Best Way to Secure Our Border

You don't like anchor babies, Homer? Change the constitution, until there is nothing you can do but whine
The U.S. Constitution does not authorize anchor babies, snowflake. Of course, being a left-wing ignoramus, I wouldn't expect you to be aware of that reality.
WTF are you talking about, it allows anyone born on US soil to automatically become a citizen
Repeating a lie doesn't make it true. Show me anywhere in the U.S. Constitution where it uses the term "anchor baby" or otherwise implies a similar term that someone who has invaded the U.S. and gives birth, their offspring becomes a U.S. citizen.

Here is quick education for you - straight from the person who penned the 14th Amendment (along with the left's beloved and precious "Case Law" from the Supreme Court):

Post-Civil War reforms focused on injustices to African Americans. The 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 to protect the rights of native-born Black Americans, whose rights were being denied as recently-freed slaves. It was written in a manner so as to prevent state governments from ever denying citizenship to blacks born in the United States. But in 1868, the United States had no formal immigration policy, and the authors therefore saw no need to address immigration explicitly in the amendment.

Senator Jacob Howard worked closely with Abraham Lincoln in drafting and passing the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which abolished slavery. He also served on the Senate Joint Committee on Reconstruction, which drafted the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14th Amendment by writing:

Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete. With illegal aliens who are unlawfully in the United States, their native country has a claim of allegiance on the child. Thus, the completeness of their allegiance to the United States is impaired, which therefore precludes automatic citizenship.

The correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment is that an illegal alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as is her baby.

Over a century ago, the Supreme Court correctly confirmed this restricted interpretation of citizenship in the so-called 'Slaughter-House cases' [83 US 36 (1873)] and in [112 US 94 (1884)]. In Elk v.Wilkins, the phrase 'subject to its jurisdiction' excluded from its operation 'children of ministers, consuls, and citizens of foreign states born within the United States.' In Elk, the American Indian claimant was considered not an American citizen because the law required him to be 'not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their political jurisdiction and owing them direct and immediate allegiance.

Anchor babies, birthright citizenship, and the 14th Amendment | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research
You don't like anchor babies, Homer? Change the constitution, until there is nothing you can do but whine
The U.S. Constitution does not authorize anchor babies, snowflake. Of course, being a left-wing ignoramus, I wouldn't expect you to be aware of that reality.
WTF are you talking about, it allows anyone born on US soil to automatically become a citizen
Repeating a lie doesn't make it true. Show me anywhere in the U.S. Constitution where it uses the term "anchor baby" or otherwise implies a similar term that someone who has invaded the U.S. and gives birth, their offspring becomes a U.S. citizen.

Here is quick education for you - straight from the person who penned the 14th Amendment (along with the left's beloved and precious "Case Law" from the Supreme Court):

Post-Civil War reforms focused on injustices to African Americans. The 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 to protect the rights of native-born Black Americans, whose rights were being denied as recently-freed slaves. It was written in a manner so as to prevent state governments from ever denying citizenship to blacks born in the United States. But in 1868, the United States had no formal immigration policy, and the authors therefore saw no need to address immigration explicitly in the amendment.

Senator Jacob Howard worked closely with Abraham Lincoln in drafting and passing the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which abolished slavery. He also served on the Senate Joint Committee on Reconstruction, which drafted the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14th Amendment by writing:

Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete. With illegal aliens who are unlawfully in the United States, their native country has a claim of allegiance on the child. Thus, the completeness of their allegiance to the United States is impaired, which therefore precludes automatic citizenship.

The correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment is that an illegal alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as is her baby.

Over a century ago, the Supreme Court correctly confirmed this restricted interpretation of citizenship in the so-called 'Slaughter-House cases' [83 US 36 (1873)] and in [112 US 94 (1884)]. In Elk v.Wilkins, the phrase 'subject to its jurisdiction' excluded from its operation 'children of ministers, consuls, and citizens of foreign states born within the United States.' In Elk, the American Indian claimant was considered not an American citizen because the law required him to be 'not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their political jurisdiction and owing them direct and immediate allegiance.

