Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

The swamp will never disappear.
I presume, as one who worships one of our political parties, that you know why.
If you don’t, you probably held a high position in any business.
I don't worship either party. I want more parties and campaign finance reform. Repubs sure f'd things up worse with citizens united.
Never wanted any wars. That's usually a repub thing. The unemployment rate was quite low when Trump started, quite high when he finished. Lucky he inherited a country in good condition. Yeah gas prices are market driven and they go down when the world shuts down. He also lead us to the most covid deaths in the world.
Never wanted any wars. That's usually a repub thing. Hey "Brain", Democrats have entered & initiated more wars.

The unemployment rate was quite low when Trump started, quite high when he finished. Thanks to Democracks shutting everything down right "Brain"? Note, it wasn't "quite high", you lied "Brain", and in fact the most improvement following your COVID occurred on Trump's watch, not Xidens. You'd know that if you didn't represent an antonym, "Brain".

Lucky he inherited a country in good condition. Where the economy under-performed because of Democracks and Trump saw great improvement over O'bummers........."Brain".

Yeah gas prices are market driven and they go down when the world shuts down. He also lead us to the most covid deaths in the world. Wrong, Biden has "Brain". What do you think it does for gas prices when Xiden has led us into great inflation where he clearly stated he has it out for oil....................."Brain"?
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Ladies and gentlemen, I have had the exhilarating experience of living under two of the greatest presidents in American history, and four of the worst most abject presidents, if you can even call them presidents.

Ronald Reagan was iconic, and certainly among the top five or six best in history. I wasn't sure it could get much better than him. But then of course we were blessed with the greatest of all time, President Donald J. Trump. This man not only accomplished a great deal in his first term, but he totally smashed the fear-and-PC culture instituted by the Marxist left that cows all the other politicians. Trump was immune to fear. He was the most courageous, able, and well-qualified presidential candidate in American history, and he is arguably the GOAT. Certainly in the top three. But I say, probably number one. And once his second term is completed, almost assuredly in the top spot by most people's reckoning.

And now we go to the bad. Incredibly I have lived (suffered) through four of the worst five presidents of all time. Carter, Clinton, 0bama, and now Nappy Joe, each worst than the last. You never think that's possible, but then it is. Carter was just plain incompetent. He mouthed Christianity, but didn't practice it. Clinton brought shame and immorality and incompetence to the Oval Office with his constant affairs and philandering all hours of the night. His inattention caused 9-11. Clinton embarrassed the US, and does so to this day. 0bummer was the least qualified candidate in American history. No work record. No record of achievement. Elected solely because he was black. Not qualified to shine shoes in D.C. Completely incompetent on how to govern or lead. America fell WAY down with this professional Marxist intentionally leading the decline. Last is Depends Biden. I shouldn't even have him on the list since he was not legitimately elected. Can't find his ass with both hands, let alone govern. He simply doesn't know where he is. The problem is, he was an incompetent arrogant buffoon even BEFORE he became a senile vegetable. Unfortunately, now he is a grave danger to the safety of this country.

The two Bushes were above average. George H.W. Bush was very good in war, but his weakness was in cooperating with the Democrats on taxes, then not seeing their plan to use it against him. George W. Bush was very good in two important areas. The man knew how to build and lead an economy, which he did for six years until the Democrat Congress pissed it all away and led us to the Great Recession. Bush also protected the US in a very dangerous time. His problem is he allowed himself to get buried by the leftwing media. He didn't fight back. He was ever the 'gentleman', and as a result founded himself polling in the 20s. Bush's problem is he believed the lying deep-state "Intel" that told him Saddam had magically gotten rid of his WMD. He also didn't control the border. Today, he undermines the great President Trump, because he is upset Trump beat up on Jeb and Liz Cheney.
Ford was slightly better than average, but was a moderate. Not strong enough on abortion. Not around long enough to do anything but be a place holder.
Nixon was below average NOT because of Watergate, but because of his creation of the disastrous EPA and environmental (anti-capitalist) laws, and his caving to the left on an array of other legislation.
LBJ was horrible. Near the bottom. Perhaps a bottom sixer. I probably should have put him in the crowded 'worst' category. Wasted billions of dollars on Marxist programs that never worked, grossly expanded the welfare state, and began the flood of illegals we have to this day.
JFK was a Democrat, but he was more conservative than many Republicans of today. Strong against Communism. This was back when some Democrats still loved America, before they went completely nuts and became a party that would be unrecognizable to Kennedy. But JFK won because of a stolen election and was incompetent and immoral. For those reasons, he was below average.
I was around for a little of Ike. Not much. He was above average. Led America during the greatest decade of our existence morally.

