Bernie Sanders

I like Bernie simply because he seems honest and cares about people.

That is what drives his agenda.

Hillary only cares about Hillary.

If Bernie cared about people, he'd pay for that "free college" he proposes with his own money instead of proposing others be forced to do it. Same applies to all the bleeding hearts who say they care about people eating, having healthcare, etc. then go about supporting the government funding it by taking from those the bleeding hearts think have too much.

You need to separate the two.

Bernie clearly believes (and is somewhat right) that we have the resources to allow more to attend college. He believes this will improve their standard of living. In that sense, he cares. I like that he cares.

He is wrong in thinking it will improve the standard of living. You can go to college if you want to. The problem is that the very government that he wants to use to put people in college will render their education worthless.

He does not understand that.

But he still cares.

The two can't be separated. When it comes to causes for which I care, I put my money where my mouth is. I don't demand you or anyone else be forced to fund something because I care about.

Bernie can't say he cares then go about funding it by forcing others to do it. That's not caring. That's pandering.

You say that because he believes it will improve the standard of living, he cares then disagree that it will do what you say he cares about.

Yes, I did.

Right now, everyone I see in the national spotlight appears to care about themselves more than others.

I am ideologically at odds with Sanders on a lot of issues.

But at least he talks about them in terms of the human condition. I think he promotes dialogue.

Donald Trump is an asshole. He could be right on every issue but really cares less about process. He's the king.

Screw him. I'd probably vote for HIllary first.

Sanders talks about the human condition with one focus and that is seeing how much he can pander to others with using someone else's money. He promotes socialism.

While I haven't decided on my vote, I would rather have someone that I thought was right even if he was an asshole. You, on the other hand, would support someone you say you're at odds with on many issues because you don't like the way the person says it.

You need to learn to read what is being said, not what you wish was being said.

Sanders does not promote any such thing. He does it in terms of flawed economics. I can't see where he advocates going and out and taxing the helk out of everyone.

He is for taking more taxes from the upper 0.5%. I agree with that. But not in the same way Sanders would do it.

His whole political life he has raised issues in terms of the human condition. I am not going to argue motives. His words speak for themselves.

Trump is a jackass and isn't even "right" on a lot of issues. It is quite clear he would violate the process of republic based politics to do things "his" way. You want to vote for a wannabe my guest. That's what we have now. A liar who thinks he's above it all.

And the way he says it tells how he would do it.

If you are O.K. with that, then why don't you just write in some little Hitler look alike who has the agenda you prefer. Screw who gets cast aside or trampled in your search for what you think should be.
In other words, you believe something that belongs to one person should forcibly be taken so it can be given to someone that didn't earn it.
When the "something" you refer to is wealth which has been accumulated via some deviously arranged, exploitative system such as that which is implemented by an inscrutably preferential tax code and the removal (de-regulation) of measures which prevent excessive hoarding of the Nation's wealth resource, the answer is an emphatic, yes.

There is nothing wrong with accumulated wealth, but the accumulation (hoarding) of excessive wealth by a single individual, or a small selective group of individuals, is detrimental to the economic health of the Nation.

So you should write or call Rush Limbaugh, the multi-millionaire right-wing propagandist, whom I believe to be the inspiration for your question, and explain the foregoing to him.
I own three businesses, socialism has nothing to do with it.
Socialism is living off someone else's dime, the dimes will run out.
If the nature of your businesses depends on ordinary individuals having sufficient disposable income to afford your services or products you have the socialist policies put in place by FDR (and others), which gave rise to the Middle Class, to thank for it.

But Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity don't explain that to you.
Taking someone else's money is cowardly at best, thieves have no spine.
When one small group of individuals (the One Percent) manages to accumulate (hoard) more money than they could spend in ten lifetimes, while the wages of the working majority (probably including you) have been made stagnant for the past three decades by "trickle-down economics," and the Middle Class is rapidly declining, who would you say is taking whose money?
FDR's programs weren't what helped the economy. That you think they did is just more proof you're an idiot.
Keepers at NYC's Bronx Zoo have installed plexiglas barriers beyond the bars of some cages in the primate exhibit because the monkeys there are known to defecate into their hands and throw it when something upsets them. The monkeys do this when they are frustrated because all that a monkey in a cage can do when he doesn't like something is throw shit.

