Betsy DeVos Has Cut 600 Staff Positions in Dept of Education

They came to your house and told you you couldn't send your kid to a private school?

Sounds to me like you are just wanting free stuff.
Are you actually going to pretend that taxes are paid voluntarily?
Got it. You just free stuff some one else has to pay for.

I think it's you that wants free stuff that someone else has to pay for.
Not at all. I pay for schools. I am not the one running around whining and demanding others pay to send my kids to some elite private school. Pay for it yourself. Isn't that what you tell others about stuff like free contraception or medical care? Pay for it yourself.
You want me to pay for your schools. I don't want your government brainwashing mills. You demand that I send my kids to the cesspools that you want. When are you going to pay for it yourself?

Who do you think you're fooling?

You don't get that choice. I may not want to pay for your fire department, but I do because I have to do so, even though I pay a volunteer fire department where I live.
Are you actually going to pretend that taxes are paid voluntarily?
Got it. You just free stuff some one else has to pay for.

I think it's you that wants free stuff that someone else has to pay for.
Not at all. I pay for schools. I am not the one running around whining and demanding others pay to send my kids to some elite private school. Pay for it yourself. Isn't that what you tell others about stuff like free contraception or medical care? Pay for it yourself.
You want me to pay for your schools. I don't want your government brainwashing mills. You demand that I send my kids to the cesspools that you want. When are you going to pay for it yourself?

Who do you think you're fooling?

You don't get that choice. I may not want to pay for your fire department, but I do because I have to do so, even though I pay a volunteer fire department where I live.
That's the problem with the system you endorse: I don't get a choice.
I retired almost two years ago, but they didn't remove my brain when I did.
So you were a school teacher. Apology rescinded.

And you were not a teacher or school administrator and know nothing about education. You also don't realize that you never apologized.
The theory that only teachers and school administrators know about education was invented by teachers and school administrators. I taught my stepson how to read and do arithmetic, not any god damned public school teachers. They didn't teach him a thing.

Did you teach him chemistry, calculus, biology, etc? If not, that can be accomplished by a middle school dropout.
He was no longer my stepson at that point, but I easily could have. Home schoolers manage to teach all these subjects.

Home schoolers are self-designated, meaning they have zero qualifications. For every success you hear about, there are many more that have to return to public schools years behind their peers in education. I know because I had to teach high schools how to divide.
Got it. You just free stuff some one else has to pay for.

I think it's you that wants free stuff that someone else has to pay for.
Not at all. I pay for schools. I am not the one running around whining and demanding others pay to send my kids to some elite private school. Pay for it yourself. Isn't that what you tell others about stuff like free contraception or medical care? Pay for it yourself.
You want me to pay for your schools. I don't want your government brainwashing mills. You demand that I send my kids to the cesspools that you want. When are you going to pay for it yourself?

Who do you think you're fooling?

You don't get that choice. I may not want to pay for your fire department, but I do because I have to do so, even though I pay a volunteer fire department where I live.
That's the problem with the system you endorse: I don't get a choice.

If you don't want a choice, feel free to go live off the grid where you never have contact with humans. That is your choice. Suck it up, buttercup!
No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
You need people from DC to run your local school?

Are you really that stupid?
DeVos, DOJ Slam Campuses Behaving As "Mini Police States"

"Repressive speech codes are the indecent hallmark of despotic, totalitarian regimes. They have absolutely no place in our country..."

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education filed a lawsuit against Jones College after the school threatened to arrest student members of Young Americans for Liberty for their efforts to initiate a conversation about marijuana legalization on campus. The campus police stopped the YAL members from tabling to raise awareness about this issue. FIRE sued the school on behalf of YAL and student Michael Brown.

The Department of Justice is weighing in on the matter, releasing a statement insisting that “College campuses should not be mini police states.”

“The United States of America is not a police state,” said assistant attorney general for the Civil Rights Division Eric Dreiband, adding “Repressive speech codes are the indecent hallmark of despotic, totalitarian regimes. They have absolutely no place in our country."


US secretary of education Betsy DeVos also weighed in on the free speech of students at Jones County Junior College saying that the situation is “yet another concerning example of students encountering limits on what, when, where, and how they learn.”