Read them and reply
Never wanted any wars. That's usually a repub thing. Historically incorrect "Brain"

The unemployment rate was quite low when Trump started, quite high when he finished. Thanks to Democracks shutting everything down right "Brain"? Note, it wasn't "quite high", you lied "Brain", and in fact the most improvement following your COVID occurred on Trump's watch, not Xidens. You'd know that if you didn't represent an antonym, "Brain".

Lucky he inherited a country in good condition. Where the economy under-performed because of Democracks and Trump saw great improvement over O'bummers........."Brain".

Yeah gas prices are market driven and they go down when the world shuts down. He also lead us to the most covid deaths in the world. Wrong, Biden has "Brain". What do you think it does for gas prices when Xiden has led us into great inflation where he clearly stated he has it out for oil....................."Brain"?
Geez, do you ever tell the truth? The economy couldn't even hit 3% growth under Trump. He was a failure. The unemployment rate was trending down for like 6 years when trump got elected and continued that trend. Gas prices are up all over the world, that is expected when demand increases.
You average 65 posts a day...for years

I said it's a matter of perspective. My "list" is irrealavant because nobody cares. Get over yourself ya tired old fool
blissful ignorance ^^^

History my ignorant friend is necessary to not make the same mistakes over again.
Geez, do you ever tell the truth? The economy couldn't even hit 3% growth under Trump. He was a failure. The unemployment rate was trending down for like 6 years when trump got elected and continued that trend. Gas prices are up all over the world, that is expected when demand increases.

You left content because you're a dishonest coward. I couldn't give a flying fuck that "Trump couldn't even see 3% growth". Neither did Obama and the record shows Trump's GDP was greater DESPITE the fact Obama saw the floor drop. If you had what you pretend to have then you'd know when our economy strikes bottom it's supposed to rebound in big numbers, which are numbers Obama never saw.

You know, like Trump's 31% GDP growth the qtr. before Xiden was appointed? But thanks for bringing that up, I just painted you another facial for that effort.

The unemployment rate didn't drop on Obama until the Republicans took Congress. Fun huh? say something else.
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Geez, do you ever tell the truth? The economy couldn't even hit 3% growth under Trump. He was a failure. The unemployment rate was trending down for like 6 years when trump got elected and continued that trend. Gas prices are up all over the world, that is expected when demand increases.
You are using a statistical strawman...
I already posted for those with a brain that the economy cannot keep growing when almost everyone is employed.
I go back to Eisenhower

1. Ike
2. Obama
3. Reagan
4. LBJ
5. JFK
6. Clinton
7. Bush 41
8. Nixon
9. Ford
10. Carter
11. Bush 43
12. Trump

I will withhold ranking Biden until he has completed a term.
Right now, I would tentatively put him around Bush 41
Sorry, but Obama as #2 - that is just hilarious. No self respecting, unbiased liberal on the planet could possibly say Obama is #2. He is a corporatist/elitist. I would expect you, honestly, to rate him on your scale, at best, #9.
Having said this, I am interested in why you rank Reagan as the third best. Higher than Clinton.
Lets go back to the OP:

And measure a few of those whose ratings on matters were ranked on leadership:

Each link posts those in my lifetime, though the first link listed the best to the worst of all Presidents from Washington to Trump.
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blissful ignorance ^^^

History my ignorant friend is necessary to not make the same mistakes over again.

blissful ignorance ^^^

History my ignorant friend is necessary to not make the same mistakes over again.

Good grief, do you really think I care who you think was the best POTUS? Oh my I can't sleep worrying about it.

Fat chance
Ladies and gentlemen, I have had the exhilarating experience of living under two of the greatest presidents in American history, and four of the worst most abject presidents, if you can even call them presidents.

Ronald Reagan was iconic, and certainly among the top five or six best in history. I wasn't sure it could get much better than him. But then of course we were blessed with the greatest of all time, President Donald J. Trump. This man not only accomplished a great deal in his first term, but he totally smashed the fear-and-PC culture instituted by the Marxist left that cows all the other politicians. Trump was immune to fear. He was the most courageous, able, and well-qualified presidential candidate in American history, and he is arguably the GOAT. Certainly in the top three. But I say, probably number one. And once his second term is completed, almost assuredly in the top spot by most people's reckoning.

