR health insurance, or your damn cable bill or buy your groceries snowflakes.
Thanks for the brainwash idiot. Point is to bring down the cost and take care of the unfortunate-which has now happened accepted scumbag red States. Will never happen under your scumbag Heroes. they came within one vote of destroying the whole thing including for people with pre-existing conditions... With absolutely no plan to replace anyting.

So DO IT send Bernie the money to put health insurance companies out of business DO IT TODAY! Here I'll just laugh at you now :auiqs.jpg:
I don't care, I will be voting for whatever Democrat they put up they all want the same thing. Help for the middle class and working class.... Worst inequality and upward mobility and 78% going paycheck to paycheck is not trivia, brainwashed functional moron
So you like people making $14/hr getting higher taxes on their paychecks.
Yep. You Leftards hate the poor.
And free healthcare. It's a great deal actually but you brainwashed functional morons are so fear mongered I think we have to go with the public option like Obama wanted. He also did not want to mandate. Scary how total garbage propaganda is so powerful....
And free healthcare! Just like Canada so we can wait 19 months for a pacemaker!
Why don't you mooching deadbeats get a job and pay for your own health insurance like everyone else. I'm not going to pay for YOUR health insurance, or your damn cable bill or buy your groceries snowflakes.
Thanks for the brainwash idiot. Point is to bring down the cost and take care of the unfortunate-which has now happened accepted scumbag red States. Will never happen under your scumbag Heroes. they came within one vote of destroying the whole thing including for people with pre-existing conditions... With absolutely no plan to replace anyting.

So DO IT send Bernie the money to put health insurance companies out of business DO IT TODAY! Here I'll just laugh at you now :auiqs.jpg:
I don't care, I will be voting for whatever Democrat they put up they all want the same thing. Help for the middle class and working class.... Worst inequality and upward mobility and 78% going paycheck to paycheck is not trivia, brainwashed functional moron

I'm canceling out your vote by voting for Trump, sorry.
Here in New York my vote is not that important. We're not stupid enough to vote for Republican scumbag Liars..

Meh New York doesn't matter, Trump doesn't need NY or CA to win.
Thanks for the brainwash idiot. Point is to bring down the cost and take care of the unfortunate-which has now happened accepted scumbag red States. Will never happen under your scumbag Heroes. they came within one vote of destroying the whole thing including for people with pre-existing conditions... With absolutely no plan to replace anyting.

So DO IT send Bernie the money to put health insurance companies out of business DO IT TODAY! Here I'll just laugh at you now :auiqs.jpg:
I don't care, I will be voting for whatever Democrat they put up they all want the same thing. Help for the middle class and working class.... Worst inequality and upward mobility and 78% going paycheck to paycheck is not trivia, brainwashed functional moron

I'm canceling out your vote by voting for Trump, sorry.
Here in New York my vote is not that important. We're not stupid enough to vote for Republican scumbag Liars..
Oops brainwashed functionally stupid politically.....

Your attempts at insult need work. You need some new material franco. If I have time later I'll insult you and show you how its done.
If you want DMV changed, then you change who you vote for,

I want to vote out every bureaucrat in that entire building.
None of them seem to be on any ballot. Ever.

Which is way better than private enterprise that just flat out admits they are out to gain all the money from you they can get.

I don't have to buy their product.....unlike the DMV, eh?

I personally like the DMV for the most part.
Although I would like the EPA to stop discriminating against diesels.

And you DO have to buy the product of private corporations when it comes to health care, because it is a monopoly.

I personally like the DMV for the most part.

Even the employees you voted against? How long is their term in office?

And you DO have to buy the product of private corporations when it comes to health care, because it is a monopoly.

You're mistaken. I have many doctors, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, pharma companies to choose from.