Anchor babies, birthright citizenship, and the 14th Amendment | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research
No matter how you try to spin it, every person born in the US is a citizen. If you don't like it, take your whining up with the supreme court.
Illegals represent at most 4% of our population, not exactly an invasion over 20-30 years. of population was never criteria for an invasion. There are an estimated 11 to 20 million illegal aliens in our nation. That is the textbook definition of an invasion. If you weren't a domestic terrorist rooting for the collapse of the United States, you too would be appalled by such a massive invasion.
Since you admit that many of them do not come through our southern border, why do we need to spend 25 billion or more to build a wall?
I said no such thing. In fact, the overwhelming majority come through the southern border. I merely pointed out that all points of entry into the United States are exploited.

That being said - I personally completely disagree with the wall. All it will do is force invaders to come up through the Gulf of Mexico in either Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, or Florida. I think the money would be much better spent on technology (such as drones, surveillance cameras, etc.).
No matter how you try to spin it, every person born in the US is a citizen. If you don't like it, take your whining up with the supreme court.
Sorry just got bent over on this issue. And the Supreme Court already ruled on it - and agreed with rational people such as myself.

By your idiotic argument - every single child born from foreign embassy employees (be it ambassadors, support staff, security staff, etc.) would be American citizens as none of them are born in the embassy. They step off sovereign soil and on to U.S. soil to a U.S. hospital to give birth. And none of them have ever been giving citizenship.

Nor has any Dumbocrat heretofore made the case that they should. Uh buh-bye buttercup. You lose!
Illegals represent at most 4% of our population, not exactly an invasion over 20-30 years. of population was never criteria for an invasion. There are an estimated 11 to 20 million illegal aliens in our nation. That is the textbook definition of an invasion. If you weren't a domestic terrorist rooting for the collapse of the United States, you too would be appalled by such a massive invasion.
Since you admit that many of them do not come through our southern border, why do we need to spend 25 billion or more to build a wall?
I said no such thing. In fact, the overwhelming majority come through the southern border. I merely pointed out that all points of entry into the United States are exploited.

That being said - I personally completely disagree with the wall. All it will do is force invaders to come up through the Gulf of Mexico in either Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, or Florida. I think the money would be much better spent on technology (such as drones, surveillance cameras, etc.).
You had bette read through the legal case you previously cited, as it applied only to Indians at that time. It had nothing at all to do with people from another country giving birth in the US
No matter how you try to spin it, every person born in the US is a citizen. If you don't like it, take your whining up with the supreme court.
Sorry just got bent over on this issue. And the Supreme Court already ruled on it - and agreed with rational people such as myself.

By your idiotic argument - every single child born from foreign embassy employees (be it ambassadors, support staff, security staff, etc.) would be American citizens as none of them are born in the embassy. They step off sovereign soil and on to U.S. soil to a U.S. hospital to give birth. And none of them have ever been giving citizenship.

Nor has any Dumbocrat heretofore made the case that they should. Uh buh-bye buttercup. You lose!
The supreme court ruled on citizens from another country born here, not being automatic citizens? You had better post that case, son, cause its pure BS, in your mind
It is crystal clear that the framers of the 14th Amendment unquestionably intended automatic citizenship for the child of anyone born to legal U.S. citizens only. It cannot be argued or debated by anyone who is informed.

In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14thAmendment by stating:

"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution - Fourteenth Amendment - anchor babies and birthright citizenship - interpretations and misinterpretations - US Constitution
It is crystal clear that the framers of the 14th Amendment unquestionably intended automatic citizenship for the child of anyone born to legal U.S. citizens only. It cannot be argued or debated by anyone who is informed.

In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14thAmendment by stating:

"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution - Fourteenth Amendment - anchor babies and birthright citizenship - interpretations and misinterpretations - US Constitution
Since when does a Senator have any say in the interpretation of the Constitution
the fact remains that we could never pass a const amend to alter the 14th's explicit language, and even by some unforeseen political alignment could pass a law that reached a result inconsistent with the scotus's interpretation of the 14th in Wong Kim Ark, the scotus would probably reach the same result.
It is crystal clear that the framers of the 14th Amendment unquestionably intended automatic citizenship for the child of anyone born to legal U.S. citizens only. It cannot be argued or debated by anyone who is informed.

