Best Bill Barr Hearing question.

All Dagosa has is insults, she's a product of liberal indoctrination.
You should be so lucky. Liberalism has brought you out of every GOP lead recession and supports science instead of buffoonery. Trump is a lunatic. He’d rather you kissed his arse then tell the truth.
/——/ So the 3 years of a booming economy and record low unemployment was brought to us by liberalism????
All Dagosa has is insults, she's a product of liberal indoctrination.
You should be so lucky. Liberalism has brought you out of every GOP lead recession and supports science instead of buffoonery. Trump is a lunatic. He’d rather you kissed his arse then tell the truth.
/——/ So the 3 years of a booming economy and record low unemployment was brought to us by liberalism????
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Ha ha. actually Not. The 2 trillion deficit, failed pandemic response, failed response to AGW and worse decline in gdp ever.....are you now taking credit for that too ? The Trump economy was a continuation of Obama at a LOWER RATE. When the incompetence took hold, we now have the trump economy, another recession and people dying needlessly. We had threats of world wide diseases under NEVER WENT THIS FAR. Take credit. Trump is a lying sack of shit and is only BS ing his way through life as a little un Loved child .
Whine about mass voter fraud..while already six states do mass voting and we’ve had NO voter fraud that hasn’t been gop lead in North Carolina. Be your arse if any voter fraud is possible with vote by mail, the gop will be at the bottom of it.
All Dagosa has is insults, she's a product of liberal indoctrination.
You should be so lucky. Liberalism has brought you out of every GOP lead recession and supports science instead of buffoonery. Trump is a lunatic. He’d rather you kissed his arse then tell the truth.
/——/ So the 3 years of a booming economy and record low unemployment was brought to us by liberalism????
View attachment 370734
Ha ha. actually Not. The 2 trillion deficit, failed pandemic response, failed response to AGW and worse decline in gdp ever.....are you now taking credit for that too ? The Trump economy was a continuation of Obama at a LOWER RATE. When the incompetence took hold, we now have the trump economy, another recession and people dying needlessly. We had threats of world wide diseases under NEVER WENT THIS FAR. Take credit. Trump is a lying sack of shit and is only BS ing his way through life as a little un Loved child .
/—-/ The Governors killed them economy with their lock down. Try and keep up, you tool.
This sums up Trump’s elections plans according to Bill Barr.

Barr's first answer was correct, it depends on the assistance. Try reading what the FEC has to say before you make a larger ass of yourself.


And his second answer is FALSE ? Is that what you’re saying. Cause now your disagreeing with Barr. His final answer was, it’s not right to solicit and use ANY help from a foreign power in an election. Which is it ?

You might want to go back a listen again, the words "foreign power", indicating a government, weren't included in the question. The question was "foreign assistance", which could include foreign persons. The FEC says foreigners can volunteer on campaigns.

Of course several commiecrats have paid illegals to participate, as advisors, in their campaigns and you commies have been totally silent. The bitch hired a former foreign spy to solicit information from other foreigners and again you commies were silent. If you commies didn't have your hypocrisy, you'd be totally empty, worthless shells.

Hint to the worthless little commie, listen to the actual words, and stop drawing conclusions on what was NOT said.


Dufus, we all know what he was referring to. Here is a traitor in action.
And this wasn’t just once. He did it a bunch of times, naming Russia and China and who knows during lunch

Russia must never uncover evidence of Hillary's crimes.
Hillary's crimes must remain hidden.
This sums up Trump’s elections plans according to Bill Barr.

I agree, Hillary shouldn't have accepted foreign assistance from Russian and British government agents.

She didn’t . She accepted no foreign assistance. A private contractor is not foreign assistance. She was cleared by GOP who investigated her.
Steele was first hired by REPUBLICANS as a private contractor to do investigations of Trump. Blame the gop.
750 million to a company that's low was 1 ? That has NO facilities to do what they're supposed to do ,that the CEO gets over a million shares not announced until day before deal is done ? Huge trading on the day BEFORE the announcement All execs get millions No wonder you think its a good deal You're a republican Oh yeah I left out the CEO was sponser of Trumps TV show Nothing wrong here ,,,just walk on by?
didn't GM build ventilators and had no experience in that? The template was set there. any manufacturer can build whatever is needed.
It's not just the lack of experience but there's nowhere to do what they're supposed to do And then there's the outrageous trading in the stock and the ceo sponsoring trumps tv show It stinks and will be investigated as well as the Post Office fiasco
why do you think they need funding, to find locations that will accommodate the business. it's called Research and Development. That's how businesses operate. So tell your financial guy to buy their stock. Why can't you do that like anyone else?
Because I think it has scam written all over it Why not give the dough to some company that has a clue , not one that doesn't know shit from shinola?

