Biden addresses nation on Marine deaths.

Oh wait, so, you wanted to stay another 20 years?

I don't have a problem with Trump signing an agreement to get us out of Afghanistan.

I have a problem with him lying about what the conditions were... and the conditions were to essentially turn the country over to the Taliban, and anyone who claims different is lying.

But it's Trump. He lies about everything... and you guys eat that shit up.

What's funny is all you guys who gathered around like a Hippy Drum Circle last year when Trump was surrendering in the War on Terror are suddenly all hawks again because Biden isn't prolonging this any more than he has to.
I don't have a problem with Trump signing an agreement to get us out of Afghanistan.

I have a problem with him lying about what the conditions were... and the conditions were to essentially turn the country over to the Taliban, and anyone who claims different is lying.

But it's Trump. He lies about everything... and you guys eat that shit up.

What's funny is all you guys who gathered around like a Hippy Drum Circle last year when Trump was surrendering in the War on Terror are suddenly all hawks again because Biden isn't prolonging this any more than he has to.
Really? Ok genius, we have the people involved saying Trumps account was accurate.

What else ya got?
Okay, funny thing. When Clinton actually TRIED to do something about Bin Laden, you guys accused him of "wagging the dog".

Because terrorism wasn't important. Clinton lied about getting a blow job and that was the most important issue of the day.
Because that is exactly what he was doing…he had occasion to actually take out OBL and refused to take the call.
Answering questions from the press. From an assigned list he was instructed to do so.
Okay, funny thing. When Clinton actually TRIED to do something about Bin Laden, you guys accused him of "wagging the dog".

Because terrorism wasn't important. Clinton lied about getting a blow job and that was the most important issue of the day.
Clinton turned down several chances to kill Bin Laden. You're a stupid fuckhead. Clinton bombed a few places when the Lewinsky story was getting too hot in the news for him.

Clinton lied under oath. The question does not excuse that FACT.
If he restarts the Afghanistan war like you fucks want, I may never pay attention to politics again.

WAIT A MINUTE, moron, Biden had 20 years and did absolutely nothing. Trump has been calling for us to pull out of there since 2013 before he was even in office and set up the deal last year to get us out of there now!

Now Biden has muffed the deal almost making it impossible to leave and you think WE want to stay there????

Really? Ok genius, we have the people involved saying Trumps account was accurate.

What else ya got?

The bootlickers can say anything they want.

We have the written agreement.... Trump agreed to pull out by May 1st, no preconditions. He released 5000 hard core Taliban prisoners and when the Democrats tried to put conditions on the withdrawal in the Defense Bill, he vetoes it.

On Feb. 29, 2020, the Trump administration signed a deal with the Taliban to pull all American troops out of Afghanistan by May 1, 2021. The deal also required the Afghan government to release 5,000 imprisoned Taliban fighters. Hawks called the agreement weak and dangerous, but Kevin McCarthy, the House minority leader, advised them not to speak out against it. In March 2020, at hearings of the House Armed Services Committee, some lawmakers worried about the deal, but most, including Reps. Jim Banks and Matt Gaetz, said nothing about it. Another Republican member of the committee, Rep. Mo Brooks, expressed his impatience to pull out, noting that American forces had long ago “destroyed al-Qaida’s operational capability” in Afghanistan.

In July 2020, the committee took up the National Defense Authorization Act, which would fund the military for the next year. Democratic Rep. Jason Crow presented an amendment that would make the Afghan pullout contingent on several requirements. These included “consultation and coordination” with allies, protection of “United States personnel in Afghanistan,” severance of the Taliban from al-Qaida, prevention of “terrorist safe havens inside Afghanistan,” and adequate “capacity of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces” to fight off Taliban attacks. The amendment also required investigation of any prisoners, released as part of the deal, who might be connected to terrorism. In short, the amendment would do what Trump had failed to do: impose real conditions on the withdrawal. Crow told his colleagues that he, too, wanted to get out, but that Afghan security forces weren’t yet “ready to stand on their own.”

Gaetz dismissed these warnings. The Taliban was already taking over the country, he argued, and imposing conditions would just get in the way of the pullout. “I don’t think there’s ever a bad day to end the war in Afghanistan,” he said.

Eleven members of the committee, including Banks, Brooks, and Gaetz, voted against the amendment. It passed, but Trump refused to accept it. In December, he vetoed the whole defense bill, complaining that it would, among other things, “restrict the President’s ability to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.” Steve Scalise, the minority whip, voted to uphold Trump’s veto. McCarthy, who had to miss the vote for medical reasons, said he, too, stood with the president. Congress overrode the veto, but Trump essentially ignored the amendment.
The bootlickers can say anything they want.

We have the written agreement.... Trump agreed to pull out by May 1st, no preconditions. He released 5000 hard core Taliban prisoners and when the Democrats tried to put conditions on the withdrawal in the Defense Bill, he vetoes it.

On Feb. 29, 2020, the Trump administration signed a deal with the Taliban to pull all American troops out of Afghanistan by May 1, 2021. The deal also required the Afghan government to release 5,000 imprisoned Taliban fighters. Hawks called the agreement weak and dangerous, but Kevin McCarthy, the House minority leader, advised them not to speak out against it. In March 2020, at hearings of the House Armed Services Committee, some lawmakers worried about the deal, but most, including Reps. Jim Banks and Matt Gaetz, said nothing about it. Another Republican member of the committee, Rep. Mo Brooks, expressed his impatience to pull out, noting that American forces had long ago “destroyed al-Qaida’s operational capability” in Afghanistan.