In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14thAmendment by stating:

"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution - Fourteenth Amendment - anchor babies and birthright citizenship - interpretations and misinterpretations - US Constitution
You don't like anchor babies, Homer? Change the constitution, until there is nothing you can do but whine
The U.S. Constitution does not authorize anchor babies, snowflake. Of course, being a left-wing ignoramus, I wouldn't expect you to be aware of that reality.
WTF are you talking about, it allows anyone born on US soil to automatically become a citizen
Repeating a lie doesn't make it true. Show me anywhere in the U.S. Constitution where it uses the term "anchor baby" or otherwise implies a similar term that someone who has invaded the U.S. and gives birth, their offspring becomes a U.S. citizen.

Here is quick education for you - straight from the person who penned the 14th Amendment (along with the left's beloved and precious "Case Law" from the Supreme Court):

Post-Civil War reforms focused on injustices to African Americans. The 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 to protect the rights of native-born Black Americans, whose rights were being denied as recently-freed slaves. It was written in a manner so as to prevent state governments from ever denying citizenship to blacks born in the United States. But in 1868, the United States had no formal immigration policy, and the authors therefore saw no need to address immigration explicitly in the amendment.

Senator Jacob Howard worked closely with Abraham Lincoln in drafting and passing the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which abolished slavery. He also served on the Senate Joint Committee on Reconstruction, which drafted the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14th Amendment by writing:

Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete. With illegal aliens who are unlawfully in the United States, their native country has a claim of allegiance on the child. Thus, the completeness of their allegiance to the United States is impaired, which therefore precludes automatic citizenship.

The correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment is that an illegal alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as is her baby.

Over a century ago, the Supreme Court correctly confirmed this restricted interpretation of citizenship in the so-called 'Slaughter-House cases' [83 US 36 (1873)] and in [112 US 94 (1884)]. In Elk v.Wilkins, the phrase 'subject to its jurisdiction' excluded from its operation 'children of ministers, consuls, and citizens of foreign states born within the United States.' In Elk, the American Indian claimant was considered not an American citizen because the law required him to be 'not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their political jurisdiction and owing them direct and immediate allegiance.

Anchor babies, birthright citizenship, and the 14th Amendment | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research
Now that's some constitutional scholarship there. LOL
Sheriff Clarke just came up with a great way to secure our borders: he's deputizing his law enforcement officers to also serve as federal immigration agents. Looks like we instantly added more federal agents to address the problem!

Of course, being the racist African-American-hating thugs that the left are, they immediately took to the streets (never saw this when Bill Clinton addressed the illegal alien issue).

Incidentally - nothing says "I love the United States, please keep me here" by marching with, and waving, Mexican flags. Go back home criminals. You're definitely not wanted here and you apparently don't want to be here:

Sheriff Clarke Declares Zero Tolerance For Illegals; INSTANTLY This Happened...
Sheriff Clarke just came up with a great way to secure our borders: he's deputizing his law enforcement officers to also serve as federal immigration agents. Looks like we instantly added more federal agents to address the problem!

Of course, being the racist African-American-hating thugs that the left are, they immediately took to the streets (never saw this when Bill Clinton addressed the illegal alien issue).

Incidentally - nothing says "I love the United States, please keep me here" by marching with, and waving, Mexican flags. Go back home criminals. You're definitely not wanted here and you apparently don't want to be here:

Sheriff Clarke Declares Zero Tolerance For Illegals; INSTANTLY This Happened...
Can the Sheriff authorize his officers to become immigration agents? I seriously doubt it. He has no authority, just another big mouth.
It is crystal clear that the framers of the 14th Amendment unquestionably intended automatic citizenship for the child of anyone born to legal U.S. citizens only. It cannot be argued or debated by anyone who is informed.

In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14thAmendment by stating:

"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution - Fourteenth Amendment - anchor babies and birthright citizenship - interpretations and misinterpretations - US Constitution
Since when does a Senator have any say in the interpretation of the Constitution
There is no "interpretation" of the U.S. Constitution. That's your problem right there - your believe in the left's false narrative that if they sit in any seat of power, they can decide for themselves what the constitution says and what it means.

The U.S. Constitution says exactly what it says and is no more "open to interpretation" than the 25MPH speed limit law in your neighborhood. Senator Jacob Howard sat on the committee which designed and penned the 14th Amendment and that is why he is quoted on it.
Now that's some constitutional scholarship there. LOL
Thank you! It's a passion of mine. I pretty much study the U.S. Constitution and the original writings of the people who penned any sections, 24x7.
I think that comment was sarcasm- you don't know shyte about the constitution, but pretend to be an expert? How about spending at least one day in a law school?
It is crystal clear that the framers of the 14th Amendment unquestionably intended automatic citizenship for the child of anyone born to legal U.S. citizens only. It cannot be argued or debated by anyone who is informed.

