Best Way to Secure Our Border

Can the Sheriff authorize his officers to become immigration agents? I seriously doubt it. He has no authority, just another big mouth.
Well at least you are dealing in facts when you post and not your uninformed wishes/opinions. :rolleyes:

Yes - a county sheriff can deputize his deputies to serve as federal immigration agents. Sheriff Clarke wouldn't be stating so publicly if it wasn't legal (he's in law enforcement chief - and he's not a Dumbocrat which means he only enforces actual laws which exist and not one's he wishes existed).

The funniest part about it? It was made possible by a 2009 act thanks to Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats!

Local Enforcement of Immigration Laws Through the 287(g) Program

Trump wants to enlist local police in immigration crackdown

Morristown to begin deputizing police officers to act as immigration agents
Grow up, punk, the name is Democrats.
Says the immature boy who ignores the words of people who penned sections of the U.S. Constitution, who gives uninformed opinions about topics, and who opposes the United States and everything it stands for.
go phyuck yourself, punk. We don't need lectures from your kind.
Now that's some constitutional scholarship there. LOL
Thank you! It's a passion of mine. I pretty much study the U.S. Constitution and the original writings of the people who penned any sections, 24x7.
I think that comment was sarcasm- you don't know shyte about the constitution, but pretend to be an expert? How about spending at least one day in a law school?
I know it was "sarcasm" snowflake. The fact that you couldn't sense my "Thank you!" was as well is fall down hilarious. Oh...and I've run circles around people who not only attended law school, but actually graduated and are practicing law. Just ask jillian. She actually ran off in shame when I provided verifiable quote after verifiable quote from Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and more about the U.S. Constitution.

One does not need to attend law school to read the equivalent of a three page document in simple English. And they sure as hell do not need to go to law school to read the original writings from the founders who would later discuss every part of the U.S. Constitution.
Its great to know that your kind knows far more about our laws than do attorneys, legal scholars, and constitutional experts.
Is there a SC opening for you?
Illegal aliens attempting to agress our nation from Mexico should be treated as enemy combatants.
Because there is some moral equivalency rolling around in that vacant skull of yours?
why not, they wish harm to our country. they are bringing their broken values to us and taking away jobs and hurting our families. Especially when I see them trashing my flag and posting the mexican flag. your values are shot.
Illegal aliens attempting to agress our nation from Mexico should be treated as enemy combatants.
Because there is some moral equivalency rolling around in that vacant skull of yours?
why not, they wish harm to our country. they are bringing their broken values to us and taking away jobs and hurting our families. Especially when I see them trashing my flag and posting the mexican flag. your values are shot.
You mean to tell me that each and every immigrant crossing our southern border is a ne'er do well? They are all bringing harm to our country? They don't love their families like we do, they don't worship God like we do and they are hell bent on taking away YOUR job too?
I bet you'd be the first person to challenge the first mother with a babe in arms you would see.
Nope....these sick and power-hungry brownshirts already did that Wry Catcher...

"Illegal aliens attempting to agress our nation from Mexico should be treated as enemy combatants" is the statement to which I replied in the following manner:

"you'd be the first person to challenge the first mother with a babe in arms you would see"
Your post misrepresents my comment, by a lie of omission (posting my comment out of context) and your biased and willful (?) ignorance. The latter being you failed to understand "treating as an enemy combatants" is a call for the use of, or threat of, lethal force.

No i'm not sure you have the intelligence and/or ability to read with comprehension, for in the context I am now posting there are those who will still find my comments too abstract for them to comprehend. Are you one of them.
I bet you'd be the first person to challenge the first mother with a babe in arms you would see.
Nope....these sick and power-hungry brownshirts already did that Wry Catcher...

"Illegal aliens attempting to agress our nation from Mexico should be treated as enemy combatants" is the statement to which I replied in the following manner:

"you'd be the first person to challenge the first mother with a babe in arms you would see"
Your post misrepresents my comment, by a lie of omission (posting my comment out of context) and your biased and willful (?) ignorance. The latter being you failed to understand "treating as an enemy combatants" is a call for the use of, or threat of, lethal force.

No i'm not sure you have the intelligence and/or ability to read with comprehension, for in the context I am now posting there are those who will still find my comments too abstract for them to comprehend. Are you one of them.

