Betsy DeVos Has Cut 600 Staff Positions in Dept of Education

No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
You need people from DC to run your local school?

Are you really that stupid?
Gratuitous insults meant to divert attention away from DeVos' agenda to expand the reach of charter schools is noted. The primary functions of the Dept. of Ed are to establish policy for, administer and coordinate most federal assistance to education, collect data on US schools, and to enforce federal educational laws regarding privacy and civil rights. Ignorance gets you nowhere with me.

None of the shit you mentioned is necessary. Why not let the states run their own damn school systems?

You trust states like Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and others that basic abandoned poor and minority students to a substandard education that caused the Education Department to be created?

It’s not my job to trust how other states care for their citizens, and it sure as hell not the job of the federal government either.
The public school defenders in here claim they don't indoctrinate public school children with leftwing propaganda.

Then they are not paying much attention to what their kids are being taught or they act like shrinking violets when confronted with the power of the public school system or, they themselves have received such a bad education they actually agree with that bullshit. I could go on, the math they are teaching these kids is convoluted and ridiculous as well.
We have private schools, if you can afford them.
You can pick where you live based on the schools.
You can even home school your spawn if you don't mind his completely lacking socialization skills.
Vouchers will allow more people to choose.

But unfortunately Democrats are too beholding to teachers unions too allow the money to follow the child.

Democrats priority is the union over the child, because the children don't kick back part of the money to them.


OK. Let's use a recent school district where I worked as an example of how vouchers would work.

There is only one high school in the county and six K-8 schools. There are no private schools in the county and the closest is a Catholic high school 45 minutes away by back roads. The tuition to that school is approximately double any reasonable voucher proposal I have seen.

Where would those kids attend school if they had a voucher?

Use a real example. You're just being childish.

What you're saying is that because that condition MIGHT exist in 10% of the school districts in the country the other 90% must suffer. Way to go!
I pulled my kid out of a public school when she came home from school one day and had to do an assignment which included questioning whether or not we should have a Columbus Day because he had slaves. You see, they didn't bother to teach actual history to help the kids understand the history they were studying, they only tried to apply today's social justice to it.
The public school defenders in here claim they don't indoctrinate public school children with leftwing propaganda.
They most certainly do.

They are also wannabe wardens of a Socialist Police State:

RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAH: Free speech experts slam university for policy requiring “respect for authority.”

“The flyers were part of a series labeled ‘Common Sense’ and appeared on campus throughout the school year. The series featured satire and criticism of University President Kimberly Cline, as well as complaints regarding administration, mold in buildings, high administration salaries, poor campus food quality, and restrictions on freedom of speech.”​

How can you expect to be respected, when you’re acting like silly twits? If President Kimberly Cline thinks this is going to improve her reputation, she’s wrong.
Did you teach him chemistry, calculus, biology, etc? If not, that can be accomplished by a middle school dropout.


Today we're fortunate if a "high school graduate" can figure a 20% tip on a $50.00 check without reaching for their phone!
No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
I hope she succeeds. Our school system is broken

She is not doing anything to fix it.

She has cut their staff by about 15%, that's a great improvement.

While it is a good start and now we only have 85% to go, how does cutting their staff by about 15% improve education?
No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
Give me one good reason why everyone should send their child to a public school to guarantee the child will grow up to experiment with same-sex stuff and stay to expand the gay community which doesn't support family values centered on stable marriages and family.

And it better be good.
Home schoolers are self-designated, meaning they have zero qualifications. For every success you hear about, there are many more that have to return to public schools years behind their peers in education. I know because I had to teach high schools how to divide.

You are really showing your ignorance and bias.

True, not everyone is qualified to home school their children. HOWEVER, not all parents want to do so either. There are also dozens of very high-quality homeschooling systems on-line. You're also ASSUMING that parents who wish to home school do not communicate with each other. They meet and work together. Who knew?
No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
I hope she succeeds. Our school system is broken

She is not doing anything to fix it.

She has cut their staff by about 15%, that's a great improvement.

While it is a good start and now we only have 85% to go, how does cutting their staff by about 15% improve education?
The less influence the feds have the better. She cut staff and Trump cut their budget. Have to start somewhere
No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
I hope she succeeds. Our school system is broken

She is not doing anything to fix it.

She has cut their staff by about 15%, that's a great improvement.

While it is a good start and now we only have 85% to go, how does cutting their staff by about 15% improve education?
The less influence the feds have the better. She cut staff and Trump cut their budget. Have to start somewhere

So get rid of compulsory education too, huh?
Devos is trying to kill public education.
I'm rooting for her.

Because Family Values Republicans support getting rid of public education?
Anyone who isn't brainwashed wants to abolish government indoctrination centers.

What's the alternative?
High illiteracy?
An unskilled & ignorant workforce?
Private schools.
Devos is trying to kill public education.
I'm rooting for her.

Because Family Values Republicans support getting rid of public education?
Anyone who isn't brainwashed wants to abolish government indoctrination centers.

What's the alternative?
High illiteracy?
An unskilled & ignorant workforce?
Private schools.

With or without government help?

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