You really are a stupid SOB, drugs are chemical compounds and Kodak has been making chemicals for more than 100 years. Their contract is to make 25% of the base chemicals used to make generic drugs, which are 90% of the drugs sold in the US. It seems to be you that doesn't know shit from shinola.

This sums up Trump’s elections plans according to Bill Barr.

I agree, Hillary shouldn't have accepted foreign assistance from Russian and British government agents.

She didn’t . She accepted no foreign assistance. A private contractor is not foreign assistance. She was cleared by GOP who investigated her.
Steele was first hired by REPUBLICANS as a private contractor to do investigations of Trump. Blame the gop.

You're a liar, Steele was NOT hired by the GOP. Fusion GPS was hired for a brief time by the Washington Free Beacon to find open source information during the primaries, NOT THE GOP. Steele was not involved at that time.

This sums up Trump’s elections plans according to Bill Barr.

I agree, Hillary shouldn't have accepted foreign assistance from Russian and British government agents.

She didn’t . She accepted no foreign assistance. A private contractor is not foreign assistance. She was cleared by GOP who investigated her.
Steele was first hired by REPUBLICANS as a private contractor to do investigations of Trump. Blame the gop.

She didn’t . She accepted no foreign assistance

Steele was British. Foreign assistance.

His sources were Russian, more foreign assistance.

And let's not even get into the foreigners who helped trap Papadopoulus.

A private contractor is not foreign assistance.

If people totally unrelated to the Trump campaign, posting memes on Facebook, count as foreign assistance, foreigners paid with DNC and Hillary campaign dollars sure count as foreign assistance.
This sums up Trump’s elections plans according to Bill Barr.

I agree, Hillary shouldn't have accepted foreign assistance from Russian and British government agents.

She didn’t . She accepted no foreign assistance. A private contractor is not foreign assistance. She was cleared by GOP who investigated her.
Steele was first hired by REPUBLICANS as a private contractor to do investigations of Trump. Blame the gop.

You're a liar, Steele was NOT hired by the GOP. Fusion GPS was hired for a brief time by the Washington Free Beacon to find open source information during the primaries, NOT THE GOP. Steele was not involved at that time.


of course,you have no source as usual.

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This sums up Trump’s elections plans according to Bill Barr.

I agree, Hillary shouldn't have accepted foreign assistance from Russian and British government agents.

She didn’t . She accepted no foreign assistance. A private contractor is not foreign assistance. She was cleared by GOP who investigated her.
Steele was first hired by REPUBLICANS as a private contractor to do investigations of Trump. Blame the gop.

She didn’t . She accepted no foreign assistance

Steele was British. Foreign assistance.

His sources were Russian, more foreign assistance.

And let's not even get into the foreigners who helped trap Papadopoulus.

A private contractor is not foreign assistance.

If people totally unrelated to the Trump campaign, posting memes on Facebook, count as foreign assistance, foreigners paid with DNC and Hillary campaign dollars sure count as foreign assistance.

the U.S. intelligence community has concluded that the Russians engaged in an elaborate operation to swing the election to Trump. Trump is a traitor.
All Dagosa has is insults, she's a product of liberal indoctrination.
You should be so lucky. Liberalism has brought you out of every GOP lead recession and supports science instead of buffoonery. Trump is a lunatic. He’d rather you kissed his arse then tell the truth.
Dagosa, did you write this? hahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha ROTMFF.
Seems pretty apparent that 10 of the last 11 recessions are under gop budgets and admins. Seems pretty apparent that conservatives spend every waking hour dissing science and kissing the asteroid of the expert on UV lights up the kazoo, Trump.

Seems pretty apparent that th3 gop is grasping at straws and whining about the bad liberals when the gop fails at the safety of the people in 9/11 and virus spread.
This sums up Trump’s elections plans according to Bill Barr.

