Beware the affidavit


Gold Member
Dec 22, 2018

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).

So squeeze people so that nobody ever comes forward with what they saw?

Are we just going to throw out all witness testimony for all court cases going forward?

Witness: "I saw a man running out of the store with blood all over him and a shotgun in his hand".

Attorney: "Do you have any evidence of this"?

How about all voting locations have 24/7 cameras which are time stamped?
That dude don't know nothing and set himself up for perjury.
Affidavits filed with a court are sworn under penalty of perjury. Witnesses are sworn before they begin testifying. Republicans have had a distinct tendency in the past few years to refuse to testify under oath.

Trump's attorneys seem to be playing fast and loose:

Judge Diamond deals with Trump lawyer

Judge Diamond's exchange with trump attorney

In another head-scratching moment, as the campaign tried to stop the vote count in Philadelphia last week, a judge tried to get to the bottom of a Republican complaint over observer access in the room where election workers were processing mail-in ballots.

“I am asking you as a member of the bar of this court, are people representing the Donald J. Trump for president (campaign) … in that room?” U.S. District Judge Paul S. Diamond asked.

“There’s a nonzero number of people in the room,” campaign lawyer Jerome Marcus replied.

This is not a way to get on a judge's good side.
The bad thing is that once the accusation is released into the right wing bubble, it is considered gospel truth from then on. When you point out how and when the silly claims were debunked, the response is usually "That is your truth" The concept that there is only one truth that is the same for everybody just doesn't exist in their world.

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).

So squeeze people so that nobody ever comes forward with what they saw?

Are we just going to throw out all witness testimony for all court cases going forward?

Witness: "I saw a man running out of the store with blood all over him and a shotgun in his hand".

Attorney: "Do you have any evidence of this"?

How about all voting locations have 24/7 cameras which are time stamped?

well as the article I quoted the guy admitted he lied in his statement of voter fraud and that is the problem. You have to have some way to prove what you said happen. Otherwise how can you weed out the liars or those with irrelevant observation from those telling the truth and observations that are relavant.

You statement of blood soaked is supported by other additional facts such as a murder actually discovered , a plausible motive, and other evidence. It makes a strong case and in that scenario then it is valid. You seem to be saying that the single statement is enough to convict. If there was no body then such a statement is bogus.

Jacqueline Zaplitny, whose affidavit cited workers wearing Black Lives Matter gear, said that she filed the document after the Michigan Republican Party and the Trump campaign encouraged observers who saw anything out of the ordinary to step forward with their complaints. She said she believes ballots in Michigan should be recounted. “There are a lot of inaccuracies,” she said.

yet the only thing she attested to in her affidavit was that workers were wearing BLM gear. How is that voter fraud or affects voter fraud. Having observers with 20 minutes of training and telling them to report anything they think is suspicious. And all she got is BLM gear being worn. Yet she admits that she was under pressure to report anything and as a good repub she did report something that was totally irrelevant. She even admits that she believes voter fraud happen but she did not see anything that supports that notion.
Already threads on this and he's already saying he never recanted

That's the problem sourcing left loon sources


Well the bottom line is he is changing his story. First he says something and signs an affidavit. then he recants, then he says he did not recant but the postal office of investigation says he recanted and sign an affidavit. So is he believable


Well what we know is that it is only required in Michigan that all ballots are submitted to the state by Nov 3rd. Anything submitted after that is not counted. So backdating is irrelevant if they are not submitted by the deadline. So if the post office messed up and did not submit these by Nov 3rd then they are not going to accept it.

  • There’s no postmark deadline for ballots in Michigan. The state requires ballots to be received by 8 p.m. on Nov. 3. Ballots received after that time — no matter the postmark — are not counted.

so according to him they were going to back date it but it would not matter as on Nov 6th it is to late. They are not going to accept them.

In Michigan they must all be received by they must all be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day to count on Nov 3rd . I would suspect that postal supervisors know that. The mailman may not.

So at the very least if he heard something it is irrelevant as if the postal office has these ballots on Nov 6, the state is not going to accept them and that is the law in that state.

Even Project V should know that but that is not what they want to let people know. Only that the guy overheard something that he probably did not understand.

Now in some states it is relevant as they will accept the mail on Nov 6 or 10 days if it is postdated by Nov 4. Unfortunately it doesn't matter in Michigan. They have to have it by Nov 3 and that is the law. Anything delivered after that day is not counted.

