Betsy DeVos Has Cut 600 Staff Positions in Dept of Education

No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
You need people from DC to run your local school?

Are you really that stupid?
Gratuitous insults meant to divert attention away from DeVos' agenda to expand the reach of charter schools is noted. The primary functions of the Dept. of Ed are to establish policy for, administer and coordinate most federal assistance to education, collect data on US schools, and to enforce federal educational laws regarding privacy and civil rights. Ignorance gets you nowhere with me.
I support her agenda 100%. None of the functions you listed are necessary. Get rid of the DOE.

Of course you do. You support all the stupid ideas.
Which "stupid ideas" are those?

The Wall, the Space Force, multiple foreign wars, lowering the minimum wage, sucking up to Putin - and that's just off the top of my head.
In other words, "shut the fuck up and get the fuck out."

You're a typical leftwinger.

No, in other words do something about it get the fuck out. Put some convictions and actions behind your stated beliefs.

Whining on an internet forum does not count a doing something about it.
You need people from DC to run your local school?

Are you really that stupid?
Gratuitous insults meant to divert attention away from DeVos' agenda to expand the reach of charter schools is noted. The primary functions of the Dept. of Ed are to establish policy for, administer and coordinate most federal assistance to education, collect data on US schools, and to enforce federal educational laws regarding privacy and civil rights. Ignorance gets you nowhere with me.
I support her agenda 100%. None of the functions you listed are necessary. Get rid of the DOE.

Of course you do. You support all the stupid ideas.
Which "stupid ideas" are those?

The Wall, the Space Force, multiple foreign wars, lowering the minimum wage, sucking up to Putin - and that's just off the top of my head.
Those aren't her ideas, moron. Furthermore, your claims are bullshit. Trump hasn't started any wars whatsoever. He hasn't lowered the minimum wage and he hasn't sucked up to Putin.
In other words, "shut the fuck up and get the fuck out."

You're a typical leftwinger.

No, in other words do something about it get the fuck out. Put some convictions and actions behind your stated beliefs.

Whining on an internet forum does not count a doing something about it.
You're no better than any of the Stasi goose stepping Dims in this forum.

If you don't like my whining, then get the fuck out of this forum. That's something you can actually do.
Private Schools are usually well run and provide an alternative to Public Education.
Charter schools are usually based on misconception and FRAUD.

Report: The Department Of Education Has Spent $1 Billion On Charter School Waste And Fraud

Out spending for K-12 is around $634 BILLION. So $1 BILLION is a drop in the bucket. How much is wasted and fraud in public schools?

I many public schools are failing, how are Charter Schools based on any misconception?

One of the greatest threats to public schools comes from Teacher unions. No great surprise.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all does it not?
We have private schools, if you can afford them.
You can pick where you live based on the schools.
You can even home school your spawn if you don't mind his completely lacking socialization skills.

Why shouldn't the parents of children in failing schools be allowed to choose a better school just as more affluent parents?
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Awesome. Charter schools are a scam and Home Schooling just gives us a bunch of mal-adjusted people who can't interact. These would be good things.

you know what would be better? If the kids of the rich had to go to the same schools as kids of the poor.

Wow, you have a lot of misconceptions fed to you by Teacher Unions.

Specifically, why do you believe that requiring brighter, more advanced students be thrown in with slower, less advanced students is a great idea? How does teaching to the lowest common denominator going to benefit the brighter, more advanced students? How is boring them beneficial?
There should be no department of Education or IRS.


There, I just saved us a metric fuck ton of money.
I guess I missed the part where his opposition was crushed. So Boehner and Mitch McConnell just rolled over and stopped blocking his agenda? The Tea Party collapsed? Do you have a link to this collapse?

AND THAT’S HOW IT OUGHT TO BE: George Korda: UT President: The university doesn’t referee free speech.

