Best possible news for the Democrats


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Hillary Clinton, one of the most pathetic excuses for a presidential candidate in history is officially out, and will not run for public office again. Even without her email and Benghazi scandals, Hillary was just plain substandard. Unlike her husband, this lady had few political instincts, was not likeable, and without her manipulation of superdelegates would have not even been the Democratic candidate in 2016. What does all this mean for Trump and the GOP? TROUBLE! and lots of it. With Trump and the GOP Congress unable to get anything accomplished, folks like New York's Kirsten Gillibrand or California's Kamala Harris are looking a lot better among Independents like me than what we have now. Impossible you say?? It wasn't long ago that a Jr. Senator named Obama came out of nowhere and dissected the GOP with the skill of a surgeon.

Trump'd better tell your golden boy it's time to stand and deliver, because Independents like me are not impressed with what we see so far!
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There are not enough independents "like you" to amount to much. Trump was the alternative choice. We do the best we can with what we have to work with.
Hillary Clinton, one of the most pathetic excuses for a presidential candidate in history is officially out, and will not run for public office again. Even without her email and Benghazi scandals, Hillary was just plain substandard. Unlike her husband, this lady had few political instincts, was not likeable, and without her manipulation of superdelegates would have not even been the Democratic candidate in 2016. What does all this mean for Trump and the GOP? TROUBLE! and lots of it. With Trump and the GOP Congress unable to get anything accomplished, folks like New York's Kirsten Gillibrand or California's Kamala Harris are looking a lot better among Independents like me than what we have now. Impossible you say?? It wasn't long ago that a Jr. Senator named Obama came out of nowhere and dissected the GOP with the skill of a surgeon. Trump'd better tell your golden boy it's time to stand and deliver, because Independents like me are not impressed with what we see so far!

IT'S A LONG WAY OFF YET till the next election. Don't count your chickens too quickly. And don't underestimate Trump. Obama was a unique case not to be repeated in our lifetime, he was only up against the pathetic Hillary and McCain and the jokster Romney. If Trump is in trouble because of a couple of screwball bitches like New York's Kirsten Gillibrand or California's Kamala Harris, then you were never a Trump supporter in the first place, and the democratic party deserves you.
Hillary Clinton, one of the most pathetic excuses for a presidential candidate in history is officially out, and will not run for public office again. Even without her email and Benghazi scandals, Hillary was just plain substandard. Unlike her husband, this lady had few political instincts, was not likeable, and without her manipulation of superdelegates would have not even been the Democratic candidate in 2016. What does all this mean for Trump and the GOP? TROUBLE! and lots of it. With Trump and the GOP Congress unable to get anything accomplished, folks like New York's Kirsten Gillibrand or California's Kamala Harris are looking a lot better among Independents like me than what we have now. Impossible you say?? It wasn't long ago that a Jr. Senator named Obama came out of nowhere and dissected the GOP with the skill of a surgeon.

Trump'd better tell your golden boy it's time to stand and deliver, because Independents like me are not impressed with what we see so far!

There's only one independent like you, you.
The Democratic party lost to noob Trump even with the advantages of running a former first lady and SOS, after spending $1.2 billion out spending him, with the support of pretty much the entire media, Dem party, a sitting president, a former president, and half the GOP party. This after losing both the House and the Senate. Poor Dem's they are gobsmacked.
Hillary Clinton, one of the most pathetic excuses for a presidential candidate in history is officially out, and will not run for public office again. Even without her email and Benghazi scandals, Hillary was just plain substandard. Unlike her husband, this lady had few political instincts, was not likeable, and without her manipulation of superdelegates would have not even been the Democratic candidate in 2016. What does all this mean for Trump and the GOP? TROUBLE! and lots of it. With Trump and the GOP Congress unable to get anything accomplished, folks like New York's Kirsten Gillibrand or California's Kamala Harris are looking a lot better among Independents like me than what we have now. Impossible you say?? It wasn't long ago that a Jr. Senator named Obama came out of nowhere and dissected the GOP with the skill of a surgeon.

Trump'd better tell your golden boy it's time to stand and deliver, because Independents like me are not impressed with what we see so far!
Kirsten Gillibrand appears to be a political chameleon playing whatever part is needed to get her elected/reelected, basically a true politician. Harris on the other hand is a pure California Democrat, something the nation as a whole has little use for, they tend to be a little to far out there ideology wise.

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