Biden addresses nation on Marine deaths.

He just said he is going to make the suicide bombers who did this pay. :cuckoo:
Hopefully Biden will not back down from the Aug 31st deadline. His prediction that the longer we stay the more lightly there will be terrorist attacks has proven correct. The U.S. has evacuated or facilitated the evacuation of approximately 48,000 people out of Afghanistan since Aug. 14. Those wanting out will have had more than 2 weeks to get to the airport. If they haven't made it by the 31st they aren't likely to make it.

We built a Afghan military of near 200,000. We trained them and equipped them with our best weapons. And when the fighting started, they turn tail and sold their weapons to the enemy.

IMHO, we have spilled way too much American blood on this shithole. We should get out and stay out.
Notice how they trot Potato Chip out there for her presser just after yet another Veggie Joe debacle to deflect from what a moron he is.
He made the deal with the Taliban that the poster I responded to was talking about. You piece of fucking trash.
Once again (for about the hundredth time) Surrender Joe didn't follow anything in Trump's plan. Nothing.

But you keep trying to find the good end of that dog turd you are sucking on.
Except he never withdrew...

Forces in Afghanistan never got below the 2500 that were in there when he took office. He even extended Trump's deadline for withdraw from May to August to give American civilians more time to get out.

But the Taliban was going to retake the country, no matter what.

He took out any air support when he closed Bagram on July 2nd!!

You're as thick as a brick total moron!
Once again (for about the hundredth time) Surrender Joe didn't follow anything in Trump's plan. Nothing.

But you keep trying to find the good end of that dog turd you are sucking on.
I have asked you before to post a link to this Trump plan you know so much about. I ask you again.
I do get addressed by people who know and do something but this was yet another stammering excuse-a-thon
He just tried to blame Trump again.....................right after saying he was responsible for everything that has happened the past few weeks.

Democrats do this all the time - they'll say I'm responsible and in their next breath tell you to blame somebody else cuz it's their fault not mine. He keeps trying to blame Trump's Agreement that forced him to act and we just had to get out of Afghanistan cuz we shouldn't have been there in the 1st place. Anybody with a brain has to realize that Biden was not bound in any way by Trump's Agreement, he coulda renegotiated it or trashed it altogether and developed his own Agreement. Most people probably felt like we should get out of that place, but not like this. It should have been planned and designed and executed way better than what he actually did. There's no other way to look at it - he fucked up and he did purely for political reasons so he could take credit on the 9/11 20th anniversary for pulling our troops out of Afghanistan.
Democrats do this all the time - they'll say I'm responsible and in their next breath tell you to blame somebody else cuz it's their fault not mine. He keeps trying to blame Trump's Agreement that forced him to act and we just had to get out of Afghanistan cuz we shouldn't have been there in the 1st place. Anybody with a brain has to realize that Biden was not bound in any way by Trump's Agreement, he coulda renegotiated it or trashed it altogether and developed his own Agreement. Most people probably felt like we should get out of that place, but not like this. It should have been planned and designed and executed way better than what he actually did. There's no other way to look at it - he fucked up and he did purely for political reasons so he could take credit on the 9/11 20th anniversary for pulling our troops out of Afghanistan.

Bottom line, today's Dimm's and their supporters are cock-sucking pathological liars.
Small pockets of the country had a pretend government and a pretend military that were completely helpless without Americans dying around them.

Here are your decades of freedoms:

You ignore the young ladies of Afghanistan that have grown up not having to wear face coverings. Today they are being shot for not doing so.

You are ignoring the young ladies that grew up being allowed to attend schools. Today they will be forced into marriages to terrorists or be forced into the sex slave population and be passed around.

You are ignorant.
Democrats do this all the time - they'll say I'm responsible and in their next breath tell you to blame somebody else cuz it's their fault not mine. He keeps trying to blame Trump's Agreement that forced him to act and we just had to get out of Afghanistan cuz we shouldn't have been there in the 1st place. Anybody with a brain has to realize that Biden was not bound in any way by Trump's Agreement, he coulda renegotiated it or trashed it altogether and developed his own Agreement. Most people probably felt like we should get out of that place, but not like this. It should have been planned and designed and executed way better than what he actually did. There's no other way to look at it - he fucked up and he did purely for political reasons so he could take credit on the 9/11 20th anniversary for pulling our troops out of Afghanistan.
What Trump agreed to does not transfer to the next administration. It never does and all Nations and rag tag turban tops know that.
This “excuse” is another Democrat hoax
You ignore the young ladies of Afghanistan that have grown up not having to wear face coverings. Today they are being shot for not doing so.

You are ignoring the young ladies that grew up being allowed to attend schools. Today they will be forced into marriages to terrorists or be forced into the sex slave population and be passed around.

You are ignorant.
Yet here you are typing on a keyboard instead of flying over there to spill your blood to help them. What of the women being made into sex slaves all across the rest of the world? You have never thought about them once. No political points to score, I guess.

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