Besides pro-genocide Islamic states, almost no one supports South Africa's fake "genocide" case (aided by racist "Palestinian" Authority)

Great to see the Israeli terrorists running out of equipment and ammunition .
No wonder so many of the young Ethnic Cleansers are running back home to their Mums .

Looks like the self appointed Chosen Ones need to find a better God . Their local Sky God is letting them down yet again .

If they had not killed that odd chap Jesus , they might have fared different . He always promised that the last would be first and other magical nonsense . Try him Pasta Jelly .
Can’t wait to see which one of the subhumanoid animal Hamas, Hezbollah or Iranian leaders Israel has whacked today. Maybe they decided to go back into their tunnels under hospitals.

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Secretly? Arab Christians and Muslims were very vocal in objecting to the formation of Hamas in the mid 1980s. It's the stuff of history.
Spin it however you want, support for Hamas has only risen among the depraved, degenerate evil death cult known as the Palestinians.
Live: Israel in Hague hearing: 'Hamas tortured, burned, raped and abducted - Israel justified in actions'.
Following South Africa's charges against IDF, Israel's team, led by Prof. Malcolm Shaw, will refute these claims and prove Hamas' crimes that sparked the Gaza war.
Yael Ciechanover, Nadav Eyal, The Hague | published:Jan 12, 2024 04:23

'Hamas tortured children, burned babies'.

At the International Court of Justice, Israel responds to South Africa's accusations of 'genocide' in Gaza, explains Gaza war is direct result of October 7 massacre.

Israel says found evidence of Hamas military activity in every Gaza hospital.

As the session at The Hague restarted Galit Raguan, acting director of the international justice division at Israel’s justice ministry, took the floor. She attributed the high civilian toll in Gaza to Hamas. She stated that more than 23,000 people have died in Israeli attacks since October 7, noting that "Urban warfare will always result in civilian harm." According to Raguan, these deaths, while unfortunate, may be a lawful consequence of targeting military objectives and do not equate to genocide. She further explained that Hamas exacerbates civilian casualties by operating within civilian areas, including schools and hospitals. She further argued that the IDF has so far found evidence of Hamas military activity in every single hospital in the Gaza Strip, and has done so in surgical special forces operations rather than indiscriminately bombing medical facilities as claimed by the Palestinians. (Ynetnews)
Can’t deny that Hamas animals still enjoy high support from Palestinians so you post irrelevant Bullshit.



• Though the population by in large in South Africa sympathize with Israel, organized radical Muslim-bigots lobbies and demonize Israel. Effect is on the government.

• It reminds Durban 2021, where Arabs distributed products Hitler flyers.

• Nov, 2023, SA invites Hamas to upcoming commemoration of Mandela, sparking outrage..

• A Hamas and their Islamist backers hatch a fake-genocide case plan at ICJ. While Israel is fighting genocidal “Palestinians” – who never gave up its calls to murder Hews and using civilians, hospitals in attacking Israelis. An intentional routine to make sure their people die. Hamas, AKA “Gaza health ministry” has also promised to repeat Oct 7 atrocities (it included: raping while laughing and shouting Allah Akbar - with live Jewesses as well as murdered ones; suffocating families hiding in shelters; butchering children in front of parents / parents in front of children; beheadings; burning families alive; mass torture, etc.), again and again until wiping off.

• SA is under immense domestic crime and economic problems. It is a great opportunity to divert attention.

• Almost all countries supporting the “case” are Muslim.

• Plot is to present a non Muslim face, preferably a black one.


You have no answer to Hamas’ rise in popularity among Palestinians today and especially after Oct. 7, so you keep spamming with the same bullshit irrelevant answer.
When did Zionists begin to care about morality or justice?
Always, unlike your shithole Muslim countries and entities, that oppress and persecute their own people and terrorize the rest of the world Like barbaric animals.
Population stats for Arab "Palestinians":

1993 - 2.2 million

2003 - 3 million

2013 - 4 million

2023 - 5.4 million
Always, unlike your shithole Muslim countries and entities, that oppress and persecute their own people and terrorize the rest of the world Like barbaric animals.
Dumbest thing I ever heard.

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