Bernie Sanders

I strongly disapprove of Bernie Sanders' position on guns and I'm opposed to some of his standard Liberal positions, but I am vigorously supporting him because I believe his promise to push for wealth distribution is critically important to survival of the middle class. He is the only candidate with such radically positive intentions.

A Bernie Sanders Presidency will shatter the status quo we've been living with for the past few decades. If the trend isn't reversed we are heading for plutocratic rule. The indications are clear but too few Americans realize what they mean and how serious they are.

All of the Conservative candidates and some of the Liberals, such as Obama was, are in service to Wall Street and the bankers, which is a major problem. Sanders is the only candidate who stands in opposition to those influences.
He's one of Barbara Walters ten most interesting people. Trump too.

I bet not one of the real Republicans makes her list.
The old nutsack is a nobody...

Says the nobody who's obsessed with genitalia. Two posts up you called him a "loopy kunt." That's what your side considers "in-depth political analysis," isn't it?
I strongly disapprove of Bernie Sanders' position on guns and I'm opposed to some of his standard Liberal positions, but I am vigorously supporting him because I believe his promise to push for wealth distribution is critically important to survival of the middle class. He is the only candidate with such radically positive intentions.

A Bernie Sanders Presidency will shatter the status quo we've been living with for the past few decades. If the trend isn't reversed we are heading for plutocratic rule. The indications are clear but too few Americans realize what they mean and how serious they are.

All of the Conservative candidates and some of the Liberals, such as Obama was, are in service to Wall Street and the bankers, which is a major problem. Sanders is the only candidate who stands in opposition to those influences.
He's one of Barbara Walters ten most interesting people. Trump too.

I bet not one of the real Republicans makes her list.
The old nutsack is a nobody...

Says the nobody who's obsessed with genitalia. Two posts up you called him a "loopy kunt." That's what your side considers "in-depth political analysis," isn't it?
Ok, he's sick in the head...
Feel the burrrnnnnn, he the one with the white hair...
Only a sick person would support Bernie sanders.

Or not – either way, there will be no new AWB.
I agree. But what surprises me is Sanders' aggressive anti-gun position when his base of support is rural New England where guns are commonplace and people are opposed by fundamental principles to government intrusion -- which is what gun control is.

I can see his announced position on guns hurting Sanders, not helping him. He would be far better off remaining neutral on the topic.
It must drive radical tightly eighties nuts that he could garner this many supporters, many of whom are hard working prosperous people.
Or not – either way, there will be no new AWB.
I agree. But what surprises me is Sanders' aggressive anti-gun position when his base of support is rural New England where guns are commonplace and people are opposed by fundamental principles to government intrusion -- which is what gun control is.

I can see his announced position on guns hurting Sanders, not helping him. He would be far better off remaining neutral on the topic.
He's a typical career politician, political correctness is Bernice's God...
Or not – either way, there will be no new AWB.
I agree. But what surprises me is Sanders' aggressive anti-gun position when his base of support is rural New England where guns are commonplace and people are opposed by fundamental principles to government intrusion -- which is what gun control is.

I can see his announced position on guns hurting Sanders, not helping him. He would be far better off remaining neutral on the topic.
He's a typical career politician, political correctness is Bernice's God...

Who's Bernice?
Or not – either way, there will be no new AWB.
I agree. But what surprises me is Sanders' aggressive anti-gun position when his base of support is rural New England where guns are commonplace and people are opposed by fundamental principles to government intrusion -- which is what gun control is.

I can see his announced position on guns hurting Sanders, not helping him. He would be far better off remaining neutral on the topic.
He's a typical career politician, political correctness is Bernice's God...

Who's Bernice?
Feel the buuurrrnnn
Or not – either way, there will be no new AWB.
I agree. But what surprises me is Sanders' aggressive anti-gun position when his base of support is rural New England where guns are commonplace and people are opposed by fundamental principles to government intrusion -- which is what gun control is.

I can see his announced position on guns hurting Sanders, not helping him. He would be far better off remaining neutral on the topic.
He's a typical career politician, political correctness is Bernice's God...

Who's Bernice?
Feel the buuurrrnnn

Wow, profound.
Or not – either way, there will be no new AWB.
I agree. But what surprises me is Sanders' aggressive anti-gun position when his base of support is rural New England where guns are commonplace and people are opposed by fundamental principles to government intrusion -- which is what gun control is.

I can see his announced position on guns hurting Sanders, not helping him. He would be far better off remaining neutral on the topic.
He's a typical career politician, political correctness is Bernice's God...

Who's Bernice?
Feel the buuurrrnnn

Wow, profound.
Ya, profound, that Bernie sanders is any different than any other POS career politician. Lol. Only a bleeding heart fool would believe the fairy tale of a socialist/communist career politician that is Bernie sanders has any good intentions for the country.
Progressives are the most gullible asses on the planet
Ya, profound, that Bernie sanders is any different than any other POS career politician.

If that's how you feel, why bother posting in the Politics forum when there are so many other forums in need of your terse, repetitive posts?
Ya, profound, that Bernie sanders is any different than any other POS career politician.

If that's how you feel, why bother posting in the Politics forum when there are so many other forums in need of your terse, repetitive posts?
Sorry to hear you're so gullible, career politicians seem to have this effect on progressives. Socialism suits the weak minded very well...
Ya, profound, that Bernie sanders is any different than any other POS career politician.

If that's how you feel, why bother posting in the Politics forum when there are so many other forums in need of your terse, repetitive posts?
Sorry to hear you're so gullible, career politicians seem to have this effect on progressives. Socialism suits the weak minded very well...

Your ennui has nothing to do with anyone else's perceived gullibility.
Ya, profound, that Bernie sanders is any different than any other POS career politician.

If that's how you feel, why bother posting in the Politics forum when there are so many other forums in need of your terse, repetitive posts?
Sorry to hear you're so gullible, career politicians seem to have this effect on progressives. Socialism suits the weak minded very well...

Your ennui has nothing to do with anyone else's perceived gullibility.
Sorry to hurt your feeling
Ya, profound, that Bernie sanders is any different than any other POS career politician.

If that's how you feel, why bother posting in the Politics forum when there are so many other forums in need of your terse, repetitive posts?
Sorry to hear you're so gullible, career politicians seem to have this effect on progressives. Socialism suits the weak minded very well...

Your ennui has nothing to do with anyone else's perceived gullibility.
Sorry to hurt your feeling

You haven't.
They would be hard working and not prosperous after paying for all of the items on Bernie's wish list!
Similar pessimism was expressed in anticipation of FDR's Presidency. What was not expected was the successful effect of the forthcoming 97% tax rate on the super-rich which facilitated the WPA and CCC make-work programs, which redistributed the Nation's wealth resource, which in turn gave rise to the thousands of new businesses and industries in response to the revitalized consumer demands. It resulted in the most prosperous decades in American history -- the late '40s to the early '80s.

If Sanders does the same thing and puts the unemployed to work rebuilding the Infrastructure we will see the end of wealth stagnation and a revitalization of the Middle Class.

FDR did it. So did Eisenhower. Sanders can do it, too.
Sorry to hear you're so gullible, career politicians seem to have this effect on progressives. Socialism suits the weak minded very well...
Social Security is socialism. So is Medicare. So is the 40-hour work week, paid vacation and many other worker benefits. If you enjoy the living standard which is typical of the Middle Class -- you are enjoying the benefits and protections of socialism.

It's sad you don't know it.

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