Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

Never admit or take any responsibility for the poor actions of those you chose to represent your interest in running our government. Just use labels and blame everything on "those people" plenty of Idiots in both party's. The loud screamers best liers not the thinkers now run it
Michelle did school lunch. It was a good idea. But massively uneven in quality. The areas of the village ph uked her over. And the whole nation now is in that danger.
Oh wow, another excuse. So the problem was worse with trump and you just have excuses. Bravo!
You have left more than enough of your usual Mentally Ill nonsense here for me to allow you to continue making an ass of yourself all on your own.
Trump will go down in History as a Benedict Arnold

A man who, for his own quest for power, tried to overturn our Democracy through political subterfuge and mob violence
You have left more than enough of your usual Mentally Ill nonsense here for me to allow you to continue making an ass of yourself all on your own.
You mean I have proven trump was worse on things you pretend to care about? If you cared about them, you should not like trump, he failed you!
I have watched Hillary for an hour.
I have watched Bernie Sanders for an hour.
I have watched, and still watch, Biden for an hour.

You are just another moron here who is emotionally disturbed and mentally ill.
Nonsense. Trump is very much like gadaffi. Uneducated,vain and grandiose.
Flamboyant, ostentatious, poor manners, impulsive know it all. Trump never listened. He based his decisions on his personal experience and impulse rather than national interests.
I go back to Eisenhower

1. Ike
2. Obama
3. Reagan
4. LBJ
5. JFK
6. Clinton
7. Bush 41
8. Nixon
9. Ford
10. Carter
11. Bush 43
12. Trump

I will withhold ranking Biden until he has completed a term.
Right now, I would tentatively put him around Bush 41
Ike’s Operation Wetback was badass…wasn’t it?
The Trump Presidency will be one of the most closely scrutinized in our History.

As time goes by, his records will be released and his closest aids will speak up about what really went on behind closed doors.

It will reveal a shallow, ignorant, egotistical man obsessed with his own power and suspicious of everyone around him.

His insistence on lying about even the most trivial matters along with refusal to accept his defeat will define his Presidency.

Our worst President
Obama led a path toward govt. control and govt. capital. I saw this first hand, those who didn't would under-estimate what occurred. He poisoned govt. offices from Feds to counties, and it stinks. Obama led us down the path of victimization and snowflakes.

Obama led the great dumbing down.

Obama was a detriment to the country short and long term. They pay him well for it, approaching 100M since his departure, and climbing fast because he's the global-order's biggest mouth. He doesn't quite approach Xiden's level though, the worst of them by a great distance, though fuck, the guy wasn't even elected.
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