Beto is a tool

The T-shirt says: "Hell yeah, we're going to take your AR-15's!"

If I saw someone wearing a shirt like that, I would want to punch him in the mouth.

Fuck that guy.

Every Democrat who told us over the years that Democrats aren't coming for your guns are ignorant fools and or liars.

Thank God for President Trump. If he never did anything else, at least he forced the Democrats to rip off their masks, revealing just how ugly they really are.

Do you have an AR 15 and what do you use it for??

Yes, I own three of them. Fun, fun, target shooting.

I have a friend who has a congenital birth defect and is confined to a wheel chair. Yet he goes hunting every deer season and never fails to bag a deer on the first day.

His firearm of choice is an AR-15. Having no fingers on one hand and only nubs, it's the only firearm he can operate. And the gun-grabbers want to take that away from him.

How despicable a bunch they are, who seek to deny this poor young disabled man the pleasure of deer hunting. They should hide their heads in shame, if they even had any sense of shame.
If he thinks he can take away people's guns he's really quite naive about life in general, and Americans in particular.

We overthrew the British Empire and tossed them out of our country with our guns.

When the Indians were a threat to isolated farmsteads, we fought them with our guns.

When the South decided they didn't want to be Americans anymore, the issue was resolved with our guns.

We stand ready and willing, the best-armed people in the world, and the most free because we are armed, to fight any tyrant who thinks he can take our guns.

Against all that history, Beto is a nothing, a nobody, doomed to be a footnote that will quickly be forgotten.

Military. the olden days, Lock and load.

Not even necessary for the puny deranged gun-grabbers. You do know that most commercially-available AR-15 rifles still have bayonet lugs on them, don't you? Gun-grabbers like Beto the Clown would look pretty silly having a fuckable hole where their belly button should be.


That makes them all the more dangerous, get them off the streets and out of the hands of morons.

Why? How many bayonet attacks have we had in this country?

Too bad that your Alinskyite tactic of "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon" falls flat every time you attempt to use it.

Rereading "Rules for Radicals" might help you a little, but I sincerely doubt it: You really need some resemblance of a wit or a sense of humor, in order to make that rule effectively work for you.

But keep trying, you have improved a little over the last couple years. :biggrin:
The T-shirt says: "Hell yeah, we're going to take your AR-15's!"

If I saw someone wearing a shirt like that, I would want to punch him in the mouth.

Fuck that guy.

Every Democrat who told us over the years that Democrats aren't coming for your guns are ignorant fools and or liars.
One (1) Democrat said that he wanted one(1) style of weapons out of the hands of nuts. If you own one you are nuts and a dangerous one.
It is not 1. It is MANY, this is just the latest blatant example.

If you own an ar15 you are nuts and a problem? You realize that it is one of the most popular rifles in the country, don't you? Run with that, calling large sections of the country nuts and dangerous. It worked so well for Hillary to call half the nation deplorable, no reason not to double down on it....
Hillary had 3 million more votes but she didn`t get enough in welfare land.
Another Clinton-Trump divide: High-output America vs low-output America
The T-shirt says: "Hell yeah, we're going to take your AR-15's!"

If I saw someone wearing a shirt like that, I would want to punch him in the mouth.

Fuck that guy.

Every Democrat who told us over the years that Democrats aren't coming for your guns are ignorant fools and or liars.
One (1) Democrat said that he wanted one(1) style of weapons out of the hands of nuts. If you own one you are nuts and a dangerous one.
It is not 1. It is MANY, this is just the latest blatant example.

If you own an ar15 you are nuts and a problem? You realize that it is one of the most popular rifles in the country, don't you? Run with that, calling large sections of the country nuts and dangerous. It worked so well for Hillary to call half the nation deplorable, no reason not to double down on it....
Hillary had 3 million more votes but she didn`t get enough in welfare land.
Another Clinton-Trump divide: High-output America vs low-output America

How did that work for her?
Fuck that guy.

Every Democrat who told us over the years that Democrats aren't coming for your guns are ignorant fools and or liars.
One (1) Democrat said that he wanted one(1) style of weapons out of the hands of nuts. If you own one you are nuts and a dangerous one.
It is not 1. It is MANY, this is just the latest blatant example.

