Biden addresses nation on Marine deaths.

"They gave me a list here, the first person I was instructed to call on".....this clown doesn't do anything without being told by someone else.
If we were hit with nukes today, I really wouldn't be surprised. The HNIC is the one calling the tune and I hope that son of a bitch suffers the loss of his entire family before he passes away from natural causes. No one deserves it more.
Didn't you see the freedom allowed to Afghani females for the past 2 decades?
he’s a dembot cultist…he doesn’t care about those women, or what’s happening to them.

All he cares about is the party. He wanted xiden to have a big party on the 20th anny of 9/11 and hoped the taliban would just hold off a couple weeks
Augustine_ YOU have been quite emotional--with your words--it's because you are MAD that you KNOW Bidumb is a failure--and you voted for him ...when humans fail, they get mad and try to blame someone else
You guys aren’t mad at ISIS. You’re happy they killed our soldiers so you can leverage the politics. When was the last time you guys were this giddy?
Did he take any questions? What can you expect from a commander-in-chief who has his finger on the nuclear button? If we can't depend on Harris either we might be in deep doo-doo.
Actually, he gave Trump's plan more time than Trump did. If we listened to Trump, we'd have been out of there in May and all those Americans would have been stuck. Probably more, because he wouldn't have told people to leave like Biden did back in May

Bagram was no longer being used for air combat missions at that point.
Nope. He didn't follow any part of Trump's plan.

Keep sucking on that turd thinking you will find the good end, Dumbass.
The reporting now is the moron Biden gave the Taliban a list of Americans in country and told them to let the get to the airport.

He just signed their death warrant.
The stammering and industrial-grade lying from this stolen election shit clown is unbearable. It completely diminishes the memory of our courageous, fallen warriors.

Stop trotting this stuttering fuck out to the cameras and just turn the teleprompter around and let us read the lies for ourselves. The surviving families deserve so much better.
He just said we are going to RESCUE the Americans in Afghanistan.

Rescue? they have been telling us all those who want out just have to stroll to the airport, and anyone else doesn't want out. If that is the case, why do we need to RESCUE anyone?
I hear ISIS 2.0, Obamas civilian military, is back and huntingAmericans. Why do you think all the equipment was left behind?
Biden doesnt even know what he read off the teleprompter.

Prevention would have been 30 trillion times better than vengeance
Watching some of the press conference today he looked and sounded out of it and confused like he didn't know what to say or do. I seriously wonder if he is going to make it through this term and if he can't Harris takes over holy shit talk about going from bad to worse.
Botched withdrawal? The entire war was botched. Didn't you watch as 20 years of efforts were completely undone in weeks as soon as American blood stopped being spilled?
How many massive terrorist attacks have we had since we occupied Iraq and Afghanistan? We haven't left yet and there was a planned terrorist attack that killed 12 Americans, and scores of Afghanistan.

You don't even know that these are the first servicemen, killed in action since two were killed in Feb. 2020. It is the most soldiers in a day for the past decade.
He just said he is going to make the suicide bombers who did this pay. :cuckoo:

Biden an go Fck himself. The POS has blood on his hands now. And why the hell are we masking again with a vaccine widely available now??? Biden is a disaster and that’s putting it lightly.

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