Bible criticism

And seriously, you're reading the weird garbage of long dead *spiritualist* kooks and you dare to make fun of the Bible?

I have much experience of spiritualism, and I sat in two separate developing circles myself. I rejected the bible because of its theology about hell fire in the 1960s and studied spiritualism instead. To me the bible is flawed and cannot be from God.
That's because you have invited demons to teach you. You find the bible repulsive because you are under their influence and possession.

??? "REPULSIVE"??? the bible is sublime-----both the OT and especially the BOOK OF REVELATIONS---and some parts of the NT-----like the stuff not edited by Constantine. In any case NONE of it is "REPULSIVE"------as to hellfire???-----
Gehenna is not "hell"------the greek allusions----are ----just ---
common jargon stuff------No one was serious about that which
DANTE described-----it was a late addition
I didn't say it was repulsive. I said Dajaal found it so.
And seriously, you're reading the weird garbage of long dead *spiritualist* kooks and you dare to make fun of the Bible?

I have much experience of spiritualism, and I sat in two separate developing circles myself. I rejected the bible because of its theology about hell fire in the 1960s and studied spiritualism instead. To me the bible is flawed and cannot be from God.
That's because you have invited demons to teach you. You find the bible repulsive because you are under their influence and possession.

??? "REPULSIVE"??? the bible is sublime-----both the OT and especially the BOOK OF REVELATIONS---and some parts of the NT-----like the stuff not edited by Constantine. In any case NONE of it is "REPULSIVE"------as to hellfire???-----
Gehenna is not "hell"------the greek allusions----are ----just ---
common jargon stuff------No one was serious about that which
DANTE described-----it was a late addition
I didn't say it was repulsive. I said Dajaal found it so.

yes----I know----that response was directed at him------I think
What can I say, you just don't know the truth. I used to be able to feel the negative psychic energy in the streets of London, but when I walked into an old church I could feel the atmosphere change to a psychic warmth. I used to sit in old churches during my lunch breaks to get relief from the negative atmosphere of the city,

I once walked into a Franciscan monastery in Italy and the positive energy almost blew my socks off. There was nothing evil in there. My nervous system used to be like a psychic barometer, but it has cooled down with age.

Uh huh.

And yet you sneer at the sacred texts. Nauseating. That's what evil does to a person. It warps your understanding and makes you reject truth.
And yet you sneer at the sacred texts.Nauseating.
just curious k, Armageddon in your book is a gathering of armies how does that relate to the Triumph of Good vs Evil when either side may be the victor, your speaking so much about evil.

your scribes (and you) have not considered the alternative as the Final Judgement.


silly guy-------the script for HAR MEGIDDO------exists----IT's A BOOK-----LITERATURE ------symbolic and all that stuff
silly guy-------the script for HAR MEGIDDO------exists----IT's A BOOK-----LITERATURE ------symbolic and all that stuff

Spiritually you must know I am a guy, I feel warmth.

I'll simply say to you that even your religion was once spoken before the script that made you what you are ...

why in that script is there not the conclusion Amegedden, the Triumph of Good vs Evil. the Divine Reference for Humanity prescribed by the Almighty.


it is-----that's the ----bottom line------the bad guys-----like
Putin and Assad------go .....down-----way down
it is-----that's the ----bottom line------the bad guys-----like
Putin and Assad------go .....down-----way down

that is the only reference in your book - armageddon, the gathering of armies the Divine conclusion is not prescribed by your writings nor by you.

Uh huh.

And yet you sneer at the sacred texts. Nauseating. That's what evil does to a person. It warps your understanding and makes you reject truth.
And yet you sneer at the sacred texts.Nauseating.
just curious k, Armageddon in your book is a gathering of armies how does that relate to the Triumph of Good vs Evil when either side may be the victor, your speaking so much about evil.

your scribes (and you) have not considered the alternative as the Final Judgement.


silly guy-------the script for HAR MEGIDDO------exists----IT's A BOOK-----LITERATURE ------symbolic and all that stuff
silly guy-------the script for HAR MEGIDDO------exists----IT's A BOOK-----LITERATURE ------symbolic and all that stuff

Spiritually you must know I am a guy, I feel warmth.

