BIBLE Prophecy about THE JEWS is proof the BIBLE is TRUE!!

Israel was saved thanks to the faith of it's pioneers. So I don't understand what is the message. My confusion is genuine.

Israel was saved because of the mercy of G-d, Lipush. It had nothing to do with you or the rest of the Israelis. Your human efforts could never have accomplished what G-d has performed and will perform for Israel. That is where you're missing it. G-d of Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers. He watches over Jerusalem. HE WATCHES OVER ISRAEL.

Not the pioneers. Why does G-d do this? For his own namesake. G-d is faithful even when His people are not. That is the goodness and mercy of our God. To God be the Glory. He is worthy to be praised!

- Jeremiah
Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. 12 And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. 14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. 15 And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. REVELATION 20:1115

YOU broke the first commandment.

Again. Hell doesn't come around till the 5th century.

What are you talking about? Hell is mentioned over 400 times in the Old Testament. King David repeatedly describes hell. What do you think the pit is? You need to read the Old Testament, Disir. You're in for a rude awakening. - Jeremiah
YOU broke the first commandment.

Again. Hell doesn't come around till the 5th century.

What are you talking about? Hell is mentioned over 400 times in the Old Testament. King David repeatedly describes hell. What do you think the pit is? You need to read the Old Testament, Disir. You're in for a rude awakening. - Jeremiah


You are a silly goose. What makes you think that Judaism uses your OT?
The Tanuch / Torah is the Old Testament, Disir. If you were Jewish you'd know that. The bible is a Jewish bible from start to finish. Jewish all the way. Jesus is my Jewish Messiah! Your comment reminds me of something William Gurnall once said.

I dedicate Gurnall's message to GISMY this morning. This one is for you, GIS!

Satan will come on the scene when you are on some notable errand for God's glory. He will raise himself up like a snake in your path, hissing his venemous lies. This old serpent never was a friend to Kingdom work. What a handsome excuse he served to the Jews. "The time is not come! God's time was come, but not the devil's and therefore he perverted the sense of Providence, as if it were not time for the Messiah. - William Gurnall ( 1616 - 1679 )
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The Tanuch / Torah is the Old Testament, Disir. If you were Jewish you'd know that. The bible is a Jewish bible from start to finish. Jewish all the way. Jesus is my Jewish Messiah! Your comment reminds me of something William Gurnall once said.

I dedicate Gurnall's message to GISMY this morning. This one is for you, GIS!

Satan will come on the scene when you are on some notable errand for God's glory. He will raise himself up like a snake in your path, hissing his venemous lies. This old serpent never was a friend to Kingdom work. What a handsome excuse he served to the Jews. "The time is not come! God's time was come, but not the devil's and therefore he perverted the sense of Providence, as if it were not time for the Messiah. - William Gurnall ( 1616 - 1679 )

Reorganization and mistranslation of the OT does not a TaNaKh make. Judaism does not use your OT.
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Real Christian believers love the Jewish people and they love tiny Israel and pray that GOD protects them. JESUS was born into a Jewish family and it was GODLY Jewish men that recorded GOD'S WORD in the books of the BIBLE. PTL.
The Tanuch / Torah is the Old Testament, Disir. If you were Jewish you'd know that. The bible is a Jewish bible from start to finish. Jewish all the way. Jesus is my Jewish Messiah! Your comment reminds me of something William Gurnall once said.

I dedicate Gurnall's message to GISMY this morning. This one is for you, GIS!

Satan will come on the scene when you are on some notable errand for God's glory. He will raise himself up like a snake in your path, hissing his venemous lies. This old serpent never was a friend to Kingdom work. What a handsome excuse he served to the Jews. "The time is not come! God's time was come, but not the devil's and therefore he perverted the sense of Providence, as if it were not time for the Messiah. - William Gurnall ( 1616 - 1679 )

Reorganization and mistranslation of the OT does not a TaNaKh make. Judaism does not use your OT.

