Bi/homosexual identified boys more likely to be on steroids...

Naw, homosexuality is a healthy choice!

"Overall, 21 percent of gay or bisexual boys said they had ever used steroids, versus 4 percent of straight boys. The difference was similar among those who reported moderate use — taking steroid pills or injections up to 40 times: 8 percent of gay or bi teens reported that amount, versus less than 2 percent of straight boys. The heaviest use — 40 or more times — was reported by 4 percent of gays or bi boys, compared with less than 1 percent of straight teens."

Steroid Use Much Higher Among Gay and Bi Teen Boys « CBS DC

So the boys are shooting up to achieve the uber-male physique so valued by their older *lovers*, and the incidence of HIV infection is on the rise amongst them as well.

But we are supposed to pretend the homo lobby doesn't victimize school kids. Uh..yeah.

Did you know that 95% of eating disorders are young people aged 12 to 25? Does it sound like maybe there is a body image problem in popular culture?

I'm sorry...I'm asking you to think beyond what Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck told you to be outraged about. :rolleyes:
a brain dead is one who denies the possibility of the listed causes simply because the possible causes are conflicting with his view on homosexuality.

some of the steroids ( mineralocorticoids) increase the libido tremendously. some do increase the muscle mass. some cause muscle degeneration. et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

there are many hormonal substances lumped into one term "steroids" and all and every one of them have side effects, sometimes extreme.

if there is a trend - and there clearly is one - there are reasons for that.

Including those which you might not like. But denying them apriori because of the ideological bias - IS a proof of YOUR brain death, Asclepias.

The question was how did one know the steroids were given to them by their older lovers? Thats stupid. Maybe you should exercise your reading skills and see that is what I questioned.

that is one of the possibilities.

not necessarily the predominant one, but denying it as a possibility upfront because you do not like how it sounds is stupid or brain dead - your choice.

Its a stupid and the least likely possibility. That would mean all gay teenagers had adult partners. Does that even make sense? Only brain dead or stupid people think like that and offer it up as the first option. More likely that since teenagers are more body conscious in the first place, self esteem is bolstered by being muscular. Just a little logical thinking there.
So you maintain that 16 y.o. bisexual boys are more likely to be HIV positive and more likely to be on steroids because they're addicted to sex?

I maintain their homosexual mentors are pumping them full of virus laden bodily fluids, while also pumping them full of drugs. I think that's a lot more likely.

I would be curious to find out if any percentage of the testees reported being Gay b4 or after taking the steroids.
So you maintain that 16 y.o. bisexual boys are more likely to be HIV positive and more likely to be on steroids because they're addicted to sex?

I maintain their homosexual mentors are pumping them full of virus laden bodily fluids, while also pumping them full of drugs. I think that's a lot more likely.

I would be curious to find out if any percentage of the testees reported being Gay b4 or after taking the steroids.

Steroids dont make you gay. You are either born like that or you are bisexual.
Naw, homosexuality is a healthy choice!

"Overall, 21 percent of gay or bisexual boys said they had ever used steroids, versus 4 percent of straight boys. The difference was similar among those who reported moderate use — taking steroid pills or injections up to 40 times: 8 percent of gay or bi teens reported that amount, versus less than 2 percent of straight boys. The heaviest use — 40 or more times — was reported by 4 percent of gays or bi boys, compared with less than 1 percent of straight teens."

Steroid Use Much Higher Among Gay and Bi Teen Boys « CBS DC

So the boys are shooting up to achieve the uber-male physique so valued by their older *lovers*, and the incidence of HIV infection is on the rise amongst them as well.

But we are supposed to pretend the homo lobby doesn't victimize school kids. Uh..yeah.

Did you know that 95% of eating disorders are young people aged 12 to 25? Does it sound like maybe there is a body image problem in popular culture?

Yes there is a body image problem in pop. culture but
That doesn't explain the disproportionate percentages of Homo. vs. Hetero.
So you maintain that 16 y.o. bisexual boys are more likely to be HIV positive and more likely to be on steroids because they're addicted to sex?

I maintain their homosexual mentors are pumping them full of virus laden bodily fluids, while also pumping them full of drugs. I think that's a lot more likely.

I would be curious to find out if any percentage of the testees reported being Gay b4 or after taking the steroids.

