Bernie’s Comrades Fidel Castro Was Worth $900M When He Died

Just under a billion dollars so Bernie is cool with it. Just like EVERY Commie leader in history, Fidel lived like Royalty while the people lived in squalor.

Which is Multi-Millionaire 3 Home Bernie’s dream.

10 Surprises About Fidel Castro's Extravagant Life

.Bernie scares the shit outta you doesn't he. :lmao:

AOC gonna be so jealous.

He's a joke just like those that voted for him and will vote for him!
yeah who needs healthcare a living wage cheap college and training and fair capitalism? We love the worst inequality and upward mobility ever. You people are so misinformed fear-mongered, brainwashed functional morons to be succinct.

I am so sick of those like you that lie all the time!

1. Your Healthcare will be VA type that those like Bernie Sanders will never be forced to live with!

Also those like me can just head to Mexico for my Healthcare and not have to wait for months for a procedure!

Also you will be taxed high for low quality service!

2. No one owes you a living wage and because you are lazy does not mean you should get something for free!

3. You want to go to school then work and go to school like so many other people have done, but again you are lazy!

4. Bernie Sanders is a damn communist and to say I am lying is telling me you are clueless!

The man praised the former Soviet Union, Cuba and would turn us into a Soviet Bloc country like Poland and that is what you want!

So shut up about your nonsense with me and understand Communism has failed at every chance and America is not even a pure capitalist society and has social programs from Federal to State level but individuals like you are so brainwashed you believe if it is not Communist it must be pure Capitalist!
Ah yes, the mindset of sixty years ago. SO predictable. How far we've failed to come.
Bernie is the one with the mindset of 60 years ago, dingbat.
actually it is the future of the United States to become socially like every other modern country which they think is socialism, or social democracy in English speaking other words we are going to get a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, it is just a question of how long the scumbag GOP and brainwashed functional morons like you can put it off. Becoming like Canada New Zealand or France socially or whatever you want to call it is not the end of the world it's the beginning of happiness after 40 years of Savage capitalist America under the GOP. Relax for crying out loud and change the channel, brainwashed functional moron. Stop voting against your interests.and no it doesn't mean you're going to turn into namby-pamby limp-wristed Europeans LOL.
What’s the latest contribution to civilization by your fucktard socialist nations? An app?
The Iowa Democrat Caucus app.
Probably Obama and ObamaCare. We almost got health Care like every other modern country has, ignoramus.

You mean Romney and Romenycare that Obama admitted he and Congress patterned it after?

You mean that joke of a system where Obama lied about keeping your doctor when he knew unless the doctor was in network you could not keep it?

Also that system where you would save but it cost you more?

You mean that system that forced companies to cut hours or stay below are certain amount of employees?

What a great system according to you!
Yet another good Democrat.
Of course all this has nothing to do with Democrats Democratic socialists or Bernie Sanders. On the other hand Cuba has the lowest illiteracy and best healthcare in Latin America. Just a fact and Obama agrees with Sanders. but great job keeping the Castros in power all this time with the sanctions and covert action etc etc. Seems as if the main reason Castro had these houses was to protect them from the CIA etc etc. Socialism is simply fair capitalism everywhere in the modern world but GOP dupe world.... And Cuba still communist and a dictatorship.
Oh, look. Someone criticizes Red Bernie and look who shows up.

You've put in your appearance. You can report to your Party Cell Secretary you schooled the mean old capitalists. Report two conversions. They never check.
I've known what a socialist is since 1971 when I was in France Junior year abroad. They also had a Communist party and the difference is democracy or not democracy. and they had the two parties since the thirties. Idiot. the English-speaking world is a total dunce at this because of the conservative party in the UK and the GOP here. Savage capitalists and propagandists for centuries. They just loved conflating socialism and communism. Rest of the world thinks the English-speaking world are crazy on this. And the GOP crazy on everything at this point.Napoleon was slightly taller than average and he didn't say the UK was a nation of shopkeepers, he said they were a bunch of monopolists...
Yes, we know what the Party tells you to say. You say it All. The. Time. You say nothing but what the Party tells you to say.
Hilariously ironic, brainwashed functional moron. I watch all media read all media so I know that your media is pure crap dumbass. So does every other intelligent person in the world who's not bought off or a total scumbag...

Elizabeth Warren is a Socialist!

Bernie Sanders is a proud Comminist!