I believe you are mistaken.
You do not pay the doctors, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc., yourself, and your insurance company tells you who you can go to. And they only allow those who support their monopoly.
And don't try to tell me you pay cash instead, because I have tried that, and they won't even make an appointment unless I have insurance. And even when I have insurance, it turns out it was not accepted in other states. A total and complete monopoly.
You do not pay the doctors, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc., yourself,

Your claim was "it is a monopoly". Not, "someone else pays".

and your insurance company tells you who you can go to.

You're mistaken.

And they only allow those who support their monopoly.

If there was a monopoly, they wouldn't have to tell me where to go, there would be only one choice.

A total and complete monopoly.

A total and complete lie.

It both is a monopoly and someone else pays, so you get no choices or ability to influence.
I am not mistaken.
All insurance companies always have given me a list of preferred providers, and said that outside that network, they would pay more like half, or maybe not at all.
It IS a monopoly when they prevent you from going to someone else, by withholding the money you prepaid them.

Imagine if it were a real monopoly, if there was only one insurance company. And you couldn't even refuse to pay your "premiums", because it had merged with the government, and the premiums were your taxes. Wouldn't that be a nightmare scenario?
So DO IT send Bernie the money to put health insurance companies out of business DO IT TODAY! Here I'll just laugh at you now :auiqs.jpg:
I don't care, I will be voting for whatever Democrat they put up they all want the same thing. Help for the middle class and working class.... Worst inequality and upward mobility and 78% going paycheck to paycheck is not trivia, brainwashed functional moron

I'm canceling out your vote by voting for Trump, sorry.
Here in New York my vote is not that important. We're not stupid enough to vote for Republican scumbag Liars..
Oops brainwashed functionally stupid politically.....

Your attempts at insult need work. You need some new material franco. If I have time later I'll insult you and show you how its done.
My insults are political insults following debate rules. You trolls go in for personal insults based on nothing or misinformation.
No, we all pay for it. Do you think doctors and hospitals operate at a loss? They get that lost money back from other places.

It's also why these figures are all wrong by Sander's or anybody else. They are calculating what it would cost for all of us to be on Medicare, not figuring in how to pay for those losses since private pay and private insurance would no longer be doing it.

I disagree.
When medical providers are only paid a third of what they charge, they are not operating at a loss.
It is just that they have jacked up their bills by over 4 times what they should be.

The savings that would pay for medicare for all would be the billions currently wasted on filling out private insurance claims, prepaying premiums, tax exempt employer benefits, incredibly jacked up provider charges, profit skimming by insurance companies and medical corporation monopolies, etc.
Other countries prove health care costs can be cut in half and still provide better quality service.
Do you have all of your savings investments in the medical field?
Why not? According to you they’re the biggest profit takers on earth.

Since the medical fields are the biggest profit takes on earth, they do not need a lot of invesment capital.
They already force us to prepay them more money than they know what to do with.
That is why they own most of the mutual funds investment companies.
They don't know what to do with all that money we keep prepaying them.
So the interest they pay out to stock holders is very low.
Only about 4% or less.
Most things pay better, like real estate.
The only good thing about investing in medical corporations is stability.
They never go down.

The insurance industry's net margin in 2017 ranged between 3 and 10.5%. Life insurance had the widest range between quarters, from 3% to 9.6%; property and casualty insurance were at 3% to 8%; and health insurance had the narrowest range of 4% to 5.25%. The net margin for insurance brokerages in 2017 was higher than that of the insurance industry overall, at 9.27% to 10.5%.

What are insurance sector companies usual profit margins?

That is totally faked figures.
The reality is that insurance companies get their money paid in, as much as half a century before they have to actually earn anything with payouts.
And in that time, the investments they make with your money is the real profits, which are not at all tracked.
If they get a half million prepayed out of you, make million with it for decades, and then finally pay for half a million in medical services half a century later, they claim they break even.
That is a lie.

Profit is profit. There is no such thing as untracked profit. The stockholders would immediately move their money someplace else.

Yes, insurance companies invest money. The profits that come from those investments are used to offset claims. Compare that with government, who just tucks that money under a mattress somewhere until it's needed.

