Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

Trump is even the worst ex president. The guy is still dividing the country because he's a sore loser.

Wrong Moon Bat. Joe Potatohead is fucking up everything he touches and he divided the country by stealing the election from the American people with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted in Democrat swing districts. That was treason to go along with the illegal coup to get rid of Trump.
No one could be dumber than Trump. He can't read, has severe dislexia and is poorly educated. He's compensated his whole life by being a grandiose liar and a bully.
A billionaire who became president is stupid?

I would hate to see what you think a billionaire who became poor is
Ladies and gentlemen, I have had the exhilarating experience of living under two of the greatest presidents in American history, and four of the worst most abject presidents, if you can even call them presidents.

Ronald Reagan was iconic, and certainly among the top five or six best in history. I wasn't sure it could get much better than him. But then of course we were blessed with the greatest of all time, President Donald J. Trump. This man not only accomplished a great deal in his first term, but he totally smashed the fear-and-PC culture instituted by the Marxist left that cows all the other politicians. Trump was immune to fear. He was the most courageous, able, and well-qualified presidential candidate in American history, and he is arguably the GOAT. Certainly in the top three. But I say, probably number one. And once his second term is completed, almost assuredly in the top spot by most people's reckoning.

And now we go to the bad. Incredibly I have lived (suffered) through four of the worst five presidents of all time. Carter, Clinton, 0bama, and now Nappy Joe, each worst than the last. You never think that's possible, but then it is. Carter was just plain incompetent. He mouthed Christianity, but didn't practice it. Clinton brought shame and immorality and incompetence to the Oval Office with his constant affairs and philandering all hours of the night. His inattention caused 9-11. Clinton embarrassed the US, and does so to this day. 0bummer was the least qualified candidate in American history. No work record. No record of achievement. Elected solely because he was black. Not qualified to shine shoes in D.C. Completely incompetent on how to govern or lead. America fell WAY down with this professional Marxist intentionally leading the decline. Last is Depends Biden. I shouldn't even have him on the list since he was not legitimately elected. Can't find his ass with both hands, let alone govern. He simply doesn't know where he is. The problem is, he was an incompetent arrogant buffoon even BEFORE he became a senile vegetable. Unfortunately, now he is a grave danger to the safety of this country.

The two Bushes were above average. George H.W. Bush was very good in war, but his weakness was in cooperating with the Democrats on taxes, then not seeing their plan to use it against him. George W. Bush was very good in two important areas. The man knew how to build and lead an economy, which he did for six years until the Democrat Congress pissed it all away and led us to the Great Recession. Bush also protected the US in a very dangerous time. His problem is he allowed himself to get buried by the leftwing media. He didn't fight back. He was ever the 'gentleman', and as a result founded himself polling in the 20s. Bush's problem is he believed the lying deep-state "Intel" that told him Saddam had magically gotten rid of his WMD. He also didn't control the border. Today, he undermines the great President Trump, because he is upset Trump beat up on Jeb and Liz Cheney.
Ford was slightly better than average, but was a moderate. Not strong enough on abortion. Not around long enough to do anything but be a place holder.
Nixon was below average NOT because of Watergate, but because of his creation of the disastrous EPA and environmental (anti-capitalist) laws, and his caving to the left on an array of other legislation.
LBJ was horrible. Near the bottom. Perhaps a bottom sixer. I probably should have put him in the crowded 'worst' category. Wasted billions of dollars on Marxist programs that never worked, grossly expanded the welfare state, and began the flood of illegals we have to this day.
JFK was a Democrat, but he was more conservative than many Republicans of today. Strong against Communism. This was back when some Democrats still loved America, before they went completely nuts and became a party that would be unrecognizable to Kennedy. But JFK won because of a stolen election and was incompetent and immoral. For those reasons, he was below average.
I was around for a little of Ike. Not much. He was above average. Led America during the greatest decade of our existence morally.
That’s a very astute analysis. Sounds like we’re the same age and I have to agree with pretty much all of that assessment.
W shot himself in the foot by acquiescing too much to left wing pressure.
Carter made bad decisions in tough circumstances and Obama intentionally created tough circumstances.
No one could be dumber than Trump. He can't read, has severe dislexia and is poorly educated. He's compensated his whole life by being a grandiose liar and a bully.
Joe Potatohead has been an incompetent loser his whole life. Even The Worthless Negro said to never underestimate the ability of Biden to fuck something up.

Speaking of The Worthless Negro he was a stupid affirmative action piece of shit his whole life. The only reason he became President was because of the racism of idiots voting for him because he was a Negro.

Slick Willy was a lying scamming sonofabitch his whole life. A real sleazeball.
I only go back (remembering) to Carter.

1) Clinton
2) Obama
3) Reagan
4) Bush 41
5) Carter
6) Bush 43
7) Trump

Lucky #7 gets the worst nod (in history) for all the above mentioned reasons in addition to inciting an insurrection and getting almost 900K+ (and counting) people killed.
At least James Buchanan didn't actually TRY and start a civil war. He just ignored the reasons for the build up to it.

First you offer your leftwhich opinion on feelings, then follow it up with a statement dismantling your opinion. And that's what makes you a leftist, because all are dishonest and have the attention spans of ADHD.

900K people killed by Trump the guy claims. Never mind the obvious flaw, supposedly leftwhich's love science, yet this fuck thinks COVIDs incubation period is 13 months and climbing.

Kicker is you got so many likes, because with a leftist, emotions always TRUMPs critical thought.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have had the exhilarating experience of living under two of the greatest presidents in American history, and four of the worst most abject presidents, if you can even call them presidents.