So this is what Project V id pushing a narrative that is irrelevant at best and cannot help Trump in the count. Now it may excite the rabble but they do get excited easily

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
So where is the video? Why suspend it when people could look at it and see the truth for themselves?

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
Fake News. Unnamed Sources. The guy who provided the evidence has publicly refuted this. You really have to stop falling for this unnamed source crap.

The Fake News is going to lose respect for you if you keep being this easy.

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
So where is the video? Why suspend it when people could look at it and see the truth for themselves?

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
Fake News. Unnamed Sources. The guy who provided the evidence has publicly refuted this. You really have to stop falling for this unnamed source crap.

The Fake News is going to lose respect for you if you keep being this easy.

The guy says he overheard a conversations and in his statement he say he believes that the post mark date is relevant. The postal date is irrelevant as what matters is getting the vote to the state by a certain date. Simple isn't it.

So unless they deliver by 8 PM on Nov 3 to election officials it does not matter what the postal date is.

  • There’s no postmark deadline for ballots in Michigan. The state requires ballots to be received by 8 p.m. on Nov. 3. Ballots received after that time — no matter the postmark — are not counted.
That is the law

Fake news yeah it certainly is as repub try to make a case when anything not delivered to state official by a certain time will not be counted.

They would still have to pick up the mail but it won't be counted.

This is a postal worker at the lowest level trying to understand a conversation he is overhearing by his boss. Delivering it by Nov 4 automatically disqualifies the vote despite the post mark date

In his statements the guy even says that he believes that the ballots have to be postmarked by Nov 3 for it to be counted. Yeah maybe in other states that will accept ballots after Nov 3rd.

Yet this is Michigan who does not accept any mail in ballots not in their hand by Nov 3rd. Post mark date is irrelevant.

The misunderstanding come into the fact that if on Nov 4 the ballot is still in the post office the worker believes that it will be counted.

So I guess as a post office you still got to deliver the mail to its source even if it is to late.

Fake news well something it is pretty obvious but for the superficial it is lack of understanding the process

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
So where is the video? Why suspend it when people could look at it and see the truth for themselves?

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
Fake News. Unnamed Sources. The guy who provided the evidence has publicly refuted this. You really have to stop falling for this unnamed source crap.

The Fake News is going to lose respect for you if you keep being this easy.

The guy says he overheard a conversations and in his statement he say he believes that the post mark date is relevant. The postal date is irrelevant as what matters is getting the vote to the state by a certain date. Simple isn't it.

So unless they deliver by 8 PM on Nov 3 to election officials it does not matter what the postal date is.

  • There’s no postmark deadline for ballots in Michigan. The state requires ballots to be received by 8 p.m. on Nov. 3. Ballots received after that time — no matter the postmark — are not counted.
That is the law

Fake news yeah it certainly is as repub try to make a case when anything not delivered to state official by a certain time will not be counted.

They would still have to pick up the mail but it won't be counted.

This is a postal worker at the lowest level trying to understand a conversation he is overhearing by his boss. Delivering it by Nov 4 automatically disqualifies the vote despite the post mark date

In his statements the guy even says that he believes that the ballots have to be postmarked by Nov 3 for it to be counted. Yeah maybe in other states that will accept ballots after Nov 3rd.

Yet this is Michigan who does not accept any mail in ballots not in their hand by Nov 3rd. Post mark date is irrelevant.

The misunderstanding come into the fact that if on Nov 4 the ballot is still in the post office the worker believes that it will be counted.

So I guess as a post office you still got to deliver the mail to its source even if it is to late.

Fake news well something it is pretty obvious but for the superficial it is lack of understanding the process
yes but if a ballot has a post mark of Nov 4, no one is going to believe that it arrived before Nov 3.

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
So where is the video? Why suspend it when people could look at it and see the truth for themselves?

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
Fake News. Unnamed Sources. The guy who provided the evidence has publicly refuted this. You really have to stop falling for this unnamed source crap.

The Fake News is going to lose respect for you if you keep being this easy.

The guy says he overheard a conversations and in his statement he say he believes that the post mark date is relevant. The postal date is irrelevant as what matters is getting the vote to the state by a certain date. Simple isn't it.

So unless they deliver by 8 PM on Nov 3 to election officials it does not matter what the postal date is.

