Beware of Russian Propoganda


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Russia offers alternate takes to what brought down MH17 -

Yes, there could be agents on USMB. Putin is desperate and is pulling out all stops on this one.

Propaganda is nothing new in world politics. Since the beginning of time, everyone has put their spin on the events of the day.

But the word from Washington about Russia's take? Take any information coming out of Moscow "with a very large grain of salt."
I doubt Putin will even take responsibility. He will lie and fabricate and deflect until there is a 1% chance that the rebels did not shoot the middle that brought the plane down. That is all he wants. The peasants in eastern Ukraine have been given scripts to say they saw no anti-aircraft missiles. Putin is scum.....
I doubt Putin will even take responsibility. He will lie and fabricate and deflect until there is a 1% chance that the rebels did not shoot the middle that brought the plane down. That is all he wants. The peasants in eastern Ukraine have been given scripts to say they saw no anti-aircraft missiles. Putin is scum.....

He already caved in & says HE will put pressure on the separatists, so maybe he's his current country has been around for 20+ vs. the Netherlands at hundreds of years, who will other European countries side with?
I doubt Putin will even take responsibility. He will lie and fabricate and deflect until there is a 1% chance that the rebels did not shoot the middle that brought the plane down. That is all he wants. The peasants in eastern Ukraine have been given scripts to say they saw no anti-aircraft missiles. Putin is scum.....

Prove it.
Speaking of Russian propaganda, this morning I watched an extraordinary clash between CNN's Chris Cuomo and Russia Today's Peter Lavelle.

Talk about carrying Putin's water, let's just say the RT host obviously knows where his paycheck comes from.

As soon as the video shows up online I'll get it posted.

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