Spell it any way you wish. You're still wrong.
Real Christian believers love the Jewish people and they love tiny Israel and pray that GOD protects them. JESUS was born into a Jewish family and it was GODLY Jewish men that recorded GOD'S WORD in the books of the BIBLE. PTL.

The Tanuch / Torah is the Old Testament, Disir. If you were Jewish you'd know that. The bible is a Jewish bible from start to finish. Jewish all the way. Jesus is my Jewish Messiah! Your comment reminds me of something William Gurnall once said.

I dedicate Gurnall's message to GISMY this morning. This one is for you, GIS!

Satan will come on the scene when you are on some notable errand for God's glory. He will raise himself up like a snake in your path, hissing his venemous lies. This old serpent never was a friend to Kingdom work. What a handsome excuse he served to the Jews. "The time is not come! God's time was come, but not the devil's and therefore he perverted the sense of Providence, as if it were not time for the Messiah. - William Gurnall ( 1616 - 1679 )

Reorganization and mistranslation of the OT does not a TaNaKh make. Judaism does not use your OT.

Spell it any way you wish. You're still wrong.

No. Judaism doesn't use your OT. Do you know why that is? Do you understand that Judaism by and large doesn't really have an afterlife? This is why you guys come off pretentious, condescending, arrogant and patronizing.

Afterlife in Judaism | Jewish Virtual Library
The Tanuch / Torah is the Old Testament, Disir. If you were Jewish you'd know that. The bible is a Jewish bible from start to finish. Jewish all the way. Jesus is my Jewish Messiah! Your comment reminds me of something William Gurnall once said.

I dedicate Gurnall's message to GISMY this morning. This one is for you, GIS!

Satan will come on the scene when you are on some notable errand for God's glory. He will raise himself up like a snake in your path, hissing his venemous lies. This old serpent never was a friend to Kingdom work. What a handsome excuse he served to the Jews. "The time is not come! God's time was come, but not the devil's and therefore he perverted the sense of Providence, as if it were not time for the Messiah. - William Gurnall ( 1616 - 1679 )

Reorganization and mistranslation of the OT does not a TaNaKh make. Judaism does not use your OT.

Funny how they like to cite OT prophecies that they claim point to Jesus and a virgin birth even though the prophecy is about the future king Hezekiah and the word used doesn't even mean virgin but young maiden while ignoring the rest of the OT when questions about the eternity of the law or the oneness of God come up when they claim that the law is obsolete and one God is really three persons, one of them human..

If scripture is true and God exists and his law is eternal then they died in the very day they first bowed down in deranged adoration before a false triune mangod and immediately descended into the netherworld where they are tormented day and night by confusion unfulfilled dreams and guilt..

They go on and on about Gehenna, because they are in it.

after even one conversation with either of them how can anyone not believe in hell or perceive that it is a figurative description of an actual, verifiable, addled state of mind?
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The Tanuch / Torah is the Old Testament, Disir. If you were Jewish you'd know that. The bible is a Jewish bible from start to finish. Jewish all the way. Jesus is my Jewish Messiah! Your comment reminds me of something William Gurnall once said.

I dedicate Gurnall's message to GISMY this morning. This one is for you, GIS!

Satan will come on the scene when you are on some notable errand for God's glory. He will raise himself up like a snake in your path, hissing his venemous lies. This old serpent never was a friend to Kingdom work. What a handsome excuse he served to the Jews. "The time is not come! God's time was come, but not the devil's and therefore he perverted the sense of Providence, as if it were not time for the Messiah. - William Gurnall ( 1616 - 1679 )

Reorganization and mistranslation of the OT does not a TaNaKh make. Judaism does not use your OT.

Funny how they like to cite OT prophecies that they claim point to Jesus and a virgin birth even though the prophecy is about the future king Hezekiah and the word used doesn't even mean virgin but young maiden while ignoring the rest of the OT when questions about the eternity of the law or the oneness of God come up when they claim that the law is obsolete and one God is really three persons, one of them human..

If scripture is true and God exists and his law is eternal then they died in the very day they first bowed down in deranged adoration before a false triune mangod and immediately descended into the netherworld where they are tormented day and night by confusion unfulfilled dreams and guilt..