Steroids dont make you gay. You are either born like that or you are bisexual.

Lets not get into that - It's proven -


offensivo frocio fastidioso
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Naw, homosexuality is a healthy choice!

"Overall, 21 percent of gay or bisexual boys said they had ever used steroids, versus 4 percent of straight boys. The difference was similar among those who reported moderate use — taking steroid pills or injections up to 40 times: 8 percent of gay or bi teens reported that amount, versus less than 2 percent of straight boys. The heaviest use — 40 or more times — was reported by 4 percent of gays or bi boys, compared with less than 1 percent of straight teens."

Steroid Use Much Higher Among Gay and Bi Teen Boys « CBS DC

So the boys are shooting up to achieve the uber-male physique so valued by their older *lovers*, and the incidence of HIV infection is on the rise amongst them as well.

But we are supposed to pretend the homo lobby doesn't victimize school kids. Uh..yeah.

Or gays are more proccupied by the way that they look than straight people and so more likely to take 'roids to try to look better as the trend nowerdays is to look muscular rather than stylish.

Are you 60? 70? Take it from a 20 year old, stylish is still far more popular than muscular (at least amongst the youth).
So you maintain that 16 y.o. bisexual boys are more likely to be HIV positive and more likely to be on steroids because they're addicted to sex?

I maintain their homosexual mentors are pumping them full of virus laden bodily fluids, while also pumping them full of drugs. I think that's a lot more likely.

Could be. But sex addicts are notoriously obsessed with their physical fitness/appearance to access their drug of choice more often. Could be a little of both.

The church of LGBT has a lot of issues. It's one of the most twisted cults I've seen in my lifetime....and I've seen a few come and go like people my age can remember...

Sex addicts are not the only people obsessed with keeping a good physical appearance! Lord, you all must not get out much!
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I would be curious to find out if any percentage of the testees reported being Gay b4 or after taking the steroids.

Steroids dont make you gay. You are either born like that or you are bisexual.

Lets not get into that - It's proven -


offensivo frocio fastidioso

Despite your obvious feelings of inadequacy, that has not been proven.

Are you trying to tell us that you chose Bean, that you are attracted to both men and women but "chose" only one? Did you flip a coin?
Steroids dont make you gay. You are either born like that or you are bisexual.

Lets not get into that - It's proven -


offensivo frocio fastidioso

Despite your obvious feelings of inadequacy, that has not been proven.

Are you trying to tell us that you chose Bean, that you are attracted to both men and women but "chose" only one? Did you flip a coin?

I chose to be straight after seeing Scarlett Johannsen for the first time.

Steroids dont make you gay. You are either born like that or you are bisexual.

Lets not get into that - It's proven -


offensivo frocio fastidioso

Proven? Do you have something to back this up? Are you saying this is a choice?

1.} We argue that for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay, even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence (page 184); *After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays.

2.} Because of this, the current thinking in the scientific community is that homosexuality is likely caused by a complex interaction of psychosocial, environmental ...factors. And the two leading national psychiatric and psychological professional groups agree that, so far, there are no conclusive studies supporting any specific biological or genetic cause for homosexuality. (1)

In sum, there is no scientific or DNA test to tell us if a person is homosexual, bisexual or even heterosexual for that matter. And since nobody is “born gay,” it’s clear that sexual orientation is, at its core, a matter of how one defines oneself – not a matter of biology or genes Are People Really ?Born Gay?? | CitizenLink

3.} 1993 X Chromosome Study, Dean Hamer – a gay man – said: “…environmental factors play a role. There is not a single master gene that makes people gay…I don’t think we will ever be able to predict who will be gay.”

4.} 2005 Fruit Fly Study, Barry Dickson, the lead researcher, admitted that the understanding of how innate behaviors are genetically determined is “rudimentary at best.” He also admitted that the male-male courtship behaviors they observed probably involved “environmental and social stimuli” and that the female-female courtship behavior was abnormal – missing some key steps.

5.} The latest twin studies regarding homosexuality are giving more evidence that homosexuality is not DNA determined.

“Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way. . .