And remember that Commie Care forced health insurance industries to use no less than 80% of their collected premiums for claims. Therefore, less for them to invest. Another reason health insurance increased so much since Commie Care.
Nobody has better healthcare than the US when it comes to quality.

I'm a patient at the world famous Cleveland Clinic. In fact, was just there yesterday to get checked out. When you go to their downtown campus, you are the one who feels like a foreigner.

It's not just patients, it's doctors as well. They either come here from their socialized medical care countries to make some real money, or come here, get educated, and never return home. So because of our system, we draw the best talent from around the world.

My sister works there as well. She can testify to the amount of Canadian patients at the Clinic looking for some relief that they couldn't get in their socialized medical care country. In fact, all our northern hospitals have Canadian patients.

So you can't tell me of another country that's problem-less either. They all have either extremely slow services, low quality equipment, medications we quit using decades ago, or outright refuse to treat some people. Nobody has a perfect medial system, including ours.

Not at all true.
The US is ranked something like 29th in health care.
Medical tourism FROM the US is 100 times higher than people coming to the US for medical care.
The only people coming to the US for medical care are the very wealthy who want elite care.
That is not what most people in the US get.
The US has over 100,000 a year dying from medical malpractice, and is one of the worst in the world for health care quality.
The fact we pay physicians more does not mean we get better quality health care.
But they could not make the new ARM payments that as much as doubled.

If you can only afford the teaser rate.....chances are you got a bad mortgage.

There were no 1% interest mortgages.

There were definitely mortgages with very low teaser rates as well as negative amortization mortgages.

They lowest mortgages during the bubble were around 8%,

If rates were 8% or higher, the bubble wouldn't have happened.

and the bust made them jump to over 15%.

You're lying.

It was their rates being jack up deceptively by ARM loans that forced them to default.

Deceptively? LOL!
When was the last time you took out a mortgage?
The pages and pages of rate disclosure documents are hard to miss.

Do you think they just wanted to throw away their down payment and years of monthly payments?

Many had very low or no down payment at all.

First of all, teaser rates most definitely ARE DECEPTIVE and not the fault of the borrower.
Second is that the loan paper work did NOT disclose that the loan was based on the British LIBOR instead of the US Prime, and that in a recession when the US Prime would go down, the LIBOR would greatly go UP!

First of all, teaser rates most definitely ARE DECEPTIVE

You're lying.

Second is that the loan paper work did NOT disclose that the loan was based on the British LIBOR instead of the US Prime

You're lying.

in a recession when the US Prime would go down, the LIBOR would greatly go UP!

No one knew LIBOR would go up. Any specifics?
Or just something you heard?

View attachment 291977

3-Month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), based on U.S. Dollar | FRED | St. Louis Fed

Was this "greatly go UP"?

Yes, teaser interest rates most definitely are deliberately deceptive.
The buyers were lead to belief they could easily refinance at reasonable rates when the balloon payment came due.
But the market collapse meant they were denied any refinance.

Your graph shows a spike in the LIBOR that doubled.
And the LIBOR scandal was about the fact it was not just known about, but deliberately created.

Libor scandal - Wikipedia

Yes, teaser interest rates most definitely are deliberately deceptive.

You have this "teaser rate" for 12 months.
For the 13th month, your rate will be (insert index rate) plus 2 points.

Sounds pretty clear to me.

The buyers were lead to belief they could easily refinance at reasonable rates

Oh, basing your purchase on the ability of a real estate agent to predict future events/prices/rates.

You might be a moron if.......

But the market collapse meant they were denied any refinance.

Unless your loan documents said you were guaranteed a new loan.......not deceptive.

And the LIBOR scandal was about the fact it was not just known about, but deliberately created.

Unless your reset was in that short period in my chart......meh.

That is not how teaser rates work.
They do NOT say the rate will definitely go up.
They claim it will go up or down with the economy.