Because you change the name of something does not mean they are different and Sanders along with Cortez are Communists!
actually it is the future of the United States to become socially like every other modern country which they think is socialism, or social democracy in English speaking other words we are going to get a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, it is just a question of how long the scumbag GOP and brainwashed functional morons like you can put it off. Becoming like Canada New Zealand or France socially or whatever you want to call it is not the end of the world it's the beginning of happiness after 40 years of Savage capitalist America under the GOP. Relax for crying out loud and change the channel, brainwashed functional moron. Stop voting against your interests.and no it doesn't mean you're going to turn into namby-pamby limp-wristed Europeans LOL.
What’s the latest contribution to civilization by your fucktard socialist nations? An app?
The Iowa Democrat Caucus app.
Probably Obama and ObamaCare. We almost got health Care like every other modern country has, ignoramus.
I thought that is what Obamacare was supposed to mean. Are you saying Obama lied to us?
Obamacare is a framework as much as the Democrats could get. It won't work great until we go after costs. Medicare for all would be the way to go. I am retired and would like to travel around the country and it would be a hell of a lot simpler.

See here is another individual changing the name of something when they really want is Universal Healthcare but want the voter to think it is Medicare for All.

If you pattern the system under the Medicare System then you would still have to carry a Part B Supplemental Insurance that you pay out of pocket and still be taxed for Healthcare but what you want is Universal Healthcare which would be just like the VA!

So stop lying about what you want and changing it name!
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Just under a billion dollars so Bernie is cool with it. Just like EVERY Commie leader in history, Fidel lived like Royalty while the people lived in squalor.

Which is Multi-Millionaire 3 Home Bernie’s dream.

10 Surprises About Fidel Castro's Extravagant Life

Che Guevara's net worth was only $50,000 but if he had invested wisely, he might have been a millionaire today.

But he didn't. You'd think he was also smart enough to get royalty payments for having his face on all those t-shirts, but he dropped the ball there too.

Che Guevara was a failure in every sense of the word.
Everything he sat out to do - he failed, and everyone around him suffered for it.
Everything he believed in, he betrayed and became as bad, or worse than those he fought against.
But HEY!!!.... he was a socialist - so let's put his face on tshirts and wear them to look cool. :rolleyes:
Socialism 101: Cuba

Where the leader lives...


Where the poeple live...


Now.... see why Bernie loves him some socialism!

Didn't the Trumper republicans on this board support Sanders over Clinton in 2016, singing their praise for him....?
Just under a billion dollars so Bernie is cool with it. Just like EVERY Commie leader in history, Fidel lived like Royalty while the people lived in squalor.

Which is Multi-Millionaire 3 Home Bernie’s dream.

10 Surprises About Fidel Castro's Extravagant Life

.Bernie scares the shit outta you doesn't he. :lmao:

AOC gonna be so jealous.
View attachment 309035

Ah yes, the mindset of sixty years ago. SO predictable. How far we've failed to come.
Bernie is the one with the mindset of 60 years ago, dingbat.
actually it is the future of the United States to become socially like every other modern country which they think is socialism, or social democracy in English speaking other words we are going to get a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, it is just a question of how long the scumbag GOP and brainwashed functional morons like you can put it off. Becoming like Canada New Zealand or France socially or whatever you want to call it is not the end of the world it's the beginning of happiness after 40 years of Savage capitalist America under the GOP. Relax for crying out loud and change the channel, brainwashed functional moron. Stop voting against your interests.and no it doesn't mean you're going to turn into namby-pamby limp-wristed Europeans LOL.

Brainwashed functioning moron......BWAAAACK!

Brainwashed functioning moron......BWAAAACK!

Brainwashed functioning moron......BWAAAACK!

Brainwashed functioning moron......BWAAAACK!

Brainwashed functioning moron......BWAAAACK!

You need new training.
Didn't the Trumper republicans on this board support Sanders over Clinton in 2016, singing their praise for him....?

He is the less corrupt one.

But also anti-American in every way. Let's not forget that afterwards he endorsed Clinton and agreed with her that his fans are basement dwellers.
The Left love mass murderers. The only reason they’re wishy washy on Hitler is because he didn’t finish his task.
How many reporters and dissenters has Putin had murdered?

How many masses of Koreans has Kim Jung UN murdered?

Yet we have a President who grovels at their feet, and cherishes their love letters...?

Where is your OUTRAGE towards the President, doing this in the present ......???

Hypocrite, to the nth degree, no?

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