Bible criticism

Yes and compare that with the ark story, well there are contradictions throughout the whole bible.
All that is parsing. The bible does not contradict itself, and biblical and ancient language scholars can explain each instance, and have.

I suggest anybody who doubts the word of God actually read the bible themselves, with a heart to actually understand instead of only to give meat to their attacks. You approach it as a scholar, and you will appreciate the accuracy and truth of the Bible, as most archaeologists, historians and linguists do.

You approach it as somebody who hates Christianity and seeks to seize on anything you don't understand yourself, with no interest in understanding, but just to find things you can skew in order to discredit..and that's exactly what you'll find.

Well you really can't say he is not right. Two different stories of creation and also two ark stories, just the tip of the iceberg.
All that is parsing. The bible does not contradict itself, and biblical and ancient language scholars can explain each instance, and have.

I suggest anybody who doubts the word of God actually read the bible themselves, with a heart to actually understand instead of only to give meat to their attacks. You approach it as a scholar, and you will appreciate the accuracy and truth of the Bible, as most archaeologists, historians and linguists do.

You approach it as somebody who hates Christianity and seeks to seize on anything you don't understand yourself, with no interest in understanding, but just to find things you can skew in order to discredit..and that's exactly what you'll find.

Oh come on, the bible says many things that are obvious rubbish, and the bible is not worthy of a God.
"Are we to become unbelievers if we can't prove that Abraham ever lived? What is the story about? It's a story about freedom and faith and risk. Does it matter exactly how Abraham and his clan left, and when they arrived in Canaan, or where they settled? What really matters is that Abraham is seen later by Jews and Christians as the father of the faithful.

"Abraham moves out on faith to a land he has never seen. You have to think of how perilous the journey would have been had it really taken place. We are talking about a journey of several hundred miles around the fringes of the desert. So it's an astonishing story. Is it true? It is profoundly true, but it's not the kind of truth that archeology can directly illuminate."

Archeology of the Hebrew Bible — NOVA | PBS
All that is parsing. The bible does not contradict itself, and biblical and ancient language scholars can explain each instance, and have.

I suggest anybody who doubts the word of God actually read the bible themselves, with a heart to actually understand instead of only to give meat to their attacks. You approach it as a scholar, and you will appreciate the accuracy and truth of the Bible, as most archaeologists, historians and linguists do.

You approach it as somebody who hates Christianity and seeks to seize on anything you don't understand yourself, with no interest in understanding, but just to find things you can skew in order to discredit..and that's exactly what you'll find.

Oh come on, the bible says many things that are obvious rubbish, and the bible is not worthy of a God.

All religion is man made. Although there are some good lessons to be found in the Bible, the best men in it is Joseph and Jesus, the laws of Moses was based on setting up a society and the laws to follow, which usually is what happens when they have a lot of people to keep in line. To control a large group of people you need one God, not lots of Gods.
Christianity, Rome needed a religion to control the empire which was falling apart. What better religion that Christianity , with the all seeing God, which was begun by the Flavians in the first empire to control the jews.
All that is parsing. The bible does not contradict itself, and biblical and ancient language scholars can explain each instance, and have.

I suggest anybody who doubts the word of God actually read the bible themselves, with a heart to actually understand instead of only to give meat to their attacks. You approach it as a scholar, and you will appreciate the accuracy and truth of the Bible, as most archaeologists, historians and linguists do.

You approach it as somebody who hates Christianity and seeks to seize on anything you don't understand yourself, with no interest in understanding, but just to find things you can skew in order to discredit..and that's exactly what you'll find.

Well you really can't say he is not right. Two different stories of creation and also two ark stories, just the tip of the iceberg.
Two different people telling the story at two different times, from totally different perspectives.
All that is parsing. The bible does not contradict itself, and biblical and ancient language scholars can explain each instance, and have.

I suggest anybody who doubts the word of God actually read the bible themselves, with a heart to actually understand instead of only to give meat to their attacks. You approach it as a scholar, and you will appreciate the accuracy and truth of the Bible, as most archaeologists, historians and linguists do.

You approach it as somebody who hates Christianity and seeks to seize on anything you don't understand yourself, with no interest in understanding, but just to find things you can skew in order to discredit..and that's exactly what you'll find.