They go on and on about Gehenna, because they are in it.

after even one conversation with either of them how can anyone not believe in hell or perceive that it is a figurative description of an actual, verifiable, addled state of mind?

TRY TO THINK! What kind of "sign" is a "young maiden " shall conceive, that is a million per day event!!! lol! WHY allow satan to blind you and use you as his tool,fool,puppet????
Israel was saved thanks to the faith of it's pioneers. So I don't understand what is the message. My confusion is genuine.

Israel was saved because of the mercy of G-d, Lipush. It had nothing to do with you or the rest of the Israelis. Your human efforts could never have accomplished what G-d has performed and will perform for Israel. That is where you're missing it. G-d of Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers. He watches over Jerusalem. HE WATCHES OVER ISRAEL.

Not the pioneers. Why does G-d do this? For his own namesake. G-d is faithful even when His people are not. That is the goodness and mercy of our God. To God be the Glory. He is worthy to be praised!

- Jeremiah

God is great, but I believe humans are more than tools. That's the source of my confusion. The moment Cain killed his brother and God asked him what has he done, even though of course he knew, he gave him a choice to admit of the killing. he didn't, but that was his choice. Each man has a choice and free will. That's God's gift, and we're responsible for our doings. God gives miracles, but in modern days he does that through human beings. That's why you have doctors, and organizations, and people who try to create better realities. Pioneers incluced. You don't know what's set out for you, but you can many times change your destiny and choices, and then, well, God decides.
Reorganization and mistranslation of the OT does not a TaNaKh make. Judaism does not use your OT.

Spell it any way you wish. You're still wrong.

No. Judaism doesn't use your OT. Do you know why that is? Do you understand that Judaism by and large doesn't really have an afterlife? This is why you guys come off pretentious, condescending, arrogant and patronizing.

Afterlife in Judaism | Jewish Virtual Library

Depends what you call "afterlife".

Jew don't believe in hell. The soul continues to rest next to God after death. What Christians call "death" is when the soul doesn't rise, but fades away with the body.

That's actually very....inspiring, to think of this that way
Spell it any way you wish. You're still wrong.

No. Judaism doesn't use your OT. Do you know why that is? Do you understand that Judaism by and large doesn't really have an afterlife? This is why you guys come off pretentious, condescending, arrogant and patronizing.

Afterlife in Judaism | Jewish Virtual Library

Depends what you call "afterlife".

Jew don't believe in hell. The soul continues to rest next to God after death. What Christians call "death" is when the soul doesn't rise, but fades away with the body.

That's actually very....inspiring, to think of this that way
YES!!! THOSE THAT REJECT GOD'S WORD will believe satan's lies!!! your choice!
Reorganization and mistranslation of the OT does not a TaNaKh make. Judaism does not use your OT.

Funny how they like to cite OT prophecies that they claim point to Jesus and a virgin birth even though the prophecy is about the future king Hezekiah and the word used doesn't even mean virgin but young maiden while ignoring the rest of the OT when questions about the eternity of the law or the oneness of God come up when they claim that the law is obsolete and one God is really three persons, one of them human..

If scripture is true and God exists and his law is eternal then they died in the very day they first bowed down in deranged adoration before a false triune mangod and immediately descended into the netherworld where they are tormented day and night by confusion unfulfilled dreams and guilt..

They go on and on about Gehenna, because they are in it.

after even one conversation with either of them how can anyone not believe in hell or perceive that it is a figurative description of an actual, verifiable, addled state of mind?

TRY TO THINK! What kind of "sign" is a "young maiden " shall conceive, that is a million per day event!!! lol! WHY allow satan to blind you and use you as his tool,fool,puppet????

The sign is not that that a boy will be born. The sign is that by the time the child is twelve years old and able to make moral decisions, the threat of the war that they feared at that time will be over.
Funny how they like to cite OT prophecies that they claim point to Jesus and a virgin birth even though the prophecy is about the future king Hezekiah and the word used doesn't even mean virgin but young maiden while ignoring the rest of the OT when questions about the eternity of the law or the oneness of God come up when they claim that the law is obsolete and one God is really three persons, one of them human..

