Zone1 Best Version of the Bible and Why?

Darby based his beliefs on the dreams of a teenaged girl. He invented the rapture, domnionism and dispensation around 1930.

I am confused......did Darby add this the Bible?

1 Thessalonians 4:17
Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

Revelation 1:7
7 Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.
Thanks to Strong's Concordance with Greek and Hebrew Lexicon, the KJV remains the best study bible version.
If there are this many "versions" of the Bible how can anyone claim that there preferred version is the only true bible?
Huh... I think we are on the same page. Did you mis quote the wrong person? I argue that the early church HAD NO BIBLE, weren't commanded to form a Bible, ascribe super natural characteristics to a "bible", etc., therefore, why do current Christians need this library of letters tied to the Jewish Torah... we don't. Or is your comment so poorly written, that I have misinterpreted your comment?
That's a lot of blabbing from someone who claims we are on the same page .

The early Church had the OT, the formation of the NT was as an after effect of letters from heads of the Church, The Bible is the Word of God, so you misuse 'supernatural' ,

I agree with you on NOTHING
The BIble is the Word of God. The whole thing goes without an infallible guide to what is and is not trustworthy ... IF it has error and has Truth too then without infallible guide to the difference the whole thing goes.
The Bible isn't history or science.. it's a teaching narrative.

the christian bible is a narrative without a single source of verification for any heavenly claimed affiliations and has no recollection for the very reason it was written the untimely death orchestrated for a purpose never brought to the lite of day -

than the use of that occasion for purposes unrelated and deliberately misconstrued by those responsible for the event and their displeasure and purpose for their involvement - libby v h.

the repudiation of the prevailing false religion of that time their commandments and its divergence from the heavenly event and demand made by the heavens by their cataclysmic event during the time of noah.

the triumph of good vs evil as the passage to the everlasting.
If there are this many "versions" of the Bible how can anyone claim that there preferred version is the only true bible?
I don't think that everyone claims this.

The best version of the Bible is the one that you will read.
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the christian bible is a narrative without a single source of verification for any heavenly claimed affiliations and has no recollection for the very reason it was written the untimely death orchestrated for a purpose never brought to the lite of day -

than the use of that occasion for purposes unrelated and deliberately misconstrued by those responsible for the event and their displeasure and purpose for their involvement - libby v h.

the repudiation of the prevailing false religion of that time their commandments and its divergence from the heavenly event and demand made by the heavens by their cataclysmic event during the time of noah.

the triumph of good vs evil as the passage to the everlasting.

You might enjoy this.. click simplified view.

The Early Israelites probably emerged, probably the coalescing of: (a) some immigrant elements bringing the worship of Yahweh, Egyptian and Aramean traditions; and (b) disaffected Canaanite groups. The first Israelite settlements were in the almost unoccupied hill country. As the Israelites consolidated they captured, and usually destroyed, Canaanite city-states when they could.

At times these efforts were aided by divisions, and even uprisings, within Canaanite society. King David was able to absorb the remaining Canaanite enclaves by about 1000 BCE. The Israelites thus lived, for centuries, side by side with the Canaanite Late Bronze Age cities and their populations.
That's a lot of blabbing from someone who claims we are on the same page .

The early Church had the OT, the formation of the NT was as an after effect of letters from heads of the Church, The Bible is the Word of God, so you misuse 'supernatural' ,

I agree with you on NOTHING
Good, then stop replying to my post with mindless, emotionally based drivel.
the christian bible is a narrative without a single source of verification for any heavenly claimed affiliations and has no recollection for the very reason it was written the untimely death orchestrated for a purpose never brought to the lite of day -

than the use of that occasion for purposes unrelated and deliberately misconstrued by those responsible for the event and their displeasure and purpose for their involvement - libby v h.

the repudiation of the prevailing false religion of that time their commandments and its divergence from the heavenly event and demand made by the heavens by their cataclysmic event during the time of noah.

the triumph of good vs evil as the passage to the everlasting.
Okay , I was hoping for such a stupid and groundless uninformed objection and here it is with a bow on top.,


The whole Bible in every part passed FIRST and FOR A LONG TIME through either the CHurch or the Synagog, So verification would have been NUMBER ONE. See the many strong attacks against eg False Prophecy. The Faith in Judaism and in Christianity WAY WAY WAY preceded any formal writing. So Moses went up the mountain, came down, promulgated the law IN PERSON for over 40 years and then with a great lapse of time comes the account, whereas you invert that. Do you ever think what you are claiming ???

So you are saying that all versions of the Bible contain errors and thus cannot be the literal word of God.
Let's say you want to learn the original Hebrew or Greek word in one of those versions. The best way to do it would be to compare the word with that of the KJV, then using Strong's lexicon search the various meanings and select the one that fits the narrative best. You'll find that most versions present the same translation of those key words, thus the error is passed from one version to another, and so on.

There are notable exceptions however, for example most modern versions correctly translate pascha as passover, not Easter (Acts 12:4). The KJV retains Easter.
Let's say you want to learn the original Hebrew or Greek word in one of those versions. The best way to do it would be to compare the word with that of the KJV, then using Strong's lexicon search the various meanings and select the one that fits the narrative best. You'll find that most versions present the same translation of those key words, thus the error is passed from one version to another, and so on.

There are notable exceptions however, for example most modern versions correctly translate pascha as passover, not Easter (Acts 12:4). The KJV retains Easter.
So a change to this bible is alright if it is for convenience of current times, ignoring the claim of it being the true word of God. A bald faced lie.
the christian bible is a narrative without a single source of verification for any heavenly claimed affiliations and has no recollection for the very reason it was written the untimely death orchestrated for a purpose never brought to the lite of day -
So Moses went up the mountain, came down, promulgated the law IN PERSON for over 40 years and then with a great lapse of time comes the account,

moses their false commandments is a liar from beginning to end the same for abraham, their hereditary idolatry - those to made famous for those that chose them than the truth ...

provide the stone tablets etched in the heavens claimed by moses w/ 10 commandments - they never existed or were ever read by anyone than who made them up.

becoming worthy for admission to the everlasting before death is the goal when given their freedom from eden as life's pursuit and is no where found in any of the 10000 page desert documents.
So a change to this bible is alright if it is for convenience of current times, ignoring the claim of it being the true word of God. A bald faced lie.
It is the true word of God, mistranslated in some parts.
It is the true word of God, mistranslated in some parts.

- of course, and by who's opinion that makes the forgery correct - nutz ... the desert appeaser.

there is nothing in any desert document verifiable of a heavenly origin is why the true path of life's existence has never been understood or truly appreciated.
- of course, and by who's opinion that makes the forgery correct - nutz ... the desert appeaser.

there is nothing in any desert document verifiable of a heavenly origin is why the true path of life's existence has never been understood or truly appreciated.
If the "true path" is unavailable we're left with the Bible path (a great path too). ;)

Where can I get a copy of "The True Path To The Everlasting"? (It's not on Amazon.)
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- of course, and by who's opinion that makes the forgery correct - nutz ... the desert appeaser.
You correct the mistranslations by referring to the original language i.e. pasha means passover, not Easter. Snakes don't eat dirt, and they don't give birth like humans (they lay eggs).
So you are admitting that the bible is not true, as it stands.
Finally, a step toward the truth.
It is true, but you have to study it. God allows errors in translation but preserves the means to sort it out. It may be his way of separating serious students from not-so-serious readers.

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