Oh come on, the bible says many things that are obvious rubbish, and the bible is not worthy of a God.

I've never found any rubbish in the bible. In fact, every time I read it, I am amazed anew at how it is always relevant, always true, and always new.

Of course, I don't read it just to find things to jeer about. I actually read it with an open heart and a desire to learn and apply the things I learn to myself and my life.

So what book are you studying now?
All that is parsing. The bible does not contradict itself, and biblical and ancient language scholars can explain each instance, and have.

I suggest anybody who doubts the word of God actually read the bible themselves, with a heart to actually understand instead of only to give meat to their attacks. You approach it as a scholar, and you will appreciate the accuracy and truth of the Bible, as most archaeologists, historians and linguists do.

You approach it as somebody who hates Christianity and seeks to seize on anything you don't understand yourself, with no interest in understanding, but just to find things you can skew in order to discredit..and that's exactly what you'll find.

Oh come on, the bible says many things that are obvious rubbish, and the bible is not worthy of a God.

All religion is man made. Although there are some good lessons to be found in the Bible, the best men in it is Joseph and Jesus, the laws of Moses was based on setting up a society and the laws to follow, which usually is what happens when they have a lot of people to keep in line. To control a large group of people you need one God, not lots of Gods.
Christianity, Rome needed a religion to control the empire which was falling apart. What better religion that Christianity , with the all seeing God, which was begun by the Flavians in the first empire to control the jews.
Ho hum.
All that is parsing. The bible does not contradict itself, and biblical and ancient language scholars can explain each instance, and have.

I suggest anybody who doubts the word of God actually read the bible themselves, with a heart to actually understand instead of only to give meat to their attacks. You approach it as a scholar, and you will appreciate the accuracy and truth of the Bible, as most archaeologists, historians and linguists do.

You approach it as somebody who hates Christianity and seeks to seize on anything you don't understand yourself, with no interest in understanding, but just to find things you can skew in order to discredit..and that's exactly what you'll find.

Well you really can't say he is not right. Two different stories of creation and also two ark stories, just the tip of the iceberg.
Two different people telling the story at two different times, from totally different perspectives.
All that is parsing. The bible does not contradict itself, and biblical and ancient language scholars can explain each instance, and have.

I suggest anybody who doubts the word of God actually read the bible themselves, with a heart to actually understand instead of only to give meat to their attacks. You approach it as a scholar, and you will appreciate the accuracy and truth of the Bible, as most archaeologists, historians and linguists do.

You approach it as somebody who hates Christianity and seeks to seize on anything you don't understand yourself, with no interest in understanding, but just to find things you can skew in order to discredit..and that's exactly what you'll find.

Oh come on, the bible says many things that are obvious rubbish, and the bible is not worthy of a God.

I've never found any rubbish in the bible. In fact, every time I read it, I am amazed anew at how it is always relevant, always true, and always new.

Of course, I don't read it just to find things to jeer about. I actually read it with an open heart and a desire to learn and apply the things I learn to myself and my life.

So what book are you studying now?

So the heavens and earth were created in six days then? and Jonah lived in a whale, etc.
Yes I agree Koshergrl , which means it was wrote by men. One in gen. thinks women are equal to man, created at the same time, then along comes the male chauvinist and said woman was taken out of man as a helpmate to man to make her inferior.
A Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew or any person who has gone through the formal process of conversionto Judaism.

So Jew is not a race, thank you.

I can also show you many verses of Jews who disagree with that.
Jew is a race AND religion, dufus. Learn to read English.

Well I disagree and so do many rabbis and atheist jews.
You just called them athiest Jews.
Game Over.
what an ignorant goy

SHJ: Society for Humanistic Judaism
Yes and compare that with the ark story, well there are contradictions throughout the whole bible.

there are? how would you know? You stated that you
never read the bibles. It is silly to try to discuss a book
you never read. It is ridiculous to quote the "lists" that other
people who claimed that they read it published.......kinda like relying on "classic comics" in High School Literature class.