Twin Study - People Not Born Gay

SeaHag: Despite your obvious feelings of inadequacy, that has not been proven.
Are you trying to tell us that you chose Bean, that you are attracted to both men and women but "chose" only one? Did you flip a coin?

See Above - PS: Hows the nose Job Working Out ?
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Naw, homosexuality is a healthy choice!

"Overall, 21 percent of gay or bisexual boys said they had ever used steroids, versus 4 percent of straight boys. The difference was similar among those who reported moderate use — taking steroid pills or injections up to 40 times: 8 percent of gay or bi teens reported that amount, versus less than 2 percent of straight boys. The heaviest use — 40 or more times — was reported by 4 percent of gays or bi boys, compared with less than 1 percent of straight teens."

Steroid Use Much Higher Among Gay and Bi Teen Boys « CBS DC

So the boys are shooting up to achieve the uber-male physique so valued by their older *lovers*, and the incidence of HIV infection is on the rise amongst them as well.

But we are supposed to pretend the homo lobby doesn't victimize school kids. Uh..yeah.

Shrug. Gay and bi men are attracted to other men. And more often than not, very masculine 'manly' men.

Could make a similar arguement over how most straight women subject themselves to plastic surgery as with breast augmentation. So should we condemn heterosexuality too?
Lets not get into that - It's proven -


offensivo frocio fastidioso

Proven? Do you have something to back this up? Are you saying this is a choice?

1.} We argue that for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay, even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence (page 184); *After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays.

2.} Because of this, the current thinking in the scientific community is that homosexuality is likely caused by a complex interaction of psychosocial, environmental ...factors. And the two leading national psychiatric and psychological professional groups agree that, so far, there are no conclusive studies supporting any specific biological or genetic cause for homosexuality. (1)

In sum, there is no scientific or DNA test to tell us if a person is homosexual, bisexual or even heterosexual for that matter. And since nobody is “born gay,” it’s clear that sexual orientation is, at its core, a matter of how one defines oneself – not a matter of biology or genes Are People Really ?Born Gay?? | CitizenLink

3.} 1993 X Chromosome Study, Dean Hamer – a gay man – said: “…environmental factors play a role. There is not a single master gene that makes people gay…I don’t think we will ever be able to predict who will be gay.”

4.} 2005 Fruit Fly Study, Barry Dickson, the lead researcher, admitted that the understanding of how innate behaviors are genetically determined is “rudimentary at best.” He also admitted that the male-male courtship behaviors they observed probably involved “environmental and social stimuli” and that the female-female courtship behavior was abnormal – missing some key steps.

5.} The latest twin studies regarding homosexuality are giving more evidence that homosexuality is not DNA determined.

“Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way. . .

Twin Study - People Not Born Gay

SeaHag: Despite your obvious feelings of inadequacy, that has not been proven.
Are you trying to tell us that you chose Bean, that you are attracted to both men and women but "chose" only one? Did you flip a coin?

See Above - PS: Hows the nose Job Working Out ?

:lol: And you said it had been proven.

Are you attracted to both men and women? How did you choose which side to "go with"?
Naw, homosexuality is a healthy choice!

"Overall, 21 percent of gay or bisexual boys said they had ever used steroids, versus 4 percent of straight boys. The difference was similar among those who reported moderate use — taking steroid pills or injections up to 40 times: 8 percent of gay or bi teens reported that amount, versus less than 2 percent of straight boys. The heaviest use — 40 or more times — was reported by 4 percent of gays or bi boys, compared with less than 1 percent of straight teens."

Steroid Use Much Higher Among Gay and Bi Teen Boys « CBS DC

So the boys are shooting up to achieve the uber-male physique so valued by their older *lovers*, and the incidence of HIV infection is on the rise amongst them as well.

But we are supposed to pretend the homo lobby doesn't victimize school kids. Uh..yeah.

The body building culture is very gay compared to the rest of the nation, without doubt!
It's safe to assume 'bi/gay' boys are taking roids' so they Won't be attractive to other males.
That's like saying hookers who stand on street corners wearing 'fuck-me' pumps are only wearing them to 'feel better about themselves'.
Proven? Do you have something to back this up? Are you saying this is a choice?

1.} We argue that for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay, even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence (page 184); *After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays.

