Biden addresses nation on Marine deaths.

Yet here you are typing on a keyboard instead of flying over there to spill your blood to help them. What of the women being made into sex slaves all across the rest of the world? You have never thought about them once. No political points to score, I guess.
What of the women being made into sex slaves all across the rest of the world?

This thread isn't about Pedo Joe's No Border Policy, Stupid.
I don’t disagree. Biden does own this dumpster fire of a withdrawal. It is on his watch, he is responsible. That does not mean I disagree with the withdrawal of forces. There were only two choices stay or leave. Biden made the choice to leave. The decision was his. The chaos that is ensuing would have occurred whether we left now or 20 years from now, but it is on his watch. He owns it.

The Afghans, for the most part, never gave a crap about democracy or the western way of life. The Afghan government was corrupt to the core. The question is whether it would have been better to have stayed and fought for a people that wanted nothing to do with us. Well, I don‘t think so, but that will be debated for years to come.
President Trump agreed we should withdraw our troops. He made a CONDITIONAL agreement with the Taliban to do so by May 1. The Taliban breached the conditions, so he delayed our withdrawal.

Joe Biden stupidly announced that we would totally withdraw and began his abandonment by leaving Bagram in the middle of the night without even telling our allies of his plan. He withdrew all air support that the Afghani Army needed.

Trump would not have left billions of dollars worth of top grade military equipment, weapons and munitions behind. He would not have left Bagram first.

Joseph Robinette Biden is a fool.
Pray for America, pray for the world.:(


He released 5,000 Taliban prisoners, and said we would leave by May 2021 if they promised to stop killing us. Refute any of that if you like.
You believe every word your idiotic "President" says. I've already posted the complete agreement Trump made.

Once again (for about the hundredth time) Surrender Joe didn't follow anything in Trump's plan. Nothing.

But you keep trying to find the good end of that dog turd you are sucking on.
Actually, he gave Trump's plan more time than Trump did. If we listened to Trump, we'd have been out of there in May and all those Americans would have been stuck. Probably more, because he wouldn't have told people to leave like Biden did back in May

He took out any air support when he closed Bagram on July 2nd!!

You're as thick as a brick total moron!

Bagram was no longer being used for air combat missions at that point.
President Trump agreed we should withdraw our troops. He made a CONDITIONAL agreement with the Taliban to do so by May 1. The Taliban breached the conditions, so he delayed our withdrawal.
Except the Taliban breached all the conditions of the agreement, and Trump still planned on leaving May 1st.

Joe Biden stupidly announced that we would totally withdraw and began his abandonment by leaving Bagram in the middle of the night without even telling our allies of his plan. He withdrew all air support that the Afghani Army needed.

Except there hadn't been combat aircraft at Bagram for months...

Trump would not have left billions of dollars worth of top grade military equipment, weapons and munitions behind. He would not have left Bagram first.

All that equipment had already been turned over to the Afghan National Army... who apparently didn't know how to use it
If he restarts the Afghanistan war like you fucks want, I may never pay attention to politics again.

Sorry angry leftists, nobody wants the Afghanistan war restarted. Jihad *Joes massive incompetence might just do that.

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