  • There’s no postmark deadline for ballots in Michigan. The state requires ballots to be received by 8 p.m. on Nov. 3. Ballots received after that time — no matter the postmark — are not counted.
That is the law

Fake news yeah it certainly is as repub try to make a case when anything not delivered to state official by a certain time will not be counted.

They would still have to pick up the mail but it won't be counted.

This is a postal worker at the lowest level trying to understand a conversation he is overhearing by his boss. Delivering it by Nov 4 automatically disqualifies the vote despite the post mark date

In his statements the guy even says that he believes that the ballots have to be postmarked by Nov 3 for it to be counted. Yeah maybe in other states that will accept ballots after Nov 3rd.

Yet this is Michigan who does not accept any mail in ballots not in their hand by Nov 3rd. Post mark date is irrelevant.

The misunderstanding come into the fact that if on Nov 4 the ballot is still in the post office the worker believes that it will be counted.

So I guess as a post office you still got to deliver the mail to its source even if it is to late.

Fake news well something it is pretty obvious but for the superficial it is lack of understanding the process
yes but if a ballot has a post mark of Nov 4, no one is going to believe that it arrived before Nov 3.

If the guy admits that he fabricated the story to investigators then that is the end of it.

Alabama has the following

Postmarked 1 day before Election Day, received by noon on Election Day.

yet where is the proof that it was delivered on the 3rd. The source of the story already admitted that he made up the story.

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
So where is the video? Why suspend it when people could look at it and see the truth for themselves?

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
Fake News. Unnamed Sources. The guy who provided the evidence has publicly refuted this. You really have to stop falling for this unnamed source crap.

The Fake News is going to lose respect for you if you keep being this easy.

The guy says he overheard a conversations and in his statement he say he believes that the post mark date is relevant. The postal date is irrelevant as what matters is getting the vote to the state by a certain date. Simple isn't it.

So unless they deliver by 8 PM on Nov 3 to election officials it does not matter what the postal date is.

  • There’s no postmark deadline for ballots in Michigan. The state requires ballots to be received by 8 p.m. on Nov. 3. Ballots received after that time — no matter the postmark — are not counted.
That is the law

Fake news yeah it certainly is as repub try to make a case when anything not delivered to state official by a certain time will not be counted.

They would still have to pick up the mail but it won't be counted.

This is a postal worker at the lowest level trying to understand a conversation he is overhearing by his boss. Delivering it by Nov 4 automatically disqualifies the vote despite the post mark date

In his statements the guy even says that he believes that the ballots have to be postmarked by Nov 3 for it to be counted. Yeah maybe in other states that will accept ballots after Nov 3rd.

Yet this is Michigan who does not accept any mail in ballots not in their hand by Nov 3rd. Post mark date is irrelevant.

The misunderstanding come into the fact that if on Nov 4 the ballot is still in the post office the worker believes that it will be counted.

So I guess as a post office you still got to deliver the mail to its source even if it is to late.

Fake news well something it is pretty obvious but for the superficial it is lack of understanding the process
yes but if a ballot has a post mark of Nov 4, no one is going to believe that it arrived before Nov 3.

If the guy admits that he fabricated the story to investigators then that is the end of it.

Alabama has the following

Postmarked 1 day before Election Day, received by noon on Election Day.

yet where is the proof that it was delivered on the 3rd. The source of the story already admitted that he made up the story.
no he didnt,,

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
So where is the video? Why suspend it when people could look at it and see the truth for themselves?

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
Fake News. Unnamed Sources. The guy who provided the evidence has publicly refuted this. You really have to stop falling for this unnamed source crap.

The Fake News is going to lose respect for you if you keep being this easy.

The guy says he overheard a conversations and in his statement he say he believes that the post mark date is relevant. The postal date is irrelevant as what matters is getting the vote to the state by a certain date. Simple isn't it.

So unless they deliver by 8 PM on Nov 3 to election officials it does not matter what the postal date is.

  • There’s no postmark deadline for ballots in Michigan. The state requires ballots to be received by 8 p.m. on Nov. 3. Ballots received after that time — no matter the postmark — are not counted.
That is the law

Fake news yeah it certainly is as repub try to make a case when anything not delivered to state official by a certain time will not be counted.

They would still have to pick up the mail but it won't be counted.