Conservative students and faculty at the University of Tennessee who fear that speaking their minds will spark backlash and retribution from politically and socially-liberal students and faculty should consider Randy Boyd, UT System president, their 9-1-1 call.​

“We encourage people to speak their minds regardless of position, in all cases, all the time,” Boyd said Dec. 22 in an interview with me on “State Your Case,” the radio show I host from noon–2 p.m. Sundays on WOKI-FM, Newstalk 98.7.​

“We just hope that they can do it civilly and professionally,” he said. “As long as that’s done, we encourage the free speech of conservative, liberal, any view whatsoever. I’m hopeful no one feels afraid to share their views. If they ever do, my e-mail is [email protected].​

“They can e-mail me or just call me and I’ll be glad to talk to them and encourage them and support them in any way they feel necessary to be able to share their views.” . . .​

The world into which UT students will emerge is a tough one demanding resiliency, Boyd said. Graduates will encounter environments in which everything won’t be shaped for the individual to be protected from thoughts and ideas that don’t conform to their worldview.​

“As we know, when they leave their communities and they leave the University of Tennessee they’ll be going into the world where it’ll be challenging and it’ll have a lot of people with different points of view,” Boyd said. “We want to provide a university that provides a safe place for them to learn and grow but also – an area in which we need to improve – we want to be able to teach resilience. Because it’s a tough world out there and we need to make sure they’re prepared for the world after the university.”​

His answer led me to ask this question: “If somebody says ‘I don’t agree with gay marriage, I think it’s wrong,’ and somebody else says ‘I feel threatened and unsafe by that,’ where does the administration get involved in refereeing that sort of thing?”​

Boyd said the administration officials don’t get involved in throwing a flag on free speech.​

That’s certainly an improvement over Long Island University President Kimberly Cline.

This is the standard of Free Thought and Free Speech That Trump's making Great Again!
I pulled my kid out of a public school when she came home from school one day and had to do an assignment which included questioning whether or not we should have a Columbus Day because he had slaves. You see, they didn't bother to teach actual history to help the kids understand the history they were studying, they only tried to apply today's social justice to it.
I pulled my kid out of a public school when she came home from school one day and had to do an assignment which included questioning whether or not we should have a Columbus Day because he had slaves. You see, they didn't bother to teach actual history to help the kids understand the history they were studying, they only tried to apply today's social justice to it.
The public school defenders in here claim they don't indoctrinate public school children with leftwing propaganda.
HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Lecturer uses word ‘negro’ from black-authored source material, university apologizes to students.

Whom the gods would destroy, they first make ridiculous. The gods must really hate higher education lately.

Taxpayers Losing Interest In Funding Campus Kooks.

It’s not a shock that taxpayers think their money might be better spent elsewhere than on subsidizing enclaves of insanity. It’s especially true when universities spend so much of their time attacking so many of the Americans who pay taxes to support them, from Trump voters, to Christians, to gun owners and businesspeople. It takes a lot of chutzpah to slap someone in the face and then put your hand out for money, but that’s what universities have been doing for decades and with special force over the past few years.

The University of Maine: Maine has chosen to rename Columbus Day “Indigenous People’s Day.” This drew objection from the mayor of Waterville, Nick Isgro, and the University of Maine College Republicans put up a Facebook post in support, reminding people that some of the indigenous peoples Columbus and his successors conquered practiced cannibalism and ritual sacrifice.

This statement was, of course, true, but that didn’t matter. It drew a harsh response from UMaine President Joan Ferrini-Mundy and Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Life Robert Dana, in the form of a mass email to all students, shaming the College Republicans for daring to take a pro-Columbus position. They stated: "The positions reflected and reposted on that [Facebook] page are neither supported by nor reflective of the University of Maine's values and principles of inclusivity and equity.”

Taxpayers may wonder what, exactly, about a truthful historical statement is beyond the bounds of university life, and why unelected educational bureaucrats get to decide what the university’s values are. But more likely they will simply conclude that universities are silly places, not worthy of their tax dollars.

Nor is what happened at Maine an isolated example. Websites like Campus Reform, The College Fix, and Minding The Campus provide a steady diet of similar — or worse — behavior at schools across the nation. And, of course, after the 2016 election, we were treated to such absurdities as the University of Michigan Law School offering Play-Doh, coloring sheets, and Legos for students in need of comfort after the election, while Stanford University reminded people that psychological counseling was available for those suffering “uncertainty, anger, anxiety and/or fear” from Hillary Clinton’s defeat. At Cornell they had a “cry in.” At Yale, they had a “group scream.”​
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Tomorrow’s headlines: Trump administration destroys Christmas for hundreds of families.

I’m hoping in his second term Trump eliminates the Department altogether.

Betsy DeVos has cut 600 staff positions at the Department of Education

“I have long advocated for the notion that it would be great to work myself out of a job,” she said.
She has never had to work for a living g.

So what? The same could be said of 90% or more of the members of the House and Senate.

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