Betsy DeVos Has Cut 600 Staff Positions in Dept of Education

I'm rooting for her.

Because Family Values Republicans support getting rid of public education?
Anyone who isn't brainwashed wants to abolish government indoctrination centers.

What's the alternative?
High illiteracy?
An unskilled & ignorant workforce?
Private schools.

With or without government help?
Eventually without, but vouchers can help with the transition.
Because Family Values Republicans support getting rid of public education?
Anyone who isn't brainwashed wants to abolish government indoctrination centers.

What's the alternative?
High illiteracy?
An unskilled & ignorant workforce?
Private schools.

With or without government help?
Eventually without, but vouchers can help with the transition.

Really dumb idea.
Russia had huge illiteracy because they didn't have public / compulsory education.
No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
Destroying the Dept of Education doesn't equate to destroying the public schools, moron.

What's your problem with charter schools? Are you afraid kids might actually get an education?
He is afraid they won't get their indoctrination. Look how well it's turned out. We have 10 year old boys running around thinking they are girls.
The Wall, the Space Force, multiple foreign wars, lowering the minimum wage, sucking up to Putin - and that's just off the top of my head.

Good, the Wall and the Space Force.

Who lowered the minimum wage? Granted, the Federal Minimum Wage should be ZERO, what foreign wars did President Donald Trump start? How is President Trump "sucking up to Putin"?
It’s a mathematical certainty the USA will default on debt service payments at the rate we are going.

It’s not a matter of if, it’s definitely when.

Then when that happens, people and foreign governments will be less inclined to buy treasury bonds.

We won’t literally go bankrupt necessarily, but we will be in a world of shit. We can’t print money and bail ourselves out. There is a thing called hyperinflation.

The $1,000,000 nest egg retirees have will be worth a Golfing Gator Post.
Anyone who isn't brainwashed wants to abolish government indoctrination centers.

What's the alternative?
High illiteracy?
An unskilled & ignorant workforce?
Private schools.

With or without government help?
Eventually without, but vouchers can help with the transition.

Really dumb idea.
Russia had huge illiteracy because they didn't have public / compulsory education.
They had illiteracy because the Monarchy had an official policy against educating peasants. Literacy in the early United States before government schools were conceived of was above 90%
What's the alternative?
High illiteracy?
An unskilled & ignorant workforce?
Private schools.

With or without government help?
Eventually without, but vouchers can help with the transition.

Really dumb idea.
Russia had huge illiteracy because they didn't have public / compulsory education.
They had illiteracy because the Monarchy had an official policy against educating peasants. Literacy in the early United States before government schools were conceived of was above 90%

Betsy Devos is making Free Speech on Campus Great Again!

Journalists Against Free Speech.

Free speech is no longer sacred among young journalists who have absorbed the campus lessons about “hate speech”—defined more and more broadly—and they’re breaking long-standing taboos as they bring “cancel culture” into professional newsrooms. They’re not yet in charge, but many of their editors are reacting like beleaguered college presidents, terrified of seeming insufficiently “woke.” Most professional journalists, young and old, still pay lip service to the First Amendment, and they certainly believe that it protects their work, but they’re increasingly eager for others to be “de-platformed” or “no-platformed,” as today’s censors like to put it—effectively silenced.​

These mostly younger "progressive" journalists lead campaigns to get conservative journalists fired, banned from Twitter, and “de-monetized” on YouTube. They don’t burn books, but they’ve successfully pressured Amazon to stop selling titles that they deem offensive. They encourage advertising boycotts designed to put ideological rivals out of business. They’re loath to report forthrightly on left-wing censorship and violence, even when fellow journalists get attacked. They equate conservatives’ speech with violence and rationalize leftists’ actual violence as . . . speech.​

It’s a strange new world for those who remember liberal journalists like Nat Hentoff, the Village Voice writer who stood with the ACLU in defending the free-speech rights of Nazis, Klansmen, and others whose views he deplored—or who recall the days when the Columbia Journalism Review stood as an unswerving advocate for press freedom.​

Well, to be fair, journalists were mostly in favor of free speech and civil liberties in general when it was communists and the like who were being targeted. Now that it’s communists and the like who are doing the targeting, their principles are slipping. Or perhaps being revealed as nonexistent.
I hope she succeeds. Our school system is broken

She is not doing anything to fix it.