Ronald Reagan was iconic, and certainly among the top five or six best in history. I wasn't sure it could get much better than him. But then of course we were blessed with the greatest of all time, President Donald J. Trump. This man not only accomplished a great deal in his first term, but he totally smashed the fear-and-PC culture instituted by the Marxist left that cows all the other politicians. Trump was immune to fear. He was the most courageous, able, and well-qualified presidential candidate in American history, and he is arguably the GOAT. Certainly in the top three. But I say, probably number one. And once his second term is completed, almost assuredly in the top spot by most people's reckoning.

And now we go to the bad. Incredibly I have lived (suffered) through four of the worst five presidents of all time. Carter, Clinton, 0bama, and now Nappy Joe, each worst than the last. You never think that's possible, but then it is. Carter was just plain incompetent. He mouthed Christianity, but didn't practice it. Clinton brought shame and immorality and incompetence to the Oval Office with his constant affairs and philandering all hours of the night. His inattention caused 9-11. Clinton embarrassed the US, and does so to this day. 0bummer was the least qualified candidate in American history. No work record. No record of achievement. Elected solely because he was black. Not qualified to shine shoes in D.C. Completely incompetent on how to govern or lead. America fell WAY down with this professional Marxist intentionally leading the decline. Last is Depends Biden. I shouldn't even have him on the list since he was not legitimately elected. Can't find his ass with both hands, let alone govern. He simply doesn't know where he is. The problem is, he was an incompetent arrogant buffoon even BEFORE he became a senile vegetable. Unfortunately, now he is a grave danger to the safety of this country.

The two Bushes were above average. George H.W. Bush was very good in war, but his weakness was in cooperating with the Democrats on taxes, then not seeing their plan to use it against him. George W. Bush was very good in two important areas. The man knew how to build and lead an economy, which he did for six years until the Democrat Congress pissed it all away and led us to the Great Recession. Bush also protected the US in a very dangerous time. His problem is he allowed himself to get buried by the leftwing media. He didn't fight back. He was ever the 'gentleman', and as a result founded himself polling in the 20s. Bush's problem is he believed the lying deep-state "Intel" that told him Saddam had magically gotten rid of his WMD. He also didn't control the border. Today, he undermines the great President Trump, because he is upset Trump beat up on Jeb and Liz Cheney.
Ford was slightly better than average, but was a moderate. Not strong enough on abortion. Not around long enough to do anything but be a place holder.
Nixon was below average NOT because of Watergate, but because of his creation of the disastrous EPA and environmental (anti-capitalist) laws, and his caving to the left on an array of other legislation.
LBJ was horrible. Near the bottom. Perhaps a bottom sixer. I probably should have put him in the crowded 'worst' category. Wasted billions of dollars on Marxist programs that never worked, grossly expanded the welfare state, and began the flood of illegals we have to this day.
JFK was a Democrat, but he was more conservative than many Republicans of today. Strong against Communism. This was back when some Democrats still loved America, before they went completely nuts and became a party that would be unrecognizable to Kennedy. But JFK won because of a stolen election and was incompetent and immoral. For those reasons, he was below average.
I was around for a little of Ike. Not much. He was above average. Led America during the greatest decade of our existence morally.
Lincoln and Reagan….far and away the two worst Presidents of all time…and it’s not even close.
Wrong Moon Bat. Joe Potatohead is fucking up everything he touches and he divided the country by stealing the election from the American people with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted in Democrat swing districts. That was treason to go along with the illegal coup to get rid of Trump.
Oh that is funny, you believe all that crazy? All the power of the presidency and trump couldn't prove anything. So now the right is crazy with conspiracy theories. Sad.
Didn't start a war you wanted? Didn't like low unemployment? Didn't like low gas prices?
Never wanted any wars. That's usually a repub thing. The unemployment rate was quite low when Trump started, quite high when he finished. Lucky he inherited a country in good condition. Yeah gas prices are market driven and they go down when the world shuts down. He also lead us to the most covid deaths in the world.
Oh that is funny, you believe all that crazy? All the power of the presidency and trump couldn't prove anything. So now the right is crazy with conspiracy theories. Sad.

What is really sad is that it is a requirement of Republicanism that you must subscribe to whatever lies and Conspiracy Theories that Trump spouts or you are not a real Republican
Never wanted any wars. That's usually a repub thing. The unemployment rate was quite low when Trump started, quite high when he finished. Lucky he inherited a country in good condition. Yeah gas prices are market driven and they go down when the world shuts down. He also lead us to the most covid deaths in the world.
Got rid of the Obama care mandate and made the left look like fools

Mission accomplished ..
Yup the Republicans have failed to put up a wall around California
Keep out the biggest economy in the country? That's an impressively stupid idea. But I guess you repubs just put everything on the credit card anyhow, so who needs a big economy?
Keep out the biggest economy in the country? That's an impressively stupid idea. But I guess you repubs just put everything on the credit card anyhow, so who needs a big economy?
So you think the company's would move back from Texas to California
What is really sad is that it is a requirement of Republicanism that you must subscribe to whatever lies and Conspiracy Theories that Trump spouts or you are not a real Republican
Lotta stupidity from that guy. Remember when he claimed his policy would lead to 5-8% gdp growth? He couldn't hit 3%.
Huh? CA is a much bigger economy.... You realize most red state economies are little right?

Commie Kalifornia use to be The Golden State. Now, because of destructive Left policies the middle class is fleeing.

It is a beautiful state that is turning into a shithole with the most poverty, most homelessness, worst education, highest debt, highest taxation, most government oppression, most Illegals, and highest rents.

Great example of how Progressives fuck up everything they touch.

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