Biden addresses nation on Marine deaths.

All that equipment had already been turned over to the Afghan National Army... who apparently didn't know how to use it
You don't believe that China and/or Russia will happily train the Taliban/al-Qaeda/ISIS-K to use the equipment and/or buy whatever they want to sell.
4=32You're going to be pissed off eating that shit sandwich when Biden orders a drone hit on the slime that ordered that bombing, MAGATURD.

Do you really think President Biden has the stones to attack anyone? Afghanistan is the size of Texas, we have no assets on the ground so where do they target this drone? Oh, by the way, we have only one airstrip in all of Afghanistan, where is it going to take off from?
If it’s so easy to show those posts, do it.

Or are you full of shit?


USMB Thread: Poll: Do you want US troops out of Afghanistan by EOY?

OP: jwoodie Date: Oct 15, 2020

"If they're out, you can bet your ass that it won't be Biden getting them out."


USMB Thread: Poll: Do you want US troops out of Afghanistan by EOY?

OP: jwoodie Date: Oct 15, 2020

"I want all of our troops home. Let the ME kill itself. I don't give a shit."


USMB Thread: Poll: Do you want US troops out of Afghanistan by EOY?

OP: jwoodie Date: Oct 15, 2020

"First it seems people are forgetting why went into Afghanistan in the first place the 9-11 attacks. That said we have done pretty much all we can there I think Afghanistan sadly is always going to be country at war with it’s self and have internal factions fighting each other."


USMB Thread: Poll: Do you want US troops out of Afghanistan by EOY?

OP: jwoodie Date: Oct 15, 2020

"I’ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. I’ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars."

Would you like to know more?
I don’t disagree. Biden does own this dumpster fire of a withdrawal. It is on his watch, he is responsible. That does not mean I disagree with the withdrawal of forces. There were only two choices stay or leave. Biden made the choice to leave. The decision was his. The chaos that is ensuing would have occurred whether we left now or 20 years from now, but it is on his watch. He owns it.

The Afghans, for the most part, never gave a crap about democracy or the western way of life. The Afghan government was corrupt to the core. The question is whether it would have been better to have stayed and fought for a people that wanted nothing to do with us. Well, I don‘t think so, but that will be debated for years to come.
Stupid and ridiculous to say that chaos was a requisite for withdrawal from afghanistan.

All that was required to avoid chaos was 1. Biden not announcing a un-conditional withdrawal...for those a tad slow on the uptake--a un-conditional withdrawal meant no matter what the taliban did we were leaving.

Thus this stupidity of announcing a un-conditional withdrawal gave the taliban a green light to launch their offensive.

This is not rocket science folks yet I am sure several of the dumbasses on here --still will not get it.

2. He should have not set a deadline...because he had no clue as to how long it would take to get everyone out.

At worst he should have told the taliban we will move as expeditiously as possible to get every one out.

3. He should have left the military there until all the civilians were safely out--and then and only then withdraw the military.

Now, politics aside does anyone think the above is not just good common sense. You do not have to have a high i.q. to understand it...just average intelligence is enough.

Yet biden did not have the common sense to do the above.

That speaks volumes about biden's incompetence.

Now it is possible that joe relied on General Miley's advice or some other woke general who does not have a clue.

I hope not; I really hope our top military leaders are not that stupid.

I prefer to believe biden ignored advice from our military leaders and our intelligence agencies.

However, no matter who is responsible for the chaos the responsibility for it is owned by biden and no one else.

He even acknowledged that but stupidly still tried to blame Trump.
Mainly because it is impossible and demonstrates how out of touch with reality your Messiah is, Halfwit.

How do you think he will make suicide bombers pay?
Well the story line is they know where the ISIS leaders are and they are going after them....even if they do know where the leaders of ISIS are--which I seriously is beyond stupid to lert them know we know where they are.

That is akin to bill clinton's plan to hit bin ladens camp in Afghanistan with missles but informing Pakistan what our plans were and they of course notified Bin Laden who managed to move his camp to safety shortly before the missles struck.
If we were hit with nukes today, I really wouldn't be surprised. The HNIC is the one calling the tune and I hope that son of a bitch suffers the loss of his entire family before he passes away from natural causes. No one deserves it more.
We survived the cold war because we had a nuclear deterrent.
We no longer have a nuclear deterrant.

Wait you say we have thousands of nuclear weapons.

Yes that is true but the problem is joe has the nuclear codes...meaning he has to authorize any nuclear response.

The russians and the chinese know biden is not capable of that.

Does anyone really believe biden or any of the democrats would do that?

Of course not they are all globalists....meaning they do not put America first, that the survival of America is not their number 1 requisite.

Thus if we are not willing to use the nukes and our enemies know it; our nukes are useless we may just as well not have them.

To have a credible nuclear deterrent our enemies must believe if they launch a first strike we will be able to retaliate with our own nukes before we get struck by their nukes which would eliminate our ability to respond.

It would take l5 mins. for a russian or chinese missle with a nuclear warhead to reach America...that means we only have 15 mins to respond before we are struck and thus unable to respond.

Now since biden allegedly controls our nukes; how long do you think it would take him to authorize a nuclear response?

First of all it is well known he has great difficulty making decisions....the N.Y. Times ran a big article on that.

But even if he could make such a decision he would have to be awake and alert.

How long would it take to wake joe up?

Then how long would it take them to make him understand what was happening?
We survived the cold war because we had a nuclear deterrent.
We no longer have a nuclear deterrant.

Wait you say we have thousands of nuclear weapons.

Yes that is true but the problem is joe has the nuclear codes...meaning he has to authorize any nuclear response.

The russians and the chinese know biden is not capable of that.

Does anyone really believe biden or any of the democrats would do that?

Of course not they are all globalists....meaning they do not put America first, that the survival of America is not their number 1 requisite.

Thus if we are not willing to use the nukes and our enemies know it; our nukes are useless we may just as well not have them.

To have a credible nuclear deterrent our enemies must believe if they launch a first strike we will be able to retaliate with our own nukes before we get struck by their nukes which would eliminate our ability to respond.

It would take l5 mins. for a russian or chinese missle with a nuclear warhead to reach America...that means we only have 15 mins to respond before we are struck and thus unable to respond.

Now since biden allegedly controls our nukes; how long do you think it would take him to authorize a nuclear response?

First of all it is well known he has great difficulty making decisions....the N.Y. Times ran a big article on that.

But even if he could make such a decision he would have to be awake and alert.

How long would it take to wake joe up?

Then how long would it take them to make him understand what was happening?
There may be some truth in that.

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