And now we go to the bad. Incredibly I have lived (suffered) through four of the worst five presidents of all time. Carter, Clinton, 0bama, and now Nappy Joe, each worst than the last. You never think that's possible, but then it is. Carter was just plain incompetent. He mouthed Christianity, but didn't practice it. Clinton brought shame and immorality and incompetence to the Oval Office with his constant affairs and philandering all hours of the night. His inattention caused 9-11. Clinton embarrassed the US, and does so to this day. 0bummer was the least qualified candidate in American history. No work record. No record of achievement. Elected solely because he was black. Not qualified to shine shoes in D.C. Completely incompetent on how to govern or lead. America fell WAY down with this professional Marxist intentionally leading the decline. Last is Depends Biden. I shouldn't even have him on the list since he was not legitimately elected. Can't find his ass with both hands, let alone govern. He simply doesn't know where he is. The problem is, he was an incompetent arrogant buffoon even BEFORE he became a senile vegetable. Unfortunately, now he is a grave danger to the safety of this country.

The two Bushes were above average. George H.W. Bush was very good in war, but his weakness was in cooperating with the Democrats on taxes, then not seeing their plan to use it against him. George W. Bush was very good in two important areas. The man knew how to build and lead an economy, which he did for six years until the Democrat Congress pissed it all away and led us to the Great Recession. Bush also protected the US in a very dangerous time. His problem is he allowed himself to get buried by the leftwing media. He didn't fight back. He was ever the 'gentleman', and as a result founded himself polling in the 20s. Bush's problem is he believed the lying deep-state "Intel" that told him Saddam had magically gotten rid of his WMD. He also didn't control the border. Today, he undermines the great President Trump, because he is upset Trump beat up on Jeb and Liz Cheney.
Ford was slightly better than average, but was a moderate. Not strong enough on abortion. Not around long enough to do anything but be a place holder.
Nixon was below average NOT because of Watergate, but because of his creation of the disastrous EPA and environmental (anti-capitalist) laws, and his caving to the left on an array of other legislation.
LBJ was horrible. Near the bottom. Perhaps a bottom sixer. I probably should have put him in the crowded 'worst' category. Wasted billions of dollars on Marxist programs that never worked, grossly expanded the welfare state, and began the flood of illegals we have to this day.
JFK was a Democrat, but he was more conservative than many Republicans of today. Strong against Communism. This was back when some Democrats still loved America, before they went completely nuts and became a party that would be unrecognizable to Kennedy. But JFK won because of a stolen election and was incompetent and immoral. For those reasons, he was below average.
I was around for a little of Ike. Not much. He was above average. Led America during the greatest decade of our existence morally.
Best to worst, Ike through demented rapist Biden:

1) Ike
2) Ford
3) Carter
4) Reagan
5) Trump
6) Clinton
7) JFK

And from here we fall off the cliff, ranging from bad to horrendously bad...

8) Biden*
9) Bush I
10) Obama
11) LBJ
12) Nixon
13) Bush II

*Biden has plenty of time to plummet further down...
Sorry, but Obama as #2 - that is just hilarious. No self respecting, unbiased liberal on the planet could possibly say Obama is #2. He is a corporatist/elitist. I would expect you, honestly, to rate him on your scale, at best, #9.
Having said this, I am interested in why you rank Reagan as the third best. Higher than Clinton.
OK, I will support my ranking

Obama was the first Black President. A major step for our society
He stopped a Depression and maintained a strong economy for the remaining seven years
He saved our Auto Industry
He passed universal Healthcare
He rebuilt American alliances
He recognized Cuba after 50 years
He coordinated a nuclear disarmament of Iran
He coordinated Paris Climate Accords
He was CIC over two wars
He killed that Motherfucker Bin Laden

I place Reagan right behind Obama because his economic recovery was not as impressive as Obama’s
He had no major legislative accomplishment to compare to Obamacare
He had a major political scandal….Iran Contra
I give him credit for not exploiting the fall of the Soviet empire

Clinton had the best economy of any President of my lifetime but failed to pass healthcare and his scandals crippled his Presidency
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