Beto is the new face of the NRA.

Diver Diva

Platinum Member
Jun 2, 2019
Thanks Beto. You're going to be on a lot of bumper stickers.



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while i do think it was done out of his own frustration, he did it. he said it. and he broke every tenant of "due process".

whatever we do to each other, no matter how bad it gets, if we lose "due process" we're done.
I was happy to hear and see 'beto' say what he said about confiscating effective and efficient firearms . So i'm happy that he was frustrated if that's why . I guess that 'hitler' was FRUSTRATED when he disarmed the Jews in Germany before he started herding the Jews to Concentration Camps eh Iceberg ??
I was happy to hear and see 'beto' say what he said about confiscating effective and efficient firearms . So i'm happy that he was frustrated if that's why . I guess that 'hitler' was FRUSTRATED when he disarmed the Jews in Germany before he started herding the Jews to Concentration Camps eh Iceberg ??
The handful of guns owned by Jews would have stopped Hitler`s rise to power? No one can be stupid enough to believe that? Pistols vs. tanks, guns, flame throwers and bombers. Good one pissmoe.
see what the Jews did in their Warsaw Ghetto uprising with just a few guns stolen from 'nazis' and a few smuggled into the Ghetto. Plus the JEWS used makeshift explosives , fire , hiding and Guerilla Tactics to fight the 'nazis' and their tanks and machine guns , 'nazi' troops . Yeah , the JEW's lost but they were fighting rather that meekly heading to the empty boxcars that were waiting to take them to death in the Nazi gas chambers 'AWest . Course the JEW had been disarmed and were being starved . See the movie ' The Pianist ' and i'll get you some info AWest .
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I’m willing to see the Dems run on guns and abortion in 2020

Let’s make it an issue
see what the Jews did in their Warsaw Ghetto uprising with just a few guns stolen from 'nazis' and a few smuggled into the Ghetto. Plus the JEWS used makeshift explosives , fire , hiding and Guerilla Tactics to fight the Nazis and their tanks and machine guns , Nazi troops . Yeah , the JEW's lost but they were fighting rather that meekly heading to the empty boxcars that were waiting to take them to death in the Nazi gas chambers AWest . Corse the JEW had been disarms and were being starved . See the movie ' The Pianist ' and i'll get you some info AWest .

What happened to the Warsaw Ghetto?
Betos remarks and the gun sales are an example of unintended consequences...
see what the Jews did in their Warsaw Ghetto uprising with just a few guns stolen from 'nazis' and a few smuggled into the Ghetto. Plus the JEWS used makeshift explosives , fire , hiding and Guerilla Tactics to fight the Nazis and their tanks and machine guns , Nazi troops . Yeah , the JEW's lost but they were fighting rather that meekly heading to the empty boxcars that were waiting to take them to death in the Nazi gas chambers AWest . Corse the JEW had been disarms and were being starved . See the movie ' The Pianist ' and i'll get you some info AWest .

Ah, come on! The democrats are saying that their gun control plans are just like Progressive Founding Father Hitler's: they won't disarm EVERYONE, that's crazy! They'll only disarm the people they intend to round up
Thanks Beto. You're going to be on a lot of bumper stickers.


Let’s go for it!

Let’s make gun regulation a campaign issue and see how many Americans side with the NRA
And don't forget about reparations, the Green New Deal and banning private medical insurance, all guaranteed winners.

Reparations will drop as an issue

Dems will definitely be running on the environment and what Republicans have done to environmental protection. Ever worsening hurricanes, wildfires, droughts......Let republicans run on making them worse

People will be able to keep their private medical insurance. But when the price is compared to Medicare for all.......few will keep it
Millions have lost their health coverage under Republicans. Let them defend that
yep , as a youngster you may not have even heard of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising , And like I say the JEW had been disarmed by the 'nazi' . And yeah the JEW lost but they had decided that it was better to fight 'nazi' than to been herded into empty boxcars to end up in Gas Chambers in 'nazi' Concentration Camps AWest . --- The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising ---
see what the Jews did in their Warsaw Ghetto uprising with just a few guns stolen from 'nazis' and a few smuggled into the Ghetto. Plus the JEWS used makeshift explosives , fire , hiding and Guerilla Tactics to fight the Nazis and their tanks and machine guns , Nazi troops . Yeah , the JEW's lost but they were fighting rather that meekly heading to the empty boxcars that were waiting to take them to death in the Nazi gas chambers AWest . Corse the JEW had been disarms and were being starved . See the movie ' The Pianist ' and i'll get you some info AWest .

Ah, come on! The democrats are saying that their gun control plans are just like Progressive Founding Father Hitler's: they won't disarm EVERYONE, that's crazy! They'll only disarm the people they intend to round up
------------------------- I say that they'll only disarm those that aren't on the Payroll .
I was happy to hear and see 'beto' say what he said about confiscating effective and efficient firearms . So i'm happy that he was frustrated if that's why . I guess that 'hitler' was FRUSTRATED when he disarmed the Jews in Germany before he started herding the Jews to Concentration Camps eh Iceberg ??
The handful of guns owned by Jews would have stopped Hitler`s rise to power? No one can be stupid enough to believe that? Pistols vs. tanks, guns, flame throwers and bombers. Good one pissmoe.
You are so misinformed.

All the tanks and airplanes and artillery and other weaponry in the world will never replace a boot on the ground. Have you not paid attention to Afghanistan or Iraq or Vietnam?

The greatest army in the world will suffer long and hard trying to defeat armed citizens.

the only thing stopping us from ending these massacres is Trump and his cowardice.

Trump continually says he supports background checks every time there is a massacre

But he backs down when the NRA tells him to

Let Trump run on that

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