Bernie Sanders

I just soon save and spend my own money, instead of letting the government be my nanny.
Progressives want everything done for them

Smart people don't want to pay more taxes because rich people send their money to Switzerland.
The government doesn't deserve any money

So you expect a free ride, and you're not only paying your taxes, you're paying what the wealthy don't. And you don't see the insanity in that. Okay.
The wealthy pay 90+% of this country's expenses

Not since Eisenhower's time.
I just soon save and spend my own money, instead of letting the government be my nanny.
Progressives want everything done for them

Smart people don't want to pay more taxes because rich people send their money to Switzerland.
The government doesn't deserve any money

So you expect a free ride, and you're not only paying your taxes, you're paying what the wealthy don't. And you don't see the insanity in that. Okay.
The wealthy pay 90+% of this country's expenses

Not since Eisenhower's time.
Na, not really.
A progressive tax is unconstitutional...
Smart people don't want to pay more taxes because rich people send their money to Switzerland.
The government doesn't deserve any money

So you expect a free ride, and you're not only paying your taxes, you're paying what the wealthy don't. And you don't see the insanity in that. Okay.
The wealthy pay 90+% of this country's expenses

Not since Eisenhower's time.
Na, not really.

Prove it.
The government doesn't deserve any money

So you expect a free ride, and you're not only paying your taxes, you're paying what the wealthy don't. And you don't see the insanity in that. Okay.
The wealthy pay 90+% of this country's expenses

Not since Eisenhower's time.
Na, not really.

Prove it.
If anyone gets a tax return back = they are not paying taxes.
So you expect a free ride, and you're not only paying your taxes, you're paying what the wealthy don't. And you don't see the insanity in that. Okay.
The wealthy pay 90+% of this country's expenses

Not since Eisenhower's time.
Na, not really.

Prove it.
If anyone gets a tax return back = they are not paying taxes.

(A) Not the question
(B) Not true

I strongly disapprove of Bernie Sanders' position on guns and I'm opposed to some of his standard Liberal positions, but I am vigorously supporting him because I believe his promise to push for wealth distribution is critically important to survival of the middle class. He is the only candidate with such radically positive intentions.

A Bernie Sanders Presidency will shatter the status quo we've been living with for the past few decades. If the trend isn't reversed we are heading for plutocratic rule. The indications are clear but too few Americans realize what they mean and how serious they are.

All of the Conservative candidates and some of the Liberals, such as Obama was, are in service to Wall Street and the bankers, which is a major problem. Sanders is the only candidate who stands in opposition to those influences.
That's BS. Big Business is as American as apple pie. It's the job of government to regulate business. Expecting them to regulate themselves is like Mitt saying Mexicans should "self deport".
I strongly disapprove of Bernie Sanders' position on guns and I'm opposed to some of his standard Liberal positions, but I am vigorously supporting him because I believe his promise to push for wealth distribution is critically important to survival of the middle class. He is the only candidate with such radically positive intentions.

A Bernie Sanders Presidency will shatter the status quo we've been living with for the past few decades. If the trend isn't reversed we are heading for plutocratic rule. The indications are clear but too few Americans realize what they mean and how serious they are.

All of the Conservative candidates and some of the Liberals, such as Obama was, are in service to Wall Street and the bankers, which is a major problem. Sanders is the only candidate who stands in opposition to those influences.
How was Obama in the service of Wall Street? Make it good. :popcorn:
How was Obama in the service of Wall Street? Make it good. :popcorn:
Keeping in mind Obama's campaign for the Presidency was financed almost entirely by Wall Street, here is some factual information for you. (And it's really good.)

Why Won't Obama Go After Criminal Bankers?

How Wall Street’s Bankers Stayed Out of Jail

The Untouchables: How the Obama administration protected Wall Street from prosecutions | Glenn Greenwald

Bernie Sanders doesn't take a dime from these corruptive, elitist bastards! Not a nickel, nor a penny. Sanders' campaign is financed entirely by contributions from ordinary citizens. So you may rest assured he will go after these criminals if elected. And YOU will benefit from it -- as we all will.
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I strongly disapprove of Bernie Sanders' position on guns and I'm opposed to some of his standard Liberal positions, but I am vigorously supporting him because I believe his promise to push for wealth distribution is critically important to survival of the middle class. He is the only candidate with such radically positive intentions.

A Bernie Sanders Presidency will shatter the status quo we've been living with for the past few decades. If the trend isn't reversed we are heading for plutocratic rule. The indications are clear but too few Americans realize what they mean and how serious they are.

All of the Conservative candidates and some of the Liberals, such as Obama was, are in service to Wall Street and the bankers, which is a major problem. Sanders is the only candidate who stands in opposition to those influences.

Ha.Ha.---just a question? What person can sit in the senate for 25 long years, and NOT KNOW that the Federal Reserve banks are completely separate and independent from the Federal Government? IOW the Federal Government has absolutely NO authority over the Federal Reserve and it will be the Federal Reserve bank that will decide, if ever, if they're going to
I strongly disapprove of Bernie Sanders' position on guns and I'm opposed to some of his standard Liberal positions, but I am vigorously supporting him because I believe his promise to push for wealth distribution is critically important to survival of the middle class. He is the only candidate with such radically positive intentions.

A Bernie Sanders Presidency will shatter the status quo we've been living with for the past few decades. If the trend isn't reversed we are heading for plutocratic rule. The indications are clear but too few Americans realize what they mean and how serious they are.

All of the Conservative candidates and some of the Liberals, such as Obama was, are in service to Wall Street and the bankers, which is a major problem. Sanders is the only candidate who stands in opposition to those influences.

Explain to me how someone could sit in the Senate for 25 long years and NOT KNOW that the Federal Reserve banks are completely separate and operate completely independent of the Federal Government. IOW the Federal government has absolutely no authority what-so-ever over the Federal reserve banks aka Wall Street bankers and what decisions they make. This is Sander's major campaign theme breaking up the "big banks." He can't break them up, he nor congress has the authority. Sanders isn't qualified to be a Senator, much less POTUS.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News

The only record this nursing home candidate has shattered is how good he has been at exploiting the political ignorance of his supporters for campaign cash and votes.

Sanders is the epitome of a politician that has no accomplishments or real record to run on . He comes out of the gate making all kinds of promises, that he knows with 100% certainly would never make it through the house or the Senate. If by some remote miracle he became POTUS, you would finally see Republicans and Democrats agree on something. They would tie him up, tape his mouth shut, and throw him in a closet for the next four years.


Socialism 101

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." Winston Churchill

You're right about one thing. Bernie Sanders is much more concerned about you getting screwed over by Wall Street, than he is about some anyone nutcase walking into a gun store and loading up on weapons and ammo to kill you. He voted against background checks 5 times--aka the Brady bill.

Here's some more socialism you can read up on.
These Dramatic Images Sum Up the Chaos in Greece

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