Ignorance and stupidity are metaphorical cages. Personal insults and empty ad hominem comments are analogous to handfuls of shit to be tossed out in place of intelligent, reasoned, logical arguments.
Paid vacation and other benefits aren't socialism. No one has something taken from them so another person can get more of those things.
You are in desperate need of a very basic Social Studies education. There should be an extension course available to you at low cost at some local community college.
I own three businesses, socialism has nothing to do with it.
Socialism is living off someone else's dime, the dimes will run out.
If the nature of your businesses depends on ordinary individuals having sufficient disposable income to afford your services or products you have the socialist policies put in place by FDR (and others), which gave rise to the Middle Class, to thank for it.

But Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity don't explain that to you.
I don't listen to much talk radio, libertarian here.
FDR was an evil POS, nothing more than a control freak dictator. All progressives are control freaks.
You're just too naïve to realize it
Did you know that some people work less than 40 hours and get paid well...not because of government.

Did you know that some people get vacation...not because of of government.

Did you know that some people get other benefits like bonuses...not because of government.
How many such fortunate workers do you think there were during the Robber Baron era, i.e., before FDR's policies, which enabled the Union Movement, went into effect?

Capitalism is a great thing.
I agree. Provided it is held in check by certain socialist regulations -- such as the Glass-Steagal Act which was repealed by Bill Clinton. And there were many more.

It seems you are focused on the exception rather than the rule.
Taking someone else's money is cowardly at best, thieves have no spine.
When one small group of individuals (the One Percent) manages to accumulate (hoard) more money than they could spend in ten lifetimes, while the wages of the working majority (probably including you) have been made stagnant for the past three decades by "trickle-down economics," and the Middle Class is rapidly declining, who would you say is taking whose money?
Taxation is nothing more than taking...
Only a weak minded fool would ever think we have taxation with any representation in this country.
Its drones like you let the government do whatever they want...
Taking someone else's money is cowardly at best, thieves have no spine.
When one small group of individuals (the One Percent) manages to accumulate (hoard) more money than they could spend in ten lifetimes, while the wages of the working majority (probably including you) have been made stagnant for the past three decades by "trickle-down economics," and the Middle Class is rapidly declining, who would you say is taking whose money?

So the very rich have their money hidden under their mattresses or their own vaults? LOL
Most have their money in the bank and that bank is using their funds for loans plus much more. It is not hoarding.
How dare they want to give that money to their offspring.
What you just posted is left wing talking points and none of it is true.
Our Government is out of control in spending.
Not our rich hoarding their money.
Paid vacation and other benefits aren't socialism. No one has something taken from them so another person can get more of those things.
You are in desperate need of a very basic Social Studies education. There should be an extension course available to you at low cost at some local community college.

You are in desperate need of an education period son. The money wasted on you while in school is something those forced to pay it can never get back.
FDR's programs weren't what helped the economy. That you think they did is just more proof you're an idiot.
Keepers at NYC's Bronx Zoo have installed plexiglas barriers beyond the bars of some cages in the primate exhibit because the monkeys there are known to defecate into their hands and throw it when something upsets them. The monkeys do this when they are frustrated because all that a monkey in a cage can do when he doesn't like something is throw shit.

Ignorance and stupidity are metaphorical cages. Personal insults and empty ad hominem comments are analogous to handfuls of shit to be tossed out in place of intelligent, reasoned, logical arguments.

Perhaps that plexiglass should be installed in the Oval Office to keep that monkey from throwing shit.
So the very rich have their money hidden under their mattresses or their own vaults? LOL
Much of it is sequestered in offshore accounts -- or haven't you been paying attention?

If our Government would not punish them with higher taxes, they would not have them in offshore accounts to begin with.
Even in offshore accounts their wealth is being used for people and businesses who need loans.
So the very rich have their money hidden under their mattresses or their own vaults? LOL
Much of it is sequestered in offshore accounts -- or haven't you been paying attention?

If our Government would not punish them with higher taxes, they would not have them in offshore accounts to begin with.
Even in offshore accounts their wealth is being used for people and businesses who need loans.

So you don't understand offshore accounts. That might explain why you're willing to pay higher taxes than the wealthy.

How do you feel about those corporations that pay no tax at all?
So the very rich have their money hidden under their mattresses or their own vaults? LOL
Much of it is sequestered in offshore accounts -- or haven't you been paying attention?

If our Government would not punish them with higher taxes, they would not have them in offshore accounts to begin with.
Even in offshore accounts their wealth is being used for people and businesses who need loans.

So you don't understand offshore accounts. That might explain why you're willing to pay higher taxes than the wealthy.

How do you feel about those corporations that pay no tax at all?

It tells me you don't know how banks work.
I don't pay any taxes like most in this country, I get a refund.
I want a new tax code.
You are confusing Corporate Taxes with income taxes.
We the consumers pay Corporate Taxes.

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