I didn't take ANYTHING out of context snowflake. I saw what you said and what you were responding to - as did EVERYONE else on this thread. You're just melting down now after a video shows that you deeply supported both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama on the exact same issue in which you vehemently oppose Donald Trump. Partisan hack much, buttercup?
Illegal aliens attempting to agress our nation from Mexico should be treated as enemy combatants.
Because there is some moral equivalency rolling around in that vacant skull of yours?
why not, they wish harm to our country. they are bringing their broken values to us and taking away jobs and hurting our families. Especially when I see them trashing my flag and posting the mexican flag. your values are shot.
You mean to tell me that each and every immigrant crossing our southern border is a ne'er do well? They are all bringing harm to our country? They don't love their families like we do, they don't worship God like we do and they are hell bent on taking away YOUR job too?
if they are here without our approval, you betcha!!! Seems you don't care about the US. I do.
I bet you'd be the first person to challenge the first mother with a babe in arms you would see.
Nope....these sick and power-hungry brownshirts already did that Wry Catcher...

"Illegal aliens attempting to agress our nation from Mexico should be treated as enemy combatants" is the statement to which I replied in the following manner:

"you'd be the first person to challenge the first mother with a babe in arms you would see"
Your post misrepresents my comment, by a lie of omission (posting my comment out of context) and your biased and willful (?) ignorance. The latter being you failed to understand "treating as an enemy combatants" is a call for the use of, or threat of, lethal force.

No i'm not sure you have the intelligence and/or ability to read with comprehension, for in the context I am now posting there are those who will still find my comments too abstract for them to comprehend. Are you one of them.

so curious, why the fk aren't you pissed that the mexican government can't accommodate and take care of their own? You lost me how it's our fault.

BTW, I see many illegals on my country streets telling me how my country ought to be, yet I don't see one fking illegal protesting against the Mexican government for the mistreatment of their families. I even see them waving the Mexican flag. So Mexico is so great they left, came here and want to make the US Mexico, a shithole. What the fk is wrong with you all? You don't like peace anymore? I always thought the left was for peace and love. you all are fking nutjobs.
Illegal aliens attempting to agress our nation from Mexico should be treated as enemy combatants.
Because there is some moral equivalency rolling around in that vacant skull of yours?
why not, they wish harm to our country. they are bringing their broken values to us and taking away jobs and hurting our families. Especially when I see them trashing my flag and posting the mexican flag. your values are shot.
You mean to tell me that each and every immigrant crossing our southern border is a ne'er do well? They are all bringing harm to our country? They don't love their families like we do, they don't worship God like we do and they are hell bent on taking away YOUR job too?
if they are here without our approval, you betcha!!! Seems you don't care about the US. I do.
No. I care deeply about the United States. I don't share your fears and paranoia about immigrants.

Now, you said they wish to harm our country. That they have 'broken values' whatever that means. You said they are hurting our families. Is that hyperbole, or a concerted effort to demean and demonized people? What proof, other than anecdotal can you offer to back up those wild, fearful claims?
Illegal aliens attempting to agress our nation from Mexico should be treated as enemy combatants.
Because there is some moral equivalency rolling around in that vacant skull of yours?
why not, they wish harm to our country. they are bringing their broken values to us and taking away jobs and hurting our families. Especially when I see them trashing my flag and posting the mexican flag. your values are shot.
You mean to tell me that each and every immigrant crossing our southern border is a ne'er do well? They are all bringing harm to our country? They don't love their families like we do, they don't worship God like we do and they are hell bent on taking away YOUR job too?
if they are here without our approval, you betcha!!! Seems you don't care about the US. I do.
No. I care deeply about the United States. I don't share your fears and paranoia about immigrants.

Now, you said they wish to harm our country. That they have 'broken values' whatever that means. You said they are hurting our families. Is that hyperbole, or a concerted effort to demean and demonized people? What proof, other than anecdotal can you offer to back up those wild, fearful claims?
I never said anything about legal immigrants, I claimed illegal immigrants. I'm all for new people with something to give and to assimilate and become a citizen.

Why are the illegals coming here, their values as a nation suck. why else do they wish to come here? Why is it they aren't fighting for their country? they give up and leave. You find that an attractive value? And then they bring that here to spread like a plague.

BTW, why don't you post proof of illegals promoting value when their burning my country's flag to which they came?
You mean to tell me that each and every immigrant crossing our southern border is a ne'er do well? They are all bringing harm to our country?
Yes. For three reasons....

1. They are criminals. They knowingly violated federal law.

2. They fly the Mexican flag to show contempt for the U.S.

3. Whether they mean to or not - there presence does irreparable harm to the U.S. in the form of too much strain on the entire system (financial, healthcare, education, job market, etc.).
No. I care deeply about the United States. I don't share your fears and paranoia about immigrants.
That's a blatant lie. If you (and I quote) "cared deeply about the United States" you would not support criminal activity. Additionally, you would not support a full invasion of our country (estimates are between 11 and 20 million). Lastly, you would not support foreigners sneaking into our country and placing such a strain on our entire system that it collapses it.