In July 2020, the committee took up the National Defense Authorization Act, which would fund the military for the next year. Democratic Rep. Jason Crow presented an amendment that would make the Afghan pullout contingent on several requirements. These included “consultation and coordination” with allies, protection of “United States personnel in Afghanistan,” severance of the Taliban from al-Qaida, prevention of “terrorist safe havens inside Afghanistan,” and adequate “capacity of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces” to fight off Taliban attacks. The amendment also required investigation of any prisoners, released as part of the deal, who might be connected to terrorism. In short, the amendment would do what Trump had failed to do: impose real conditions on the withdrawal. Crow told his colleagues that he, too, wanted to get out, but that Afghan security forces weren’t yet “ready to stand on their own.”

Gaetz dismissed these warnings. The Taliban was already taking over the country, he argued, and imposing conditions would just get in the way of the pullout. “I don’t think there’s ever a bad day to end the war in Afghanistan,” he said.

Eleven members of the committee, including Banks, Brooks, and Gaetz, voted against the amendment. It passed, but Trump refused to accept it. In December, he vetoed the whole defense bill, complaining that it would, among other things, “restrict the President’s ability to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.” Steve Scalise, the minority whip, voted to uphold Trump’s veto. McCarthy, who had to miss the vote for medical reasons, said he, too, stood with the president. Congress overrode the veto, but Trump essentially ignored the amendment.
TOo bad the people involved say you’re a liar. We should drop you, bodecea, and every other Xiden defender here in Afghanistan in exchange for the Americans still there. We’d make out like bandits in that deal.
Wow, another guy who didn't sign up advocating for more war.

Trump surrendered in Afghanistan. The bill just came due on Biden's watch.
Link us up to me advocating for more war.
Oops!You just got caught being a lying sack of shit.

And Trumo surrendered nothin. He is out of office,Dimbulb.
The bootlickers can say anything they want.

We have the written agreement.... Trump agreed to pull out by May 1st, no preconditions. He released 5000 hard core Taliban prisoners and when the Democrats tried to put conditions on the withdrawal in the Defense Bill, he vetoes it.

On Feb. 29, 2020, the Trump administration signed a deal with the Taliban to pull all American troops out of Afghanistan by May 1, 2021. The deal also required the Afghan government to release 5,000 imprisoned Taliban fighters. Hawks called the agreement weak and dangerous, but Kevin McCarthy, the House minority leader, advised them not to speak out against it. In March 2020, at hearings of the House Armed Services Committee, some lawmakers worried about the deal, but most, including Reps. Jim Banks and Matt Gaetz, said nothing about it. Another Republican member of the committee, Rep. Mo Brooks, expressed his impatience to pull out, noting that American forces had long ago “destroyed al-Qaida’s operational capability” in Afghanistan.

In July 2020, the committee took up the National Defense Authorization Act, which would fund the military for the next year. Democratic Rep. Jason Crow presented an amendment that would make the Afghan pullout contingent on several requirements. These included “consultation and coordination” with allies, protection of “United States personnel in Afghanistan,” severance of the Taliban from al-Qaida, prevention of “terrorist safe havens inside Afghanistan,” and adequate “capacity of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces” to fight off Taliban attacks. The amendment also required investigation of any prisoners, released as part of the deal, who might be connected to terrorism. In short, the amendment would do what Trump had failed to do: impose real conditions on the withdrawal. Crow told his colleagues that he, too, wanted to get out, but that Afghan security forces weren’t yet “ready to stand on their own.”

Gaetz dismissed these warnings. The Taliban was already taking over the country, he argued, and imposing conditions would just get in the way of the pullout. “I don’t think there’s ever a bad day to end the war in Afghanistan,” he said.

Eleven members of the committee, including Banks, Brooks, and Gaetz, voted against the amendment. It passed, but Trump refused to accept it. In December, he vetoed the whole defense bill, complaining that it would, among other things, “restrict the President’s ability to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.” Steve Scalise, the minority whip, voted to uphold Trump’s veto. McCarthy, who had to miss the vote for medical reasons, said he, too, stood with the president. Congress overrode the veto, but Trump essentially ignored the amendment.
You are, as usual, full of lies. The agreement has already been posted several times on this site.

If you idiot liberals couldn't lie, you'd not be posting here.

TOo bad the people involved say you’re a liar. We should drop you, bodecea, and every other Xiden defender here in Afghanistan in exchange for the Americans still there. We’d make out like bandits in that deal.

We're not the ones advocating FOREVER WAR(TM). That would be you guys.

The people involved can say any shit they want, but the reality is, Pompeo sat down with the Taliban leader, Baradar, and unilaterally negotiated an American withdrawal...

The funny thing is, I don't have a problem with that. I've been saying we should get the hell out of Afghanistan since Obama!

What I have a problem with is all the Trumpsters trying to pretend they didn't know this would be the result.

You are, as usual, full of lies. The agreement has already been posted several times on this site.

If you idiot liberals couldn't lie, you'd not be posting here.

Did you actually read the agreement... It called for us to remove our troops. We did. No preconditions. Just a pinky swear that the Taliban would talk with the Afghan Government.

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