“This is happening far too often on our nation’s campuses. This Administration won’t let students be silenced. We stand with their right to speak and with their right to learn truth through the free exchange of ideas—particularly those with which they might disagree,” DeVos added.​

Another link to ZeroHedge - a Bulgarian conspiracy theory website.

Zero Hedge - Media Bias/Fact Check
Nobody is interested in the Nobody that runs the biased "Media Bias/Fact Check" opinion on bias. He admits he is biased and has no special training or certification in detecting bias or fact.

Americans are tired of various Universities trying to implement mini police states with show trials, speech codes, and suppression of alternative points of view.

What is being supressed is hate speech, and denigration of minorities by alt-right media promoting lies and conspiracy theories. Americans are tired of being lied to. Well, the left is tired of it. Conservatives seem to WANT to be lied to since they eagerly latch onto any conspiracy theory which promotes their deeply held beliefs.

Everything that you know is a lie and you love it and beg for more, you ignorant Fuckette.

I think it's you that wants free stuff that someone else has to pay for.
Not at all. I pay for schools. I am not the one running around whining and demanding others pay to send my kids to some elite private school. Pay for it yourself. Isn't that what you tell others about stuff like free contraception or medical care? Pay for it yourself.
You want me to pay for your schools. I don't want your government brainwashing mills. You demand that I send my kids to the cesspools that you want. When are you going to pay for it yourself?

Who do you think you're fooling?

You don't get that choice. I may not want to pay for your fire department, but I do because I have to do so, even though I pay a volunteer fire department where I live.
That's the problem with the system you endorse: I don't get a choice.

If you don't want a choice, feel free to go live off the grid where you never have contact with humans. That is your choice. Suck it up, buttercup!

He does whine a lot about this being forced bullshit but lacks the balls to do anything about it. He just likes to whine.
There are great private schools, and you pay for them out of your own pocket. people with money chose the best private schools smaller class size, prestige,that leads to acceptance in better colleges. OK more affluent neighborhoods have better schools. I support all public schools, and 90 % of you talking bad about public school that's where you got your education. So are you saying you are less successful and poor because you went to public school?
No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
You need people from DC to run your local school?

Are you really that stupid?
Gratuitous insults meant to divert attention away from DeVos' agenda to expand the reach of charter schools is noted. The primary functions of the Dept. of Ed are to establish policy for, administer and coordinate most federal assistance to education, collect data on US schools, and to enforce federal educational laws regarding privacy and civil rights. Ignorance gets you nowhere with me.
I support her agenda 100%. None of the functions you listed are necessary. Get rid of the DOE.
But....but.....we need a $68B department to collect data! What’s all that data going to do just sitting out there in a huge void?

You do know that over $22 billion out of that $68 billion are Pell Grants.

The government has one quality unmet by private enterprise. The ability to write checks.

Pell Grants could be block grants written to the states to manage as they wish. That would eliminate the useless Department of Education.
You need people from DC to run your local school?

Are you really that stupid?
Gratuitous insults meant to divert attention away from DeVos' agenda to expand the reach of charter schools is noted. The primary functions of the Dept. of Ed are to establish policy for, administer and coordinate most federal assistance to education, collect data on US schools, and to enforce federal educational laws regarding privacy and civil rights. Ignorance gets you nowhere with me.
I support her agenda 100%. None of the functions you listed are necessary. Get rid of the DOE.
But....but.....we need a $68B department to collect data! What’s all that data going to do just sitting out there in a huge void?

You do know that over $22 billion out of that $68 billion are Pell Grants.

The government has one quality unmet by private enterprise. The ability to write checks.

Pell Grants could be block grants written to the states to manage as they wish. That would eliminate the useless Department of Education.

There is absolute zero value added by the Dept of Ed.

All they do is suck up money that could be spent elsewhere.
So you were a school teacher. Apology rescinded.

And you were not a teacher or school administrator and know nothing about education. You also don't realize that you never apologized.
The theory that only teachers and school administrators know about education was invented by teachers and school administrators. I taught my stepson how to read and do arithmetic, not any god damned public school teachers. They didn't teach him a thing.

Did you teach him chemistry, calculus, biology, etc? If not, that can be accomplished by a middle school dropout.
He was no longer my stepson at that point, but I easily could have. Home schoolers manage to teach all these subjects.