I'll simply say to you that even your religion was once spoken before the script that made you what you are ...

why in that script is there not the conclusion Amegedden, the Triumph of Good vs Evil. the Divine Reference for Humanity prescribed by the Almighty.


it is-----that's the ----bottom line------the bad guys-----like
Putin and Assad------go .....down-----way down
it is-----that's the ----bottom line------the bad guys-----like
Putin and Assad------go .....down-----way down

that is the only reference in your book - armageddon, the gathering of armies the Divine conclusion is not prescribed by your writings nor by you.


yeah----it is-------good triumphs over evil-------I is on the
GOOD side

just curious k, Armageddon in your book is a gathering of armies how does that relate to the Triumph of Good vs Evil when either side may be the victor, your speaking so much about evil.

your scribes (and you) have not considered the alternative as the Final Judgement.


silly guy-------the script for HAR MEGIDDO------exists----IT's A BOOK-----LITERATURE ------symbolic and all that stuff
silly guy-------the script for HAR MEGIDDO------exists----IT's A BOOK-----LITERATURE ------symbolic and all that stuff

Spiritually you must know I am a guy, I feel warmth.

I'll simply say to you that even your religion was once spoken before the script that made you what you are ...

why in that script is there not the conclusion Amegedden, the Triumph of Good vs Evil. the Divine Reference for Humanity prescribed by the Almighty.


it is-----that's the ----bottom line------the bad guys-----like
Putin and Assad------go .....down-----way down
it is-----that's the ----bottom line------the bad guys-----like
Putin and Assad------go .....down-----way down

that is the only reference in your book - armageddon, the gathering of armies the Divine conclusion is not prescribed by your writings nor by you.


yeah----it is-------good triumphs over evil-------I is on the
GOOD side
yeah----it is-------good triumphs over evil-------I is on the
GOOD side

I is on the GOOD side ...

the end will be with those who will all be the same, no sides no battle - is the reason for the Final Judgement for Humanity.

I didn't say it was repulsive. I said Dajaal found it so.

I never used the word 'repulsive' I said it was flawed and not worthy of God.
I actually have a high regard for the essential teachings of Jesus, I think they are very spiritual. But I doubt the miracles and the resurrection from the dead.
silly guy-------the script for HAR MEGIDDO------exists----IT's A BOOK-----LITERATURE ------symbolic and all that stuff
silly guy-------the script for HAR MEGIDDO------exists----IT's A BOOK-----LITERATURE ------symbolic and all that stuff

Spiritually you must know I am a guy, I feel warmth.

I'll simply say to you that even your religion was once spoken before the script that made you what you are ...

why in that script is there not the conclusion Amegedden, the Triumph of Good vs Evil. the Divine Reference for Humanity prescribed by the Almighty.


it is-----that's the ----bottom line------the bad guys-----like
Putin and Assad------go .....down-----way down
it is-----that's the ----bottom line------the bad guys-----like
Putin and Assad------go .....down-----way down

that is the only reference in your book - armageddon, the gathering of armies the Divine conclusion is not prescribed by your writings nor by you.


yeah----it is-------good triumphs over evil-------I is on the
GOOD side
yeah----it is-------good triumphs over evil-------I is on the
GOOD side

I is on the GOOD side ...

the end will be with those who will all be the same, no sides no battle - is the reason for the Final Judgement for Humanity.


oh----that's not the story
What kills me is that you guys will read that garbage written by certified kooks and give it every benefit of the doubt...yet you attack Christians for following the Bible.
I didn't say it was repulsive. I said Dajaal found it so.

I never used the word 'repulsive' I said it was flawed and not worthy of God.
I actually have a high regard for the essential teachings of Jesus, I think they are very spiritual. But I doubt the miracles and the resurrection from the dead.
I didn't say you said it was repulsive. I said it was repulsive to you, as is evident from your jeering references to it.
christianity in particular has no natural setting for its verification and would cease to exist without the written documentation it relies on as well as the extent of the same documentation of the bibles not verified by historical records would likewise cease to exist.

The biggest question is if there is anything that would make you believe?

If the answer is yes, what?
If the answer is no, you have a closed mind and are a waste of time.

Believe what, the bunk in the old testament? That says the world is flat and its six thousand years old and Jonah was swallowed by a whale, etc, etc. I hardly think so.
Just curious...where does it say the world if flat and is 6,000 years old?
The biggest question is if there is anything that would make you believe?

If the answer is yes, what?
If the answer is no, you have a closed mind and are a waste of time.

Believe what, the bunk in the old testament? That says the world is flat and its six thousand years old and Jonah was swallowed by a whale, etc, etc. I hardly think so.
Just curious...where does it say the world if flat and is 6,000 years old?
Same place where it says people control the weather.
The biggest question is if there is anything that would make you believe?

If the answer is yes, what?
If the answer is no, you have a closed mind and are a waste of time.

Believe what, the bunk in the old testament? That says the world is flat and its six thousand years old and Jonah was swallowed by a whale, etc, etc. I hardly think so.
Feel free to quote the verses about the world being flat.
And I've seen a whale swallow a 500 pound seal, so......
I just ordered, The complete dead sea scrolls, from Amazon. It will be interesting to see how it compares with the bible.

I found this online, I've read it awhile ago though. Wonder if your books are the same.

Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered - The First Complete Translation and Interpretation of 50 Key Documents Withheld for Over 35 Years

You "found" ? how exciting------your post indicates that you have no idea just what the 'DEAD SEA SCROLLS' are----how do you remain so ignorant?
I just ordered, The complete dead sea scrolls, from Amazon. It will be interesting to see how it compares with the bible.

I found this online, I've read it awhile ago though. Wonder if your books are the same.

Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered - The First Complete Translation and Interpretation of 50 Key Documents Withheld for Over 35 Years

You "found" ? how exciting------your post indicates that you have no idea just what the 'DEAD SEA SCROLLS' are----how do you remain so ignorant?

Obvioulsy you don't.
Yes and compare that with the ark story, well there are contradictions throughout the whole bible.

there are? how would you know? You stated that you
never read the bibles. It is silly to try to discuss a book
you never read. It is ridiculous to quote the "lists" that other
people who claimed that they read it published.......kinda like relying on "classic comics" in High School Literature class.

Joyce Kilmer. 1886–1918

119. Trees

I THINK that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day, 5
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

^^^^^^ the above famous Poem---by Joyce Kilmer----
stoned out JOYCE ---imagines that trees
have mouths and its branches are arms

I have studied the bible more than I care to admit, now have you read the NT yet?

more than you care to admit??? you should try reading it
again--------you didn't get it. Of course I read the NT----in my town friendly old ladies gave them away during the Christmas
season-------when do you intend to try it?
How many times??

how many times did the little old ladies hand out copies of
the NT? INCESSANTLY-----some of them still do it---
tiny copies--------little pocket sized

Ask me anything, not verse and chapter though, not being a Protestant we do not have it memorized. The OT has some very disgusting areas in it.
I just ordered, The complete dead sea scrolls, from Amazon. It will be interesting to see how it compares with the bible.

I found this online, I've read it awhile ago though. Wonder if your books are the same.

Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered - The First Complete Translation and Interpretation of 50 Key Documents Withheld for Over 35 Years

You "found" ? how exciting------your post indicates that you have no idea just what the 'DEAD SEA SCROLLS' are----how do you remain so ignorant?

Obvioulsy you don't.
there are? how would you know? You stated that you
never read the bibles. It is silly to try to discuss a book
you never read. It is ridiculous to quote the "lists" that other
people who claimed that they read it published.......kinda like relying on "classic comics" in High School Literature class.

Joyce Kilmer. 1886–1918

119. Trees

I THINK that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day, 5
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

^^^^^^ the above famous Poem---by Joyce Kilmer----
stoned out JOYCE ---imagines that trees
have mouths and its branches are arms

I have studied the bible more than I care to admit, now have you read the NT yet?

more than you care to admit??? you should try reading it
again--------you didn't get it. Of course I read the NT----in my town friendly old ladies gave them away during the Christmas
season-------when do you intend to try it?
How many times??

how many times did the little old ladies hand out copies of
the NT? INCESSANTLY-----some of them still do it---
tiny copies--------little pocket sized

Ask me anything, not verse and chapter though, not being a Protestant we do not have it memorized. The OT has some very disgusting areas in it.

not as disgusting as are you. I know of no disgusting things in the bibles except that ROMAN CRUCIFIXION thing. You need not memorize either the NT or the OT-----the books are not only FREELY AVAILABLE in translation----translations are even ONLINE.
I never asked you to memorize anything. You would have a hard time memorizing that which you never read. I did not know that catholics memorize the bible as your statement seems to imply. Muslims memorize the koran syllable by syllable-----even those who know no Arabic as a part of their school lessons in muslim schools---even in non-Arabic speaking countries.

I memorized several poems in my childhood----and the
Gettysburg address
The biggest question is if there is anything that would make you believe?

If the answer is yes, what?
If the answer is no, you have a closed mind and are a waste of time.

Believe what, the bunk in the old testament? That says the world is flat and its six thousand years old and Jonah was swallowed by a whale, etc, etc. I hardly think so.
Just curious...where does it say the world if flat and is 6,000 years old?

The bible Genesis says the heaven and earth were created in six days, and 2 peter says one of Gods days is a thousand years.
The biggest question is if there is anything that would make you believe?

If the answer is yes, what?
If the answer is no, you have a closed mind and are a waste of time.

Believe what, the bunk in the old testament? That says the world is flat and its six thousand years old and Jonah was swallowed by a whale, etc, etc. I hardly think so.
Feel free to quote the verses about the world being flat.
And I've seen a whale swallow a 500 pound seal, so......

That must have been a sperm whale, and the seal did not have much life expectancy inside its stomach and neither would a man.
Deut 13.7 Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth;

A round earth does not have ends.

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