Beto is a tool

Fuck that guy.

Every Democrat who told us over the years that Democrats aren't coming for your guns are ignorant fools and or liars.

Thank God for President Trump. If he never did anything else, at least he forced the Democrats to rip off their masks, revealing just how ugly they really are.

Do you have an AR 15 and what do you use it for??

Punching holes in paper for now, or dispatching surly coyotes. Hunting deer if I so desire.

Or stopping home invaders or burglars if need be.

You must be a bad shot.

Actually no. I reload my own ammo and burn up a couple thousand rounds a year.
He doesn't even have a real name, just "Beto" which sounds like the name of a clown.
Just rest assured, this clown has ZERO chance of EVER being elected president. He sealed that fate when he started his attacks on the 2nd amendment, because hell even I know democrats that have LOTS of guns, and no way in hell would they vote for someone that's openly saying they're going to take them away.

The ONLY people Filo Beto appeals to are a few radical leftist city slicker morons... and that's IT.
If he thinks he can take away people's guns he's really quite naive about life in general, and Americans in particular.

We overthrew the British Empire and tossed them out of our country with our guns.

When the Indians were a threat to isolated farmsteads, we fought them with our guns.

When the South decided they didn't want to be Americans anymore, the issue was resolved with our guns.

We stand ready and willing, the best-armed people in the world, and the most free because we are armed, to fight any tyrant who thinks he can take our guns.

Against all that history, Beto is a nothing, a nobody, doomed to be a footnote that will quickly be forgotten.

Beto can tell people they should turn in their guns, he can even maybe convince 9 black robes to make it the law to do so, but he will never get those guns unless he wants to be the new Lincoln and send in the troops.
Every Democrat who told us over the years that Democrats aren't coming for your guns are ignorant fools and or liars.

Thank God for President Trump. If he never did anything else, at least he forced the Democrats to rip off their masks, revealing just how ugly they really are.

Do you have an AR 15 and what do you use it for??

Punching holes in paper for now, or dispatching surly coyotes. Hunting deer if I so desire.

Or stopping home invaders or burglars if need be.

You must be a bad shot.

Actually no. I reload my own ammo and burn up a couple thousand rounds a year.

So you say. Anyone who needs an assault weapon is a bad shot, that is why they made them. When you eyes get worst, then you will need a machine gun.
If he thinks he can take away people's guns he's really quite naive about life in general, and Americans in particular.

We overthrew the British Empire and tossed them out of our country with our guns.

When the Indians were a threat to isolated farmsteads, we fought them with our guns.

When the South decided they didn't want to be Americans anymore, the issue was resolved with our guns.

We stand ready and willing, the best-armed people in the world, and the most free because we are armed, to fight any tyrant who thinks he can take our guns.

Against all that history, Beto is a nothing, a nobody, doomed to be a footnote that will quickly be forgotten.

Military. the olden days, Lock and load.

Not even necessary for the puny deranged gun-grabbers. You do know that most commercially-available AR-15 rifles still have bayonet lugs on them, don't you? Gun-grabbers like Beto the Clown would look pretty silly having a fuckable hole where their belly button should be.


That makes them all the more dangerous, get them off the streets and out of the hands of morons.

Why? How many bayonet attacks have we had in this country?

The rifle is deadly enough. Also they don't come with bayonets.
Of course they don't come with an attached bayonet.

Like your matching shoes and handbags...

It is an accessory...

The rifle is only as dangerous as the person wielding it.
Military. the olden days, Lock and load.

Not even necessary for the puny deranged gun-grabbers. You do know that most commercially-available AR-15 rifles still have bayonet lugs on them, don't you? Gun-grabbers like Beto the Clown would look pretty silly having a fuckable hole where their belly button should be.


That makes them all the more dangerous, get them off the streets and out of the hands of morons.

Why? How many bayonet attacks have we had in this country?

The rifle is deadly enough. Also they don't come with bayonets.
Of course they don't come with an attached bayonet.

Like your matching shoes and handbags...

It is an accessory...

The rifle is only as dangerous as the person wielding it.

And the person wielding it can go rogue at any given time and they do.
Yes is an accessory , only needed if on the military field in combat.
Not even necessary for the puny deranged gun-grabbers. You do know that most commercially-available AR-15 rifles still have bayonet lugs on them, don't you? Gun-grabbers like Beto the Clown would look pretty silly having a fuckable hole where their belly button should be.


That makes them all the more dangerous, get them off the streets and out of the hands of morons.

Why? How many bayonet attacks have we had in this country?

The rifle is deadly enough. Also they don't come with bayonets.
Of course they don't come with an attached bayonet.

