Beware Rich People Who Say They Want to Change the World

Beware Rich People Who Say They Want to Change the World

“Change the world” has long been the cry of the oppressed. But in recent years world-changing has been co-opted by the rich and the powerful.

“Change the world. Improve lives. Invent something new,” McKinsey & Company’s recruiting materials say. “Sit back, relax, and change the world,” tweets the World Economic Forum, host of the Davos conference. “Let’s raise the capital that builds the things that change the world,” a Morgan Stanley ad says. Walmart, recruiting a software engineer, seeks an “eagerness to change the world.” Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook says, “The best thing to do now, if you want to change the world, is to start a company.”

At first, you think: Rich people making a difference — so generous! Until you consider that America might not be in the fix it’s in had we not fallen for the kind of change these winners have been selling: fake change.

Fake change isn’t evil; it’s milquetoast. It is change the powerful can tolerate. It’s the shoes or socks or tote bag you bought which promised to change the world. It’s that one awesome charter school — not equally funded public schools for all. It is Lean In Circles to empower women — not universal preschool. It is impact investing — not the closing of the carried-interest loophole.

Of course, world-changing initiatives funded by the winners of market capitalism do heal the sick, enrich the poor and save lives. But even as they give back, American elites generally seek to maintain the system that causes many of the problems they try to fix — and their helpfulness is part of how they pull it off. Thus their do-gooding is an accomplice to greater, if more invisible, harm.


American elites are monopolizing progress, and monopolies can be broken. Aggressive policies to protect workers, redistribute income, and make education and health affordable would bring real change. But such measures could also prove expensive for the winners. Which gives them a strong interest in convincing the public that they can help out within the system that so benefits the winners.

Opinion | Beware Rich People Who Say They Want to Change the World

Many wealthy people have nothing to do and want to feel good about themselves, so they start these impotent initiatives. You're right - they do a small bit of good without approaching the massive harm that they do.

But the fault really lies with the working class - they just refuse to join together and stand up for themselves. It would not take a violent revolution. All they really have to do is get out and vote...and THINK before they vote.

The American system is a chameleon system. It will change according to who wins elections. If liberals keep winning they all get more liberal, if Trump wins they all turn in right wing nut jobs.

Very true.
The wealthy donate but don't change anything They help those in need but nothing permanent,
It’s people like you that think $10 an hour is a good minimum wage for a family of four.

Why is the head of household still working a minimum wage job with four kids? You are suppose to have skills by then.
Beware of people using upheld fists wanting to change the world.

True that. The pumping fist is the symbol of violence, thuggery, and oppression given to us by wonderful shitheads such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc.

Anyone bearing that mark can shove both their pumping fist and whatever "revolution" BS they're peddling, right up their own ass.

The black fist ended overt white racism. I do think that you whites need to shut up about shitheads given the US record. I know you don't understand that , but you really need to.

Sure punk, whatever you say. :lol:
The liberal sheep were told to fear the 'rich' and they obeyed like sheeple.
Many of us Dems are wealthy and we didn't get that way from being stupid Gates Buffet are examples the CEO of Amazon too

What you say is true. Most of the liberals I talk to here are either self-made wealthy, have their own business, work at home, or early retired.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Ray every time I see a big rig I want to quit my desk job and buy one!

We will welcome you to the party. We need over 30,000 drivers industry can't find today. Some places are willing to train and license you for free if you sign a one year contract.

I know I have been reading about this. Give up my high paying executive job and hit the open road in a big rig, I daydream about this weekly. One of my neighbors a few fields over is an owner operator.
top 2%own how much of Americas wealth ?? 90%??

Go ahead take every dollar the 'rich' earn it will only be a small fraction of what your socialist pipe dream will cost.

If the tax rate were 0%, the money collected by the federal government would be 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the money collected by the government would still be 0 dollars, because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?

Who? Dumb ass Democrats who think high taxes have no negative effect on anything. Their wealthy, they can afford it, how often to you hear those bunch of dumb asses spewing that nonsense.
It’s people like you that think $10 an hour is a good minimum wage for a family of four.

The head of a family of four should not be working for minimum wage, if they are they need to be looking really closely at the life choices they have made, because they fucked up somewhere along the line.

That's not always the case. It's probably rarely the case.
Beware of people using upheld fists wanting to change the world.

True that. The pumping fist is the symbol of violence, thuggery, and oppression given to us by wonderful shitheads such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc.

Anyone bearing that mark can shove both their pumping fist and whatever "revolution" BS they're peddling, right up their own ass.

The black fist ended overt white racism. I do think that you whites need to shut up about shitheads given the US record. I know you don't understand that , but you really need to.

Sure punk, whatever you say. :lol:

I know it's what I say. Don't need your validation.
Beware of people using upheld fists wanting to change the world.

True that. The pumping fist is the symbol of violence, thuggery, and oppression given to us by wonderful shitheads such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc.