So when the economy went down the buyers assumed their monthly payment would go down as well, as it should if it was linked to the US prime rate.
It should also have gone down with the LIBOR, but the LIBOR was artificially manipulated in order to cause it to go up instead, forcing all those millions of defaults.

The loan document implied the ARM rate would not go up if the value of the home went down.

Your chart is wrong.
It shows only a short duration spike in 2008, and the reality is the high LIBOR rates started in 2004 and continued until 2008. The high LIBOR rate preceeded the 2008 collapse and is what caused it.

That is not how teaser rates work.

That is how one version works, there is more than one type.

They do NOT say the rate will definitely go up.

Again, it depends.

They claim it will go up or down with the economy.

I'd bet the loan paperwork doesn't mention the word "economy".

So when the economy went down the buyers assumed their monthly payment would go down as well, as it should if it was linked to the US prime rate.

If you took out a loan based on LIBOR, it's not deception when the rate then fluctuates based on LIBOR.

The loan document implied the ARM rate would not go up if the value of the home went down.

Implied? You really don't know how loans, or loan documents, really work.

Your chart is wrong.

The St Louis Fed was wrong? LOL!

The high LIBOR rate preceeded the 2008 collapse and is what caused it.

Bubbles eventually pop. I doubt anyone knowledgeable blames the pop on a rise in LIBOR.
I don't care, I will be voting for whatever Democrat they put up they all want the same thing. Help for the middle class and working class.... Worst inequality and upward mobility and 78% going paycheck to paycheck is not trivia, brainwashed functional moron

I'm canceling out your vote by voting for Trump, sorry.
Here in New York my vote is not that important. We're not stupid enough to vote for Republican scumbag Liars..
Oops brainwashed functionally stupid politically.....

Your attempts at insult need work. You need some new material franco. If I have time later I'll insult you and show you how its done.
My insults are political insults following debate rules. You trolls go in for personal insults based on nothing or misinformation.

Brother you are using the same stuff you were using 5 years ago. Actually everything you say today you were saying 5 years ago for that matter.
Bernie's saying the same things he was 40 years ago. That's why he's going to win this time.
If you want DMV changed, then you change who you vote for,

I want to vote out every bureaucrat in that entire building.
None of them seem to be on any ballot. Ever.

Which is way better than private enterprise that just flat out admits they are out to gain all the money from you they can get.

I don't have to buy their product.....unlike the DMV, eh?

I personally like the DMV for the most part.
Although I would like the EPA to stop discriminating against diesels.

And you DO have to buy the product of private corporations when it comes to health care, because it is a monopoly.

I personally like the DMV for the most part.

Even the employees you voted against? How long is their term in office?

And you DO have to buy the product of private corporations when it comes to health care, because it is a monopoly.

You're mistaken. I have many doctors, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, pharma companies to choose from.

I believe you are mistaken.
You do not pay the doctors, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc., yourself, and your insurance company tells you who you can go to. And they only allow those who support their monopoly.
And don't try to tell me you pay cash instead, because I have tried that, and they won't even make an appointment unless I have insurance. And even when I have insurance, it turns out it was not accepted in other states. A total and complete monopoly.
You do not pay the doctors, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc., yourself,

Your claim was "it is a monopoly". Not, "someone else pays".

and your insurance company tells you who you can go to.

You're mistaken.

And they only allow those who support their monopoly.

If there was a monopoly, they wouldn't have to tell me where to go, there would be only one choice.

A total and complete monopoly.

A total and complete lie.

It both is a monopoly and someone else pays, so you get no choices or ability to influence.
I am not mistaken.
All insurance companies always have given me a list of preferred providers, and said that outside that network, they would pay more like half, or maybe not at all.
It IS a monopoly when they prevent you from going to someone else, by withholding the money you prepaid them.

It both is a monopoly and someone else pays, so you get no choices or ability to influence.

