Between 20-24" of rain have fallen in South Carolina since Thursday...

Me neither. God really answered my prayers beyond what I could ever have hoped or imagined, Pogo. I started asking the LORD for this rain some months ago as there was a Satanic rave in Georgia called Tomorrowland which would have (if it had not been for the rain destroying their plans and getting canceled early) very dangerous for the over 150,000 young people who had bought tickets to attend it - it was to go on until September 28th - I was also praying for rain during the anti-Christ Popes visit which fell on the same days (approximately) and so after the rave there was another event which a man at my church told me today that my prayer for rain was certainly answered by God and that God had used the rain to rain out another ungodly event (which I had no idea of!) and he and his wife surely seemed very happy about it. I had asked my church to join me in asking for the rain to come beginning on the 24th at church the week before (if I recall the timing correctly) As I said before, it is the greatest answer to prayer I've received from God concerning rain that I can recall. I'm overwhelmed at His Goodness towards me! He is so wonderful! I'm praising Jesus for it!

Sometimes I can't tell whether you are serious or a parody account
You did not go through Rita or Ike or Charley, did you?

Uuuuh .....I just said I live on the Texas Gulf coast.
For the last 45 years actually,and that aint shit for bad rain.
Talk to me when they see 43 inch's in 24 hours.

Five people have died, people have waist high water in their houses, and parts of several low country island neighborhoods are completely underwater, so yes, it's bad. Just because it may not be as bad as you have experienced, which nobody gives a fuck about, by the way, does not mean it isn't bad.
You are an idiot, then.

So you think 4 days of rain at 20 -24 inch's is worse than 43 inch's in 24 hours?
I know liberals are ignorant fucks but this surpasses even my lowest estimates.

It's TEN days, stupid.

I'm stupid? Your title says 20-24 inch's since Thursday.
And if it's a ten day period thats damn near a drought in Texas.

I don't have a "title". But you may address me as "your excellency".
The rain started two Thursdays ago, September 26. I was here for it. It's rained literally every day since.

I can piss more than 24 inch's in two weeks.

And if you hired six prostitutes you could give 'em that much in aggregate. :thup:

I think it'd take you more than two weeks though.
You did not go through Rita or Ike or Charley, did you?

Uuuuh .....I just said I live on the Texas Gulf coast.
For the last 45 years actually,and that aint shit for bad rain.
Talk to me when they see 43 inch's in 24 hours.

Five people have died, people have waist high water in their houses, and parts of several low country island neighborhoods are completely underwater, so yes, it's bad. Just because it may not be as bad as you have experienced, which nobody gives a fuck about, by the way, does not mean it isn't bad.

Lucky for them they dont get real heavy rain.
But as you said it's all about location. We got 18 inch's a year in Junction Texas ......and it rained 3 times a year and the river would come up 30 feet each time.
So you think 4 days of rain at 20 -24 inch's is worse than 43 inch's in 24 hours?
I know liberals are ignorant fucks but this surpasses even my lowest estimates.

It's TEN days, stupid.

I'm stupid? Your title says 20-24 inch's since Thursday.
And if it's a ten day period thats damn near a drought in Texas.

I don't have a "title". But you may address me as "your excellency".
The rain started two Thursdays ago, September 26. I was here for it. It's rained literally every day since.

I can piss more than 24 inch's in two weeks.

And if you hired six prostitutes you could give 'em that much in aggregate. :thup:

I think it'd take you more than two weeks though.

Just because you threw in aggregate doesnt make it funny...
South Carolina Rainfall Is Worst In A Thousand Years, Gov. Haley Says


Being called the worst storm in 1,000 years, although I am not sure how they can measure it...

Hoping that this too shall pass quickly.
You dont give a shit, unless it fits your liberal gobal warming agenda....faggot
It's TEN days, stupid.

I'm stupid? Your title says 20-24 inch's since Thursday.
And if it's a ten day period thats damn near a drought in Texas.

I don't have a "title". But you may address me as "your excellency".
The rain started two Thursdays ago, September 26. I was here for it. It's rained literally every day since.

I can piss more than 24 inch's in two weeks.

And if you hired six prostitutes you could give 'em that much in aggregate. :thup:

I think it'd take you more than two weeks though.

Just because you threw in aggregate doesnt make it funny...

I didn't say it was funny. It's kinda pitiful.
I'm stupid? Your title says 20-24 inch's since Thursday.
And if it's a ten day period thats damn near a drought in Texas.

I don't have a "title". But you may address me as "your excellency".
The rain started two Thursdays ago, September 26. I was here for it. It's rained literally every day since.

I can piss more than 24 inch's in two weeks.

And if you hired six prostitutes you could give 'em that much in aggregate. :thup:

I think it'd take you more than two weeks though.

Just because you threw in aggregate doesnt make it funny...

I didn't say it was funny. It's kinda pitiful.

Sorry...I've never been with a lady of the night.
Some of us have standards.
You are an idiot, then.

So you think 4 days of rain at 20 -24 inch's is worse than 43 inch's in 24 hours?
I know liberals are ignorant fucks but this surpasses even my lowest estimates.

It's TEN days, stupid.

I'm stupid? Your title says 20-24 inch's since Thursday.
And if it's a ten day period thats damn near a drought in Texas.

I don't have a "title". But you may address me as "your excellency".
The rain started two Thursdays ago, September 26. I was here for it. It's rained literally every day since.

I can piss more than 24 inch's in two weeks.
You did not go through Rita or Ike or Charley, did you?
Hugo - '88
Hazel- '54

Those were 2 badass storms

Those were hurricanes though. This is ten continuous days of relentless rain. Some of it influenced by Joachin, but this was going on before Joachin showed up.