Anyone bearing that mark can shove both their pumping fist and whatever "revolution" BS they're peddling, right up their own ass.

The black fist ended overt white racism. I do think that you whites need to shut up about shitheads given the US record. I know you don't understand that , but you really need to.

Sure punk, whatever you say. :lol:

I know it's what I say. Don't need your validation.

We laugh at your black fist fool, its a victim sign.
I know it's what I say. Don't need your validation.

It wasn't validation, it was sarcasm. We wave our fists in the air like we just don't care.

By the way, I am not rich, so you're kind of wasting your time.
The liberal sheep were told to fear the 'rich' and they obeyed like sheeple.
Many of us Dems are wealthy and we didn't get that way from being stupid Gates Buffet are examples the CEO of Amazon too

What you say is true. Most of the liberals I talk to here are either self-made wealthy, have their own business, work at home, or early retired.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Ray every time I see a big rig I want to quit my desk job and buy one!

We will welcome you to the party. We need over 30,000 drivers industry can't find today. Some places are willing to train and license you for free if you sign a one year contract.

I know I have been reading about this. Give up my high paying executive job and hit the open road in a big rig, I daydream about this weekly. One of my neighbors a few fields over is an owner operator.

It's not all bells and whistles. Over the years government intruded too much in the industry and ruined it like everything else government gets involved in. However I myself could never work inside. During months like these while people are cooped up in offices or hot sweaty factories, I'm out with the trees and grass in an AC tractor enjoying the scenery. Not so much the case in the winter. But you have to give and take.

Once you have a CDL you have it for life unless you decide not to renew it. You can try it out for a while and if you don't like it, can always go back to what you're doing now. Keep your CDL as a backup because drivers are always in strong demand, even in the worst economy.

Seeing the country for free and getting paid for it. I'm local because of government regulations that prohibit me from leaving state lines, but I still can't think of anything else I would rather be doing as long as I have to work for a living.
The liberal sheep were told to fear the 'rich' and they obeyed like sheeple.
Many of us Dems are wealthy and we didn't get that way from being stupid Gates Buffet are examples the CEO of Amazon too

What you say is true. Most of the liberals I talk to here are either self-made wealthy, have their own business, work at home, or early retired.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Ray every time I see a big rig I want to quit my desk job and buy one!

We will welcome you to the party. We need over 30,000 drivers industry can't find today. Some places are willing to train and license you for free if you sign a one year contract.
Any truth to the reason being more riders needed is because the drivers need time off after a certain amount of miles

Not really, it actually goes by hours. The real problem is many people can't get on the road for a week or two. Everybody wants to go home at the end of the day. Sleeping in a truck works, but you still need a real bed once in a while and hotels can be expensive.

Eating out each and every day can get expensive too. However they make coolers that plug into your cigarette lighter and you can use that as a mini fridge. You can take beverages, lunch meat, cheese, leftovers you brought from home for the first couple of days out on the road. It's like if you go camping in a camper.

Foreigners are taking these jobs left and right because they are willing to live on the road exclusively. They don't need an apartment or house. They make their money for a year or two, send it back home, and then move back for a while. Drivers can make up to six figures a year, and easily if it's a couple if you can get your wife to drive the truck.
The liberal sheep were told to fear the 'rich' and they obeyed like sheeple.
Many of us Dems are wealthy and we didn't get that way from being stupid Gates Buffet are examples the CEO of Amazon too

So you are saying Trump is smart because he is wealthy?
wealthy ,,no because he was born on 3rd base and cheated 1000's Now do you finally get it Pap?

Yeah, you are a jealous, envious partisan ass.
The liberal sheep were told to fear the 'rich' and they obeyed like sheeple.
Many of us Dems are wealthy and we didn't get that way from being stupid Gates Buffet are examples the CEO of Amazon too

So you are saying Trump is smart because he is wealthy?
wealthy ,,no because he was born on 3rd base and cheated 1000's Now do you finally get it Pap?

Yeah, you are a jealous, envious partisan ass.
look in the mirror sap
The liberal sheep were told to fear the 'rich' and they obeyed like sheeple.
Many of us Dems are wealthy and we didn't get that way from being stupid Gates Buffet are examples the CEO of Amazon too

So you are saying Trump is smart because he is wealthy?
wealthy ,,no because he was born on 3rd base and cheated 1000's Now do you finally get it Pap?

Yeah, you are a jealous, envious partisan ass.
look in the mirror sap

I don’t care if a person has money, or if they are a Democrat or a
Republican, I don’t begrudge another person because of their attained wealth, you on the other hand...
Many of us Dems are wealthy and we didn't get that way from being stupid Gates Buffet are examples the CEO of Amazon too

So you are saying Trump is smart because he is wealthy?
wealthy ,,no because he was born on 3rd base and cheated 1000's Now do you finally get it Pap?