This is a postal worker at the lowest level trying to understand a conversation he is overhearing by his boss. Delivering it by Nov 4 automatically disqualifies the vote despite the post mark date

In his statements the guy even says that he believes that the ballots have to be postmarked by Nov 3 for it to be counted. Yeah maybe in other states that will accept ballots after Nov 3rd.

Yet this is Michigan who does not accept any mail in ballots not in their hand by Nov 3rd. Post mark date is irrelevant.

The misunderstanding come into the fact that if on Nov 4 the ballot is still in the post office the worker believes that it will be counted.

So I guess as a post office you still got to deliver the mail to its source even if it is to late.

Fake news well something it is pretty obvious but for the superficial it is lack of understanding the process
yes but if a ballot has a post mark of Nov 4, no one is going to believe that it arrived before Nov 3.

If the guy admits that he fabricated the story to investigators then that is the end of it.

Alabama has the following

Postmarked 1 day before Election Day, received by noon on Election Day.

yet where is the proof that it was delivered on the 3rd. The source of the story already admitted that he made up the story.

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
So where is the video? Why suspend it when people could look at it and see the truth for themselves?

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
Fake News. Unnamed Sources. The guy who provided the evidence has publicly refuted this. You really have to stop falling for this unnamed source crap.

The Fake News is going to lose respect for you if you keep being this easy.

The guy says he overheard a conversations and in his statement he say he believes that the post mark date is relevant. The postal date is irrelevant as what matters is getting the vote to the state by a certain date. Simple isn't it.

So unless they deliver by 8 PM on Nov 3 to election officials it does not matter what the postal date is.

  • There’s no postmark deadline for ballots in Michigan. The state requires ballots to be received by 8 p.m. on Nov. 3. Ballots received after that time — no matter the postmark — are not counted.
That is the law

Fake news yeah it certainly is as repub try to make a case when anything not delivered to state official by a certain time will not be counted.

They would still have to pick up the mail but it won't be counted.

This is a postal worker at the lowest level trying to understand a conversation he is overhearing by his boss. Delivering it by Nov 4 automatically disqualifies the vote despite the post mark date

In his statements the guy even says that he believes that the ballots have to be postmarked by Nov 3 for it to be counted. Yeah maybe in other states that will accept ballots after Nov 3rd.

Yet this is Michigan who does not accept any mail in ballots not in their hand by Nov 3rd. Post mark date is irrelevant.

The misunderstanding come into the fact that if on Nov 4 the ballot is still in the post office the worker believes that it will be counted.

So I guess as a post office you still got to deliver the mail to its source even if it is to late.

Fake news well something it is pretty obvious but for the superficial it is lack of understanding the process
yes but if a ballot has a post mark of Nov 4, no one is going to believe that it arrived before Nov 3.

If the guy admits that he fabricated the story to investigators then that is the end of it.

Alabama has the following

Postmarked 1 day before Election Day, received by noon on Election Day.

yet where is the proof that it was delivered on the 3rd. The source of the story already admitted that he made up the story.
no he didnt,,
Well yes he did to investigators and then took to social media and said he didn't recant. So who to believe. The guy who changed his story a couple of times.

senate hearing investigators said he recanted

Hopkins denied he had recanted his testimony in a video posted to YouTube on Tuesday night. “I did not recant my statements,” he said

who to believe? When faced with investigators and potential charges of filing a false affidavit which is the same as perjury in a court of law. Then he recants his original statements.

yet on social media he denies it. Sounds like a very believable guy who can't make up his mind.
Last edited:

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
So where is the video? Why suspend it when people could look at it and see the truth for themselves?

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
Fake News. Unnamed Sources. The guy who provided the evidence has publicly refuted this. You really have to stop falling for this unnamed source crap.

The Fake News is going to lose respect for you if you keep being this easy.

The guy says he overheard a conversations and in his statement he say he believes that the post mark date is relevant. The postal date is irrelevant as what matters is getting the vote to the state by a certain date. Simple isn't it.

So unless they deliver by 8 PM on Nov 3 to election officials it does not matter what the postal date is.

  • There’s no postmark deadline for ballots in Michigan. The state requires ballots to be received by 8 p.m. on Nov. 3. Ballots received after that time — no matter the postmark — are not counted.
That is the law

Fake news yeah it certainly is as repub try to make a case when anything not delivered to state official by a certain time will not be counted.