As anyone who's lived in a desert knows, when the water can't run off it accumulates. This is no desert, and it takes a lot to saturate the ground. But keep the water coming for a week and a half, and that point is reached.

It's been mercifully less intense this weekend than the dire NOAA predictions had it. Another day or two we may see what the sun looks like again. But my tomatoes are just toast at this point. Or more accurately --- a viscous, glutinous vegetative mass of jelloesque corruption and putrescence.
Me neither. God really answered my prayers beyond what I could ever have hoped or imagined, Pogo. I started asking the LORD for this rain some months ago as there was a Satanic rave in Georgia called Tomorrowland which would have (if it had not been for the rain destroying their plans and getting canceled early) very dangerous for the over 150,000 young people who had bought tickets to attend it - it was to go on until September 28th - I was also praying for rain during the anti-Christ Popes visit which fell on the same days (approximately) and so after the rave there was another event which a man at my church told me today that my prayer for rain was certainly answered by God and that God had used the rain to rain out another ungodly event (which I had no idea of!) and he and his wife surely seemed very happy about it. I had asked my church to join me in asking for the rain to come beginning on the 24th at church the week before (if I recall the timing correctly) As I said before, it is the greatest answer to prayer I've received from God concerning rain that I can recall. I'm overwhelmed at His Goodness towards me! He is so wonderful! I'm praising Jesus for it!

Sometimes I can't tell whether you are serious or a parody account

I am serious. I posted publicly on this board that I was praying for rain last month. Feel free to look it up, Bro. Do you see the rain reports? The unprecedented rain reports and news of Tomorrow land turning into Dismaland - a total Disaster? That was shut down early because of the rain? That was my prayers, friend.

Tomorrowland made a huge mistake. They advertised their Rave as a concert (expecting 250,000 people or more in their early reports) was the event "that even God could not stop"! How wrong they were. The organizers did such a poor job of planning for this onslaught of rain and mud that the news is there won't be another one next year. Thank God!

Mission accomplished. I've yet to see Jesus Christ lose a battle. He gives the battle plan and His servants pray it through. You see the results. I hope it makes you a believer.
You did not go through Rita or Ike or Charley, did you?
Hugo - '88
Hazel- '54

Those were 2 badass storms

Those were hurricanes though. This is ten continuous days of relentless rain. Some of it influenced by Joachin, but this was going on before Joachin showed up.

As anyone who's lived in a desert knows, when the water can't run off it accumulates. This is no desert, and it takes a lot to saturate the ground. But keep the water coming for a week and a half, and that point is reached.

It's been mercifully less intense this weekend than the dire NOAA predictions had it. Another day or two we may see what the sun looks like again. But my tomatoes are just toast at this point. Or more accurately --- a viscous, glutinous vegetative mass of jelloesque corruption and putrescence.

Better the tomatoes then you, Pogo. You're still alive and have the opportunity to get right with God. How great is the mercy of God! Joachim was sent by the LORD. I made a thread about Joachim here on USMB when it was just a teensy weensy tropical out in the ocean - you people need to pay closer attention. Ya'll really do not listen very well!
They should send some to California....

Wrong. California is under the judgment of God and part of that judgment is a drought, Zander. There are a huge number of satanists and witches in California. Why can't they make it rain?

I'll tell you why. Lucifer is not in control. My God is in control. Jesus Christ is in complete control. Jesus Christ is God. Not Lucifer. Lucifer doesn't have the ability to do anything unless he first gets permission from my God, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is Satan's Master.

I would not dare pray against the will of God. We need to be in alignment with His will and pray accordingly.
You did not go through Rita or Ike or Charley, did you?
Hugo - '88
Hazel- '54

Those were 2 badass storms

Those were hurricanes though. This is ten continuous days of relentless rain. Some of it influenced by Joachin, but this was going on before Joachin showed up.

As anyone who's lived in a desert knows, when the water can't run off it accumulates. This is no desert, and it takes a lot to saturate the ground. But keep the water coming for a week and a half, and that point is reached.

It's been mercifully less intense this weekend than the dire NOAA predictions had it. Another day or two we may see what the sun looks like again. But my tomatoes are just toast at this point. Or more accurately --- a viscous, glutinous vegetative mass of jelloesque corruption and putrescence.

Better the tomatoes then you, Pogo. You're still alive and have the opportunity to get right with God. How great is the mercy of God! Joachim was sent by the LORD. I made a thread about Joachim here on USMB when it was just a teensy weensy tropical out in the ocean - you people need to pay closer attention. Ya'll really do not listen very well!

600 Mile Wide Atlantic Storm 9/23/2015 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Here is the thread posted on September 23, 2015. I started praying for the deluge of rain some months before but the target date the LORD gave me for the beginning of the rain was September 24th, 2015.

When I heard about this tropical storm and looked up the meaning of the name I knew it was part of my answer coming in! I was so happy about it I decided to make a thread!

I continued to pray for more rain, steady rain, a great deluge of rain that would not let up and my church prayed in agreement with me. The rain made history and did what it was sent to do. To God be the Glory.

My God answers prayer. His name is Jesus Christ.
They should send some to California....

Wrong. California is under the judgment of God and part of that judgment is a drought, Zander. There are a huge number of satanists and witches in California. Why can't they make it rain?

I'll tell you why. Lucifer is not in control. My God is in control. Jesus Christ is in complete control. Jesus Christ is God. Not Lucifer. Lucifer doesn't have the ability to do anything unless he first gets permission from my God, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is Satan's Master.

I would not dare pray against the will of God. We need to be in alignment with His will and pray accordingly.
So that's the reason for the Mohave desert?

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