Bernie Supporters Love the Trump Tax Plan

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
As long as they think it's Bernie's plan!

You leftists are such mind numbed robots. Are you even capable of independent thought?


Randoms walking the street are ignorant and easily made fools of. If I took a handheld and went to a Trump rally I could do the same shit.

Randoms walking the street are ignorant and easily made fools of. If I took a handheld and went to a Trump rally I could do the same shit.
Funny that we never see this kind of videos from the left. Face it, your side is dumm
As long as they think it's Bernie's plan!

You leftists are such mind numbed robots. Are you even capable of independent thought?

This is why Democrats lie so much.....they know their base doesn't think....they rely on people that just don't like where ideas come from. They listen to lib talking-points and agree with them because they hate the fake image that the media constantly reinforces in everything we see in our TVs and our cell phones.

Democrats are good....Republicans are bad.
This is why Democrats keep electing total tools to run our country.
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Randoms walking the street are ignorant and easily made fools of. If I took a handheld and went to a Trump rally I could do the same shit.
In fact, it highlights how the voters of America are kept in ignorance -- deliberately -- to further the Democrat agenda. If the Republican tax plan (one I don't fully agree with) were presented honestly and openly, the Democrats would face a voter crisis of epic proportions.

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