Yeah, you are a jealous, envious partisan ass.
look in the mirror sap

I don’t care if a person has money, or if they are a Democrat or a
Republican, I don’t begrudge another person because of their attained wealth, you on the other hand...
Me ? I support a man who gave 60 years of service to America You and other s here seem to support the AH who spent 60 years serving himself See the difference pap ? And I'm FAR from jealous or envious of trump or morons like you I will plead guilty to partisan
So you are saying Trump is smart because he is wealthy?
wealthy ,,no because he was born on 3rd base and cheated 1000's Now do you finally get it Pap?

Yeah, you are a jealous, envious partisan ass.
look in the mirror sap

I don’t care if a person has money, or if they are a Democrat or a
Republican, I don’t begrudge another person because of their attained wealth, you on the other hand...
Me ? I support a man who gave 60 years of service to America You and other s here seem to support the AH who spent 60 years serving himself See the difference pap ? And I'm FAR from jealous or envious of trump or morons like you I will plead guilty to partisan

I don't know who you are talking about as far as the 60 years of service crap but I don't give support to the current administration anymore than I did the Obama administration. Your opinion of Trump is based on his politics and nothing else because he reminds me so much of Bill Clinton except Bill had a better filter and fear of a wife that would clobber him. The idea that you name call shows your jealousy and envy, so it is all good on my side.

My point is that I don't trust the government as they are just as greedy as some corporations and I also don't label all rich people as bad, whether they are Democrat or Republican. I know some very giving rich people on both sides of the aisle and I know tightwads from both sides of the aisle. The difference is most rich people don't care who the President is, they make money no matter what.

The government needs to charge, tax, penalize, add interest, find errors to justify their jobs, that negative aspect of the government hurts all Americans.
wealthy ,,no because he was born on 3rd base and cheated 1000's Now do you finally get it Pap?

Yeah, you are a jealous, envious partisan ass.
look in the mirror sap

I don’t care if a person has money, or if they are a Democrat or a
Republican, I don’t begrudge another person because of their attained wealth, you on the other hand...
Me ? I support a man who gave 60 years of service to America You and other s here seem to support the AH who spent 60 years serving himself See the difference pap ? And I'm FAR from jealous or envious of trump or morons like you I will plead guilty to partisan

I don't know who you are talking about as far as the 60 years of service crap but I don't give support to the current administration anymore than I did the Obama administration. Your opinion of Trump is based on his politics and nothing else because he reminds me so much of Bill Clinton except Bill had a better filter and fear of a wife that would clobber him. The idea that you name call shows your jealousy and envy, so it is all good on my side.

My point is that I don't trust the government as they are just as greedy as some corporations and I also don't label all rich people as bad, whether they are Democrat or Republican. I know some very giving rich people on both sides of the aisle and I know tightwads from both sides of the aisle. The difference is most rich people don't care who the President is, they make money no matter what.

The government needs to charge, tax, penalize, add interest, find errors to justify their jobs, that negative aspect of the government hurts all Americans.
I love Gates Buffett and Bezos Are they wealthy? and between his service in the Navy and the years in Congress McCain served America for 60 years or so
Yeah, you are a jealous, envious partisan ass.
look in the mirror sap

I don’t care if a person has money, or if they are a Democrat or a
Republican, I don’t begrudge another person because of their attained wealth, you on the other hand...
Me ? I support a man who gave 60 years of service to America You and other s here seem to support the AH who spent 60 years serving himself See the difference pap ? And I'm FAR from jealous or envious of trump or morons like you I will plead guilty to partisan

I don't know who you are talking about as far as the 60 years of service crap but I don't give support to the current administration anymore than I did the Obama administration. Your opinion of Trump is based on his politics and nothing else because he reminds me so much of Bill Clinton except Bill had a better filter and fear of a wife that would clobber him. The idea that you name call shows your jealousy and envy, so it is all good on my side.

My point is that I don't trust the government as they are just as greedy as some corporations and I also don't label all rich people as bad, whether they are Democrat or Republican. I know some very giving rich people on both sides of the aisle and I know tightwads from both sides of the aisle. The difference is most rich people don't care who the President is, they make money no matter what.

The government needs to charge, tax, penalize, add interest, find errors to justify their jobs, that negative aspect of the government hurts all Americans.
I love Gates Buffett and Bezos Are they wealthy? and between his service in the Navy and the years in Congress McCain served America for 60 years or so

McCain was a career politician who served in the military. I appreciate his military service and am glad he served. As a public servant he was not that great he led us to the Citizens United ruling which ruined the political landscape and for that I find his record less than stellar and I couldn't vote for the guy as President because of his lack thinking things through, he his giving in to easy over making tough decisions.

I don't care if you are in love with Gates, or anyone else, not my business, not sure what that has to do with anything I posted.

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