They would still have to pick up the mail but it won't be counted.

This is a postal worker at the lowest level trying to understand a conversation he is overhearing by his boss. Delivering it by Nov 4 automatically disqualifies the vote despite the post mark date

In his statements the guy even says that he believes that the ballots have to be postmarked by Nov 3 for it to be counted. Yeah maybe in other states that will accept ballots after Nov 3rd.

Yet this is Michigan who does not accept any mail in ballots not in their hand by Nov 3rd. Post mark date is irrelevant.

The misunderstanding come into the fact that if on Nov 4 the ballot is still in the post office the worker believes that it will be counted.

So I guess as a post office you still got to deliver the mail to its source even if it is to late.

Fake news well something it is pretty obvious but for the superficial it is lack of understanding the process
yes but if a ballot has a post mark of Nov 4, no one is going to believe that it arrived before Nov 3.

If the guy admits that he fabricated the story to investigators then that is the end of it.

Alabama has the following

Postmarked 1 day before Election Day, received by noon on Election Day.

yet where is the proof that it was delivered on the 3rd. The source of the story already admitted that he made up the story.
no he didnt,,
Well yes he did to investigators and then took to social media and said he didn't recant. So who to believe. The guy who changed his story a couple of times.

senate hearing investigators said he recanted

Hopkins denied he had recanted his testimony in a video posted to YouTube on Tuesday night. “I did not recant my statements,” he said

who to believe? When faced with investigators and potential charges of filing a false affidavit which is the same as perjury in a court of law. Then he recants his original statements.

yet on social media he denies it. Sounds like a very believable guy who can't make up his mind.
I sure dont believe the government,, or the news media,,

and all you have to do is watch the video of what he actually said and not be a partisain hack,,

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
So where is the video? Why suspend it when people could look at it and see the truth for themselves?

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
Fake News. Unnamed Sources. The guy who provided the evidence has publicly refuted this. You really have to stop falling for this unnamed source crap.

The Fake News is going to lose respect for you if you keep being this easy.

The guy says he overheard a conversations and in his statement he say he believes that the post mark date is relevant. The postal date is irrelevant as what matters is getting the vote to the state by a certain date. Simple isn't it.

So unless they deliver by 8 PM on Nov 3 to election officials it does not matter what the postal date is.

  • There’s no postmark deadline for ballots in Michigan. The state requires ballots to be received by 8 p.m. on Nov. 3. Ballots received after that time — no matter the postmark — are not counted.
That is the law

Fake news yeah it certainly is as repub try to make a case when anything not delivered to state official by a certain time will not be counted.

They would still have to pick up the mail but it won't be counted.

This is a postal worker at the lowest level trying to understand a conversation he is overhearing by his boss. Delivering it by Nov 4 automatically disqualifies the vote despite the post mark date

In his statements the guy even says that he believes that the ballots have to be postmarked by Nov 3 for it to be counted. Yeah maybe in other states that will accept ballots after Nov 3rd.

Yet this is Michigan who does not accept any mail in ballots not in their hand by Nov 3rd. Post mark date is irrelevant.

The misunderstanding come into the fact that if on Nov 4 the ballot is still in the post office the worker believes that it will be counted.

So I guess as a post office you still got to deliver the mail to its source even if it is to late.

Fake news well something it is pretty obvious but for the superficial it is lack of understanding the process
yes but if a ballot has a post mark of Nov 4, no one is going to believe that it arrived before Nov 3.

If the guy admits that he fabricated the story to investigators then that is the end of it.

Alabama has the following

Postmarked 1 day before Election Day, received by noon on Election Day.

yet where is the proof that it was delivered on the 3rd. The source of the story already admitted that he made up the story.
no he didnt,,
Well yes he did to investigators and then took to social media and said he didn't recant. So who to believe. The guy who changed his story a couple of times.

senate hearing investigators said he recanted

Hopkins denied he had recanted his testimony in a video posted to YouTube on Tuesday night. “I did not recant my statements,” he said

who to believe? When faced with investigators and potential charges of filing a false affidavit which is the same as perjury in a court of law. Then he recants his original statements.

yet on social media he denies it. Sounds like a very believable guy who can't make up his mind.
I sure dont believe the government,, or the news media,,

and all you have to do is watch the video of what he actually said and not be a partisain hack,,
The question is why would you believe a guy saying something on video as being truthful?