She has cut their staff by about 15%, that's a great improvement.

While it is a good start and now we only have 85% to go, how does cutting their staff by about 15% improve education?
The less influence the feds have the better. She cut staff and Trump cut their budget. Have to start somewhere

So get rid of compulsory education too, huh?
Fuck off loser.

Go argue in a mirror if you want to play those asinine juvenile games
What's the alternative?
High illiteracy?
An unskilled & ignorant workforce?
Private schools.

With or without government help?
Eventually without, but vouchers can help with the transition.

Really dumb idea.
Russia had huge illiteracy because they didn't have public / compulsory education.
They had illiteracy because the Monarchy had an official policy against educating peasants. Literacy in the early United States before government schools were conceived of was above 90%

No, Russia did what you want to do with America.

Changes in Educational Ideology and Format: 18th to 20th Century Practices » HI 446 Revolutionary Russia | Boston University

Education was predominately exclusive, religious, and limited in length during Imperial Russia. No form of universal public education had yet been established leaving only those with financial means the ability to enroll in educational institutions at the secondary and university level. The gymnasium form of education adopted from Germany provided greater accessibility to education for the elites which contributed to the growth of national culture but also caused a polarization of the educated elite further separating the group from the majority of Russian society. Conservatism was a major theme of these schools both in curriculum and mission. Common curricula at the time focused on classical works, history, political theory, and economics. The common mission of these primary and secondary schools was to mold the student population into a cohesive, mild group that could not become radicalized and cause revolution like that seen in France in 1789. Universities proved a challenge for the Imperial Government and were never tamed due to the influence of intellectuals over the institutions.
She is not doing anything to fix it.

She has cut their staff by about 15%, that's a great improvement.

While it is a good start and now we only have 85% to go, how does cutting their staff by about 15% improve education?
The less influence the feds have the better. She cut staff and Trump cut their budget. Have to start somewhere

So get rid of compulsory education too, huh?
Fuck off loser.

Go argue in a mirror if you want to play those asinine juvenile games

Has the truth sent you into feral Chimp spasms?
What's the alternative?
High illiteracy?
An unskilled & ignorant workforce?
Private schools.

With or without government help?
Eventually without, but vouchers can help with the transition.

Really dumb idea.
Russia had huge illiteracy because they didn't have public / compulsory education.
They had illiteracy because the Monarchy had an official policy against educating peasants. Literacy in the early United States before government schools were conceived of was above 90%
So who taught most of the blacks and Native Americans to read and write? What about poorer whites in general? Women were also often not literate.

While your literacy statistic seems essentially correct for the white population, it was more like 80% if you take the population as a whole, and literacy kept growing a lot after public schools:

National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) - 120 Years of Literacy

Why do you refuse to consider blacks as people?
Private schools.

With or without government help?
Eventually without, but vouchers can help with the transition.

Really dumb idea.
Russia had huge illiteracy because they didn't have public / compulsory education.
They had illiteracy because the Monarchy had an official policy against educating peasants. Literacy in the early United States before government schools were conceived of was above 90%

No, Russia did what you want to do with America...
No they didn't.

Changes in Educational Ideology and Format: 18th to 20th Century Practices » HI 446 Revolutionary Russia | Boston University

Education was predominately exclusive, religious, and limited in length during Imperial Russia. No form of universal public education had yet been established leaving only those with financial means the ability to enroll in educational institutions at the secondary and university level. The gymnasium form of education adopted from Germany provided greater accessibility to education for the elites which contributed to the growth of national culture but also caused a polarization of the educated elite further separating the group from the majority of Russian society. Conservatism was a major theme of these schools both in curriculum and mission. Common curricula at the time focused on classical works, history, political theory, and economics. The common mission of these primary and secondary schools was to mold the student population into a cohesive, mild group that could not become radicalized and cause revolution like that seen in France in 1789. Universities proved a challenge for the Imperial Government and were never tamed due to the influence of intellectuals over the institutions.[/QUOTE]
US Education was better before Jimmy Carter gave us the Department of Education.

The Federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in school curricula or to control jobs in the market place. This is why we will need to abolish the Department of Education, end federal meddling in our schools, and promote family choice at all levels of learning.

Jimmy Carter created the Department of Education as a political payoff to the teachers’ unions for their 1976 endorsement. Like virtually every federal department, the Department of Education has only made things worse. Student educational outcomes have worsened since the creation of the Department of Education.

Federal agencies always cost more than initially predicted. The Department of Education’s 2011 budget is nearly six times greater than its original budget. It has increased from $13.1 billion (in 2007 dollars) in 1980 to $77.8 billion in 2011. The federal government throwing more money at education has done virtually nothing to improve educational outcomes. Student test scores in math, reading and science have remained flat or declined over the past four decades. The chart below shows how increased federal spending has not had a positive effect on educational achievement:


The federal government meddling in education has been a failure to say the least. A group of federal bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. cannot possibly design a curriculum that meets the unique needs of millions of school children across the nation. We need to restore control over education to the local level where teachers and parents are put back in charge. Make no mistake; eliminating the Department of Education is a pro-education position.

Abolishing the Department of Education is the Right Thing to Do | FreedomWorks
I don't mind, let the South crash & burn by lack of education funding, while we'll continue funding education in the civilized North.
She has cut their staff by about 15%, that's a great improvement.

While it is a good start and now we only have 85% to go, how does cutting their staff by about 15% improve education?
The less influence the feds have the better. She cut staff and Trump cut their budget. Have to start somewhere

So get rid of compulsory education too, huh?
Fuck off loser.

Go argue in a mirror if you want to play those asinine juvenile games

Has the truth sent you into feral Chimp spasms?
No, your STUPIDITY has. What kind of moron makes up a bogus argument, applies it to those they are debating then declares victory???


Now as I said, go argue in the mirror so your made up bullshit can fool your opponent.

No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
You need people from DC to run your local school?

Are you really that stupid?
Gratuitous insults meant to divert attention away from DeVos' agenda to expand the reach of charter schools is noted. The primary functions of the Dept. of Ed are to establish policy for, administer and coordinate most federal assistance to education, collect data on US schools, and to enforce federal educational laws regarding privacy and civil rights. Ignorance gets you nowhere with me.

That's not a federal function. Neither are student loans.

While it is a good start and now we only have 85% to go, how does cutting their staff by about 15% improve education?
The less influence the feds have the better. She cut staff and Trump cut their budget. Have to start somewhere

So get rid of compulsory education too, huh?
Fuck off loser.

Go argue in a mirror if you want to play those asinine juvenile games

Has the truth sent you into feral Chimp spasms?
No, your STUPIDITY has. What kind of moron makes up a bogus argument, applies it to those they are debating then declares victory???


Now as I said, go argue in the mirror so your made up bullshit can fool your opponent.


You know, at least one person in this thread is basically making the argument to get rid of compulsory education
While it is a good start and now we only have 85% to go, how does cutting their staff by about 15% improve education?
The less influence the feds have the better. She cut staff and Trump cut their budget. Have to start somewhere

So get rid of compulsory education too, huh?
Fuck off loser.

Go argue in a mirror if you want to play those asinine juvenile games

Has the truth sent you into feral Chimp spasms?
No, your STUPIDITY has. What kind of moron makes up a bogus argument, applies it to those they are debating then declares victory???


Now as I said, go argue in the mirror so your made up bullshit can fool your opponent.


Tsarist Russia's illiteracy was huge, even about 15% of Jews in Russia were illiterate.

Because Tsarist Russia didn't have the means of compulsory education / public education.
A friend of my family works for the FAA. He is 75 years old and he brags about he literally does nothing, but earns $200k/year. He said he will continue to “work” until he dies or they sever him.

I saw him say this with my own 2 eyes and heard it with my own 2 ear balls at Thanksgiving.

The Fed is bloated as fuck.

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