Betsy DeVos Has Cut 600 Staff Positions in Dept of Education

So, you threw kids out of school who were a challenge?

You just destroyed your own position, Fuckwit.

They were not a challenge. They attended school only when they had drug deals to make, skipped class almost constantly, and never passed a single class. I was an assistant principal in the largest high school in northeast Florida at the time, and personally supervised 650 students.

Once again, you run your mouth about things you know nothing about and lie when it suits your purposes.
You bailed on those children.


Bailed? STFU you self-inflicted ignoramus!

I'l give another example of something you never considered. One of the students I kicked out my last year in Florida was let back in the school by the principal the year after I left. He was a 17 year-old freshman who had exactly zero credits toward graduation despite being in the school for almost 3 years. He was well-known to our school resource officers and the local police in the neighborhoods as a drug dealer.

He was sexually harassing a young female student, and the school did nothing about it. The girl's older brother shot and killed that young man while he was harassing the student at their home. If he stayed out of school he might at least still be alive today.
Sounds like you, your public school, and your beloved DOE couldn’t handle that student. Kinda flies in the face of your claim public schools are equipped to handle all students, huh?

What the fuck does the Department of Energy have to do with anything?

We could handle those students just fine as far as the legislatures and school board would allow.

You really are pathetic, arguing against the truth. You really have no reasoning other than elementary school bumper sticker slogans.
So, you claim you could handle these kids if not for the bureaucracy you so love?

Seems odd.
Principal who liked our sons and understood our concerns told us they were mandated to teach to the bottom 25% to pull them up to the middle
Total BullShit. There is NO WAY that schools are mandated to teach to the lower 25%. We have High Cap, we have STEM, We have excelerated Math Classes. Etc.

Yep, and almost 3 trillion dollars later, all we have to show for it is lower test scores and higher drop out rates.
We in the USA are mandated to educate ALL. When we take State Tests, All students are scored. Is that true in Finland? Do some research. Does China record the test results of EVERY student? I think not. Would you rather have your child educated in the USA or Poland. Poland is ranked Higher. So yes, send your kids to Poland.

You are lying again. Public schools can’t handle all students.
So Nostra, which students are excluded from public education. At public schools, we have non-verbal students (bless their heart) who can't even express emotion, yet count as failures in the public school system. Will Private Schools or Charter schools take on these students? NO. They don't.

So what is your Nostra solution for these non-verbal children that MUST be educated by the public school system?
I'm going to hammer you on this, so you better have a solution. Or you will choose to dodge the question.
I know where this is headed.

So, Nostra what is your solution to the non-verbal children that public schools must accept?

Yeah, I heard on the news today they are proposing lowering the standards on STEM classes so women won't feel semiconscious about making lower grades. They said women are more sensitive to lower grades than men. LMAO So now grades will take into account the feelings of those receiving them. Give me a fucking break.

BTW you're as good at deflection as the other loser.

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Failure. Test scores should remain the same. Once high, always high.
Spending, of course it is going to rise with time.
What a FAILURE OKTexas

Your chart is a complete failure?

You need an example.
NBA scoring Leaders in Average Points Per Game/Versus The Salary of said players.
Since these players are being paid so much more, their scoring average should continue on the same rate.

I owned you on this, just admit it. Coward.
Tomorrow’s headlines: Trump administration destroys Christmas for hundreds of families.

I’m hoping in his second term Trump eliminates the Department altogether.

Betsy DeVos has cut 600 staff positions at the Department of Education

“I have long advocated for the notion that it would be great to work myself out of a job,” she said.


Failure. Test scores should remain the same. Once high, always high.
Spending, of course it is going to rise with time.
What a FAILURE OKTexas

Your chart is a complete failure?

You need an example.
NBA scoring Leaders in Average Points Per Game/Versus The Salary of said players.
Since these players are being paid so much more, their scoring average should continue on the same rate.

I owned you on this, just admit it. Coward.
NBA salaries are based on the revenues their performance brings in. It is merit based.

I wouldn’t expect you to understand such a thing.
The primary function of school is as an organized public babysitting service.

Schools became big during the industrial revolution when parents were working and needed a place to store their kids.

Education for kids today is a mess. The schools are holes and the kids coming out have incredibly screwed up ideas and no problem solving skills.

What a stoooopped response.
So you yourself, are public school educated, and that is your excuse for being stupid?
Since all of the intelligent posters seemed to have left this thread after you morons outed yourselves, I will bid you all adieu. I think my work here is done, exposing you for the dumbasses you are. It really sucks to be you. No one shroud suffer stupidity to that extreme.

Failure. Test scores should remain the same. Once high, always high.
Spending, of course it is going to rise with time.
What a FAILURE OKTexas

Your chart is a complete failure?

You need an example.
NBA scoring Leaders in Average Points Per Game/Versus The Salary of said players.
Since these players are being paid so much more, their scoring average should continue on the same rate.

I owned you on this, just admit it. Coward.

More money, more personnel, no improvement, diminishing returns. Money wasted.