You're lying. I'm allowed to make choices all the time.

All insurance companies always have given me a list of preferred providers,

Preferred. Not required. Not mandated. Not a monopoly.

It IS a monopoly when they prevent you from going to someone else

They can pay more or less, they can't prevent me from choosing.
Thanks for the brainwash idiot. Point is to bring down the cost and take care of the unfortunate-which has now happened accepted scumbag red States. Will never happen under your scumbag Heroes. they came within one vote of destroying the whole thing including for people with pre-existing conditions... With absolutely no plan to replace anyting.

So DO IT send Bernie the money to put health insurance companies out of business DO IT TODAY! Here I'll just laugh at you now :auiqs.jpg:
I don't care, I will be voting for whatever Democrat they put up they all want the same thing. Help for the middle class and working class.... Worst inequality and upward mobility and 78% going paycheck to paycheck is not trivia, brainwashed functional moron
So you like people making $14/hr getting higher taxes on their paychecks.
Yep. You Leftards hate the poor.
And free healthcare. It's a great deal actually but you brainwashed functional morons are so fear mongered I think we have to go with the public option like Obama wanted. He also did not want to mandate. Scary how total garbage propaganda is so powerful....
And free healthcare! Just like Canada so we can wait 19 months for a pacemaker!

The life expectancy on average in Canada is 82.8.

In the U.S. it's 78.5.
So DO IT send Bernie the money to put health insurance companies out of business DO IT TODAY! Here I'll just laugh at you now :auiqs.jpg:
I don't care, I will be voting for whatever Democrat they put up they all want the same thing. Help for the middle class and working class.... Worst inequality and upward mobility and 78% going paycheck to paycheck is not trivia, brainwashed functional moron
So you like people making $14/hr getting higher taxes on their paychecks.
Yep. You Leftards hate the poor.
And free healthcare. It's a great deal actually but you brainwashed functional morons are so fear mongered I think we have to go with the public option like Obama wanted. He also did not want to mandate. Scary how total garbage propaganda is so powerful....
And free healthcare! Just like Canada so we can wait 19 months for a pacemaker!

The life expectancy on average in Canada is 82.8.

In the U.S. it's 78.5.

We have more minorities with more drugs and more violence.
I don't care, I will be voting for whatever Democrat they put up they all want the same thing. Help for the middle class and working class.... Worst inequality and upward mobility and 78% going paycheck to paycheck is not trivia, brainwashed functional moron
So you like people making $14/hr getting higher taxes on their paychecks.
Yep. You Leftards hate the poor.
And free healthcare. It's a great deal actually but you brainwashed functional morons are so fear mongered I think we have to go with the public option like Obama wanted. He also did not want to mandate. Scary how total garbage propaganda is so powerful....
And free healthcare! Just like Canada so we can wait 19 months for a pacemaker!

The life expectancy on average in Canada is 82.8.

In the U.S. it's 78.5.

We have more minorities with more drugs and more violence.

I figured this would be the reply while missing the larger point. If things were so bad in Canada they would not have the 7th highest life expectancy rate.
So DO IT send Bernie the money to put health insurance companies out of business DO IT TODAY! Here I'll just laugh at you now :auiqs.jpg:
I don't care, I will be voting for whatever Democrat they put up they all want the same thing. Help for the middle class and working class.... Worst inequality and upward mobility and 78% going paycheck to paycheck is not trivia, brainwashed functional moron
So you like people making $14/hr getting higher taxes on their paychecks.
Yep. You Leftards hate the poor.
And free healthcare. It's a great deal actually but you brainwashed functional morons are so fear mongered I think we have to go with the public option like Obama wanted. He also did not want to mandate. Scary how total garbage propaganda is so powerful....
And free healthcare! Just like Canada so we can wait 19 months for a pacemaker!

The life expectancy on average in Canada is 82.8.

In the U.S. it's 78.5.
Eating clubbed baby seal is good for you.

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