Home schoolers are self-designated, meaning they have zero qualifications. For every success you hear about, there are many more that have to return to public schools years behind their peers in education. I know because I had to teach high schools how to divide.
Nevertheless, home schooled kids outperform kids in public schools by a million miles. Your claim about them being years behind is pure moonshine. It's government school propaganda.

Research Facts on Homeschooling - National Home Education Research Institute
  • The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests. (The public school average is the 50th percentile; scores range from 1 to 99.) A 2015 study found Black homeschool students to be scoring 23 to 42 percentile points above Black public school students (Ray, 2015).
  • Homeschool students score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parents’ level of formal education or their family’s household income.
  • Whether homeschool parents were ever certified teachers is not related to their children’s academic achievement.
  • Degree of state control and regulation of homeschooling is not related to academic achievement.
  • Home-educated students typically score above average on the SAT and ACT tests that colleges consider for admissions.
  • Homeschool students are increasingly being actively recruited by colleges.
Not at all. I pay for schools. I am not the one running around whining and demanding others pay to send my kids to some elite private school. Pay for it yourself. Isn't that what you tell others about stuff like free contraception or medical care? Pay for it yourself.
You want me to pay for your schools. I don't want your government brainwashing mills. You demand that I send my kids to the cesspools that you want. When are you going to pay for it yourself?

Who do you think you're fooling?

You don't get that choice. I may not want to pay for your fire department, but I do because I have to do so, even though I pay a volunteer fire department where I live.
That's the problem with the system you endorse: I don't get a choice.

If you don't want a choice, feel free to go live off the grid where you never have contact with humans. That is your choice. Suck it up, buttercup!

He does whine a lot about this being forced bullshit but lacks the balls to do anything about it. He just likes to whine.
What do you propose I do about, shithead, start shooting up public schools?

You're such a fucking moron.

I think it's you that wants free stuff that someone else has to pay for.
Not at all. I pay for schools. I am not the one running around whining and demanding others pay to send my kids to some elite private school. Pay for it yourself. Isn't that what you tell others about stuff like free contraception or medical care? Pay for it yourself.
You want me to pay for your schools. I don't want your government brainwashing mills. You demand that I send my kids to the cesspools that you want. When are you going to pay for it yourself?

Who do you think you're fooling?

You don't get that choice. I may not want to pay for your fire department, but I do because I have to do so, even though I pay a volunteer fire department where I live.
That's the problem with the system you endorse: I don't get a choice.

If you don't want a choice, feel free to go live off the grid where you never have contact with humans. That is your choice. Suck it up, buttercup!
You're the one who doesn't want people to have a choice, dumbass.
What do you propose I do about, shithead, start shooting up public schools?

You're such a fucking moron.

Nope, you should just sit here and whine about it on an internet forum and keep on voting for the duopoly, that will fix everything! :113:
What do you propose, asshole, voting for Gary Johnson?

I propose less whining from you.

Alternatively, If you think this country sucks for very much for "forcing" you to pay taxes...then get the fuck out. Go live in the middle of fucking nowhere off the grid and never pay a dime in taxes again.
If only that were the case. When public schools close, poor kids disappear from the school system because their parents can’t afford the shortfall between the voucher and the tuition.
As you know, public schools close because there are not enough students in the area. School vouchers allow children at failing schools to have their choice of schools, just as do parents from wealthier families. Why should they be denied choice?

Added to which, charter schools cherry pick the bright kids so their test scores don’t suffer. They get rid of the kids with any sorts of problems or learning disabilities, too.
What is the problem with charter and private schools "cherry-picking" children who want to learn and do not disrupt and hold back the rest of the students? What is wrong with allowing public schools to have competition and allow them to cater to great students as well as the facilities to manage students with less academic abilities providing them with counseling and vocational training?

But Republicans want the public school system destroyed and charter schools will make that happen.

I've not heard of any Republicans who were advocating for the closing of our public school system. Why do you believe that public schools would not benefit from real competition? What product is not improved by competition?

Just look at what happened in New Orleans after Katrina. They’ve abandoned their Charter School experiment. It was too expensive and produced poor results.
What do you propose, asshole, voting for Gary Johnson?

I propose less whining from you.

Alternatively, If you think this country sucks for very much for "forcing" you to pay taxes...then get the fuck out. Go live in the middle of fucking nowhere off the grid and never pay a dime in taxes again.
In other words, "shut the fuck up and get the fuck out."

You're a typical leftwinger.

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