In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14thAmendment by stating:

"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution - Fourteenth Amendment - anchor babies and birthright citizenship - interpretations and misinterpretations - US Constitution
Since when does a Senator have any say in the interpretation of the Constitution
There is no "interpretation" of the U.S. Constitution. That's your problem right there - your believe in the left's false narrative that if they sit in any seat of power, they can decide for themselves what the constitution says and what it means.

The U.S. Constitution says exactly what it says and is no more "open to interpretation" than the 25MPH speed limit law in your neighborhood. Senator Jacob Howard sat on the committee which designed and penned the 14th Amendment and that is why he is quoted on it.
What Senator Howard said is meaningless, and the only interpreters of the constitution is the supreme court. Now have they ever ruled as you have chosen to believe?
Can the Sheriff authorize his officers to become immigration agents? I seriously doubt it. He has no authority, just another big mouth.
Well at least you are dealing in facts when you post and not your uninformed wishes/opinions. :rolleyes:

Yes - a county sheriff can deputize his deputies to serve as federal immigration agents. Sheriff Clarke wouldn't be stating so publicly if it wasn't legal (he's in law enforcement chief - and he's not a Dumbocrat which means he only enforces actual laws which exist and not one's he wishes existed).

The funniest part about it? It was made possible by a 2009 act thanks to Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats!

Local Enforcement of Immigration Laws Through the 287(g) Program

Trump wants to enlist local police in immigration crackdown

Morristown to begin deputizing police officers to act as immigration agents
Can the Sheriff authorize his officers to become immigration agents? I seriously doubt it. He has no authority, just another big mouth.
Well at least you are dealing in facts when you post and not your uninformed wishes/opinions. :rolleyes:

Yes - a county sheriff can deputize his deputies to serve as federal immigration agents. Sheriff Clarke wouldn't be stating so publicly if it wasn't legal (he's in law enforcement chief - and he's not a Dumbocrat which means he only enforces actual laws which exist and not one's he wishes existed).

The funniest part about it? It was made possible by a 2009 act thanks to Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats!

Local Enforcement of Immigration Laws Through the 287(g) Program

Trump wants to enlist local police in immigration crackdown

Morristown to begin deputizing police officers to act as immigration agents
Grow up, punk, the name is Democrats.
Now that's some constitutional scholarship there. LOL
Thank you! It's a passion of mine. I pretty much study the U.S. Constitution and the original writings of the people who penned any sections, 24x7.
I think that comment was sarcasm- you don't know shyte about the constitution, but pretend to be an expert? How about spending at least one day in a law school?
I know it was "sarcasm" snowflake. The fact that you couldn't sense my "Thank you!" was as well is fall down hilarious. Oh...and I've run circles around people who not only attended law school, but actually graduated and are practicing law. Just ask jillian. She actually ran off in shame when I provided verifiable quote after verifiable quote from Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and more about the U.S. Constitution.

One does not need to attend law school to read the equivalent of a three page document in simple English. And they sure as hell do not need to go to law school to read the original writings from the founders who would later discuss every part of the U.S. Constitution.
Can the Sheriff authorize his officers to become immigration agents? I seriously doubt it. He has no authority, just another big mouth.
Well at least you are dealing in facts when you post and not your uninformed wishes/opinions. :rolleyes:

Yes - a county sheriff can deputize his deputies to serve as federal immigration agents. Sheriff Clarke wouldn't be stating so publicly if it wasn't legal (he's in law enforcement chief - and he's not a Dumbocrat which means he only enforces actual laws which exist and not one's he wishes existed).

The funniest part about it? It was made possible by a 2009 act thanks to Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats!

Local Enforcement of Immigration Laws Through the 287(g) Program

Trump wants to enlist local police in immigration crackdown

Morristown to begin deputizing police officers to act as immigration agents
Grow up, punk, the name is Democrats.
Says the immature boy who ignores the words of people who penned sections of the U.S. Constitution, who gives uninformed opinions about topics, and who opposes the United States and everything it stands for.

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