Zone1 Bible verses that seem to contradict other Bible verses: 1 John 1:8 and 1 John 3:9

The Bible is full of contradictions. This is not by accident but a sure way to sucker the believer deeper down into the rabbit hole trying to make sense of nonsense. At the bottom of the rabbit hole is insanity.

So you admit you wouldn’t read the Bible, yet you claim it is full of contradictions.
Perhaps his plan was to test us, to make sure we are worthy.
Test what? The thing he created to be exactly the way he wanted it to be? Why wouldnt he already know exactly how his creation would react to things?
Did he show himself to the Israelites? You believe that simply because it was written in a book, translated a gagillion times before ending up in modern day English?
Yes, many times he showed himself. You obviously haven’t read the Bible.
He appeared as a column of smoke and fire in the tabernacle. The Angel of the Lord was also sent, and he had the power of God and yet was separate from God the Father. He led the Israelites from Egypt. He also appeared to Gideon.
Test what? The thing he created to be exactly the way he wanted it to be? Why wouldnt he already know exactly how his creation would react to things?
I don’t pretend to know what God’s intentions were or what he was thinking.

But if you want to continue to deny him, well….good luck.
So you admit you wouldn’t read the Bible, yet you claim it is full of contradictions.
From my perspective as an atheist, I see a world full of different people making claims about different religions, all of which are different from each other. There are many religions that predated these current religions that faded away in history as well. To me it seems rather obvious... you are all probably wrong. Maybe there is a god, but he has nothing to do with the bible. Men wrote the bible, and the quaran, and the Torah, etc.

Are 1 John 1:8 and 1 John 3:9 contradictory?

In 1 John 1:8, John says

And in chapter 3, verse 9, he says
No. 1 John 1:8 refers to us, humankind, and all of us fall short. None are without sin.

1 John 3:9 refers to Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, the Christ who is God with us, Immanuel, God become flesh, and who was without sin in his time on Earth though the context is awkward as the text does not make a clear transition between Jesus and the rest of us.
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I don’t pretend to know what God’s intentions were or what he was thinking.
You see, thats the problem, you guys make all these difinitive statements about Gods motivations, but then you all fall back on that ^ line when the questions get tough. Why are the questions tough? Because they expose the lack of realism and common sense in some of these stories.

Men wrote the bible, not God. Maybe he is almighty and good, and he wants us to be good in order to get into heaven, but believing every story in the Bible seems unwise.
From my perspective as an atheist, I see a world full of different people making claims about different religions, all of which are different from each other. There are many religions that predated these current religions that faded away in history as well. To me it seems rather obvious... you are all probably wrong. Maybe there is a god, but he has nothing to do with the bible. Men wrote the bible, and the quaran, and the Torah, etc.
How would you know if you never read it?
You see, thats the problem, you guys make all these difinitive statements about Gods motivations, but then you all fall back on that ^ line when the questions get tough. Why are the questions tough? Because they expose the lack of realism and common sense in some of these stories.

Men wrote the bible, not God. Maybe he is almighty and good, and he wants us to be good in order to get into heaven, but believing every story in the Bible seems unwise.

Okay sparky here is a question for you then, how do you atheists explain the existence of life?

Not one scientist can explain why life exists. They can’t explain how it was created. If it was just chemistry then scientists would had created life from lifeless elements in a lab already.

Let the tap dancing begin….
How would you know if you never read it?
I had to go to church when i was a kid. I have spent many many hours listening to people read the bible. Im familiar with many Bible stories just due to its historical nature. I mean, they make movies and shit about Bible stories. Its tough to go through life without learning quite a bit about the Bible. :dunno:
Okay sparky here is a question for you then, how do you atheists explain the existence of life?

Not one scientist can explain why life exists. They can’t explain how it was created. If it was just chemistry then scientists would had created life from lifeless elements in a lab already.

Let the tap dancing begin….
It might be created by a higher power. Im not doubting God at the moment, im doubting certain Bible stories. :dunno:
Test what? The thing he created to be exactly the way he wanted it to be? Why wouldnt he already know exactly how his creation would react to things?

He didn't create robots.

But, he did know how things would turn out.

Isaiah 46:10​

“Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:”
He didn't create robots.

But, he did know how things would turn out.

Isaiah 46:10​

“Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:”
Maybe i need to see more from that passage, but that quote is ambiguous as fuck. There is nothing in there that says he knows what will happen in the future.
He didn't create robots.

But, he did know how things would turn out.
If you create something and you know exactly what its going to do after you create it, that is a robot for all intents and purposes.
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Maybe i need to see more from that passage, but that quote is ambiguous as fuck. There is nothing in there that says he knows what will happen in the future.

Your salvation is your responsibility, not mine.

But if you diligently seek God you will find him.

Luke 11:9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Proverbs 8:17 I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Salvation? What happens to me if you guys fail to convince me that he is real? Im still safe, right? God is good, right? He isnt a petty being who would cast me into fire for eternity simply because his humans werent convincing enough, right? That would be evil as fuck!!! And also super petty for a higher being, wouldnt you agree?
Salvation? What happens to me if you guys fail to convince me that he is real? Im still safe, right? God is good, right? He isnt a petty being who would cast me into fire for eternity simply because his humans werent convincing enough, right? That would be evil as fuck!!! And also super petty for a higher being, wouldnt you agree?

See post #37.

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