Joyce Kilmer. 1886–1918

119. Trees

I THINK that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day, 5
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

^^^^^^ the above famous Poem---by Joyce Kilmer----
stoned out JOYCE ---imagines that trees
have mouths and its branches are arms
All that is parsing. The bible does not contradict itself, and biblical and ancient language scholars can explain each instance, and have.

I suggest anybody who doubts the word of God actually read the bible themselves, with a heart to actually understand instead of only to give meat to their attacks. You approach it as a scholar, and you will appreciate the accuracy and truth of the Bible, as most archaeologists, historians and linguists do.

You approach it as somebody who hates Christianity and seeks to seize on anything you don't understand yourself, with no interest in understanding, but just to find things you can skew in order to discredit..and that's exactly what you'll find.

Well you really can't say he is not right. Two different stories of creation and also two ark stories, just the tip of the iceberg.
Two different people telling the story at two different times, from totally different perspectives.
All that is parsing. The bible does not contradict itself, and biblical and ancient language scholars can explain each instance, and have.

I suggest anybody who doubts the word of God actually read the bible themselves, with a heart to actually understand instead of only to give meat to their attacks. You approach it as a scholar, and you will appreciate the accuracy and truth of the Bible, as most archaeologists, historians and linguists do.

You approach it as somebody who hates Christianity and seeks to seize on anything you don't understand yourself, with no interest in understanding, but just to find things you can skew in order to discredit..and that's exactly what you'll find.

Oh come on, the bible says many things that are obvious rubbish, and the bible is not worthy of a God.

I've never found any rubbish in the bible. In fact, every time I read it, I am amazed anew at how it is always relevant, always true, and always new.

Of course, I don't read it just to find things to jeer about. I actually read it with an open heart and a desire to learn and apply the things I learn to myself and my life.

So what book are you studying now?

So the heavens and earth were created in six days then? and Jonah lived in a whale, etc.

It's a poem-------I used to know the whole first page----
ie I could recite it like the Gettysburg address----

b'reshi borah Elohim, et ha shamayim v' et ha'aretz....

have you ever read the ODYSSEY?
have you ever read the ODYSSEY?

Homer, the Odyssey opening line,

Tell me muse, of that man, so ready at need, who wandered far and wide, after he had sacked the sacred citadel of Troy,

Proof I have a copy in my extensive library.
Yes and compare that with the ark story, well there are contradictions throughout the whole bible.

there are? how would you know? You stated that you
never read the bibles. It is silly to try to discuss a book
you never read. It is ridiculous to quote the "lists" that other
people who claimed that they read it published.......kinda like relying on "classic comics" in High School Literature class.

Joyce Kilmer. 1886–1918

119. Trees

I THINK that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day, 5
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

^^^^^^ the above famous Poem---by Joyce Kilmer----
stoned out JOYCE ---imagines that trees
have mouths and its branches are arms

I have studied the bible more than I care to admit, now have you read the NT yet?
Yes I agree Koshergrl , which means it was wrote by men. One in gen. thinks women are equal to man, created at the same time, then along comes the male chauvinist and said woman was taken out of man as a helpmate to man to make her inferior.
What horseshit, lol. Yes it was written by men, so what? And why shouldn't women be a helpmeet, and how does that make her inferior? Just because you think helpmeets are inferior doesn't mean that God does.

The fact of the matter is that women figured prominently in the Bible, old and new testaments. Christ appeared to women first after His resurrection, and female heroes are strewn through the OT.
So what book are you studying now?

I have been reading ' Spirit teachings' by Stainton Moses. Which is regarded highly by spiritualists.

Spirit Teachings by Stainton Moses
I meant which book of the BIBLE. If you are so interested in it, I would think you would study it..instead of studying garbage written by other people ABOUT it.

And seriously, you're reading the weird garbage of long dead *spiritualist* kooks and you dare to make fun of the Bible?

" After much nonsense he received a striking description of the spirit presence of a friend who had died in the north of England. Charles Williams was the next medium he went to see. A séance with D. D. Home and sittings in many private circles followed. Within about six months, Moses became convinced of the existence of discarnate spirits and of their power to communicate. Soon he himself showed signs of great psychic powers. In 1872, five months after his introduction to Spiritualism, he reported his first experience of levitation.

