Bernie, the Best bet for Democrats

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Yup, it's come to that...:itsok:

1) Bill and Hillary look pathetically worn out, it's ruining what little legacy Bill had left.

2) Just toooo much baggage and face it, Hillary's not the least bit entertaining

3) Bernie represents the views of most Democrats I know..
He is definitely not the best bet for the crats, he is so over the top regressive that he will lose to Trump.

Plus, he is not a she, possibly a far worse predicament to the overwhelmingly sexist America.
He is definitely not the best bet for the crats, he is so over the top regressive that he will lose to Trump.

Plus, he is not a she, possibly a far worse predicament to the overwhelmingly sexist America.
Imagine the Donald on debate stage with the Bern. Many Americans vote based on appearance. As such, my guess is the Donald wins big.
hes a male, hes a cracka, looks like a retired slave owner,,,,,dont see blacks getting all excited to vote for him this year.
as old as he is, its not impossible to make black democrats believe that he was a slave owner.
I mean, if one of their best thinks an island can tip over from too much weight on one side,, no telling what they will believe as truth
Hillary says things some ds like to believe. What would actually happens is a different story. She is a well-known corporatist that likes unfair trades and big banks that are too big to fail.
You have to be a complete fuckin moron to like her unless corporatism is what you want. ANY poor and middle lass person with at least a shred of intelligence should get nauseated every time she speaks.
Yup, it's come to that...:itsok:

1) Bill and Hillary look pathetically worn out, it's ruining what little legacy Bill had left.

2) Just toooo much baggage and face it, Hillary's not the least bit entertaining

3) Bernie represents the views of most Democrats I know..

Bernie is a genuine Socialist. Dems are sick and tired of dry humping Socialism/Communism, they want the real deal!. Bernie is the next best thing since they couldn't get Castro, Mao or Stalin to run
Really like to thank the Hard RW nuts here for their opinions...

But lets be honest, your views on things are generally nuts... So you hating Hillary or Bern is perfectly consistent with your alternative view of reality... My problem would be if you liked either of them...

Don't expect the Dems to go eating their young like ye are doing over there on the right.. One party here has to act as grown ups... Simply the US can't afford another GOP president for a while, they just cost too much with your wars, unpaid tax cuts for the rich, walls for keeping Mexicans in America, gun violence costing $279bn a year....

America needs the money you squander to actually invest in things that make America great... Mathew make sound like a broken record but it doesn't mean he is wrong...

Truth is America would bankrupt itself in a generation if the RW got in charge... To say your polices are dumb is an understament...

If you want proof 'Kansas'.. Didn't need a generation... Obama is now out poling Brownback by double digits...IN KANSAS!!!!

Bring back a Clinton and role in the good times...
Really like to thank the Hard RW nuts here for their opinions...

But lets be honest, your views on things are generally nuts... So you hating Hillary or Bern is perfectly consistent with your alternative view of reality... My problem would be if you liked either of them...

Don't expect the Dems to go eating their young like ye are doing over there on the right.. One party here has to act as grown ups... Simply the US can't afford another GOP president for a while, they just cost too much with your wars, unpaid tax cuts for the rich, walls for keeping Mexicans in America, gun violence costing $279bn a year....

America needs the money you squander to actually invest in things that make America great... Mathew make sound like a broken record but it doesn't mean he is wrong...

Truth is America would bankrupt itself in a generation if the RW got in charge... To say your polices are dumb is an understament...

If you want proof 'Kansas'.. Didn't need a generation... Obama is now out poling Brownback by double digits...IN KANSAS!!!!

Bring back a Clinton and role in the good times...
Hillary will use our tax money properly? REALLY?
I guess using tax payer money to pay their employees salaries fit into that?
Taxpayer tab for Clinton Inc.: $16 million
Like I have said for a while, only a complete fuckin moron would vote for corrupt cankles.
Really like to thank the Hard RW nuts here for their opinions...

But lets be honest, your views on things are generally nuts... So you hating Hillary or Bern is perfectly consistent with your alternative view of reality... My problem would be if you liked either of them...

Don't expect the Dems to go eating their young like ye are doing over there on the right.. One party here has to act as grown ups... Simply the US can't afford another GOP president for a while, they just cost too much with your wars, unpaid tax cuts for the rich, walls for keeping Mexicans in America, gun violence costing $279bn a year....

America needs the money you squander to actually invest in things that make America great... Mathew make sound like a broken record but it doesn't mean he is wrong...

Truth is America would bankrupt itself in a generation if the RW got in charge... To say your polices are dumb is an understament...

If you want proof 'Kansas'.. Didn't need a generation... Obama is now out poling Brownback by double digits...IN KANSAS!!!!

Bring back a Clinton and role in the good times...

Bwahahahaha... You almost made me think that regressives care about the economy or costs in general. But no, they don't. As can clearly be seen the ridiculousness that is your list of what can't be afforded. Yes, gun control is obviously the reason for the deficits! You have identified the primary cost of the government with pinpoint accuracy right there... Medicare or social security are of course nowhere to be found on your list.

The stupidity of the regressives amazes me.
Really like to thank the Hard RW nuts here for their opinions...

But lets be honest, your views on things are generally nuts... So you hating Hillary or Bern is perfectly consistent with your alternative view of reality... My problem would be if you liked either of them...

Don't expect the Dems to go eating their young like ye are doing over there on the right.. One party here has to act as grown ups... Simply the US can't afford another GOP president for a while, they just cost too much with your wars, unpaid tax cuts for the rich, walls for keeping Mexicans in America, gun violence costing $279bn a year....

America needs the money you squander to actually invest in things that make America great... Mathew make sound like a broken record but it doesn't mean he is wrong...

Truth is America would bankrupt itself in a generation if the RW got in charge... To say your polices are dumb is an understament...

If you want proof 'Kansas'.. Didn't need a generation... Obama is now out poling Brownback by double digits...IN KANSAS!!!!

Bring back a Clinton and role in the good times...

The national debt was was what 8.6 trillion when Democrats took over Congress in 2007, now it's over 19 trillion. Then you say Republicans would bankrupt the country in a whole generation. You're funny headed...

When the national debt reaches 24 trillion, the parties over for America and by the time Obama leaves office, the debts sure to be over 20 trillion. I believe the parties over already actually, no matter who is elected but certainly quicker if the freeloading sponsored Democrat Socialists have their way.
hes a male, hes a cracka, looks like a retired slave owner,,,,,dont see blacks getting all excited to vote for him this year.
as old as he is, its not impossible to make black democrats believe that he was a slave owner.
I mean, if one of their best thinks an island can tip over from too much weight on one side,, no telling what they will believe as truth
well best case scenario,...we have a President Cruz, and Bernie can run the White House Deli&Donut Shop/Cafe

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