Like your matching shoes and handbags...

It is an accessory...

The rifle is only as dangerous as the person wielding it.

And the person wielding it can go rogue at any given time and they do.
Yes is an accessory , only needed if on the military field in combat.
Many of us are armed, trained and sane.

If we were to go "rogue" you'd have known it by now.

I've had a couple of K-BARS.

It's a "knife."

Harmless as a butter knife in the drawer.

Unless necessary.

Do you want knives banned?

Or just the ones that can be attached to that scary black weapon?
He doesn't even have a real name, just "Beto" which sounds like the name of a clown.
The ONLY people Filo Beto appeals to are a few radical leftist city slicker morons... and that's IT.
That is the prob for all of the Dems candidates except Biden. Each has their thin slice of support within the party and despite the meaningless polls, virtually none beyond it. In Nov 2020 voters will find Trump's words to have been prescient … that there is "no choice but to vote" for him.

Thursday night's Dem debate winner by a knockout: Trump
Beto can tell people they should turn in their guns, he can even maybe convince 9 black robes to make it the law to do so, but he will never get those guns unless he wants to be the new Lincoln and send in the troops.
Beto has the right to think and say what he wants, the USSC will not allow it to become law, and yes, any attempt to confiscate our guns would cost far more lives than not attempting to do so.

It's not gonna happen.

The Democrat Socialist Party is now the undisputed champs of gun-confiscation and socialism. Do you think the Repubs will highlight that next year (and the year after, and the year after, and ...)?
Thank God for President Trump. If he never did anything else, at least he forced the Democrats to rip off their masks, revealing just how ugly they really are.

Do you have an AR 15 and what do you use it for??

Punching holes in paper for now, or dispatching surly coyotes. Hunting deer if I so desire.

Or stopping home invaders or burglars if need be.

You must be a bad shot.

Actually no. I reload my own ammo and burn up a couple thousand rounds a year.

So you say. Anyone who needs an assault weapon is a bad shot, that is why they made them. When you eyes get worst, then you will need a machine gun.
An AR-15 is not a "machine gun."
Thank God for President Trump. If he never did anything else, at least he forced the Democrats to rip off their masks, revealing just how ugly they really are.

Do you have an AR 15 and what do you use it for??

Punching holes in paper for now, or dispatching surly coyotes. Hunting deer if I so desire.

Or stopping home invaders or burglars if need be.

You must be a bad shot.

Actually no. I reload my own ammo and burn up a couple thousand rounds a year.

So you say. Anyone who needs an assault weapon is a bad shot, that is why they made them. When you eyes get worst, then you will need a machine gun.

You're an idiot when it comes to guns, and I won't any further respond to your idiocy.
That makes them all the more dangerous, get them off the streets.
A rifle (or a pistol, or a knife, or a sharp stick) is not dangerous. People are dangerous.

Do you have an AR 15 and what do you use it for??
One of the girls I work with had the same opinion as you, that there is no reason for law abiding citizens to have AR15's. So I took her to the range and let her shoot mine. She had so much fun she always asks me when I'm going to the range again.
You should do the same, you might enjoy it. At the very least you will learn something about firearms so you can offer educated opinions.
Thank God for President Trump. If he never did anything else, at least he forced the Democrats to rip off their masks, revealing just how ugly they really are.

Do you have an AR 15 and what do you use it for??

Punching holes in paper for now, or dispatching surly coyotes. Hunting deer if I so desire.

Or stopping home invaders or burglars if need be.

You must be a bad shot.

Actually no. I reload my own ammo and burn up a couple thousand rounds a year.

So you say. Anyone who needs an assault weapon is a bad shot, that is why they made them. When you eyes get worst, then you will need a machine gun.

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Do you have a gun? If so, what kind? If not, do you have any experience with guns at all other than what you hear from other non-gun owning lefties?
If he thinks he can take away people's guns he's really quite naive about life in general, and Americans in particular.

We overthrew the British Empire and tossed them out of our country with our guns.

When the Indians were a threat to isolated farmsteads, we fought them with our guns.

When the South decided they didn't want to be Americans anymore, the issue was resolved with our guns.

We stand ready and willing, the best-armed people in the world, and the most free because we are armed, to fight any tyrant who thinks he can take our guns.

Against all that history, Beto is a nothing, a nobody, doomed to be a footnote that will quickly be forgotten.
He believes assault rifles are a threat to our society and has the data to support it
Nobody shoots up a Walmart with their hunting rifle
Beto represents a large Mexican American population. He grew up in that culture, understands the issues and is fluent in the language

He does not think most Mexicans are rapists and Murderers and respects the culture

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