Answer is because he is saying something that you want to hear.

His claim he overheard people planning fraud as he was walking by or maybe hiding around the corner listening in. Still it was a conversation he is claiming to overhear and that in itself is not proof.

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
So where is the video? Why suspend it when people could look at it and see the truth for themselves?

Guy claims something and signs the affidavit that it happen. When authorities question him he recants and says he made up the story; This will probably be the same for all these people who claim they saw some impropriety.

obvious repub that participated in election fraud

Why would these repubs make such accusation when they know that they will have to provide some evidence in a formal setting or face the consequences.

Well I can say that they probably take their lead from Ex president Trump and believe they can say anything and right wing sources will run with it. Everyone repeats it because Trump says so. Do they realize that in a few months he won't be able to pardon anyone.

The guy who witness the burning of ballots. He does take a picture but his story was still debunked as they were sample ballots that were burned probably by him. Photos of the ballots show that they were sample ballots. Yeah it is hard to believe he did not know that but instead posted online to be picked up and reported by others who are quick to believe.

Who is to blame for this misguided belief that lies matter? As the president case for voter fraud shrinks as more vote for Biden increase his lead, he can't accept it. His supporters can't accept it. Why can't they accept the obvious and believe in a person who lies. Even Eric Trump was quick to post this, never bother to fact check it. Just go with the flow

Trump may be right about voter fraud but he is just literally encouraging his supporters to do it.

Well, good luck with that super pac fund he plans to set up. It will be a big success like his charity foundation is. Typo as it should be (was).
Fake News. Unnamed Sources. The guy who provided the evidence has publicly refuted this. You really have to stop falling for this unnamed source crap.

The Fake News is going to lose respect for you if you keep being this easy.

The guy says he overheard a conversations and in his statement he say he believes that the post mark date is relevant. The postal date is irrelevant as what matters is getting the vote to the state by a certain date. Simple isn't it.

So unless they deliver by 8 PM on Nov 3 to election officials it does not matter what the postal date is.

  • There’s no postmark deadline for ballots in Michigan. The state requires ballots to be received by 8 p.m. on Nov. 3. Ballots received after that time — no matter the postmark — are not counted.
That is the law

Fake news yeah it certainly is as repub try to make a case when anything not delivered to state official by a certain time will not be counted.

They would still have to pick up the mail but it won't be counted.

This is a postal worker at the lowest level trying to understand a conversation he is overhearing by his boss. Delivering it by Nov 4 automatically disqualifies the vote despite the post mark date

In his statements the guy even says that he believes that the ballots have to be postmarked by Nov 3 for it to be counted. Yeah maybe in other states that will accept ballots after Nov 3rd.

Yet this is Michigan who does not accept any mail in ballots not in their hand by Nov 3rd. Post mark date is irrelevant.

The misunderstanding come into the fact that if on Nov 4 the ballot is still in the post office the worker believes that it will be counted.

So I guess as a post office you still got to deliver the mail to its source even if it is to late.

Fake news well something it is pretty obvious but for the superficial it is lack of understanding the process
yes but if a ballot has a post mark of Nov 4, no one is going to believe that it arrived before Nov 3.

If the guy admits that he fabricated the story to investigators then that is the end of it.

Alabama has the following

Postmarked 1 day before Election Day, received by noon on Election Day.

yet where is the proof that it was delivered on the 3rd. The source of the story already admitted that he made up the story.
no he didnt,,
Well yes he did to investigators and then took to social media and said he didn't recant. So who to believe. The guy who changed his story a couple of times.

senate hearing investigators said he recanted

Hopkins denied he had recanted his testimony in a video posted to YouTube on Tuesday night. “I did not recant my statements,” he said

who to believe? When faced with investigators and potential charges of filing a false affidavit which is the same as perjury in a court of law. Then he recants his original statements.

yet on social media he denies it. Sounds like a very believable guy who can't make up his mind.
I sure dont believe the government,, or the news media,,

and all you have to do is watch the video of what he actually said and not be a partisain hack,,
The question is why would you believe a guy saying something on video as being truthful?

Answer is because he is saying something that you want to hear.

His claim he overheard people planning fraud as he was walking by or maybe hiding around the corner listening in. Still it was a conversation he is claiming to overhear and that in itself is not proof.
are you now saying he didnt recant??

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