I agree, Hillary shouldn't have accepted foreign assistance from Russian and British government agents.

She didn’t . She accepted no foreign assistance. A private contractor is not foreign assistance. She was cleared by GOP who investigated her.
Steele was first hired by REPUBLICANS as a private contractor to do investigations of Trump. Blame the gop.

You're a liar, Steele was NOT hired by the GOP. Fusion GPS was hired for a brief time by the Washington Free Beacon to find open source information during the primaries, NOT THE GOP. Steele was not involved at that time.


Ans Steele was a private contractor not a foreign gov. representative hired by fusion gps based in the United States
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All Dagosa has is insults, she's a product of liberal indoctrination.
You should be so lucky. Liberalism has brought you out of every GOP lead recession and supports science instead of buffoonery. Trump is a lunatic. He’d rather you kissed his arse then tell the truth.
/——/ So the 3 years of a booming economy and record low unemployment was brought to us by liberalism????
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The economy was improving at a higher rate under Obama and didn’t crash after three years like Trump is doing now.
The Obama-Biden Administration set up the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense to prepare for future pandemics like covid-19. Donald Trump eliminated it — and now we’re paying the price.”

the Trump failed economy is tied to his economic policies and his failure to address the pandemic correctly.
“the desease will disappear soon“ is not a response. ,


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This sums up Trump’s elections plans according to Bill Barr.

I agree, Hillary shouldn't have accepted foreign assistance from Russian and British government agents.

She didn’t . She accepted no foreign assistance. A private contractor is not foreign assistance. She was cleared by GOP who investigated her.
Steele was first hired by REPUBLICANS as a private contractor to do investigations of Trump. Blame the gop.

You're a liar, Steele was NOT hired by the GOP. Fusion GPS was hired for a brief time by the Washington Free Beacon to find open source information during the primaries, NOT THE GOP. Steele was not involved at that time.


And fusion gps is an American based firm. That is not foreign influence dufus.
This sums up Trump’s elections plans according to Bill Barr.

I agree, Hillary shouldn't have accepted foreign assistance from Russian and British government agents.

She didn’t . She accepted no foreign assistance. A private contractor is not foreign assistance. She was cleared by GOP who investigated her.
Steele was first hired by REPUBLICANS as a private contractor to do investigations of Trump. Blame the gop.

She didn’t . She accepted no foreign assistance

Steele was British. Foreign assistance.

His sources were Russian, more foreign assistance.

And let's not even get into the foreigners who helped trap Papadopoulus.

A private contractor is not foreign assistance.

If people totally unrelated to the Trump campaign, posting memes on Facebook, count as foreign assistance, foreigners paid with DNC and Hillary campaign dollars sure count as foreign assistance.

the U.S. intelligence community has concluded that the Russians engaged in an elaborate operation to swing the election to Trump. Trump is a traitor.

the U.S. intelligence community has concluded that the Russians engaged in an elaborate operation to swing the election to Trump.

I know! It was horrible.

Which Russian meme tricked you into voting for Trump?

How many of your liberal friends were tricked by Russian memes? Coupla hundred?
This sums up Trump’s elections plans according to Bill Barr.

I agree, Hillary shouldn't have accepted foreign assistance from Russian and British government agents.

She didn’t . She accepted no foreign assistance. A private contractor is not foreign assistance. She was cleared by GOP who investigated her.
Steele was first hired by REPUBLICANS as a private contractor to do investigations of Trump. Blame the gop.

You're a liar, Steele was NOT hired by the GOP. Fusion GPS was hired for a brief time by the Washington Free Beacon to find open source information during the primaries, NOT THE GOP. Steele was not involved at that time.


Ans Steele was a private contractor not a foreign gov. representative hired by fusion gps based in the United States

Foreigners are allowed to interfere if they're hired by the Clinton campaign?

Can you post the law that backs up your claim?
Barr has little regard for Congress and the public's right to know. he clearly believes that disinformation is appropriate because it benefits his boss Trump to lie

i want to quickly add: Mueller's mandate was to prosecute wrongdoing, not just uncover it. he failed miserably. he was too WEAK and OLD and LOW ENERGY! and now Barr can roam free and make a mockery of the rule of law and break the law

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