If you own an ar15 you are nuts and a problem? You realize that it is one of the most popular rifles in the country, don't you? Run with that, calling large sections of the country nuts and dangerous. It worked so well for Hillary to call half the nation deplorable, no reason not to double down on it....
Hillary had 3 million more votes but she didn`t get enough in welfare land.
Another Clinton-Trump divide: High-output America vs low-output America

How did that work for her?
Con orgullo llamo hogar a El Paso—una comunidad de inmigrantes y refugiados, que representa lo mejor de los Estados Unidos. Ya que comienza el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, hay que defender a los latinoamericanos de las amenazas que enfrentan y celebrar que nos hacen un gran país.
Geez! Does this mean that the gun pussies are no longer afraid of that Hogg kid in Florida? For the record, the SC Heller decision affirmed that we can regulate guns. I support voluntary buy backs and nothing more.

I have a serious question.

Are David Hogg and Beto O"Rourke the same person?

Just asking for a friend.

So you are saying the UK's tough gun laws are worthless?

Kinda of like the nation's tough gun control laws in Chicago are worthless to stop gun crime in the Democrat controlled shithole.
Israel, which has some of the toughest gun laws in the world - they even limit your lifetime purchases of ammo - is awash in illegal weapons, but manage to have a homicide rate half of the US by providing extra security at locations that might invite mass shootings or violent crimes. That's what the US needs to do. Instead of bullshiting about how gun laws will prevent mass shootings at schools, the US needs to provide better security at schools.
Beta is the first Democrat to admit that the moment Democrats think they have the power to come for your guns, they will.
The undisputed champs of gun-confiscation and socialism. Do you think the Repubs will highlight that next year (and the year after, and the year after, and ...)?

Thursday night's Dem debate winner by a knockout:

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The T-shirt says: "Hell yeah, we're going to take your AR-15's!"

If I saw someone wearing a shirt like that, I would want to punch him in the mouth.

Fuck that guy.

Every Democrat who told us over the years that Democrats aren't coming for your guns are ignorant fools and or liars.
One (1) Democrat said that he wanted one(1) style of weapons out of the hands of nuts. If you own one you are nuts and a dangerous one.
And the Democrat audience erupted in the biggest applause of the evening. No Comrade, you may not have our guns and any attempt to do so will end in the violence you evidently covet.

"Hell no, Beto ... you ARen't"
Yes, Beto is a tool.....he is also a stool, like in know

in a few words he is a moron.

The T-shirt says: "Hell yeah, we're going to take your AR-15's!"

If I saw someone wearing a shirt like that, I would want to punch him in the mouth.

Fuck that guy.

Every Democrat who told us over the years that Democrats aren't coming for your guns are ignorant fools and or liars.
One (1) Democrat said that he wanted one(1) style of weapons out of the hands of nuts. If you own one you are nuts and a dangerous one.
It is not 1. It is MANY, this is just the latest blatant example.

If you own an ar15 you are nuts and a problem? You realize that it is one of the most popular rifles in the country, don't you? Run with that, calling large sections of the country nuts and dangerous. It worked so well for Hillary to call half the nation deplorable, no reason not to double down on it....
Hillary had 3 million more votes but she didn`t get enough in welfare land.
Another Clinton-Trump divide: High-output America vs low-output America
Amazingly she still figured a way to lose. Now that is a talent you just can't teach, eh? :lol:
Yes, Beto is a tool.....he is also a stool, like in know

in a few words he is a moron.

Much like the fab four freshmen congresswomen, he almost seems to be a Repub plant in the Dem Party. Every time the idiot opens his mouth he loses support and the Repubs gain.
The T-shirt says: "Hell yeah, we're going to take your AR-15's!"

If I saw someone wearing a shirt like that, I would want to punch him in the mouth.

Fuck that guy.

Every Democrat who told us over the years that Democrats aren't coming for your guns are ignorant fools and or liars.

Thank God for President Trump. If he never did anything else, at least he forced the Democrats to rip off their masks, revealing just how ugly they really are.

Do you have an AR 15 and what do you use it for??

Punching holes in paper for now, or dispatching surly coyotes. Hunting deer if I so desire.

Or stopping home invaders or burglars if need be.

You must be a bad shot.

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