Since all of the intelligent posters seemed to have left this thread after you morons outed yourselves, I will bid you all adieu. I think my work here is done, exposing you for the dumbasses you are. It really sucks to be you. No one shroud suffer stupidity to that extreme.
Run along, kid. My foot was getting sore from kicking your ass anyway.
They were not a challenge. They attended school only when they had drug deals to make, skipped class almost constantly, and never passed a single class. I was an assistant principal in the largest high school in northeast Florida at the time, and personally supervised 650 students.

Once again, you run your mouth about things you know nothing about and lie when it suits your purposes.
You bailed on those children.


Bailed? STFU you self-inflicted ignoramus!

I'l give another example of something you never considered. One of the students I kicked out my last year in Florida was let back in the school by the principal the year after I left. He was a 17 year-old freshman who had exactly zero credits toward graduation despite being in the school for almost 3 years. He was well-known to our school resource officers and the local police in the neighborhoods as a drug dealer.

He was sexually harassing a young female student, and the school did nothing about it. The girl's older brother shot and killed that young man while he was harassing the student at their home. If he stayed out of school he might at least still be alive today.
Sounds like you, your public school, and your beloved DOE couldn’t handle that student. Kinda flies in the face of your claim public schools are equipped to handle all students, huh?

What the fuck does the Department of Energy have to do with anything?

We could handle those students just fine as far as the legislatures and school board would allow.

You really are pathetic, arguing against the truth. You really have no reasoning other than elementary school bumper sticker slogans.
So, you claim you could handle these kids if not for the bureaucracy you so love?

Seems odd.

You do not understand the difference in a bureaucrat and an elected official?

I worked in a state with a Republican governor, Republican legislature and Republican school board. That is just more incredible ignorance you are spouting! Doesn't that ever make you tired having to lie so much?
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Since all of the intelligent posters seemed to have left this thread after you morons outed yourselves, I will bid you all adieu. I think my work here is done, exposing you for the dumbasses you are. It really sucks to be you. No one shroud suffer stupidity to that extreme.
Run along, kid. My foot was getting sore from kicking your ass anyway.

The only ass kicked here was those of you and the other conservatards. You could not produce a fact if all of your lives depended on it.

Goodbye dumbass!
You bailed on those children.


Bailed? STFU you self-inflicted ignoramus!

I'l give another example of something you never considered. One of the students I kicked out my last year in Florida was let back in the school by the principal the year after I left. He was a 17 year-old freshman who had exactly zero credits toward graduation despite being in the school for almost 3 years. He was well-known to our school resource officers and the local police in the neighborhoods as a drug dealer.

He was sexually harassing a young female student, and the school did nothing about it. The girl's older brother shot and killed that young man while he was harassing the student at their home. If he stayed out of school he might at least still be alive today.
Sounds like you, your public school, and your beloved DOE couldn’t handle that student. Kinda flies in the face of your claim public schools are equipped to handle all students, huh?

What the fuck does the Department of Energy have to do with anything?

We could handle those students just fine as far as the legislatures and school board would allow.

You really are pathetic, arguing against the truth. You really have no reasoning other than elementary school bumper sticker slogans.
So, you claim you could handle these kids if not for the bureaucracy you so love?

Seems odd.

You do not understand the difference in a bureaucrat and an elected official?

I worked in a state with a Republican governor, Republican legislature and Republican school board. That just more incredible ignorance you are spouting! Doesn't that ever make you tired having to lie so much?
Apparently, you need an education on what it means to bid all adieu.
Since all of the intelligent posters seemed to have left this thread after you morons outed yourselves, I will bid you all adieu. I think my work here is done, exposing you for the dumbasses you are. It really sucks to be you. No one shroud suffer stupidity to that extreme.
Run along, kid. My foot was getting sore from kicking your ass anyway.

The only ass kicked here was those of you and the other conservatards. You could not produce a fact if all of your lives depended on it.

Goodbye dumbass!
You leaving again?
NBA salaries are based on the revenues their performance brings in. It is merit based.

I wouldn’t expect you to understand such a thing.

Of course you missed the point.
It was obvious, you choose to deflect.

So, why should student scores continue to rise, with the increase in teacher salary?

Try giving your best. YDF.
NBA salaries are based on the revenues their performance brings in. It is merit based.

I wouldn’t expect you to understand such a thing.

Of course you missed the point.
It was obvious, you choose to deflect.

So, why should student scores continue to rise, with the increase in teacher salary?

Try giving your best. YDF.
I missed nothing. I exposed your ignorance.
I missed nothing. I exposed your ignorance.

Really. So you know that tests scores are on a scale. And 800 is the top score for a SAT test.
Do you? Can you acknowledge this. 800 is the top score or NOT?

Don't deflect, answer this question.
I missed nothing. I exposed your ignorance.

Really. So you know that tests scores are on a scale. And 800 is the top score for a SAT test.
Do you? Can you acknowledge this. 800 is the top score or NOT?

Don't deflect, answer this question.
Actually, it is 1600, Dummy.

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