Besides this one, how many message boards do you post on?


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
I post on about 9 on a daily but I am realizing that with the emergence of social media I may not need to post on that many message boards. But I think before the start of the year I will see which ones are not worth posting anymore and narrow it down to about 5,.
Not many; but still more than I should. Commenting on sites is also pretty much message boarding too.
One, I used to post on a different one before, but the people were very difficult to deal with, so stopped and came back here. I left before but came back and made greater use of the ignore button. Wonderful device.
Only two. I don't post as much at the other site though. Like it or lump it, this has become my new home. lol
I posted on Yahoo's Presidential Election 2000 board from its birth, and the private replacement that arose after yahoo shut down their boards.

That one deteriorated to repetitive nonsense, so I dumped it. This is currently the only board of this type I post to.
I am registered at like 40 of them, but about only 15 of them including this one have any real activity at them.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


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