Biden addresses nation on Marine deaths.

He just said we are going to RESCUE the Americans in Afghanistan.

Rescue? they have been telling us all those who want out just have to stroll to the airport, and anyone else doesn't want out. If that is the case, why do we need to RESCUE anyone?
Because using the word "evacuate" would confuse people like you who are stocking up on ringworm medication in case you get COVID.
Mainly because it is impossible and demonstrates how out of touch with reality your Messiah is, Halfwit.

How do you think he will make suicide bombers pay?
I guess you never heard of a drone. It's this thingy that's flown by remote control & some of them carry rockets.

Should I post flash cards with pics, diagrams in crayon & short sentences using small words to make it easier for you?
Because using the word "evacuate" would confuse people like you who are stocking up on ringworm medication in case you get COVID.
Ok, Dumbass. How about a simple education on basic English.


If you rescue someone, you get them out of a dangerous or unpleasant situation.


[ ih-vak-yoo-eyt ]
to remove (persons or things) from a place, as a dangerous place or disaster area, for reasons of safety or protection:
I guess you never heard of a drone. It's this thingy that's flown by remote control & some of them carry rockets.

Should I post flash cards with pics, diagrams in crayon & short sentences using small words to make it easier for you?
Keep making yourself look dumber. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Ok, Dumbass. How about a simple education on basic English.


If you rescue someone, you get them out of a dangerous or unpleasant situation.


[ ih-vak-yoo-eyt ]
to remove (persons or things) from a place, as a dangerous place or disaster area, for reasons of safety or protection:
If he restarts the Afghanistan war like you fucks want, I may never pay attention to politics again.
Right? Search USMB back 6 to 9 months, and you can get verbal confirmation of the magaturd slimy fucks 180° transition. When the Orange Virus was at the helm, we needed to pull troops out of Afghanistan IMMEDIATELY! Fuck the consequences!
Right? Search USMB back 6 to 9 months, and you can get verbal confirmation of the slimy fucks 180° transition. When the Orange Virus was at the helm, we needed to pull troops out of Afghanistan IMMEDIATELY! Fuck the consequences!
If it’s so easy to show those posts, do it.

Or are you full of shit?
I guess you never heard of a drone. It's this thingy that's flown by remote control & some of them carry rockets.

Should I post flash cards with pics, diagrams in crayon & short sentences using small words to make it easier for you?
Let’s conduct a little physics test on what you and Surrender Joe want to do to the guy who did this today.

He walked up to the gate at the airport with several pounds of explosives strapped to his chest and blew himself into thousands of itty bitty pieces.

Now the physics part…..

How are you going to use your drone to make him pay?
Except he never withdrew...

Forces in Afghanistan never got below the 2500 that were in there when he took office. He even extended Trump's deadline for withdraw from May to August to give American civilians more time to get out.

But the Taliban was going to retake the country, no matter what.

Yet here you are typing on a keyboard instead of flying over there to spill your blood to help them. What of the women being made into sex slaves all across the rest of the world? You have never thought about them once. No political points to score, I guess.
WOW! Just WOW!

You believe that there are sex slaves all over the world so if hundreds of thousands of women, enjoying a much better life, are stoned to death or raped repeatedly it's fine with you.

Let’s conduct a little physics test on what you and Surrender Joe want to do to the guy who did this today.

He walked up to the gate at the airport with several pounds of explosives strapped to his chest and blew himself into thousands of itty bitty pieces.

Now the physics part…..

How are you going to use your drone to make him pay?
You can't. I guess we'll just have to do the same to the gutter slime who ordered it.
Nostra the key word is "pay". What does "pay" mean? Well it means whatever mealy mouth spineless douche bag wants it to mean. Maybe he will charge them 10 bucks per Marine killed.
You're going to be pissed off eating that shit sandwich when Biden orders a drone hit on the slime that ordered that bombing, MAGATURD.

He released 5,000 Taliban prisoners, and said we would leave by May 2021 if they promised to stop killing us. Refute any of that if you like.
What would have happened to those prisoners had President Trump pulled out of Afghanistan?

Thousands of more dangerous prisoners were being held at Bagram Airport which President Biden abandoned in the middle of the night.

Instead of defending President Biden, you might want to start using some common sense. Hope and pray that whether you're a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, for the safe return of all Americans and Afghans who helped us for 20 years.

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