The physical phenomena continued with gradually lessening frequency until 1881. They were of extremely varied nature. The power was often so enormous that it kept the room in constant vibration. E. W. Cox describes in his book What am I? (2 vols., 1873-74) the swaying and rocking in daylight of an old-fashioned, six-foot-wide and nine-foot-long mahogany table that required the strength of two strong men to be moved an inch. The presence of Moses seemed to be responsible for the table's extraordinary behavior. When Cox and Moses held their hands over the table, it lifted first on one then on the other side. When Moses was levitated for the third time, he was thrown on to the table, and from that position on to an adjacent sofa. In spite of the considerable distance and the magnitude of the force, he was in no way hurt.

Objects left in Moses' bedroom were often found arranged in the shape of a cross. Apports were frequent phenomena. They were usually objects from a different part of the house, invariably small, coming mysteriously through closed doors or walls and thrown upon the table from a direction mostly over Moses' head. Sometimes their origin was unknown. Ivory crosses, corals, pearls, precious stones, the latter expressly for Moses, were also brought from unknown sources.

Psychic lights of greatly varying shapes and intensity were frequently observed. They were most striking when the medium was in trance. They were not always equally seen by all the sitters, never lit up their surroundings, and could pass through solid objects, for instance, rising from the floor through a table. Scents were produced in abundance, the most common being musk, verbena, new mown hay, and one unfamiliar odor, which was said to be spirit scent. Sometimes breezes heavy with perfumes swept around the circle.

Without any musical instruments in the room, a great variety of musical sounds contributed to the entertainment of the sitters. There were many instances of direct writing, demonstrations of matter passing through matter and direct voice, and materializations, which, however, did not progress beyond luminous hands or columns of light vaguely suggesting human forms."

William Stainton Moses Biography 1839-1892 - includes Bibliography, free ebooks
Yes I agree Koshergrl , which means it was wrote by men. One in gen. thinks women are equal to man, created at the same time, then along comes the male chauvinist and said woman was taken out of man as a helpmate to man to make her inferior.
What horseshit, lol. Yes it was written by men, so what? And why shouldn't women be a helpmeet, and how does that make her inferior? Just because you think helpmeets are inferior doesn't mean that God does.

The fact of the matter is that women figured prominently in the Bible, old and new testaments. Christ appeared to women first after His resurrection, and female heroes are strewn through the OT.

After Adam couldn't find a suitable helpmate among the animals, then God created woman out of his rib.
Of course men and women should be helpmates to each other. Oh yes, Mary didn't even recognize him, thought he was the gardener. The fact of the matter is men wrote the books of the bible and sometimes more than one man was the author of a book. I actually believe in the JEPD theory, document hypothesis. I also believe in the Caesar Messiah theory, in Judaism, they didn't have demigods, that was mainly a Roman and Greek theology.
Yes I agree Koshergrl , which means it was wrote by men. One in gen. thinks women are equal to man, created at the same time, then along comes the male chauvinist and said woman was taken out of man as a helpmate to man to make her inferior.
What horseshit, lol. Yes it was written by men, so what? And why shouldn't women be a helpmeet, and how does that make her inferior? Just because you think helpmeets are inferior doesn't mean that God does.

The fact of the matter is that women figured prominently in the Bible, old and new testaments. Christ appeared to women first after His resurrection, and female heroes are strewn through the OT.

After Adam couldn't find a suitable helpmate among the animals, then God created woman out of his rib.
Of course men and women should be helpmates to each other. Oh yes, Mary didn't even recognize him, thought he was the gardener. The fact of the matter is men wrote the books of the bible and sometimes more than one man was the author of a book. I actually believe in the JEPD theory, document hypothesis. I also believe in the Caesar Messiah theory, in Judaism, they didn't have demigods, that was mainly a Roman and Greek theology.
Lol..point to the scripture that says that Adam looked for a "suitable helpmeet" among the animals, and that that is why God created woman out of his rib.

I'll wait.
And seriously, you're reading the weird garbage of long dead *spiritualist* kooks and you dare to make fun of the Bible?

I have much experience of spiritualism, and I sat in two separate developing circles myself. I rejected the bible because of its theology about hell fire in the 1960s and studied spiritualism instead. To me the bible is flawed and cannot be from God.

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