2.} Because of this, the current thinking in the scientific community is that homosexuality is likely caused by a complex interaction of psychosocial, environmental ...factors. And the two leading national psychiatric and psychological professional groups agree that, so far, there are no conclusive studies supporting any specific biological or genetic cause for homosexuality. (1)

In sum, there is no scientific or DNA test to tell us if a person is homosexual, bisexual or even heterosexual for that matter. And since nobody is “born gay,” it’s clear that sexual orientation is, at its core, a matter of how one defines oneself – not a matter of biology or genes Are People Really ?Born Gay?? | CitizenLink

3.} 1993 X Chromosome Study, Dean Hamer – a gay man – said: “…environmental factors play a role. There is not a single master gene that makes people gay…I don’t think we will ever be able to predict who will be gay.”

4.} 2005 Fruit Fly Study, Barry Dickson, the lead researcher, admitted that the understanding of how innate behaviors are genetically determined is “rudimentary at best.” He also admitted that the male-male courtship behaviors they observed probably involved “environmental and social stimuli” and that the female-female courtship behavior was abnormal – missing some key steps.

5.} The latest twin studies regarding homosexuality are giving more evidence that homosexuality is not DNA determined.

“Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way. . .

Twin Study - People Not Born Gay

SeaHag: Despite your obvious feelings of inadequacy, that has not been proven.
Are you trying to tell us that you chose Bean, that you are attracted to both men and women but "chose" only one? Did you flip a coin?

See Above - PS: Hows the nose Job Working Out ?

:lol: And you said it had been proven.

Are you attracted to both men and women? How did you choose which side to "go with"?

Still flapping your jaws but nothing of substance cums out.

What happenned to your Disney thread {LMFAO} - you got your ass kicked there now you coming back for more - are you into S&M also ?

Don't worry Sweety - I can dish it out !
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Lets not get into that - It's proven -


offensivo frocio fastidioso

Proven? Do you have something to back this up? Are you saying this is a choice?

1.} We argue that for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay, even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence (page 184); *After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays.

2.} Because of this, the current thinking in the scientific community is that homosexuality is likely caused by a complex interaction of psychosocial, environmental ...factors. And the two leading national psychiatric and psychological professional groups agree that, so far, there are no conclusive studies supporting any specific biological or genetic cause for homosexuality. (1)

In sum, there is no scientific or DNA test to tell us if a person is homosexual, bisexual or even heterosexual for that matter. And since nobody is “born gay,” it’s clear that sexual orientation is, at its core, a matter of how one defines oneself – not a matter of biology or genes Are People Really ?Born Gay?? | CitizenLink

3.} 1993 X Chromosome Study, Dean Hamer – a gay man – said: “…environmental factors play a role. There is not a single master gene that makes people gay…I don’t think we will ever be able to predict who will be gay.”

4.} 2005 Fruit Fly Study, Barry Dickson, the lead researcher, admitted that the understanding of how innate behaviors are genetically determined is “rudimentary at best.” He also admitted that the male-male courtship behaviors they observed probably involved “environmental and social stimuli” and that the female-female courtship behavior was abnormal – missing some key steps.

5.} The latest twin studies regarding homosexuality are giving more evidence that homosexuality is not DNA determined.

“Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way. . .

Twin Study - People Not Born Gay

SeaHag: Despite your obvious feelings of inadequacy, that has not been proven.
Are you trying to tell us that you chose Bean, that you are attracted to both men and women but "chose" only one? Did you flip a coin?

See Above - PS: Hows the nose Job Working Out ?

So what you are saying is that no one knows for sure? I agree that no can definitively say yes or no gay people are not born gay but the evidence is actually on the side of that being true.

You have the fact that DNA determines if we are male or female. That alone pretty much is the preponderance of evidence right there. No on knows all the combination of genes that determine lots of things about humans. I think that fact alone enables us to throw out any scientific conclusions that claim its all environment.

The twin study is very suspect as we already know 2 identical twins can come out of womb with one having a birth defect due to physical positioning or the lack of or over abundance of the right amount of chemical x from the mother. There also could be the same lack or over abundance of nutrients to one of the twins that cause differences seen and unseen.

To top it all off chemicals in the brain regulate our moods and many bodily functions. To me the evidence is drastically on the side of sexuality being determined at birth.

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