The truth is - like all left-wingers, you're a domestic terrorist who desires nothing more than to see the U.S. collapse. You know - because the U.S. Constitution is "irrelevant" and was created by "slave rapists". That's the standard line from your side of the aisle, no?
Illegal aliens attempting to agress our nation from Mexico should be treated as enemy combatants.
Because there is some moral equivalency rolling around in that vacant skull of yours?
why not, they wish harm to our country. they are bringing their broken values to us and taking away jobs and hurting our families. Especially when I see them trashing my flag and posting the mexican flag. your values are shot.
You mean to tell me that each and every immigrant crossing our southern border is a ne'er do well? They are all bringing harm to our country? They don't love their families like we do, they don't worship God like we do and they are hell bent on taking away YOUR job too?
if they are here without our approval, you betcha!!! Seems you don't care about the US. I do.
No. I care deeply about the United States. I don't share your fears and paranoia about immigrants.

Now, you said they wish to harm our country. That they have 'broken values' whatever that means. You said they are hurting our families. Is that hyperbole, or a concerted effort to demean and demonized people? What proof, other than anecdotal can you offer to back up those wild, fearful claims?
You do not love the United States if you do not want us to be a sovereign nation.
You mean to tell me that each and every immigrant crossing our southern border is a ne'er do well? They are all bringing harm to our country?
Yes. For three reasons....

1. They are criminals. They knowingly violated federal law.

2. They fly the Mexican flag to show contempt for the U.S.

3. Whether they mean to or not - there presence does irreparable harm to the U.S. in the form of too much strain on the entire system (financial, healthcare, education, job market, etc.).
They're too naive to understand
You mean to tell me that each and every immigrant crossing our southern border is a ne'er do well? They are all bringing harm to our country?
Yes. For three reasons....

1. They are criminals. They knowingly violated federal law.

2. They fly the Mexican flag to show contempt for the U.S.

3. Whether they mean to or not - there presence does irreparable harm to the U.S. in the form of too much strain on the entire system (financial, healthcare, education, job market, etc.).
So by being here they are criminals. 'Criminals'. The word used to describe rapists, murderers and drug dealers. Just how Trump described them. Talk about your dog whistles.

They fly the Mexican flag. I fly the Cross of St. Andrew in honor of my Scottish heritage. Does that make me a threat, an undesirable, a 'criminal'?

We are arguably the richest nation on earth. We spend more on highways, on a National Parks system, on a military unsurpassed in might and range. And you think the poorest, the most disadvantaged, the most frightened are about to drive our economy into a ditch.
Oh man...where to start with this gem?

I guess we can begin with the fact that this PoS keeps coming back into our country illegally:
"Chavez Corona was convicted of a felony drug charge and deported four times between 1996 and 2000, ICE officials told the paper"

But it only gets better from there:
Grace Chavez, the American-born wife of Chavez Corona, told the paper she’s weighing legal action against the state police. The couple has three children, all who are U.S. citizens, she added to the News-Tribune.

“They violated our rights,” Grace Chavez told the paper. “He was the victim of the accident.” have no "rights". The U.S. Constitution is not an international document. It applies to U.S. citizens only on U.S. soil only. If you're not a legal U.S. citizen on U.S. soil - the document is null and void.

You're a criminal. It's imperative that the people of Washington put tremendous pressure to have 'ole Grace here deported as well.

Trooper under 'review' over calling ICE after car crash
So by being here they are criminals. 'Criminals'. The word used to describe rapists, murderers and drug dealers. Just how Trump described them. Talk about your dog whistles.
No my precious little snowflake. "Criminal" is the the correct, proper, and legal term for anyone who violates the law. It is not restricted to rapists and murders. Yes - just by being here - they have committed a crime. A very serious crime.

Your disingenuous position wreaks of desperation. Understandable though. How does one make the case for supooriting illegal/criminal activity? A rational person wouldn't even try. An irrational person can't do it. That puts you in one hell of a predicament.
We are arguably the richest nation on earth. We spend more on highways, on a National Parks system, on a military unsurpassed in might and range. And you think the poorest, the most disadvantaged, the most frightened are about to drive our economy into a ditch.
Actually, thanks to left-wing hatriots, we are arguably the poorest nation on earth. We are $20 trillion in debt. That is the most in the entire world. That's right - we have more debt than desperate third-world countries.

We simply cannot handle the $100 billion per year strain these criminals place on our nation. And.....even if we could....why the hell should we? What rational person would reward criminal behavior?!?

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