If scripture is true and God exists and his law is eternal then they died in the very day they first bowed down in deranged adoration before a false triune mangod and immediately descended into the netherworld where they are tormented day and night by confusion unfulfilled dreams and guilt..

They go on and on about Gehenna, because they are in it.

after even one conversation with either of them how can anyone not believe in hell or perceive that it is a figurative description of an actual, verifiable, addled state of mind?

TRY TO THINK! What kind of "sign" is a "young maiden " shall conceive, that is a million per day event!!! lol! WHY allow satan to blind you and use you as his tool,fool,puppet????

The sign is not that that a boy will be born. The sign is that by the time the child is twelve years old and able to make moral decisions, the threat of the war that they feared at that time will be over.

LOL!!! TRY AGAIN!!! THAT IS NO SIGN! NOW! A REAL SIGN IS FOR A VIRGIN TO HAVE A CHILD.===Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel(GOD WITH US) isaiah 7:14
TRY TO THINK! What kind of "sign" is a "young maiden " shall conceive, that is a million per day event!!! lol! WHY allow satan to blind you and use you as his tool,fool,puppet????

The sign is not that that a boy will be born. The sign is that by the time the child is twelve years old and able to make moral decisions, the threat of the war that they feared at that time will be over.

LOL!!! TRY AGAIN!!! THAT IS NO SIGN! NOW! A REAL SIGN IS FOR A VIRGIN TO HAVE A CHILD.===Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel(GOD WITH US) isaiah 7:14

no, after the prophecy Ahaz found out that his wife was 'with child' and that child grew up to be Hezekiah who later did what is right in Gods eyes and destroyed the bronze statue of a serpent that Moses had made that had become the object of idolatry.
The sign is not that that a boy will be born. The sign is that by the time the child is twelve years old and able to make moral decisions, the threat of the war that they feared at that time will be over.

LOL!!! TRY AGAIN!!! THAT IS NO SIGN! NOW! A REAL SIGN IS FOR A VIRGIN TO HAVE A CHILD.===Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel(GOD WITH US) isaiah 7:14

no, after the prophecy Ahaz found out that his wife was 'with child' and that child grew up to be Hezekiah who later did what is right in Gods eyes and destroyed the bronze statue of a serpent that Moses had made that had become the object of idolatry.

ROFLMAO!!! irrelevant!!!
And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot,
And like a root out of parched ground;
He has no stately form or majesty
That we should look upon Him,
Nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him.
He was despised and forsaken of men,
A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief;
And like one from whom men hide their face
He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.
Surely our griefs He Himself bore,
And our sorrows He carried;
Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken,
Smitten of God, and afflicted.
But He was pierced through for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him,
And by His scourging we are healed.
All of us like sheep have gone astray,
Each of us has turned to his own way;
But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all
To fall on Him.
He was oppressed and He was afflicted,
Yet He did not open His mouth;
Like a lamb that is led to slaughter,
And like a sheep that is silent before its shearers,
So He did not open His mouth.
By oppression and judgment He was taken away;
And as for His generation, who considered
That He was cut off out of the land of the living
For the transgression of my people, to whom the stroke was due?
His grave was assigned with wicked men,
Yet He was with a rich man in His death,
Because He had done no violence,
Nor was there any deceit in His mouth.
But the Lord was pleased
To crush Him, putting Him to grief;
If [m]He would render Himself as a guilt offering,
He will see His offspring,
He will prolong His days,
And the good pleasure of the Lord will prosper in His hand.

As a result of the anguish of His soul,
He will see it and be satisfied;
By His knowledge the Righteous One,
My Servant, will justify the many,
As He will bear their iniquities.

Therefore, I will allot Him a portion with the great,
And He will divide the booty with the strong;
Because He poured out Himself to death,
And was numbered with the transgressors;
Yet He Himself bore the sin of many,
And interceded for the transgressors.

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