Biden addresses nation on Marine deaths.

We are going to have to restart it now...
Then this country deserves the consequences of that. If you have any mercy in you, tell as many teenagers as you can to avoid the military so they're not sent to die for nothing in the Middle East like those who came before them.
Either you want the war restarted, or you're too stupid to realize this was the only way it was ever going to end. Which is it?
no--not the only way--his way is a FAILURE!!!!!!
1. you should have Bagram airbase and Kabul.....
2. an orderly and MORE secure evac plan
..a. with 2 bases, ISIS doesn''t know which way the convoys will go
..b. less civilians around !!! = more secure
..c. multiple access sites at the airbaseS, so harder for the terrorists to concentrate on just 1
..a freakin private could've done it better than Bidumb
Then this country deserves the consequences of that. If you have any mercy in you, tell as many teenagers as you can to avoid the military so they're not sent to die for nothing in the Middle East like those who came before them.
o, and just let the terrorists kill as many Americans as they want?????????!!! = IDIOCY
Didn't you see the freedom allowed to Afghani females for the past 2 decades?
Small pockets of the country had a pretend government and a pretend military that were completely helpless without Americans dying around them.

Here are your decades of freedoms:

Did he seriously bring up Beau in conjunction with the marines that were bombed?
Yes. He had to evoke pity from the people regarding his own life. He acts like he's a Gold Star parent. His son died as a civilian in 2015 of a brain cancer that kills 15,000 Americans a year.
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Biden said he had two choices: withdraw or send in another 4000 troops. Biden chose rightly. Let‘s get out of that shithole.
He lied. That wasn't his only two choices. Ya know why? He withdrew and sent in another 6000 troops.

He ignored his military advisors and intel agencies at every turn. Stop trying to spin this turd.

Biden owns this 100%
Then this country deserves the consequences of that. If you have any mercy in you, tell as many teenagers as you can to avoid the military so they're not sent to die for nothing in the Middle East like those who came before them.
And there lies your hate America...and you always have...

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