Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

Commie Kalifornia use to be The Golden State. Now, because of destructive Left policies the middle class is fleeing.

It is a beautiful state that is turning into a shithole with the most poverty, most homelessness, worst education, highest debt, highest taxation, most government oppression, most Illegals, and highest rents.

Great example of how Progressives fuck up everything they touch.
You have much of that wrong. I wn't bother correcting everything because you don't care about facts. What is true is that they are the biggest economy in the country.

In total, the blue states have a GDP of $11,1 trillion while the red states have a GDP of $5.6 trillion.

This is funny:
The blue states also have a much deeper lineup in terms of GDP. Seven blue states have GDP's over $500 billion- California, New York, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio and New Jersey. Only one red state has a GDP over $500 billion- Texas. In fact, Texas produces 27% of the entire GDP of the red states.

Imagine if Texas didn't have all that oil...
Is that video a joke? Haha religiion? They voted for a guy who cheated on his third wife. The cleanup crew? Obama had to cleanup the Bush mess and now Biden is trying to cleanup the trump mess. Thanks for the laughs.
You got a point there...most politicians don't see their wives during campaign season and they don't cheat...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's clear about a lot of things. Don't pick and choose to suit your current agenda
If only the repubs had listened to Jesus we could have avoided the Trump disaster:
When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was very wealthy. Jesus looked at him and said, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven."
If only the repubs had listened to Jesus we could have avoided the Trump disaster:
When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was very wealthy. Jesus looked at him and said, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven."

That's knew it before you posted it.

Cease trying to use religion and the Bible to suit your agenda. You know nothing about either
The words of Jesus are nonsense? I guess you are about as good a Christian as trump.

That's ridiculous and you're spinning like a top.

Listen up leftist loon, your Clinton committed adultery while in office. It's well known Cankles likes younger women, Buttplug is openly gay....etc etc

Don't pretend to sit on your little glass throne and look superior you asshole
Stop making up excuses and conspiracy theories. Repubs are a huge failure.

Let's check, NoBrain....



.....Or this.....

Cato is a right wing group btw.


Watch this:

Trump Administration Drastically Cuts Refugees Allowed To ...

Sep 26, 2019The new cap, which marks the third time the Trump administration has dwindled the refugee limit, would also be a more than 80% decline compared with the last year of the Obama administration, when...

Border chief: Wall cuts illegal crossings 80% - Washington ...
Border chief: Wall cuts illegal crossings 80%

Feb 27, 2020Democrats eye Trump censure as Senate acquittal all but assured "We've seen apprehensions and illegal entries and gotaways all being reduced by over 80% in that 20-mile stretch," Mr. Morgan told...

A Review Of Trump Immigration Policy - Forbes
A Review Of Trump Immigration Policy

Aug 26, 2020For FY 2020, the Trump administration established an annual ceiling for refugees 84% lower than the final year of the Obama administration (from 110,000 down to 18,000). As of July 17, 2020, only...

Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78% and once overcrowded ...
Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78% and once overcrowded cells are empty

First is daily apprehensions, a number that hit 4,600 at the height of the latest crisis in May. That has now dropped to 1,300. What's more, he said, the 21-daily average is below 1,000, a 78% cut....

Illegal immigration dropped 80 percent in El Paso due to ...
Illegal immigration dropped 80 percent in El Paso due to border wall, border chief says

Illegal immigration in one area of Texas has dropped more than 80 percent thanks to the new border wall system that includes multiple layers of fencing, roads, lights, and extra personnel, the acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan told Congress on Thursday.

Illegal crossings lowest in years as border wall expands ...
Illegal crossings lowest in years as border wall expands

Trump said the expanded border wall is helping slow illegal immigration into the United States. He noted that the last two months have seen the lowest number of illegal crossings in years, while illegal crossings from Central America are down 97 percent.

Trump Further Reduces Obama's Refugee Inflow to U.S. by 80 ...
Trump Further Reduces Obama's Refugee Inflow to U.S. by 80 Percent
Oct 1, 2020President Trump is further reducing the inflow of refugees to the United States, cutting their resettlement by 80 percent compared to former President Obama's last year in office.

Looks like you're on the batting end of a no-hitter, NoBrain
I go back to Eisenhower

1. Ike
2. Obama
3. Reagan
4. LBJ
5. JFK
6. Clinton
7. Bush 41
8. Nixon
9. Ford
10. Carter
11. Bush 43
12. Trump

I will withhold ranking Biden until he has completed a term.
Right now, I would tentatively put him around Bush 41
I would have Nixon higher and LBJ lower.
I would have Nixon higher and LBJ lower.

I thought Nixon was a good President but his personal demons destroyed his Presidency

I hated LBJ when he was President but came to respect his accomplishments while I still dislike the man
Everyone hated trump anyhow. He lead us to the most covid deaths and we have the most expensive healthcare in the world. Way to go.
COVID for the Mentally Ill…

A global pandemic.

The US allows doctors to be sued.
The world comes to the US for health care.
That's ridiculous and you're spinning like a top.

Listen up leftist loon, your Clinton committed adultery while in office. It's well known Cankles likes younger women, Buttplug is openly gay....etc etc

Don't pretend to sit on your little glass throne and look superior you asshole
I don't, the right are the ones running around pretending to be all Christian. Trump makes Clinton look like a saint. He cheated on his 3rd wife with a porn star. His charity foundation was shut down because it was a tax scam.
I don't, the right are the ones running around pretending to be all Christian. Trump makes Clinton look like a saint. He cheated on his 3rd wife with a porn star. His charity foundation was shut down because it was a tax scam.
Clinton raped at least 17 women prior to smart phones.

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